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An optional level sync I could live with


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Sorry, when did I call Ian a "fanboi/white knight"? I know someone has called someone else that in this discussion more than once, and it's hard to keep track at this point, but... yeah.


The "rebuttal" of the objections I've listed on the grounds of "you can still do that with levelsync" amounts to a fundamental misunderstanding of the objections.


For example, when I say that levelsync will turn certain Kingpin missions into tedious slogs, it's not that the trash mobs will suddenly become impossible or any kind of challenge at all to kill that's at issue. It's that the mobs will need to be engaged and cleared at all. Right now, the trash mobs on the drive-path to and around the probe-launch points on Tatooine, DK, etc, will ignore you unless you walk right over them. With levelsync, those mobs will no longer be gray, they'll regain their agro radius, and you'll have to stop and fight them. It's not "too hard", it's not "a challenge", it's just a sloggy, tedious nuisance.


And yes, most of them can be evaded while on a speeder -- but having to drive in a big weaving pattern around a bunch of trash is also sloggy, tedious nuisance.


Wasn't talking about you saying it to Ian, sorry if it came off that way as I've seen you call pro-mandatory things like "apostles" eluding to the idea that because they disagree they are mindless yes-men because they are for something you are against. While yes I do agree you have largely been civil, more times than not I've only noticed you being civil to those that lean slightly toward your ideas. Now with that out of the way back to the rest of your post.


Kingpins: You assume that Bioware isn't going to have that worked out, they may or may not, I highly doubt that they'll set a level 65 Kingpin upon a level 18 level sync'd person. I could be wrong as they've let me down before *cough* DA:I *cough*


I've only been knocked off mounts on toons that didn't have speeder level 2 or level 3, most mounts out now(which cost less than vendor mounts) offer knock off protection and I've rarely ever been knocked off those if at all. I zoom right through groups on Ziost and Yavin to get to where I'm going for my daily, I think I've only been knocked off once and that was when a mob used a pinning move on me, but even that only took 3 seconds to clear the group. While tedious yes it's not impossible to go about your business, it all just boils back down to what I said earlier about this sync's only problem about it being mandatory is: Inconvenience vs Convenience.


The reason some if not all the "Pro-Mandatory" people keep saying people won't do it is simple and something I learned from the last 20 years of Online gaming.....The majority will take the easiest path vs the hardest. That's why the Raid group and the PvP group is only a small fraction of the overall gaming community.


The reason level sync works in Games like GW2 is because it's there from the start, they have live events that make people forget they are sync'd, and yes I agree that Bioware should have introduced this at the beginning, but as I told -Spc I'm not psychic I don't know what they have planned if they have anything planned at all, and while I refuse to jump at shadows the only reason I am pro-mandatory is simply because I believe they should either have it all the way or not at all.


You can sit there and try and tell me that they'll change it to optional like they did the x12 and they even might do that and people will still use it, but I'll never use it the same reason I never turned of x12....I'd rather take the easy way instead of the long way if there is an option and so would alot of others. If not then so be it I'll play it like that until my attention is put somewhere else. And a majority(opinion) of the players would do the same, they would never use it if it was optional, so really it just puts those who do use it at a time disadvantage, and for those who play on pvp servers it'll affect those who sync more than those who decided no to.


I'll still stand firm on my stance, either mandatory or no sync at all. And I think Bioware will disagree with me because I believe they could have something planned for it, or not idk.


While it may not seem that big of a deal there are things that ruin gameplay for alot of people. What's the point in setting up a group for this and that when you can just come back 8 levels later for the achievements? People keep saying this is an MMO that solo players should leave because it's and MMO, yet those very same people are saying level sync should be optional because "reasons" and right now the "grouper" in me is seeing level sync as a chance to bring back the social part of this game. Right now there is no incentive to group up outside of weekly Ops. Level sync has the chance to bring that back, to make being in a group worth it again.

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If you get defeated to lag, it's not your fault. Ideally, that heroic should take everyone apart that's trying to solo it, it's designed for group play after all, and I have yet to see anyone in a group of two fail it, even at level in the Story gear from the planet. But no, it shouldn't be "just walk through it with no chance of defeat". This should be true in any mission in the game that says Heroic, and not because I'm some elite player, but because they're designed for group play.


There should be content that makes you have to work to complete it, especially by yourself. We're not talking about some random field elites, we're talking specific champion mobs, and by definition, they're supposed to be hard. Grab a friend or a guildy and knock it out, that's what the content is designed for. That's why the Heroic isn't required to complete the dailies, just the weekly, it's hard, by design.


Lag is a big issue for anyone where I am, EU servers AND NA servers.


It has brought me to my limits, that one; it would be nice if it were a LITTLE easier, but definitely NOT HARDER than it is currently, so if BW:A syncs us down below 60 on Oricon, that's just pure schadenfreude.


And for those of us who are new to servers? "Whoops, no friends, no guild willing to take you; tough luck, go suffocate somewhere else, filthy casual."


Maybe, the only heroic content should be WBs; we have more than enough group content in this game without making almost EVERYTHING require a group...


I'm not against the mandatory level sync, it looks to have real possibilities, but I'm dead, DEAD worried about being utterly forever screwed at higher level planets with it. I've soloed the Oricon H2+ at 60, it isn't too much to ask that we can still do that. IF Eric wasn't so hell-bent on using DK to "advertise", and instead used Oricon to prove that even the amoeba on Saturn could face-roll it (because if that one is soloable post-4.0, they probably all are), I would have nothing to fear from it at all.

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Wasn't talking about you saying it to Ian, sorry if it came off that way as I've seen you call pro-mandatory things like "apostles" eluding to the idea that because they disagree they are mindless yes-men because they are for something you are against. While yes I do agree you have largely been civil, more times than not I've only noticed you being civil to those that lean slightly toward your ideas. Now with that out of the way back to the rest of your post.


Kingpins: You assume that Bioware isn't going to have that worked out, they may or may not, I highly doubt that they'll set a level 65 Kingpin upon a level 18 level sync'd person. I could be wrong as they've let me down before *cough* DA:I *cough*


I've only been knocked off mounts on toons that didn't have speeder level 2 or level 3, most mounts out now(which cost less than vendor mounts) offer knock off protection and I've rarely ever been knocked off those if at all. I zoom right through groups on Ziost and Yavin to get to where I'm going for my daily, I think I've only been knocked off once and that was when a mob used a pinning move on me, but even that only took 3 seconds to clear the group. While tedious yes it's not impossible to go about your business, it all just boils back down to what I said earlier about this sync's only problem about it being mandatory is: Inconvenience vs Convenience.


The reason some if not all the "Pro-Mandatory" people keep saying people won't do it is simple and something I learned from the last 20 years of Online gaming.....The majority will take the easiest path vs the hardest. That's why the Raid group and the PvP group is only a small fraction of the overall gaming community.


The reason level sync works in Games like GW2 is because it's there from the start, they have live events that make people forget they are sync'd, and yes I agree that Bioware should have introduced this at the beginning, but as I told -Spc I'm not psychic I don't know what they have planned if they have anything planned at all, and while I refuse to jump at shadows the only reason I am pro-mandatory is simply because I believe they should either have it all the way or not at all.


You can sit there and try and tell me that they'll change it to optional like they did the x12 and they even might do that and people will still use it, but I'll never use it the same reason I never turned of x12....I'd rather take the easy way instead of the long way if there is an option and so would alot of others. If not then so be it I'll play it like that until my attention is put somewhere else. And a majority(opinion) of the players would do the same, they would never use it if it was optional, so really it just puts those who do use it at a time disadvantage, and for those who play on pvp servers it'll affect those who sync more than those who decided no to.


I'll still stand firm on my stance, either mandatory or no sync at all. And I think Bioware will disagree with me because I believe they could have something planned for it, or not idk.


While it may not seem that big of a deal there are things that ruin gameplay for alot of people. What's the point in setting up a group for this and that when you can just come back 8 levels later for the achievements? People keep saying this is an MMO that solo players should leave because it's and MMO, yet those very same people are saying level sync should be optional because "reasons" and right now the "grouper" in me is seeing level sync as a chance to bring back the social part of this game. Right now there is no incentive to group up outside of weekly Ops. Level sync has the chance to bring that back, to make being in a group worth it again.


Note that I didn't call all pro-mandatory people "apostles" -- I specific referred to a certain sort of poster with that term.


Regarding the Kingpins -- as explained previously, it's not about scaling the Kingpins, it's about being scaled down to there the local trash mobs on the way, around the probe release site, and around the Kingpin can be a tedious nuisance.


On the issue of "gamers won't do it if you don't make them"... I say let the customers vote with their feet.


I don't think it's the same people saying that solo players should leave, and saying that levelsync should be optional. In fact, I'm the last person who would advocate for any structure in the game that would try to push people into group play, and I don't think there is a mechanism that can successfully alter that preference on the part of individual players -- at best, you can get a handful to begrudgingly group, who would not have otherwise.

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Note that I didn't call all pro-mandatory people "apostles" -- I specific referred to a certain sort of poster with that term.


Regarding the Kingpins -- as explained previously, it's not about scaling the Kingpins, it's about being scaled down to there the local trash mobs on the way, around the probe release site, and around the Kingpin can be a tedious nuisance.


On the issue of "gamers won't do it if you don't make them"... I say let the customers vote with their feet.


I don't think it's the same people saying that solo players should leave, and saying that levelsync should be optional. In fact, I'm the last person who would advocate for any structure in the game that would try to push people into group play, and I don't think there is a mechanism that can successfully alter that preference on the part of individual players -- at best, you can get a handful to begrudgingly group, who would not have otherwise.


Bioware should move those Kingpins to somewhere else then(which they may already be doing idk). As a retired business owner I can safely say(at least in my area) that while the customer is not always wrong, they are never always right. Bioware's customers are full of armchair developers who's ideas while sounding fantastic on paper wouldn't hold up in longevity, and some ideas shouldn't be made at all(I'm still firmly against F2P but I'm bias on that). While it's smart to listen to customers sometimes the customer could be very very wrong, even if they believe they aren't. And no I'm not going to debate how mandatory level sync is right or wrong, I'm merely stating this opinion towards the common "need" for Bioware to listen to the customer. Sometimes the ideas are great, most times they aren't. Bioware should do what Bioware does, if it's a universal dislike they should take steps to retract it or improve it, not cave because someone sends them cupcakes and threatens to withdraw their business.


I like you Max, most of the time you're pleasant to argue with, but as we are both on different sides of the fence and will never agree I'll limit my posts on this subject to making butterfly kisses in your direction until you get uncomfortable.

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Lag is a big issue for anyone where I am, EU servers AND NA servers.


It has brought me to my limits, that one; it would be nice if it were a LITTLE easier, but definitely NOT HARDER than it is currently, so if BW:A syncs us down below 60 on Oricon, that's just pure schadenfreude.


And for those of us who are new to servers? "Whoops, no friends, no guild willing to take you; tough luck, go suffocate somewhere else, filthy casual."


Maybe, the only heroic content should be WBs; we have more than enough group content in this game without making almost EVERYTHING require a group...


I'm not against the mandatory level sync, it looks to have real possibilities, but I'm dead, DEAD worried about being utterly forever screwed at higher level planets with it. I've soloed the Oricon H2+ at 60, it isn't too much to ask that we can still do that. IF Eric wasn't so hell-bent on using DK to "advertise", and instead used Oricon to prove that even the amoeba on Saturn could face-roll it (because if that one is soloable post-4.0, they probably all are), I would have nothing to fear from it at all.


I'm currently leveling a bunch of toons on a new server, and haven't seen an issue where someone that needed it couldn't get help on Oricon. Yes, there are the usual people that will tell you Alt F4 when you ask for help, which just shows their ignorance more than anything else, but someone will chime in to help either because they remember what it was like their first time, or, and I ran into this the other day, they're doing it and found out they need help. Considering the rewards however, it should never be "easy". Sure, some can make it look that way, there always are "those people". However, even with sync in place, we're talking maybe 5 levels, but we don't lose any of the passive/active skills we've trained on the way to 60, and we won't lose any of the skills to 65 once the expansion drops. The net result, for Oricon, may well be that we don't notice much if any difference, and after the expansion hits and we're all 65, it's likely going to be easier than it is now.

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I'm currently leveling a bunch of toons on a new server, and haven't seen an issue where someone that needed it couldn't get help on Oricon. Yes, there are the usual people that will tell you Alt F4 when you ask for help, which just shows their ignorance more than anything else, but someone will chime in to help either because they remember what it was like their first time, or, and I ran into this the other day, they're doing it and found out they need help. Considering the rewards however, it should never be "easy". Sure, some can make it look that way, there always are "those people". However, even with sync in place, we're talking maybe 5 levels, but we don't lose any of the passive/active skills we've trained on the way to 60, and we won't lose any of the skills to 65 once the expansion drops. The net result, for Oricon, may well be that we don't notice much if any difference, and after the expansion hits and we're all 65, it's likely going to be easier than it is now.


Well, I have, different time zone; maybe one other person, who ignored my LFG hail. No, heroics should not be as easy as non-heroic stuff, to provide a frame of reference of difficulty, I grant you that; remembering ofc that difficulty is relative, what we may find easy others may really struggle with. And I only really like grouping for stuff if I know I can solo it, that feels kind of lazy and defeatist on my part. I have nothing to prove to anyone, but it's not much to ask to be able to solo anything on a planet that isn't a WB (8+ players).


Do you mean we might get synced to 60, or thereabouts? If the blog means more than Eric's demo, we'd be synced to 55; if the reverse is true, who knows?

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I didn't mean to come off as though I'm an elite player able to leap tall heroics in a single bound; I'm not any such thing. I've been known to need to pull a medical probe out to revive my body in that zone right now if I mess up, or a respawn happens while I'm dancing with one of the elites; and that's in a mix of 186 and 178, on a Guardian, which IMO is a pretty easy class to solo stuff on (high DPS, can tank, and lots of self-heal). I currently us Oricon H2+ as the top end of my difficulty scale for combat.


It's probably where I'll go first to see the actual effects of level-sync on a "difficult" fight, to calibrate my expectations.

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I didn't mean to come off as though I'm an elite player able to leap tall heroics in a single bound; I'm not any such thing. I've been known to need to pull a medical probe out to revive my body in that zone right now if I mess up, or a respawn happens while I'm dancing with one of the elites; and that's in a mix of 186 and 178, on a Guardian, which IMO is a pretty easy class to solo stuff on (high DPS, can tank, and lots of self-heal). I currently us Oricon H2+ as the top end of my difficulty scale for combat.


It's probably where I'll go first to see the actual effects of level-sync on a "difficult" fight, to calibrate my expectations.


Elite is fine, so long as you remember that all kinds of people play the game; elitist is when your skill level causes you to be arrogant, and oppressive toward other players of lesser skill or who do not have a hyper-hardcore naked-back-beating mentality. I'm not saying you're like this at all, but there are some here who seem like they are and I'm scared the devs will use them as a difficulty reference when they shouldn't.


My 60 Oricon heroic adventure was with a madness sorc with Xalek tanking, ideally, for me, I'd be happy if I can solo any heroic with any char/comp trinity role combo, even if my character's spec was the least-parsing dps spec (Plasmatech/Pyrotech, or Lethality/Ruffian, am I right?).


I will test Oricon on a freshly-made 60, and Section X to see if the 4m mechanic remains. Speaking of fresh 60s, I wonder what commendation mod vendor we'll get higher than the 55 Rishi comms one, and with what rating of said mods as well as cost?

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Well, I have, different time zone; maybe one other person, who ignored my LFG hail. No, heroics should not be as easy as non-heroic stuff, to provide a frame of reference of difficulty, I grant you that; remembering ofc that difficulty is relative, what we may find easy others may really struggle with. And I only really like grouping for stuff if I know I can solo it, that feels kind of lazy and defeatist on my part. I have nothing to prove to anyone, but it's not much to ask to be able to solo anything on a planet that isn't a WB (8+ players).


Do you mean we might get synced to 60, or thereabouts? If the blog means more than Eric's demo, we'd be synced to 55; if the reverse is true, who knows?


At first, we won't be 65. So the sync, which would take you to aprroximately 55, won't be that big a deal. I doubt there's much difference between 60 and 55 considering we keep all the active and passive skills we have. Power/HP stuff will be lower, but we'll still have things like immobilizers that we get late. It's not going to be a cake walk, to be sure, but it's not going to be impossible to do, and frankly, the dailies in the area, we probably won't even see a real difference, just the H2, and as of now, I'm not sure just how much difference that's going to really be.

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At first, we won't be 65. So the sync, which would take you to aprroximately 55, won't be that big a deal. I doubt there's much difference between 60 and 55 considering we keep all the active and passive skills we have. Power/HP stuff will be lower, but we'll still have things like immobilizers that we get late. It's not going to be a cake walk, to be sure, but it's not going to be impossible to do, and frankly, the dailies in the area, we probably won't even see a real difference, just the H2, and as of now, I'm not sure just how much difference that's going to really be.


We don't know if we'll be 55 for sure, not if Eric's DK stream run is any indication; there's a conflicting source, the at-max-level blog, and that above-max-level livestream.


The power/HP difference between 55 and 60 is a pretty big deal, if we think of BiS stats for chars/comps.


What high-level immobilisers? I'd hate to think I missed something obvious... :confused:

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I doubt there's much difference between 60 and 55 considering we keep all the active and passive skills we have.

Level 60 characters will also be losing that last utility point (until they reach 65, when they'll get it back). Level 55s will lose their 6th utility point, gaining it back at 57.

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We don't know if we'll be 55 for sure, not if Eric's DK stream run is any indication; there's a conflicting source, the at-max-level blog, and that above-max-level livestream.


The power/HP difference between 55 and 60 is a pretty big deal, if we think of BiS stats for chars/comps.


What high-level immobilisers? I'd hate to think I missed something obvious... :confused:


I'm not familiar with the blog, but if we're at max level, we won't be sync'd. There's no need to adjust anything if we're where the quest is level wise. The power between 49 and 50 is a pretty big deal, but the BiS gear doesn't add as much of a jump as 49-50, if it works the same in the expansion as it does now. There's a significant increase going to 50, but it wasn't as extreme going to 60, at least, not that I recall. I'm not sure I have any of the old 50 gear to compare with now.


Dual saber throw gets a short immobilizer, at 58, I think, as does Overload. Juggs get a replacement for smash, I think it is, at least it shares a cooldown with it, which means it comes off my bars when I get it, I imagine guardians get a similar skill. I'm not sure what, or if other classes get them, and frankly, at this point, I'm not clear on the levels either. I can check it tomorrow, too tired to mess with it tonight. The other advantage we'll have going in is that we can set up our companions for whatever role. Some are, of course, dead set against this, but as I understand it, this is more or less how it was in beta?

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Level 60 characters will also be losing that last utility point (until they reach 65, when they'll get it back). Level 55s will lose their 6th utility point, gaining it back at 57.


This will not be a result of level sync, however, but the basic revamp, so, if you're going to Oricon at 65, you're not losing any of that.

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This will not be a result of level sync, however, but the basic revamp, so, if you're going to Oricon at 65, you're not losing any of that.

Correct. Just mentioning it in the context of a level 60 syncing down to 55 for Oricon, for whom there may or may not be a slight increase (from current Live) in the difficulty distinct from the scaling effect.

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I'm not familiar with the blog, but if we're at max level, we won't be sync'd. There's no need to adjust anything if we're where the quest is level wise. The power between 49 and 50 is a pretty big deal, but the BiS gear doesn't add as much of a jump as 49-50, if it works the same in the expansion as it does now. There's a significant increase going to 50, but it wasn't as extreme going to 60, at least, not that I recall. I'm not sure I have any of the old 50 gear to compare with now.


Dual saber throw gets a short immobilizer, at 58, I think, as does Overload. Juggs get a replacement for smash, I think it is, at least it shares a cooldown with it, which means it comes off my bars when I get it, I imagine guardians get a similar skill. I'm not sure what, or if other classes get them, and frankly, at this point, I'm not clear on the levels either. I can check it tomorrow, too tired to mess with it tonight. The other advantage we'll have going in is that we can set up our companions for whatever role. Some are, of course, dead set against this, but as I understand it, this is more or less how it was in beta?


Level-sync is misnamed. It's a stat sync. From what we've seen and what we've been told, your Endurance, armor, and end-product DPS and HPS are "synced". What the sync values are, and if they are dependent on your gear rating and tier, remains to be seen. They could "scale" the overlevel gear, in which case better gear is still better, but


They say

While you are under Level Sync the following things are adjusted on your character:




Weapon Damage


For stats, I want to say only Mastery, Power, Endurance are synced. I recall seeing that Accuracy on Musco's L60 BH was still 110%+ and his crit value was 50% or so. Since we never saw a tank, we don't know what shield and absorb were. And I don't recall seeing alacrity one way or another.

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We don't know if we'll be 55 for sure, not if Eric's DK stream run is any indication; there's a conflicting source, the at-max-level blog, and that above-max-level livestream.


The power/HP difference between 55 and 60 is a pretty big deal, if we think of BiS stats for chars/comps.


What high-level immobilisers? I'd hate to think I missed something obvious... :confused:


Hard crowd-control moves, I guess, like Force Lift or Slice Droid.


Technically, L18 is at-max-level for the WB on DK; it shows as L18. IT's the only L18 content on the planet, though. The Friends of Old Heroic is rated L16 right now, and everything else is L15 or lower. DK shows in the galaxy map as 10-16, and Oricon as 55.

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Elite is fine, so long as you remember that all kinds of people play the game; elitist is when your skill level causes you to be arrogant, and oppressive toward other players of lesser skill or who do not have a hyper-hardcore naked-back-beating mentality. I'm not saying you're like this at all, but there are some here who seem like they are and I'm scared the devs will use them as a difficulty reference when they shouldn't.


My 60 Oricon heroic adventure was with a madness sorc with Xalek tanking, ideally, for me, I'd be happy if I can solo any heroic with any char/comp trinity role combo, even if my character's spec was the least-parsing dps spec (Plasmatech/Pyrotech, or Lethality/Ruffian, am I right?).


I will test Oricon on a freshly-made 60, and Section X to see if the 4m mechanic remains. Speaking of fresh 60s, I wonder what commendation mod vendor we'll get higher than the 55 Rishi comms one, and with what rating of said mods as well as cost?


Unfortunately, we have the reverse problem here. It's not those at the pinnacle of the skill cap which are the source of most illogical comments in these discussions, it's largely those on the lower end that see some benefit to level sync, and have zero moral or practical reservations in obtaining that benefit at the expense of other players.


Arrogance has to be earned, but there's a large number of armchair developers online of late that haven't earned theirs.

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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Levelsync for me is foolishness!

Why I give real money to level 65, when I can not experience theTrue Power of the Force?

Can you imagine several Jawasi can kill Yoda or 4-5 Sand People kill Imperor?

Where is pleased to be strong, what is the meaning to be lvl 60 or lvl 65?

What is the meaning to be strong when lvl 10 Reptilies can kill you?

This is unacceptable !

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Hard crowd-control moves, I guess, like Force Lift or Slice Droid.


They're soft-stuns, as they break on damage; and we get them quite low down...


Technically, L18 is at-max-level for the WB on DK; it shows as L18. IT's the only L18 content on the planet, though. The Friends of Old Heroic is rated L16 right now, and everything else is L15 or lower. DK shows in the galaxy map as 10-16, and Oricon as 55.


Which means my greatest fear will probably be realised, anyone not an elite player trying to tackle ALL of Oricon at 55 alone (synced from either 60 or 65), is beyond screwed, unless BW:A is VERY liberal in it's sync stat allowance for chars/comps.


Unfortunately, we have the reverse problem here. It's not those at the pinnacle of the skill cap which are the source of most illogical comments in these discussions, it's largely those on the lower end that see some benefit to level sync, and have zero moral or practical reservations in obtaining that benefit at the expense of other players.


Arrogance has to be earned, but there's a large number of armchair developers online of late that haven't earned theirs.


Lower end of playing skill, or character level? Because, if it's the latter, a very extreme lunatic fringe of that same lot want all actives/passives/utilities gone, thus rotations destroyed, FFXIV-style; a kind of uber-sync, which would strike at the very heart of this, a levelling game. I myself, am a pro-sync moderate, albeit concerned about the effect it will have on all heroics' soloability.

Edited by sentientomega
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Levelsync for me is foolishness!

Why I give real money to level 65, when I can not experience theTrue Power of the Force?

Can you imagine several Jawasi can kill Yoda or 4-5 Sand People kill Imperor?

Where is pleased to be strong, what is the meaning to be lvl 60 or lvl 65?

What is the meaning to be strong when lvl 10 Reptilies can kill you?

This is unacceptable !


YA!!! what he says... ^

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I'm returning to the game and I'm so so disappointed by this decision.


I mostly play mmos solo - always have, probably always will - and part of the fun for me is going back and exploring places I wasn't able to reach at lower levels, mopping up those hard-to-solo achievements, collecting things...that kind of stuff. I think MMOs work best when they offer you a range of things to do, and sometimes, I want a break from the fighting and have a change of pace and scenery. Going back to lower level places lets me do this.


It's not going to encourage me to group more, it's not going to help me RP more/better (I like RP btw.) All it does (to me anyway) is make it even less likely that I'll get to see various parts of the game. Incidentally, I really don't begrudge that with things like instances and raids - it's my problem I'm an anti-social old bag for the most part, and don't want to chase gear to play content.


Again, I think mmos work best when they offer something for all playing styles. My feeling is planet scaling makes it harder for explorers like me, and doesn't allow for change of pace.


I don't want to sound like a drama queen, and I'm not a fan of silly sweeping statements, but honestly, this move really does put a dampener on how I feel about the game and playing it again for any length of time.


Bit sad really...


Edits: For spellin's and writin's

Edited by Jazulfi
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They're soft-stuns, as they break on damage; and we get them quite low down...




Which means my greatest fear will probably be realised, anyone not an elite player trying to tackle ALL of Oricon at 55 alone (synced from either 60 or 65), is beyond screwed, unless BW:A is VERY liberal in it's sync stat allowance for chars/comps.




Lower end of playing skill, or character level? Because, if it's the latter, a very extreme lunatic fringe of that same lot want all actives/passives/utilities gone, thus rotations destroyed, FFXIV-style; a kind of uber-sync, which would strike at the very heart of this, a levelling game. I myself, am a pro-sync moderate, albeit concerned about the effect it will have on all heroics' soloability.


Currently at lvl 55 with 172 blue mods from basic comms


Oricon H2 (not all champs are doable due to their CC spam ) at lvl 55 (so without lvl 56+ super skills) as comp tank+player heal in 172 blue gear from comms. No heroic moment needed.


GSI H2 is doable in same composition.


Czerka weekly is doable in same composition.


Now, the original gear reward for oricon was purple 156 gear, and it was doable on every class back then with that gear (even 148 blue gear), and that aint enough. But then, player characters got nerfed hard in 3.0, so you could say 172 is new 148.


Stats are not that much of a problem, prolonged interrupt skill CD is what causes most of problems as certain champs are easy if you figure out what you need to interrupt. The only trick is to have low enough intrrupt CD.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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Level 60 characters will also be losing that last utility point (until they reach 65, when they'll get it back). Level 55s will lose their 6th utility point, gaining it back at 57.


Another rotten habit Bioware has gotten into -- adding levels and then tweaking progression so that the old cap is effectively "worse" and much of the game to the new cap is just getting back to where the character was at the old cap.


Between that and levelsync, they should have just rebuilt the game into a non-leveled, point-based character growth model.


But as long as it's level-based, playing fast-and-loose with levels as they are now is just jerking the players around and pretending they won't notice.

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I'm returning to the game and I'm so so disappointed by this decision.


I mostly play mmos solo - always have, probably always will - and part of the fun for me is going back and exploring places I wasn't able to reach at lower levels, mopping up those hard-to-solo achievements, collecting things...that kind of stuff. I think MMOs work best when the offer you a range of things to do, and sometimes, I want a break from the fighting and have a change of pace and scenery. Going back to lower level places lets me to this.


It's not going to encourage me to group more, it's not going to help me RP more/better (I like RP btw.) All it does (to me anyway) is make it even less likely that I'll get to see various parts of the game. Incidentally, I really don't begrudge that with things like instances and raids - it's my problem that I'm an anti-social old bag for the most part, and don't want to have to chase gear to play content.


Again, I think mmos work best when they offer something for all playing styles. My feeling is planet scaling makes it harder for explorers like me, and doesn't allow for change of pace.


I don't want to sound like a drama queen, and I'm not a fan of silly sweeping statements, but honestly, this move really does put a dampener on how I feel about the game and playing it again for any length of time.


Bit sad really...


There's a lot there to agree with, IMO.

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Between that and levelsync, they should have just rebuilt the game into a non-leveled, point-based character growth model.


That would be awesome. I would applaud to them for doing that.


until then level sync is next best thing, so ill settle with that for now.


Also "level sync" is missnamed, you dont lose any character/level progression.


What you do lose is stats and stats come from gear. Its a gear sync.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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