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cant make a level 60?


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It's not just you. I checked every option for the level 60 character creation and the LEVEL 60 banner was on every page. I have subbed since launch, so that's not it. When my character appeared on fleet, they are level 1. Did not appear on Korriban, not on Hutta, but ON FLEET as a level 1. The process did not work as intended. :confused:

From the Help Center ("Why is my Start at level 60 character now level 1 and on the Fleet?"):

We're aware that in some rare circumstances, Start at Level 60 characters can incorrectly be reverted to level 1 and sent to the Fleet.

If this has happened to you, please exit to character select and delete that character. Once the start at 60 character is deleted, you should be able to create a new one. To minimize the chances of this happening again, please do not skip any movies or cutscenes on your new character until you have completed the first conversation of Episode 1.

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just for clarification all of you who can't make a free 60 DID qualify for Early access right?


Free 60s kick you right into KotFE so if you didn't make it into Early Assess that could by why you can't make your freebies.


I posted what my issue is. I got a new debit card, and activated it the night before my subscription renewal. I'd been a sub since June, wanting all the Nico Okarr stuff.


I acknowledge that I wasn't a subscriber at the deadline that was mandated. I accept that. It was unfortunate timing as to when I activated my new debit card (new expiration date means it didn't match my card on file for the subscription renewal, so I wasn't renewed). It's still the same card number, same bank, same account, etc.


So I opened a ticket asking if anything can be done. Honestly, I doubt it. And while unfortunate, I'll have no choice but to deal with it. I figure it can't hurt to ask.


But at this rate, it feels like they won't get back to me until the Early Access is over.

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I posted what my issue is. I got a new debit card, and activated it the night before my subscription renewal. I'd been a sub since June, wanting all the Nico Okarr stuff.


I acknowledge that I wasn't a subscriber at the deadline that was mandated. I accept that. It was unfortunate timing as to when I activated my new debit card (new expiration date means it didn't match my card on file for the subscription renewal, so I wasn't renewed). It's still the same card number, same bank, same account, etc.


So I opened a ticket asking if anything can be done. Honestly, I doubt it. And while unfortunate, I'll have no choice but to deal with it. I figure it can't hurt to ask.


But at this rate, it feels like they won't get back to me until the Early Access is over.


I bet they can look up your past payment history and fix it for you,i mean if you have been a recurring sub for some time and your card expired i do not see the issue.


My card expired and now i cannot use anything aside from Amazon cards now for some odd reason,every time i put in my card or even a temp Visa it errors.


Good luck.

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Ok, so it's NOT just me then!!!

I just had the same happening to me too.... Created a lvl60, it loads and boom, ending up on fleet as level 1. :confused:


following their advice I deleted said lvl1 character and created a new one, let the movie run and, one guess, boom, ending up on fleet once again as lvl1


my sub is due to be renewed in a day. counting everything together I don't agree with (lvl sync, crafting changes, pet changes, messed up treek, no voice on the chars in chp9) I'll just go and unsub. What a shame. Back to witcher 3 and lotro then :(

Edited by Doel
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Hey folks!


I am seeing a few posts around the forums where people feel they are missing Early Access, one of the sub rewards, etc. First, I want to remind everyone of the criteria to earn rewards and Early Access, which can be found here. If after reviewing that you still feel you are missing something, please contact Customer Support. They will be the next step in checking into your account, and correcting any issues that may be present.







Haha what amazing PR you guys have, you dont tell the exact information, which from what i can tell now is you have to actually been subbed all the months not just at some point in between them, which is most definitely how it worked on earlier xpacs when they came out and how it seemed it was worded this time, mislead people into thinking as long as they subbed during the times of the extras they wanted, collect everyones extra sub money in October so they think they get early access, to later be like nah that doesn't actually count?


My sub ran the entire time so i have it early access but my wife had a few day lapse in her sub changing cards. Early access for me does me no good if she cant play for the next week, we havent even been playing almost at all for the last few months but kept the sub for the extra credits and the extra early access items. So in the end between both accounts have paid you about 100 dollars to get early access for us both and not to get it for my wife?


Meh i haven't played in a while and was about to go full into this game now that we had more time, but after this well played misleading ad of yours, and my wife's lack of early access, its time to find a different game to spend my time and money on and time to charge back the last several months of sub then and as someone who has been here from beta and paid almost the entire time the game has been out and always supported this game, I'm done with your misleading information and lack of customer service. Im so sad seeing my favorite company from the days of the first baulders gate become what you slowly have become bioware...

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As a follow-up to my last post. We were able to discover a billing / timing issue which was causing a small subset of users to not have Early Access, when they should have it. We have made adjustments and corrected the issue. If you feel you were supposed to have Early Access but didn't, please relog and see if you now have access.


If after that you still don't have access, but feel that you should, please contact CS in-game for further assistance. Thanks everyone!




I am subscriber, I was subbed July, August, September & this month. Does that fit your criteria? It does by what I read. I can't make a level 60 and received no rewards. I have relogged 5-6 times since and still no change. I submitted a ticket right away with no response yet. If this isn't resolved, I'll just go F2P next month because apparently subbing doesn't matter to you guys.

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Lmao you people really didn't read the early access agreement did you? Go back and reread the front page, it's right there clear as day. Yes, it's your fault and I would seriously hate to be Bioware support right now.


Here's a hint, just because you're a sub now or even last month doesn't grant you early access.

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What a huge disappointment BioWare.


Subbed from July - til now, no rewards, no free level 60, and no early access. How about you just refund me my money for subbing all those months and getting nothing you promised.


By the time you guys actually get to my in game customer service ticket, the early access will be over.


A+ :csw_jabba:

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I just logged in for the heck of it to see if there's been any update on my ticket.


There has been no update.


But at character select, I can now make a level 60 character. Though I can't purchase a token to do so in the Cartel Market (I'm not sure if anyone can). So... Success....? Note that I'm typing this prior to the 4.0a patch, I don't know what that's for.

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To add to my earlier update :


I checked in the middle of the night (my youngest woke me up, so I figured I'd check after he was settled) and was suddenly able to make a lv60 character when I wasn't able to six hours before that.


Also, my customer service ticket had NOT been responded to.


I also noticed I had a lot more messages in my mailbox. I had one before, now it was at 7. I hadn't had anything on the GTN, either. So I'm guessing these messages are the subscriber rewards, like Nico Okarr's blasters and the like.


So... I hope I'm all set now. Hopefully there is no issue with creating the lv60 character, like being lv1 for no reason.

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