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Why do Assassins suck?


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Two of my SI guildmates managed to beat the levle 41 mission as Sorc with little to no trouble, yet Rolan is kicking my but.. in Darkness sepc. What the hell is wrong with this picture?


Im only posting because ive been told the Assassin class is broken. Can anyone confirm this? or does 1 level (im currently lvl 40) make that big a difference?


Im also not getting very good framerates int here.. sitting at 20fps Out of combat.. cannot say what it is in combat when hes dumping lighting everywhere.

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how are they broken, I solo'ed all the way to 50 as an assassin..(deception) I don't know what people are experiencing that I am not


people just want ez mode all day, but that's not how things work. Use your brain, they do just fine.

Edited by Leuk
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Problem I face is most of the skills that make them good are useless in PVE when fighting heroics. However ranged classes can just cc and kite and Sorc can heal themselves too.


Assassin skills seem better suited for PVP from my experience and aslong as you can stay on top of a ranged you'll win. However from the level I'm on so far I'm finding it hard to do so because every class seems to have like 40 interrupts and ways to get out of cc lol. The only way I can close down the gap is to use the force run so far. One CC is useless because it takes 2 seconds to cast and that is only good if they don't know you're there. The other one needs stealth so again only good when in stealth.


Playing against a good player and I struggle to stay on top of them. Jedi Knight was so easy to do so because of the force Jump ability that made sure I could always instantly stay on top of anyone. With Assassin maybe I haven't worked it out yet but it seems so hard to do so.


Playing against a bad player and stealth makes them panic right away and you've already won as they think for the next 10 seconds of what to do.

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how are they broken, I solo'ed all the way to 50 as an assassin..(deception) I don't know what people are experiencing that I am not


people just want ez mode all day, but that's not how things work. Use your brain, they do just fine.




Even in Beta I hit 40+ just fine by myself. Including Solo operations on Heroic areas/missions.


Assassins are just fine as far as PvE goes. I feel rather gimped when it comes to PvP though... however that may balance out at 50 when everyone has all of their skills. Fighting healers is my only peeve at the moment. It's silly how they can just toy with you and win without really doing anything but dots and shields/healing. There are too many of our damaging abilities that feel like they do the same damage as other abilities. Shock and Maul are really only worth using when a passive ability procs and lowers their cost and/or increases their damage by a fair amount. Assassinate is a *********** Joke ability. I'd rather just throw a maul out for the same damn effect. No good openers for our class either. NONE. I'd say pvp-wise we're pretty broken. However nothing is perfect and I'm sure they'll get to us eventually.

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Assassin skills seem better suited for PVP from my experience and aslong as you can stay on top of a ranged you'll win.


There not, assassins are one trick ponys (maul spam). Overall the class was halfass designed. Sorc on the otherhand is completely overpowered on both pvp and pve aspects.

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get Talos Drelik as a companion. Problem solved.


hehe, actually, i found he was a bad companion to use against the boss that OP mentioned having trouble against. He hits hard, your best bet is to interrupt as best you can and burn him down. I used a dps companion and went all out on him


talos does make running around doing regular pve stuff much more enjoyable though.



@OP, those sorcerers cant stealth past all the trash fights and hit the objectives. I feel that assassin is fine in pve due to this. Ive also played an operative, and i think operatives probably have it better than assassins in soloing pve content.

Edited by Elysion
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Rolan fight was hard but there is a very simple way to beat it if you are having trouble. There are a bunch of bridges connecting to the center area where he is at but you can pull him over to one of the bridges and then just overload to knock him off the edge. He instantly dies and you can complete the quest with no hassle.
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In my experience, there is no such thing as a bad class. Players, on the other hand, come in all shapes and sizes.


It comes down to what a class can do in certain situations, which will be easier for some than for others. If every class could deal with every situation in the same way, then there would be no differentiation in classes and no variety.


There will be situations where the SA is ideal while the SS falls short.

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If you are having trouble respec to tank spec (Darkness Tree) for a while. I leveled in tank spec and would put the sorc class to shame. I solo'd all of my class quests past level 40 2-3 levels early. I just use Drellik as my little pocket healer and I was unstopable. When you are killing non strong or non elite mobs pull out a dps companion and aoe, everything just melts in seconds. I never had to do any quest more than once.


In addition, after you get past 40 killing a mob that is 1 level higher is about 10x harder. The closer you get to 50 the worse it gets. I tried to kill a level 49 once when I was 43 and I could not do any damage to it. I was doing the same damage and my numbers were flying up the same, but the mob just took no damage and was unkillable. Just the way the game is designed.

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Two of my SI guildmates managed to beat the levle 41 mission as Sorc with little to no trouble, yet Rolan is kicking my but.. in Darkness sepc. What the hell is wrong with this picture?


Im only posting because ive been told the Assassin class is broken. Can anyone confirm this? or does 1 level (im currently lvl 40) make that big a difference?


Im also not getting very good framerates int here.. sitting at 20fps Out of combat.. cannot say what it is in combat when hes dumping lighting everywhere.


Ok first of i rerolled from a maradaur at lvl 47 to an assassin, maradaur was a nightmare at certain lvls for me (carnage specced heard that annihiliation is better) but in my picture assassins is heaven leveling!


Just did the quest u talked about at lvl 39 khem val had around 60% HP left and i 100% after the fight.


Jolt build up shock stacks and shock + stun next channeling use discharge as u should have 4-5 stacks to realese, channel the force - and do the same again. now he should have around 50% hp just dps him and down he goes, dont waste energy on maul as it is **** (if buff is up sure use it).

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Assassins are fully capable of kiting.


Yup! I'm darkness specced, and if a gold or a boss is kicking my butt I overload them away, then force speed and start zapping them with lightning and harnessed darkness etc. Kiting is definitely 100% possible, alternate slow and force speed since you're darkness. That's why I like assassin, some ranged stuff and some melee stuff.

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I don't remember who rolan was.


Was he the guy in Darth Youknowwho's meditation chamber?


Man i just...I don't even remember that fight.


I kinda just kicked his butt as darkness?


I'm not sure, maybe you're not doing your rotation right? Darkness does some very good dps.


Also: You have 5 things against his spells. Does he even cast spells? I don't even remember anymore.


1. Jolt

2. Electrocute

3. Spike (oh wait maybe not...not sure when you get spike)

4. Overload

5. CLOAK OF SHADOWS (god tier skill...this is by far the best tank cooldown in the game).


Er...i think cloak of shadows is called something else here. Ionno, force...shroud/cloak?




Turn off shadows, if you haven't already. The shadow algorithm in SWToR is bugged for some cards (like even high end cards), and may kill your fps for no reason. Going from low shadows to off shadows bumped my fps from 8fps to 80.


Also: You know when he lightnings and it makes a targetting circle? The lightning is actually about twice as big. So...just run away from him at that point. Either shock him from behind or lightning or do something else. I took literally no damage that entire fight, just with chain CC's and the fact that his "melee" hits like a wet noodle.

Edited by theonepanda
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Two of my SI guildmates managed to beat the levle 41 mission as Sorc with little to no trouble, yet Rolan is kicking my but.. in Darkness sepc. What the hell is wrong with this picture?


Im only posting because ive been told the Assassin class is broken. Can anyone confirm this? or does 1 level (im currently lvl 40) make that big a difference?


Im also not getting very good framerates int here.. sitting at 20fps Out of combat.. cannot say what it is in combat when hes dumping lighting everywhere.


try to interrupt him... as you are darkness spec you should have 3 interrupts at your disposal, also build stacks of shock to selfheal when possible (and use stims :p)


still having played around with friends i tend to agree that sin is not so awesome in solo pve, he have decent burst but the sustained dps seem not stellar and is quite power inefficent


also if you are not darkness specced you are quite squishy due to light armor and no way to heal khem.


still i dont think the class is broken, when you learn to use your tools effectively is a pretty fun class to play, but for sure is not as good as a BH/sorc for solo or in a dps role

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Yup! I'm darkness specced, and if a gold or a boss is kicking my butt I overload them away, then force speed and start zapping them with lightning and harnessed darkness etc. Kiting is definitely 100% possible, alternate slow and force speed since you're darkness. That's why I like assassin, some ranged stuff and some melee stuff.


are bosses (I assume you mean the 1s with the champion tag), not usually immune against any kind of interrupt, CC , Knockback?

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Echoing the masses


Level 43 Deception Assassin right here and I have had no trouble soloing so far. Talos is the perfect companion for any fight, imo; I solo'd a champion level mob yesterday that was a level ahead of me, which is a lot easier if they're melee. This is what I do:


Stuns, stack damage, force slow/speed and kite, stun when CDs are up, rinse and repeat. I prefer Drellik in these types of fights, but any companion could do if you have a personal preference. If you're fighting a ranged elite then do what others are saying: Use jolt, electrocute, overload, (low cut if you're deception) when they're trying to activate skills.


Assassins don't suck, you just have to get out of PvE facerolling mode and pay attention! :D

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are bosses (I assume you mean the 1s with the champion tag), not usually immune against any kind of interrupt, CC , Knockback?


it depends by the champion... generally champions are not immune to interrupt but are immune to CC (even if i think there are a few who can be CCed)... stronger champions (as the bosses in flashpoints) are also immune to interrupts


but i think the guy you quoted was referring to "bosses" as the elite you get during your quests or at the end of a bonus stage quest

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it depends by the champion... generally champions are not immune to interrupt but are immune to CC (even if i think there are a few who can be CCed)... stronger champions (as the bosses in flashpoints) are also immune to interrupts


but i think the guy you quoted was referring to "bosses" as the elite you get during your quests or at the end of a bonus stage quest


Ah I see in that case, go with what ever he said and ignore me lol. Thanks for clearing that up =)

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Assassin is broken? Op just what exactly are you expecting the "Assassin of all classes to play like" If things like uber and godlike come to your mind then perhaps you need to think things over.


I play a madness assassin and I kill plenty, but I die like I should when I don't play my cards right. That's the point. I have played other classes and again the same concept still applies. If you don't hold up your end you die. It's as simple as that. If you know your advantages then you will do well and appear to be better than other players. If you die over and over trying to take down an elite. Your class isn't broken. Your choice of approach is in question.


This can be expected from time to time. But clearly you're not doing something right on your end. To expect the worst when things don't go the way you wanted will have you making threads like this.


Aren't bosses suppose to be tough? I have yet to fight an easy elite, And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Edited by Aizen
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