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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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Nah I'm used to paying for expansions, I'm still bitter about F2P, but I'm going getting butthurt that new subs will be getting all expansions for free.


I know what Reward is, I know that Nico and all them was Bioware's attempt at boosting subs during a content dry-spell. I still think anyone that subs before the 19th should get the rewards regardless. As I said I'll gladly give my Nico and my blasters and my troublemaker I mean Nico coat and my swoopbike to a new subscriber I don't care, cause I'm not entitled enough to think me meeting all the requirements means other people shouldn't get a chance at them.


I can almost bet you'd be here on the forums screaming to hell and back that as a sub you should get something that was offered for F2P only. So what's ridiculous about the "rest" of my post? That's what s/he said: "We get these rewards because we are subs" So I responded with "What if F2P got something subs didn't because they were F2P"/



Meeting the requirements for a reward is not entitlement... What these people are effectively saying is that they want to go to work, do nothing all day, and still get paid... And that is a perfect analogy for entitlement. You're whole world perspective on self entitlement is absolutely around the wrong way.


And as to YOUR analogy, I just wouldn't sub, meet the requirements, get the reward and resub. Your argument is so childish and ill thought out that it just derails itself. Hell in that scenario I'm saving money and being rewarded for it!

Edited by Razdek
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Meeting the requirements for a reward is not entitlement... What these people are effectively saying is that they want to go to work, do nothing all day, and still get paid.



What they are saying is they would like a new companion too. They are still subbing, so they are still "working". But because they didn't sub on that day they should be locked out of Niko forever? I'm sorry, I'm not for people missing out on a companion, I don't care if they miss out on the blasters or the coat or the bike those are a dime a dozen, but Nico is a companion from the original trailers, someone people have been asking for as a companion since those came out. To me that should be available for all.


*edit* to respond to your edit: Sorry, you were a day to late to meet the requirements, you don't qualify for it.

Edited by Juromaro
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I cant help but think of all the "grrr i couldnt be bothered to sub in time but still want nico" posts along the lines of people who dont/refuse to buy dlc/expansions in games, then complain that they cant have the things exclusive to said dlc/expansions)


In example: Sebastion companion for Dragon Age 2.


Store has a sale, advertising for almost two months in advance "Come in friday June 9th, and get this $500 tv for $99!". You go in the tuesday June 13th and have a tantrum when they are all gone (and they wont be selling that model any longer)


Shouldnt Mr Tantrumer had gone in on June 9th? Snooze=lose.

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What they are saying is they would like a new companion too. They are still subbing, so they are still "working". But because they didn't sub on that day they should be locked out of Niko forever? I'm sorry, I'm not for people missing out on a companion, I don't care if they miss out on the blasters or the coat or the bike those are a dime a dozen, but Nico is a companion from the original trailers, someone people have been asking for as a companion since those came out. To me that should be available for all.


I don't think MMOs are for you. This scenario happens ALL the time, often around expansion release dates to encourage more people to get involved at that time. It is a reward for paying at that time. Its like going to the shops and they are sold out on your favourite toy and that toy is no longer in production. Suck it up and deal with it. Lifes not fair.. QQ more. People were given every opportunity including extended times on each reward to participate.


And as to your argument "they were working" no they weren't they were not subbed at the time so were not working at the time.

Edited by Razdek
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I don't think MMOs are for you. This scenario happens ALL the time, often around expansion release dates to encourage more people to get involved at that time. It is a reward for paying at that time. Its like going to the shops and they are sold out on your favourite toy and that toy is no longer in production. Suck it up and deal with it. Lifes not fair.. QQ more. Peoplr were given every opportunity including extended times on each reward to participate.


Ah how cute, someone doesn't agree with you so you turn to QQ's and telling me something isn't for me. Aren't you pleasant.


You act like I'm one that's missing out, I'm not I got my rewards, I get early access. As I said I'll gladly give mine up for someone who doesn't get them, but please continue to resort to base aggression it'll serve you well. o7

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Well the STAP mount was an exclusive mount for a bit until they made copies on the GTN of it. So maybe Nico stays exclusive, but his brother Rico will go on sale soon...


See now Rico needs to happen. Bioware take note! Rico make it happen.

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For those who didnt sub like me during the time period to the next xpac, Can we get Nico at all? or is he just a limited time companion?


You get him if you where a sub before the specified date!


And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).



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For those who didnt sub like me during the time period to the next xpac, Can we get Nico at all? or is he just a limited time companion?


I would suspect not. It was a subscriber reward, and honestly, I hope Nico does not become available as a Cartel Market purchase.


I'm not trying to be cold, but the ramifications of something like that would have the potential for a significant negative impact on subscriptions with future expansions, and the inevitable "pre-order/subscriber rewards".


Using Nico as an example, let's say he does become available in six months. Aside from all the whinge posts on the forum. it sets a precedent. So, 5.0 is coming along, and if you're a subscriber YOU CAN GET ALL THESE COOL PIXELS!! - and only if you're a subscriber, the ads say.


Except, why should I spend $15 for 3-4 months, when I can just wait and 6 months after release of the expansion, and then go pick up the cool pixels from the Cartel Market for say... $10?

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Ah how cute, someone doesn't agree with you so you turn to QQ's and telling me something isn't for me. Aren't you pleasant.


You act like I'm one that's missing out, I'm not I got my rewards, I get early access. As I said I'll gladly give mine up for someone who doesn't get them, but please continue to resort to base aggression it'll serve you well. o7


You are not very good at reading comprehension and sentence syntax are you? The suck it up, qq was a continuation of the analogy that I was making and a broad statement, not directly aimed at you. I read earlier that you were receiving it, however I am still refuting your ridiculous arguments. You are the one that is yet to post anything that resembles a good reason as to why freeloaders should be given the same things that people pay for. You may be communist in your thinking with the whole 'everyone is equal' argument, however that is simply not the reality of this game. We pay... We get things... You don't pay, you don't get things.

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And I was told that subscribers will get all content from the release of F2P and beyond for free, yet I had to pay for Rise and SoR. What's your point? Nico isn't special, either are his blasters, and his coat is a retex of the troublemaker coat. Who cares if someone else gets it, you are still getting it aren't you?


How would you feel if F2P got something that we didn't simply because they are F2P? Alot of people only wanted Nico and they subbed for the original time frame, then they went and said "Oh if you sub from that day to Aug something you get him". What about those people who's sub lapsed for a day? Those people who subbed after giving Swtor a try for the first time? Or those people that came back because of KoTFE? They not important because they were late for something? Those of us that subbed through the whole thing don't miss out on it we get it regardless, not like they are going to take our niko's and give them to someone else.


A sub is a sub is a sub, no more special than that sub or this sub or even that sub over there. I'm still getting my rewards let someone have some too.


I hate it when people make arguments with horrific logic. How would I feel if F2P people got something that subscribers did not? You really asked that question? Well, I guess I would feel about $15 richer, because I could cancel my sub, get the free goodies, and then re-sub at a later time.


It's not about how "special" a reward is. It's about how you get the reward in the first place. It's a quid pro quo situation. People paid subscriber fees on or before certain dates to get specific items.


If people that don't meet the criteria can get a pre-release reward at a later time, just because they want that reward really really bad, what sense is there for any F2P people to change to subscribers? Just wait for the expansion, play and have fun, and in however many months pick up the stuff the schmoes that paid $15 a month to get as a "reward" have.

Edited by Highlandscot
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I cant help but think of all the "grrr i couldnt be bothered to sub in time but still want nico" posts along the lines of people who dont/refuse to buy dlc/expansions in games, then complain that they cant have the things exclusive to said dlc/expansions)


In example: Sebastion companion for Dragon Age 2.


Store has a sale, advertising for almost two months in advance "Come in friday June 9th, and get this $500 tv for $99!". You go in the tuesday June 13th and have a tantrum when they are all gone (and they wont be selling that model any longer)


Shouldnt Mr Tantrumer had gone in on June 9th? Snooze=lose.


I'm glad you brought up Sebastian.


becasue Exiled Prince DLC was free with preorder and then purchasable later for $10 (and as I didn't preorder DA2 at the time- I was still able to enjoy story content DLC added, for extra price of DLC purchase)


so the question is... why shouldn't Nico be treated the same? people who subscribed on a required date - get him at no extra charge and people who weren't playing the game at the time or missed him for other reasons - can buy him at a later date.


on the other hand - TV sale is not the same thing, as you can STILL buy that TV at a later date, you just don't get a sale price for it. and specific TV models are not as unique as story based companions. chances are, if they are phasing out that model, its because they are getting better, higher quality models into their inventory.


and before anyone says anything... I qualified for Nico, so this is not about me missing the deadline. I personally made the deadline. I'm getting Nico regardless of what bioware decides in a future. this is not about me. its about other people.


P.S. on deciding whether to subscribe on a date, or buy reward separately later. you are still paying one way or another. and if they make Nico cost , lets say 2400 cartel coins (or equivalent of $20) you actualy get him cheaper if you subscribed for rewards earlier (since you didn't need to be subscribed for all the rewards to get Nico, you only needed to be subscribed on THAT specific day.. or equivalent of $15)

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You are not very good at reading comprehension and sentence syntax are you? The suck it up, qq was a continuation of the analogy that I was making and a broad statement, not directly aimed at you. I read earlier that you were receiving it, however I am still refuting your ridiculous arguments. You are the one that is yet to post anything that resembles a good reason as to why freeloaders should be given the same things that people pay for. You may be communist in your thinking with the whole 'everyone is equal' argument, however that is simply not the reality of this game. We pay... We get things... You don't pay, you don't get things.


I'll be the first to admit my mistake, misread. Apologies.


With that said, I may be communist in this thinking. No I don't think they are freeloaders cause they didn't sub on a certain day. My wife just recently got into the game, purely for the story, she's going to miss out on a companion. While it's not a big deal, it's a companion, it's 50% of your character. It'll make no difference in the long run, but it would be akin to making HK and Treek unavailable unless you were here for the release.


Blasters and cosmetic stuff being date-gated is fine, but a companion....no it should not be date-gated, if not at release then at some point.


None of this is anyone's fault but Bioware's for thinking it would be smart to offer a Companion as a day 1 date-gate, they should have offered the companion as a the last date-gate, or something else entirely.

Edited by Juromaro
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The thing is, the Sebastion DLC was never advertised as a pre order -only- bonus, just you would get it for free if you pre ordered. I mentioned him because he was a companion only available as part of an expansion, if you didnt have said expansion, he wasnt available in your game.


Nico was advertised as being available only for those who qualified. Not "sub now and get him right away, or just wait and buy him later"

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Many many posts here seem to be missing the point of a subscription.


Paying a subscription should never and is NOT to get rewards or in game goodies. Paying a subscription fee is because you want to play the game.


You should never ONLY pay for your subscription to get something like the companion - you should be paying it because you want to play the game and that the game ITSELF is worthy of your 20 bucks a month.


To be honest - and to explain how silly this whole thread sounds - its like paying your monthly fee for using public transport in the city. But saying you are only paying it because the train station has nice comfy seats! Ludicrous!


And then complaining when people can get those comfy seats somewhere else BESIDES the train station. Do you see how silly that sounds?

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The thing is, the Sebastion DLC was never advertised as a pre order -only- bonus, just you would get it for free if you pre ordered. I mentioned him because he was a companion only available as part of an expansion, if you didnt have said expansion, he wasnt available in your game.


Nico was advertised as being available only for those who qualified. Not "sub now and get him right away, or just wait and buy him later"


Sadly he wasn't worth it to get him Free of for $10.

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I'll be the first to admit my mistake, misread. Apologies.


With that said, I may be communist in this thinking. No I don't think they are freeloaders cause they didn't sub on a certain day. My wife just recently got into the game, purely for the story, she's going to miss out on a companion. While it's not a big deal, it's a companion, it's 50% of your character. It'll make no difference in the long run, but it would be akin to making HK and Treek unavailable unless you were here for the release.


Blasters and cosmetic stuff being date-gated is fine, but a companion....no it should not be date-gated, if not at release then at some point.


None of this is anyone's fault but Bioware's for thinking it would be smart to offer a Companion as a day 1 date-gate, they should have offered the companion as a the last date-gate, or something else entirely.


Consider you can have 5 companions that all do the same thing now it is not a loss to gameplay. It is a reward for players to have something shiny to show off. Your argument is again invalid.

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I hate it when people make arguments with horrific logic. How would I feel if F2P people got something that subscribers did not? You really asked that question? Well, I guess I would feel about $15 richer, because I could cancel my sub, get the free goodies, and then re-sub at a later time.


It's not about how "special" a reward is. It's about how you get the reward in the first place. It's a quid pro quo situation. People paid subscriber fees on or before certain dates to get specific items.


If people that don't meet the criteria can get a pre-release reward at a later time, just because they want that reward really really bad, what sense is there for any F2P people to change to subscribers? Just wait for the expansion, play and have fun, and in however many months pick up the stuff the schmoes that paid $15 a month to get as a "reward" have.


That's what the person I originally quoted said, she only subbed for these rewards, meaning once they are over she's not going to sub anymore. Now she may or may not idk. You could cancel you're sub get those goodies, after a month or 6 months, but if that item was offered for a week or even 2? You're still a sub, you lose your chance at that item.


Most people who wanted the companion and only the companion subbed for the original release, then Bioware said(after a few unsubbed and went back to F2P) oh wait nvm if you sub by Aug 10th you get it not July 31st. People were on these forums during that time saying that Bioware lied to them, tricked them into subbing for that month. Do those people who subbed for the original date deserve Nico or not? Cause I know alot of F2P that play currently that did that only to get shafted when Bioware changed their minds.



As I said earlier I'm completely fine with something cosmetic being date-gated. But a companion is 50% of your character, yes they have other companions to choose from, but never offering Nico to anyone again would be like making HK and Treek only available to those who were here during release.

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on deciding whether to subscribe on a date, or buy reward separately later. you are still paying one way or another. and if they make Nico cost , lets say 2400 cartel coins (or equivalent of $20) you actualy get him cheaper if you subscribed for rewards earlier (since you didn't need to be subscribed for all the rewards to get Nico, you only needed to be subscribed on THAT specific day.. or equivalent of $15)


See, that I would be okay with, because people who didn't subscribe would be paying more. And here's why I like that- I subscribed for all the rewards. As a result, I am getting Nico and early access, along with some other things. Because I am a subscriber paying a monthly fee, I am being rewarded. Why should someone who didn't subscribe (even with the extended deadline) get the same thing I did for the same price? I feel like that's almost rewarding laziness. You couldn't be bothered to pay the price then, but now that you don't have something you want you're going to whine about it? If you want Nico later, sure, you can buy him, but at an increased price because you didn't take advantage of the subscription rewards when it was originally offered. If they offered him for the same price, then I would be annoyed.

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Consider you can have 5 companions that all do the same thing now it is not a loss to gameplay. It is a reward for players to have something shiny to show off. Your argument is again invalid.



I don't see how me saying a Companion shouldn't be date-gated is invalid. It's not something shiny to show off that'll act like all the other companions, It's going to have cut scene's, input on quests, affections to gain. I would be fine if it was just something shiny that has no other purpose but cosmetic.


It's not an invalid argument to say a Companion should never have been a sub reward, in a game who's sole combat revolves around the use of companions.

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You could cancel you're sub get those goodies, after a month or 6 months, but if that item was offered for a week or even 2? You're still a sub, you lose your chance at that item.


Most people who wanted the companion and only the companion subbed for the original release, then Bioware said(after a few unsubbed and went back to F2P) oh wait nvm if you sub by Aug 10th you get it not July 31st. People were on these forums during that time saying that Bioware lied to them, tricked them into subbing for that month. Do those people who subbed for the original date deserve Nico or not? Cause I know alot of F2P that play currently that did that only to get shafted when Bioware changed their minds.


Difference between going from f2p to p2p as opposed to from p2p to f2p is that the moment you hit "Subscribe" you're a subscriber, you don't have to wait.


As for your second point, those that subbed on july 31st are eligible for niko. You had to be a sub on EITHER july 31st OR august 10th, not just the latter date.

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Difference between going from f2p to p2p as opposed to from p2p to f2p is that the moment you hit "Subscribe" you're a subscriber, you don't have to wait.


As for your second point, those that subbed on july 31st are eligible for niko. You had to be a sub on EITHER july 31st OR august 10th, not just the latter date.


They changed their minds again? That'll make my friends happy I guess lol, but I still think Nico should never have been a sub reward to begin with, or that the very least be like HK where subs get him free but everyone else has to pay.

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Most people who wanted the companion and only the companion subbed for the original release, then Bioware said(after a few unsubbed and went back to F2P) oh wait nvm if you sub by Aug 10th you get it not July 31st. People were on these forums during that time saying that Bioware lied to them, tricked them into subbing for that month.


Actually Bioware said by July 31st OR August 10th, so those people should still be getting Nico.

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