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What snacks will you have for KOFTE?


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Not sure... my husband works nights (Navy), which is weird... 4PM-12AM. Usually that's mids for his command, but they changed it up :p So... I won't be making dinner until a bit later. He also just got back from deployment about a month ago... and he couldn't play while overseas. So he's bum rushing as many characters as he can to 55. He's refusing to play the expac until all goals are met. He's always been like that, can't talk him out of it.


So... I'll be eating 'expansion snacks' alone. Probably just gonna grab some tostitos and make some guacamole! And buy some V8, so I can make bloody mary's! Might make some enchiladas, too.

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So... I'll be eating 'expansion snacks' alone. Probably just gonna grab some tostitos and make some guacamole! And buy some V8, so I can make bloody mary's! Might make some enchiladas, too.


I'M COMING OVER!! What time?! Oh & I'll grab the V8 (but I don't drink) for you & bring home made salsa! Oh & chocolate chip cookies! :D :D :D

MEXICAN food is da bomb! Especially guacamole!


Oh & thanks to your husband for his service to our country! *salute*

Edited by CaptRogue
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a whole pizza, large packs of crisps and some dip. 2l bottles of fizzy crap, large chocolate bars, choc icecream bars, roasted chicken with roasties and gravy. i got more junkfood in the back. a full marathon on the computer :D


but seriously, i dont have any junk food to munch on, i prefer to keep the focus on the storyline, not exercising the jaw hands and stomoch.

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Well, it's also my birthday, so, it'll probably be birthday dinner, birthday cake, diet coke, maybe a cherry poptart for breakfast. Not sure about the breakfast part. My husband is making me the birthday dinner and birthday cake. Heee! No candles though. But that's okay. ;)


Nice. Happy Birthday!

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Well... I figure it will be, probably around lunch time, my time, when the servers are up and the patch is downloaded and ready to go. So for me.. my snack will include a meal and a snack. lol.


I'm thinking Migas breakfast tacos. Mighty tasty. A nice and hot large white chocolate mocha to keep with me. Popcorn at the ready. And a box of honey graham crackers with some sweet jalapeno jelly as a ready snack. I'll need plenty of cokes on hand as well.


Yeah, you can forget about dinner. I just won't have the time or the inclination. lol

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