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Welcome to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access!


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Hey I have a fun idea


let's put "SUBSCRIBE BY OCTOBER 19 FOR EARLY ACCESS!!" allllll over the place in our launcher and website and game and then for absolutely no logical reason what-so-ever put a bunch of ppl over the barrel in the fine print


who at this company thinks up things like this and thinks its a good way to keep customers?

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My situation is even worse, I subbed on 8/10/15 @ 8pm PST but they posted the transaction in GMT which shows the next day. This needs to get fixed as I was subbed on the correct date. Edited by Kedwyn
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Hey I have a fun idea


let's put "SUBSCRIBE BY OCTOBER 19 FOR EARLY ACCESS!!" allllll over the place in our launcher and website and game and then for absolutely no logical reason what-so-ever put a bunch of ppl over the barrel in the fine print


who at this company thinks up things like this and thinks its a good way to keep customers?


I laughed harder then I should of at this...................... Because this is the token "Read the Fineprint" thing they will stick to well cackling on the Ea Star. :rolleyes:

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All I'm gonna say is that I'm disappointed. It's not like only a few people were confused about the early access, A TON were. Hey I'd even say the majority were. There's a lot of upset people on the in-game chat. Some site even had yesterday "today is the last day to subscribe if you want early access to KotFE!"


I know some people are going to say to read the fine print or whatever but that to me is irrelevant. The average person isn't going to read the fine print like that. The way they phrased the whole thing was confusing, probably purposely so in order to get more money.


What makes it even worse is that as someone without early access there's really not anything to do right now except stand around. Oh of course you make a whole new character and go through a long leveling process now that 12X XP is gone...

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All I'm gonna say is that I'm disappointed. It's not like only a few people were confused about the early access, A TON were. Hey I'd even say the majority were. There's a lot of upset people on the in-game chat. Some site even had yesterday "today is the last day to subscribe if you want early access to KotFE!"


I know some people are going to say to read the fine print or whatever but that to me is irrelevant. The average person isn't going to read the fine print like that. The way they phrased the whole thing was confusing, probably purposely so in order to get more money.


What makes it even worse is that as someone without early access there's really not anything to do right now except stand around. Oh of course you make a whole new character and go through a long leveling process now that 12X XP is gone...


Not to mention the fine print wasn't everywhere so making it an illegal Business Practice

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I love how all you f2p players are pissed off because you didn't get a freebie by paying 16 bucks a couple days before launch! If you like the game, pay for it, otherwise sit on your a**es with the rest of the f2p's and wait.


As for the long patches, imagine over a million people trying to fit through your door at one time...it takes a while, go to sleep and play it tomorrow.

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I love how all you f2p players are pissed off because you didn't get a freebie by paying 16 bucks a couple days before launch! If you like the game, pay for it, otherwise sit on your a**es with the rest of the f2p's and wait.


As for the long patches, imagine over a million people trying to fit through your door at one time...it takes a while, go to sleep and play it tomorrow.


I just started playing the game 2 weeks ago. and subbed immediatley because they advertised to me to sub before oct 19th for speeder lvl 60 and early acess so nopt everyone compolaining because f2p and just subbed. I normally wont sub a game til i play a couple months see if I am going to like it and play reg. I only subbed immediatley because of their false advertising thats really great for new players to screw them over immediately

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cause the idiots say they dont care about us and their misleading advertisements you will get your lvl 60 on oct 27th


Umm, I read the same advertisement, and you're complaining about a reward which isn't available to you until the official launch as stated in the advertisement. Like most contracts, go back to that email and click on FIND OUT MORE



Edited by blackknighl
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Umm... to catch you eye, the same marketing technique every other company uses. Do not blame them simply because you jumped into something without reading it through.


Do you complain at McDonalds because there isn't a supermodel eating a burger next to you when you drive straight there after seeing a commercial?

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I go back to my original comment of over a million people fitting through your door. Geese, you may have to wait a day to play your game, stop whining and give them some credit for putting out an awesome game that you WILL experience as soon as you and a million other users can download it.
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*shrug* its very frustrating when your bombarded by there ads saying sub and get early access but thats obviously not the truth you need to be subbed threw such and such not just sub and get it like i had been seeing very misleading very frustrating and should of expected something like this from ea and Bioware


At first I was thinking this was unintentional by BW... After all if you read the fine print on the bottom you would understand immediately that early access after the 10th of August is no longer possible. But how many people read the fine print? I got "mind tricked" by the promos: "you don't need to read the fine print just subscribe" :p So I subbed for 3 months on 17th of Sept. I have played like mad to try to bring as many chars close to 60 before the 20th of October early access... I wanted to catch the first 4 days of the new story mode ( I am traveling for a month after the 24th), and now I feel crushed.

Today, it is obvious to me that the marketing/sales team must have counted on the hyped-up people like me to not read the fine print. I mean why keep advertising the early access in September if its no longer available? The way it was done is clever enough that you cannot directly accuse them of misleading you - the relevant information was there all the time - underneath the promo. At the same time the promise of early access was vague enough that without reading the fine print you could get tricked, notice the little star after the bold text - that's your only real clue that something needs to be clarified:




The moment that the 10th of August deadline passed this BS ^^ should have been removed and replaced by:


AFTER THE 10th of August EARLY ACCESS IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE , but you can still get the following gifts if you subscribe etc.


Dear BW team, I applaud your effort to make this game relevant again with the KOFE expansion, with all the hype around Star Wars these days it is indeed an opportunity for SWTOR. In the end however whether you mislead unintentionally or by design of your corporate masters at the EA, you have lost me as a subscriber, for good this time. Yes, I should have read the fine print bla bla bla, so don't blame the developers some say... May be that is so, but the only truth that matters to me at this point is this: I am simply too old to waste my time and money on games developers who do not see the long term value of unambiguous communication and the difference between clear promotional statement and blurred hype inducing advertisement. I will cancel my automatic subscription renewal plan - the only communication you will understand - in the long run.


Disclaimer: I may be feeling sore and cheated but I still respect the individual hard work and dedication of many people at BW who have nothing to do with bad decision making and marketing strategy.


Best of luck and may the force be with you. :-)

Edited by crowncrow
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