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Which Character will you start KOTFE on and What will He or She be Wearing?


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I'm thinking of starting it with my Jedi Guardian with the traditional Jedi Robes. Not the ones with armor plating, but the very classic look. I'll post a link on here with a screenshot of my Jedi when I get home to show all of you.


Edit: Well, he might have some armor on his lower arm's, but that's it.







Edited by Koichi
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I always give my guys some kind of CM armour when levelling but when I get to 55 I just take the Forged Alliance, Shadow of Revan and Ziost gear so must of my toons will just be going in with that. My main Empire character which I'll probably start with has Darth Malaks Shadow Armour (dyed dark red and black)
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I will be playing on instant lvl 60 Cathar Sith Marauder because Ive never been playing this class before. He will be wearing Revered Seer's chest along with the Helmet, Drifter's gloves, Carth Onasi's pants and Drifter's Boots, all dyed on Black/Gray probably. Edited by CommanderVintres
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Whatever happens to be on my Rattataki sorc, she isn't picky so long has it serves a purpose.


But probbly will buy a new outfit and do some cyberteching


My sith pureblood may change into her rank crafted custom made war hero gear though, that does always looks nice and will be fiting


My body type 4 trooper will be wearing his ziost master chef outfit

Edited by Talosred
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I'm supposed to be wearing something? Huh, maybe that's the problem with my smuggler.


Course I might actually play through with one of my sorceresses first or maybe the freebie toss and carry L60 hero. Hmmm, too many decisions. I need a sammich first to figure this out.

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I'm not going to start the KotFE story for a while. I may run through it with my free 60, which is TBD. I care more about new abilities, endgame play. I'm a little bit concerned about what exactly is lost after starting KotFE, so I'll give it some time and read the forums. Probably not a big deal and just paranoia, but oh well. The story will be there, don't have to do it right away.
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My Light Side V Jedi Guardian main. Cyan saber with Verpine chestpiece.


Why Verpine? Because its the hood-up version of that gear we see on the Jedi Guardian Outlander in the promotional content.


Why Cyan saber? Because I've had a crystal of that color since 1.1's vendor. The traditional color of a Jedi Guardian is blue, and mine is a Master Guardian. Thus, he uses cyan! :)



My Dark Side V Assassin will probably rock some super scary-looking robes and mask.

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Tiffany the insta-60 SW.


Her findings with the first few chapters will determine if I want to

1) just run through the KOTFE story with her instead of the eight and treat it as an SWTOR2

2) Drop Tiff and let Cognitus (my first and best SW) run through it as a continuation of SWTOR

3) let the eight all run through it like I've done with all the other Xpacs


Given the "one size fits all" story, I doubt that I will have the eight run through it. Even with the previous Xpacs, there were still faction differences if not class differences. With one Outlander story for all, I doubt there will be enough differences to justify an eight character run.


So Tiffany (initially) and then Tiffany or Cognitus.

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Well... I haven't decided.


But if I take my mirialan Shadow first, she will go in white and gold armor that looks similar to the Satele set. She has fashion sense, despite the Jedi order's sensitivity around such things. And as she has a short temper as well, I think she would be great for the first play through.


But, I may take my human Jedi guardian. He cares nothing about the way he looks. In fact, the more worn down and ripped up his robes the better. Crap brown is just fine by him. The thing about that toon is he wants to be unnoticed and underestimated to hide his power. He has no interest in being a warrior. He just wants to protect the innocent. But if and when his strikes it is with righteous fury and no mercy. So he will be wearing that raggedy forged alliance reputation set.

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First, I'll be taking my LS 5 Sith Warrior Jugg Dps into the story. She'll be wearing this:






Then probably my LS 5 Imperial Agent Sniper after her. She'll be wearing this:


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/SWTOR/Screenshot_2014-08-06_11_32_29_956501_zpsc767c897.jpg Dyed black/green. With her Columi Sniper Rifle. *It looks like one you can craft*


Then my LS 5 Inquisitor Assassin dps (hatred ftw). She'll be wearing this:






After those guys, not sure yet.

Edited by Eanelinea
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Since im holding off taking my main through until there is more info on the Marr situation, i will be taking a different sin through that i leveled up for it.


She is wearing Sensuous dress top, Revan Reborn Greaves, Lana Beniko Belt, Martial Pilgrim Circlet, Jori Daragon Gauntlets, and Rohlan Dyre’s Boots, all unified to Black/Pink.


She has the scars that look like the tribal design going down her face/lips and accross her neck, with the double pigtails dyed pink. Very Harley Quinn esqe :p

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I have two separate main characters, one for Republic and light-side. The other for the Empire and dark-side of the game. They're brothers in my legacy. They'll most likely be first, and then I'll play through with each one of their three sisters.


My Operative and my Scoundrel are my mains.


Then their sisters, in order: my Warrior, my Bounty Hunter, and my Knight.

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I'm thinking of starting it with my Jedi Guardian with the traditional Jedi Robes. Not the ones with armor plating, but the very classic look. I'll post a link on here with a screenshot of my Jedi when I get home to show all of you.


Edit: Well, he might have some armor on his lower arm's, but that's it.








Thats a cool armor, whats the name of it?



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