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Why is there so little Star Wars music in a Star Wars game?


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Star Wars has arguably one of the best composed sound tracks of all time....


Playing the Battlefront beta for an hour, engaged in huge battles with tie fighters screaming over head, AT-ATs blasting targets into dust, stormtroopers and rebels falling like bowling pins around me..... and an incredible soundtrack ripped right from the best and most exciting moments in the movies (the original Trilogy) and despite all the flaws the beta had (there was many) it had me thinking


"Wow, THIS is Star Wars!"... and the biggest part of the feeling of nostalgia came directly from the iconic music score that brought me back to the first time(s) I watched the trilogy...



So my question is.... why on EARTH does SWTOR not make better use of the incredible soundtrack I'm positive they had the rights to when they made this game?


I don't think I've ever once heard the Imperial March while playing this game...(ONE EXAMPLE)



Yes, I can mute all music in game and simply run a playlist ...but.... WHY? Why did BW drop the ball so badly and leave out one of the BEST parts of the Star Wars franchise?


It really just boggles my mind.... Even a menu jukebox option would have been incredible...


Many MMO players couldn't care less, and the first thing they do is mute BGM, but I think the magic of SWTOR is that it appeals to a much broader base, solely because... Star Wars.


Apologies if there is a real reason for this like licensing issues or rights, but considering I've heard snippets of the actual movie score during gameplay (for all of 10 seconds), I'm guessing this isn't the case....

Edited by RavageXX
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Does TOR actually have music at all? Yes but... it's barely noticeable, at least when questing. It's anything but memorable most of the time and I don't think it even loops properly? This, combined with lack of weather and day/night cycle have always annoyed me. TOR is really bad at ambience except for in spesific situations.
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"Yoda music" on Nar and Tython.

"Duel of the Fates" in various places.

"Main theme" on the crawl.

The "Alderaan theme", per the credit convention, was the featured theme at launch.

I liked the "Electrified Sith Theme" on Oricon.


I liked the Revan theme as well.


Music is fine in this game.

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This is Star Wars the OLD Republic. Set long before the Star Wars we know today. For example, listen to rock and roll music of the 60's and the rock and roll music of today. Nothing alike. Music changes over time. The music in SWTOR should not be the same as the music of today's Star Wars.
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This is Star Wars the OLD Republic. Set long before the Star Wars we know today. For example, listen to rock and roll music of the 60's and the rock and roll music of today. Nothing alike. Music changes over time. The music in SWTOR should not be the same as the music of today's Star Wars.




not sure if serious


no really...you're serious?

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My personal Opinion is that much of the original music in SWTOR is very forgettable, I dont notice it.

There were no stand out pieces like there were in other games. Its not bad, but the music has been of a higher level all the time, and with SWTOR it seems very uninspired

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This is a Star Wars game. This game has music. Therefore, this game has Star Wars music. The music is thematically consistent with Star Wars music. Is it a direct rip of the originals? Nope, that's because it was stylized to follow the theme, to evoke music from not just the movies, but the games it was building on as well.
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Imperial MArch wasn't in the prequals... So obviously Imperial March is meant only for that specific Empire.


While true that the exact composition wasn't in the prequels, subtle elements in Ep I, stronger elements in Ep II, and huge chunks of recognizable portions were incorporated into Ep III. What he (the OP) is asking for is quite reasonable.


And besides, there cannot be too much Imperial March. :D

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My personal Opinion is that much of the original music in SWTOR is very forgettable, I dont notice it.

There were no stand out pieces like there were in other games. Its not bad, but the music has been of a higher level all the time, and with SWTOR it seems very uninspired


Frankly, I feel that music in SWTOR is kind of misused sometimes.. or not used properly at all.

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While true that the exact composition wasn't in the prequels, subtle elements in Ep I, stronger elements in Ep II, and huge chunks of recognizable portions were incorporated into Ep III. What he (the OP) is asking for is quite reasonable.


And besides, there cannot be too much Imperial March. :D

It's also used and timed extremely well in the Return trailer. "The Sith Empire has returned!"... it's almost as if he's saying the music gives it away :)

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There is great music in the game. The problem I feel, is that it rarely coincides with epic moments of gameplay, or gameplay in general. The classes could've used something of a signature theme each too.


For example, one of the best pieces is in the

. I bet few people even listen to that.


John Williams is one of the greatest movie composers of all time, but we don't have to insert his SW themes everywhere.


And besides, there cannot be too much Imperial March. :D

Back when I was bored with the game or feeling down, I would go stand on the bridge of Ziost shadow, and play imperial march from youtube. :D


ps. Themes from old trilogy are used occasionally. The

sometimes plays when either JK or JS use their starship to travel somewhere. Edited by Karkais
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