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KOTFE Level 60 character creation is bugged


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I created my character three times. The first two times it arrived at Fleet as the dreaded level one. The third time I was forced to delete because it looked nothing like the character I had designed only a short moment before. Fortunately, the final attempt resulted in my level 60 character arriving.


Unfortunately, my son - who deleted the level one character in the same manner - has been waiting now for approximately ten hours for the arrival of the option to create a level 60 character.


My first day back and this is what I've seen so far...


P.S. This problem relates to my subbed account (and my son's) which I (foolishly) reactivated today.

Edited by SPAMBAM
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[*]If you end up in the game as a level 1 when using a token, you can delete that character to have the token returned to you. After you have deleted the character, give it some time, you will see that token restored. At this point you can try to create a level 60, but once again please take your time.



This is not even close to being true. Me, along with several other friends lost their token due to this bug near the start of KOTFE. I lost mine yesterday, but several friends with the issue are on day 5 and counting with missing tokens.


This bug is truly preventing certain players from experiencing a game they may be subscribed to. Are you also giving free account time to these players that cannot access their level 60's? Especially people who wasted 2000cc on one?

Edited by VanillaXpC
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Now my token is gone....on hold with customer service they had better refund my 2k cartel coins


Unfortunately they don't handle in-game issues over the phone. They will just tell you to create a ticket.


I can tell you, you're going to be waiting a LONG time for a reply. Subbed friend is on day 5 waiting for his reply.

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Now my token is gone....on hold with customer service they had better refund my 2k cartel coins


Good luck. Your best bet is probably to find out where you stand from a legal standpoint. CS are NOT going to refund you for anything.

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Unfortunately they don't handle in-game issues over the phone. They will just tell you to create a ticket.


I can tell you, you're going to be waiting a LONG time for a reply. Subbed friend is on day 5 waiting for his reply.


I created 4 tickets. One for a bug report, one in general, one for accounts, and one for loot. I really want to make sure that this gets noticed and taken care of. I was loving this game up until this stupid crap started with last weeks release of KOTFE. The early access release the week prior I had no issues with. I'm beginning to regret being a subscriber and spending money on cartel coins. If they don't address this issue, they are almost guaranteeing that people are going to stop playing the game and flush this whole thing down the toilet.

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So it is Bioware's policy if you spend cartel coins for something in game they will not refund those coins. Great policy!!!!! And I am not normally one to complain.


Honestly, if I don't get those cartel coins back or the two tokens back. I will contact my Credit Card company issue a complaint and file a charge back for it. I could honestly care less if I get the account banned. I paid for something and their bugs deleted it twice without compensation inside the game. This is ridiculous. I've had this account since the release, its a freaking collectors edition account.

Edited by VanillaXpC
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Honestly, if I don't get those cartel coins back or the two tokens back. I will contact my Credit Card company issue a complaint and file a charge back for it. I could honestly care less if I get the account banned. I paid for something and their bugs deleted it twice without compensation inside the game.


Already blocking the credit transaction :)


Thanks Bioware!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey folks,

  • Go slow – When going through the character creation process take your time, watch the Sacrifice trailer that starts your level 60 character. This can give time for your account to recognize the start at 60 character and to potentially avoid the level 1 issue.



Actually this is not correct. I created now like 10 times and EVERY time i create new 60 character i see prologue class trailer. This indicates that it creates FROM START already level 1 character not 60 in process. There is just no option for us to do anything.

So to understand problem ask your developers team why we see wrong trailer even from start of creating level 60 character.


Please fix it.

Edited by Divona
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Adding myself to the growing list of people experiencing this bug.

Use a level 60 token? Check.

See Prologue trailer not KotFE trailer? Check

Have a level 1 appear in fleet? Check

Delete character and log out to see if that resolves it? Check

Lose level 60 token? Check

File bug report? Check

See on forums that this issue has been unresolved for 2 weeks? Check

Notice the usual Bioware lack of communication? Check

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IWhat am I paying for?...Bugs ???


Exactly that is what we payinf for. BW are ******* nothing else. Every fkin Addon the same **** they never Learn it, and we also never learn it dont pay for **** anymore Let the Game die BW pls thats the Best solution...

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Ran into the bug after i have been testing 60s trying to see what I want to play as. Noticed that on the server I had most recent 60 on... it's still active in my legacy chart to the top left on character select but the character is deleted, and token gone.


so here's a run down tonight

- friend subs

- i delete my 60 and plan to join him after he made one

- i got a token, proceed to make and I am lvl 1 with lvl 1 gear, lvl 1 quest, and a ton of abilities learned

- character does not mach what i made, log out, delete, start again

- character now matches what i made, but lvl 1 again

- forfeit after seeing this thread, log off and go do something else.

- Prior to logging off I still had a coin

- log back in real quick to see if i can at least make character just now

- coin gone

- check the server (idk why i did) first 60 was on... not there, but legacy shows jedi councilor story completed but jedi councilor was deleted at step 1.


im assuming i must now wait for a server reset???

Edited by masterpd
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Exactly that is what we payinf for. BW are ******* nothing else. Every fkin Addon the same **** they never Learn it, and we also never learn it dont pay for **** anymore Let the Game die BW pls thats the Best solution...


I am furious, and I want my money back, and yes, I admit to losing some faith in them- But come on,, man, that's what gets us all labeled as basement dwelling anarchists. ;)

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After encountering this issue myself, and going through the delete>recreate process several times, I tried something different. I clicked the Advanced button during character creation to manually select the Advanced Class and Discipline for my new character, and it worked. I don't know if that was coincidental or somehow related, but maybe going through this additional step forced a sync between my account and the game that was missing in previous attempts. Maybe this will help someone else as a sort of workaround.
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After encountering this issue myself, and going through the delete>recreate process several times, I tried something different. I clicked the Advanced button during character creation to manually select the Advanced Class and Discipline for my new character, and it worked. I don't know if that was coincidental or somehow related, but maybe going through this additional step forced a sync between my account and the game that was missing in previous attempts. Maybe this will help someone else as a sort of workaround.


Were you missing your token?

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Tried and got a level 1 now I'm missing 2 boosts. If they don't sort it out and either get my level 60 or my money back then I guess I'll have to call the credit card company.

I just re subbed after a long break too. Nice welcome back. 8/

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Tried and got a level 1 now I'm missing 2 boosts. If they don't sort it out and either get my level 60 or my money back then I guess I'll have to call the credit card company.

I just re subbed after a long break too. Nice welcome back. 8/


Similar thing happened to me. I submitted a ticket no response. I'd be happy as long as they refund my two tokens.

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As others have mentioned, the Create a Level 60 Character token has been the flagship feature of this expansion. You would think that this is a feature, more than any other Bioware has for SWTOR, would want to get right. As usual, Bioware close ranks and don't give out information while they try and fix the problem. The issue here is not the bug itself as such, but rather the lack of customer service. Bug reports take days to get even a basic response. While this bug is not Eric Musco's fault, as Community Manager it is his responsibility if information is not being given out to players. From what I can gather, Eric's hands are tied by the powers-that-be who seem to think that not speaking and communicating is a good business strategy. It isn't. If the Community Manager is not giving out information he should be, then Eric needs to be replaced by someone who can and will. If however, as Community Manager if Eric is being limited by his superiors, then the Community Manager job as a whole needs to be replaced because it's clearly not working. In any case, I submitted my bug reports and customer service tickets.


I also gave them an ultimatum, the same I'm now giving to Eric Musco, or whomever is the one with the power; you have 12 hours to give some meaningful communication (and I do mean meaningful; as in useful timescales and what compensatory measures are going to be used to offset the inconvenience and bad service). Nerdrage about level syncing, balance issues or PVP rewards are one thing, with the associated long-term timescales and the usual level of Bioware disdain, but failure to provide a specific paid service is something else entirely. This is not about 'over-privaleged' players getting angry because they can't have "all the stuffs"; this is paying customers not receiving the service they have paid real money for. No ifs, no buts, get it sorted, even if the fix may take a few days, then TELL us it will take a few days. Maintain dialogue; it's called public relations and marketing 101, one would think that Bioware would appreciate that. However, should that prove insufficient to the cause, then back to my ultimatum: if I don't get the satisfactory level of engagement I have asked for (that I have paid for), then my account subscription will be terminated, characters deleted and client uninstalled permanently. Bioware will have lost a paying customer, forever.


I don't wnat this. I actually enjoy this game. Bioware don't want this, once I'm gone that's one less revenue source. A small drop in the ocean to be sure, but if enough such drops take their business (and more importantly, their money) elsewhere, then that ocean starts to get a lot smaller. Not to mention the bad press (not that Bioware and EA have ever historically cared about that). In any case please, pretty please with sugar on top: start engaging with your paying customers.


Thank you kindly

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