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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

KotFE Chapter "Start Button" Interface


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So...it looks like we will be playing KotFE by hitting a big button on screen and choosing the Chapter we want to play. The departure from traveling to a particular planet or even selecting a mission from your mission box on your ship is disappointing.


It feels like its going to break your immersion in the game and that this expansion is like a side project. If they are going down that road, surely they could have stuck another small icon on the edge of our map like starfighter, warzones or group finder and be done with it.


I have a bad feeling about this expansion (hope I'm proven wrong).

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What are you talking about? This is far better for immersion! Previously you were able to play any content grossly out of order with no major changes depending on your actions. The open-galaxy was one major land of contradictions. Why could you get your Fury off of Dromund Kaas for the first time and fly straight to Yavin 4 to go fight alongside Republic soldiers against Revanites?


No. This is how it should be.

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This is far better for immersion! Previously you were able to play any content grossly out of order with no major changes depending on your actions. The open-galaxy was one major land of contradictions. Why could you get your Fury off of Dromund Kaas for the first time and fly straight to Yavin 4 to go fight alongside Republic soldiers against Revanites?


I agree with the above. It might be weird at first, but ultimately I think it's a good decision. Before you could go anywhere and do anything no matter where you were in the actual plot. I think it's better this way.

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I agree with the above. It might be weird at first, but ultimately I think it's a good decision. Before you could go anywhere and do anything no matter where you were in the actual plot. I think it's better this way.


Umm, you can still go do whatever you want between chapters. This doesn't change anything.

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Umm, you can still go do whatever you want between chapters. This doesn't change anything.


But you can't access the content of the next chapter until you click it. Sure, you can go anywhere and do anything, but unless you start the next chapter of the story, none of the content will be available to you. That way you can't start the content from chapter one, then skip ahead to chapter three, then go back and do two. It keeps it linear.

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But you can't access the content of the next chapter until you click it. Sure, you can go anywhere and do anything, but unless you start the next chapter of the story, none of the content will be available to you. That way you can't start the content from chapter one, then skip ahead to chapter three, then go back and do two. It keeps it linear.


You couldn't do that before either. You can't complete the Coruscant story until you finish the Tython story because it's not available. Unless you're talking about not completing your first three chapters before starting Makeb or SoR, which is really just the player's choice to skip content.


Now you'll get to fly to planets to do a Heroic or an Operation and then... click a button to see more story? Very immersive.

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But you can't access the content of the next chapter until you click it. Sure, you can go anywhere and do anything, but unless you start the next chapter of the story, none of the content will be available to you. That way you can't start the content from chapter one, then skip ahead to chapter three, then go back and do two. It keeps it linear.


Well, I think there's a reason for it. I couldn't say for sure why per se, but it could be they need you to do it in order for a reason. What that reason is is anyone's guess.

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I agree with OP.


It will feel like an alternate universe or dream. Click and you're in KotFE. Finish a mission and exit and you're right back in pre-KotFE world.


Maybe there is a physical world (or in the case of wild space something off to the side to click) in the map to fly to manually if you want, with the start button just being a convenience thing.

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What are you talking about? This is far better for immersion! Previously you were able to play any content grossly out of order with no major changes depending on your actions. The open-galaxy was one major land of contradictions. Why could you get your Fury off of Dromund Kaas for the first time and fly straight to Yavin 4 to go fight alongside Republic soldiers against Revanites?


No. This is how it should be.


Boy are you full of Hot-rubbery air on non-factual things. Most things in This SWTOR 2 can be good, but there is also a lot of bs that would take me hours to to write about. Thank goodness for you ppl i have severe-arthritis along my whole body so i can't go into everything like you didn't.


I have Never heard of such a rediculous LIE that ppl can go Right now from Yavin 4 from Dromund Kaas and Magically be able to go from 1,000 hitpoints or less and then Magically go to 40k hitpoints with good enough gear to play along side ur friends.................... Your gonna have to prove that.


Also, wth makes this game backwars boy. Let me tell you what IS Backwards KOTFE/ SWTOR2 is everything backwards when it comes to the Leveling system.


You can't get More backwards than this Level-syncing of taking a fully leveled Character than putting a lvl 10-15 on him on starter planets. Plus when ur in ur mid lvl 30's-53 your supposed to to go to Tython, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Hutta along with Korriban.


Now, you see that's another problem, as ur not supposed to be lvl synced because some of those fights that Peoples characters are supposed to do are waaaaay above the stupid Planetary lvl-sync. Which means with lvl-sync, you won't be able to fight ur NPC's it seems like.


That IS backwards.


There is some good stuff in 4.0, no doubt about that, but right now the lvl-syncing alone makes ppl at Least think twice about their subscription. If you think this game is backwards now, then you have no idea wth ur even talking about.



EDIT: Also, if you don't call the dumbest changes being made to Our Companion system, and how it's going to change Backwards. Then you and a lot of fanbois have a lot to learn.

Edited by MandFlurry
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It's supposed to be that way. KOTFE is set 5 years in the future. It wouldn't make any sense to open your galaxy map as usual, travel to a planet, and all of a sudden be 5 years in the future on that planet alone. The KOTFE content is designed to be completely separate from the current 1-60 content, and the "Start" or "Continue" KOTFE Chapter button makes that type of immersion possible.
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It's supposed to be that way. KOTFE is set 5 years in the future. It wouldn't make any sense to open your galaxy map as usual, travel to a planet, and all of a sudden be 5 years in the future on that planet alone. The KOTFE content is designed to be completely separate from the current 1-60 content, and the "Start" or "Continue" KOTFE Chapter button makes that type of immersion possible.


You could still select the mission from your mission box and be led into a small cinematic that would link into the timeline in the same way that RotHC did.


My guess is that the new story is going to have us jumping around a lot of locations and possibly new planets and the developers do not wish to make entire planets worth of content to accommodate that. Quesh always got bad press on that level and going to Mannan isn't great either.


Another reason may be that they may want you to be able to repeatedly play the chapters on your character if you so wish, like re-reading chapters of a book, something we currently cannot do with the storyline to date. ( I could be wrong on this though)


I just feel that there has to be a better way of embodying the new content into the environment than sticking a big button in the corner of the screen.

Edited by hillerbees
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You could still select the mission from your mission box and be led into a small cinematic that would link into the timeline in the same way that RotHC did.


Not trying to argue or anything here, but this is exactly what the "Start Button" interface will be...it just won't be on your ship. :)


I just feel that there has to be a better way of embodying the new content into the environment than sticking a big button in the corner of the screen.


Upon its release, KOTFE will be the bread and butter for this game, especially with the new movie coming out this year. A big button that says "KOTFE: Start" in your mission log is, in some small way, an advertisement. It's an incentive to subscribe and stay subscribed for the upcoming content. Not saying that's a good or bad thing, it's just business.


And again, it's an immersion thing. The button allows you to jump into your character's story, 5 years from now in a galaxy that has changed from what it is currently.

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Sounds kind of weird, but whatever - its the content that counts. Immersion is important for sure, but the way missions are structured and accessed has always been an immersion breaker IMO: "OMG help us, Master Jedi. The bomb is going to explode/the civilians will die! You have to do something right now......or, you know, whenever you're in the area. Its cool...." or how about "Thank the force you're here! No one else can help us! Well, except for all those other Jedi, and that highly trained spec ops trooper over there..."


Immersion is important, as I said, but its not something the game is obligated to maintain for you at all times - you have to do some of the work yourself, suspend your disbelief at times, and ignore the other PCs.

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Wait, it ain't five years later until Chapter 3, so TECHNICALLY, we shouldn't have a 'click here' button until Chapter 3. :p


Well, HOPEFULLY, the start here button is only after you pick up the mission from the terminal like in RotHC and SoR. BUT, I have a feeling I could be in the black hole, picking my nose, and I'll be able to jump up into KotFE. Which THAT would feel WEIRD.

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You could still select the mission from your mission box and be led into a small cinematic that would link into the timeline in the same way that RotHC did.




I just feel that there has to be a better way of embodying the new content into the environment than sticking a big button in the corner of the screen.

Agree with this. I can understand lack of Galaxy Map points for each Chapter if there's tons of location hopping around and the expansion is constructed in a more level-sized chunks than open-world maps. But could we at the very least have the first initial "Go to Point X on Galaxy Map to meet with this person you're suppoused to meet" that would begin the story expansion? Otherwise this big PLAY button feels like instanced themepark overdone with little-to-none illusion of connection to our characters or any attempt being made to make the galaxy feel like it's progressing along with our characters. Old companions that disappear during KOTFE story still being perfectly summonable only adds to it.


The game should be doing any small bit it can to appear more immersive and reflective of the character's story progress, not the opposite - more and more disconnected between its gameplay and its story.

Edited by Pietrastor
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I am hoping the "Start Button" is only for Chapter one, and then any chapters after chapter nine. What they showed on stream and twitchcon of chapter one, this expansion starts out with the cinematic trailer then the "In a galaxy far far away..." and a Star Wars crawl, that we haven't seen since we first create our characters so I am hoping that is why it starts out differently than the other expansions.


But if at the end of Chapter 1 or 2 where we are frozen in carbonate and the chapter ends and we teleport back to fleet or wherever so we can simply click the "Start Chapter 3 Button" that would be very dumb. I think that is what the OP and others are concerned about. Once we start the expansion it would be nice if we could keep playing through the story and not get pulled out of it unless we choose to leave and do something else on our own choice.

Edited by Kaprua
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