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People just don't play this game for long anymore. Time for a new star wars mmo?


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i love how some people claim the servers are dead when lately i've been seeing 20-40 person double instances of both Hoth and Belsavis at 4:am CST, when about a year ago there were only single instances of those very unpopular planets with about 8 people each at prime time... empty indeed, lol, i get the feeling most people that make this claim are likely on PvP servers, the servers are not dead, PvP is dead... i agree that Altitis is also very bad for maintaining a guild, unless you can get their main and a couple of their alts...


I definitely agree regarding alts. I'm terrible about this! Part of it, though, is that I need characters at various levels to do various things with my guild. I have even all but abandoned my "main" server due to character limits and past server reliability issues. That said, while our online guild numbers are very low lately (on both of my primary servers), we still have solid numbers in our "qualifying accounts," so folks are still around, they're just off doing something else or changing their schedules.


I think that the level-syncing will be great for in-guild grouping (particularly), but I would also like to see vast improvements made to warzones so that there is sustainability within the various level tiers. If I could have fewer characters with the same versatility that having sixty or so provides, I would be all for that.

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No thats only for eas benefit on the gamer s circles it is not


The Fleet on Ebon Hawke is 100+ every time I go there. There's plenty of items in the exchange. I see people doing heroics.


So for the people playing it, it must be a success, otherwise they'd go play one of the many other options out there. Plus for it to turn a profit, that means a fairly large number of people have to be playing and paying. So turning a profit is really the only objective standard one can use.


But I know for people like you terms like objective are scary, because then you can't set the bar for success to be something you know is beyond reach. Like saying SWTOR can only be a success if it has WoW's numbers or something.


As I said, I've seen people say this same old BS since 3 months after release, and yet here I am 3.5 years latter still posting on this form. It's pretty clear that they were all wrong, the same as you.

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The few guild team raiders play on their scheduled raid days... My guild-masters are the heart and soul of anything fun and productive... And on rare occasions a pug or two can get formed on fleet... But its a select few players who actually organize raids in this game (when I'm online, after work). I try to gather groups, but I simply don't have the patience to "herd cats"... The competent and willing player base has diminished... And with 4.0 who knows?


A movie is coming in December... Wonder what will happen with that / RE: players...

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i love how some people claim the servers are dead when lately i've been seeing 20-40 person double instances of both Hoth and Belsavis at 4:am CST, when about a year ago there were only single instances of those very unpopular planets with about 8 people each at prime time... empty indeed, lol, i get the feeling most people that make this claim are likely on PvP servers, the servers are not dead, PvP is dead... i agree that Altitis is also very bad for maintaining a guild, unless you can get their main and a couple of their alts...


guys, GUYS!


There was a conquest recently on Hoth and Belsavis. We know that at least 41 people participated. The game is not dying. PROOF!

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Each re-log in is about 4 minutes time.


^ This right here is a problem, it should not be that long...


Either you have a REALLY terrible internet connection, or your computer is slow...


It takes me, give or take, maybe 30 sec between each toon login...


Intel Core i7 4770k CPU - Samsung 840 EVO SSD - 30 seconds to switch toons...


Changing that will change how you play the game. :)

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Combat was pretty damn awesome for me, though story wise I never expected much (Bethesda was never really good at stories). But the biggest dissappointment for me is the limited freedome, in usual TES games, I could go ''Man, **** your main quest. I'm going butterfly catchign!'' and just wonder off doing my own thing. The warewolf and Vampire transformations are cool though...


^ That is what I love about the Fallout games... once outside the "starter area", you can just go do whatever you want and generally ignore the story if you wish. It'll be there when you feel like getting back to it...


Is that "realistic"? No, but this is a computer game, I don't care. If I want to wonder the area and find my own stuff, more power to me...


There is nothing to explore in SWTOR either, not really. Go off the beaten path and you'll find very little there. Oh sure, the random Area mission from time to time, but that is slim pickings.

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People said the same thing about SWG after 2 years but it ran for almost 10.


While that is true... remind me how many expansions and major content updates it received after Trials of Obi-wan and NGE?


If memory serves... the answer is zero... yes, the servers were kept online because that costs very little, but all major development was dropped after NGE. Before that it had a new expansion just about every year.

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The Fleet on Ebon Hawke is 100+ every time I go there. There's plenty of items in the exchange. I see people doing heroics.


So for the people playing it, it must be a success, otherwise they'd go play one of the many other options out there. Plus for it to turn a profit, that means a fairly large number of people have to be playing and paying. So turning a profit is really the only objective standard one can use.


But I know for people like you terms like objective are scary, because then you can't set the bar for success to be something you know is beyond reach. Like saying SWTOR can only be a success if it has WoW's numbers or something.


As I said, I've seen people say this same old BS since 3 months after release, and yet here I am 3.5 years latter still posting on this form. It's pretty clear that they were all wrong, the same as you.


I'm not interested on posting on this thread anymore but i think you deserve a reply.


JC only have more than 100+ on prime times 6pm-12am, still that people are pretty much not running ops. i'm not saying that number is 0 but for my personal taste feels the game is dead now on that aspect, at least comparing it with previous years.


Its midday here on the JC an only 91 persons on fleet pugging nothing.


People play this game because they like it and enjoy the SW story, at least that's the reason why i play it. Now, me playing this game or you doesn't make it automatically a worldwide success, that's stupidness, lol.


SWTOR is more about failure than success. WOW (which i don't like it and i don't play it) has a completely different story of yes, success.


Why do you think they are modyfing this game so much in 4.0? because it is a success? because they feel bored and want to do it? no, because "numbers" are NOT that good...

Edited by psikofunkster
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SWTOR is more about failure than success.


Based on what exactly. Please provide an objective measure of failure or admit you're just spouting nonsense.


Because the only measure of success that actually matters is an objective one. In the case of MMO's profit and updates to both systems and content is the only measure of success that really matters.


Updates and profits matter because it proves the game is making enough money to not only stay running, but for the company to continue to invest money in it.

Edited by VanorDM
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Based on what exactly. Please provide an objective measure of failure or admit you're just spouting nonsense.


You are getting this personal, don't step on my lawn thing! if you think this game is the number 1 enjoy it man, i don't have the intention of taking you that. I don't have to say anything more sy!


Also i know there are some EA spokemen around here on these forums and have 0 intention to argue with them...

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People don't play or have left because bioware has continued to do with Swtor what they did with both mass effect and dragon age franchises and slowly stripped away a lot of the more meaningful content and aspects that people expect with an RPG and that helped make Swtor an RPG in the first place and into something more simple, casual, and more on the action side then the RPG side that's for sure. If you remember they did same with both game of the year mass effect and dragon origins where they started off with these great RPGs but with the sequels they slowly stripped away a lot of the RPG aspects and started to develop both franchises into something less costly and easier for them to develop in turn making the sequels something that is simpler and more on the action side then a true RPG game that was for sure. Even for example the the upcoming change to companions where you will no longer be able to outfit your companions with actual and meaningful gear but now only outfits that are purely cosmetic and meaningless happened with the mass effect franchise. If you played and remember with Mass effect (RPG of the year that year) you could just like Swtor gear up your companions with meaningful gear like yourself but no longer suddenly could with Mass effect 2 and it became purely cosmetic and pretty much a skin. They are stripping away a lot of the both big and minor but important aspects to a true RPG that help keep players more involved, immersed, and allows different experiences for everyone with RPGs and essentially what makes and sets the RPG genre apart from other genres and helps make the RPG experience meaningful while fun unlike other simpler easier to play genres. Some of these aspects are why it might take someone hours instead of minutes with certain aspects and content of an RPG and helps give RPGs a lot of replay value. When it come to RPGs more is always better not less and people like to have choices with every approach.


People like to being able to do more in RPGs not less and for example each class,race,crafting skill is not suppose to be the same and flavorless but interesting and more true to what it is or the lore as that helps separate each craft, class, race, and etc from one another while adding to the immersion people expect with RPGs as well. Anything from a race, to craft skill, class, or etc is suppose to be interesting and different from one another and have their advantages and disadvantages over one another and not be simple, identical, or the same. The way the things are going next we won't even have an in game inventory or even be able to do something as simple as looting wait they already did that before too more so with mass effect and somewhat with dragon age lol while it didn't start that way with either franchise it sure did lead to it with sequels so wouldn't be surprised if it happened in Swtor. So by looks of things Swtor is turning into one huge PvP mode where things like being an RPG or immersion no longer matters and everything is simple and completely the same why bother even have different classes/roles while your at just make everything the same and basically one flavor.


Tell me why take away alot of what makes an RPG like Swtor special, interesting, and fun in first place and sets it apart from other games/MMO and turn it into just another casual/action game that are a dime a dozen nowadays and doesn't require much thought or effort to play nevermind maintain sounds to me like they are trying to make the MMO into something easier and more affordable for them to maintain so that they can sink even more of their effort and creativity into the cash shop then they already do. So if you think about it basically they are trying to make their jobs easier while the players get less for their money and all while they try to earn the same or more profits from the cash shop talk about a bad deal on our end.

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Honestly, I love SWTOR as a MMO very much if it did not become overwhelming. I think I would have played it endlessly if they froze the level grind, and focused on lateral expansion, adding content that can be explored with the highest level characters in various modes of difficulty. So, you'd have an intimately familiar character that could have either more and more adventures or gradually work up to the next challenge level in either PvE or PvP.


If instead of rebuilding all our ACs from ground up and sinking all the development into the level 65, scaling and crafting rebuilt, they would have given me half the story of the KotFE (5 chapters) with build in Flashpoints, upgraded ops with preserved 3 levels of difficulty, a few new instanced 1 boss Ops like Colossal Monolith, 3 extra warzones (1 of each type)...


...then they would repeat the process every 6 month, and rotate in and out the old content to keep it fresh....


...that would have been an ideal mode for me. I could have chipped away at perfecting my skills happily without added burdens in a stable environment not being continuously worried about keeping all the balls in the air, and having to relearn all the time!




I still enjoy this game and i play regularly, but I started as PvP guy and frankly with the gear constanlty changing I was tired of it and just turned my grinding focus onto PvE, but once i had my character all maxed out and augmented, a new level came out and here we are again doing yet another reset of gear for a new level.


I am not angry or frustersted, but I did learn my lesson....just get the "decent" enough gear lol. I just play casually now because gear grinding is not fun anymore for me. Tired of losing progress.

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