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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Not enough EXP from solo questing!


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This is my #1 gripe with the game right now. It took a while, level 40, but I reached a point where my level was too low for the next part of the class quest and the next planet.


One shouldn't be forced to do flashpoints, PvP, grind or do group quests in order to effectively level. I had done a single flashpoint, and a handful of 4 man quests. I had done about 15 space combat missions, but skipped them the first 5 days or so.


I don't like waiting around for groups and so the flashpoints aren't a big draw for me. The 4 man quest groups rarely advertise looking for a dps and when they do I'm often on the other side of that area or in the middle of a class quest.


Once everyone levels their characters this issue will become a bigger problem for newer lowbies. Please either add exp to the solo quests or add more quests!


Ideally there would be multiple planets for some of the level ranges to add diversity and help pick up the slack.

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This is my #1 gripe with the game right now. It took a while, level 40, but I reached a point where my level was too low for the next part of the class quest and the next planet.


One shouldn't be forced to do flashpoints, PvP, grind or do group quests in order to effectively level. I had done a single flashpoint, and a handful of 4 man quests. I had done about 15 space combat missions, but skipped them the first 5 days or so.


I don't like waiting around for groups and so the flashpoints aren't a big draw for me. The 4 man quest groups rarely advertise looking for a dps and when they do I'm often on the other side of that area or in the middle of a class quest.


Once everyone levels their characters this issue will become a bigger problem for newer lowbies. Please either add exp to the solo quests or add more quests!


Ideally there would be multiple planets for some of the level ranges to add diversity and help pick up the slack.


I disagree, but I'm only level 28. I am getting to much EXP and I'm out-leveling zones. I'm 28 and should be on Alderann but I won't finish Tatooine until at least 29. But like I said you're 40 and maybe that changes. I also do flashpoints and always log out in my ship for double xp.

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Not sure what you are talking about. I am currently 2 to 4 levels AHEAD. Have not done anything but generic questing and a very little space combat quests. ALL solo.


how many heroic quests or flashpoints have you done?


The only things I've missed were some later parts of bonus chains when I didn't realize they'd disappear by finishing the main part. I had just assumed since the mobs were still around I could finish them.


There's no way I skipped levels worth of soloable quests.

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This is my #1 gripe with the game right now. It took a while, level 40, but I reached a point where my level was too low for the next part of the class quest and the next planet.


One shouldn't be forced to do flashpoints, PvP, grind or do group quests in order to effectively level. I had done a single flashpoint, and a handful of 4 man quests. I had done about 15 space combat missions, but skipped them the first 5 days or so.


I don't like waiting around for groups and so the flashpoints aren't a big draw for me. The 4 man quest groups rarely advertise looking for a dps and when they do I'm often on the other side of that area or in the middle of a class quest.


Once everyone levels their characters this issue will become a bigger problem for newer lowbies. Please either add exp to the solo quests or add more quests!


Ideally there would be multiple planets for some of the level ranges to add diversity and help pick up the slack.


The game been out a week and your claiming it took you a while to reach 40??????


And thats the point any reasonable reader stops paying any attention to this thread!


A WEEK is not awhile.


5 months is a while


a WEEK is proff positive the xp is grossly way to fast!

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Not sure what you are talking about. I am currently 2 to 4 levels AHEAD. Have not done anything but generic questing and a very little space combat quests. ALL solo.


Same here. I am actually out leveled for all my new planets because I did every single quest off of all the planets. I don't know what the op is doing but he is definitely doing something wrong or missing a bunch of quests somewhere. :confused:

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The game been out a week and your claiming it took you a while to reach 40??????


And thats the point any reasonable reader stops paying any attention to this thread!


A WEEK is not awhile.


5 months is a while


a WEEK is proff positive the xp is grossly way to fast!


It took a while in terms of levels, not time to reach that level. I've now reached a point where I'm effectively a level behind and need to grind or do flashpoints/pvp.


I guess I'll see what I did wrong when I roll an alt, but I was ahead of the game until reaching hoth. I skipped tons of heroics on the last few planets though.

Edited by fro_do_fraggins
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It took a while in terms of levels, not time to reach that level.


Sorry but you are dead wrong. This is an mmorpg, you should be thankful you are able to reach 40 so quickly. I remember the days when it took over six months to hit 40 or even max levels. Newbie mmo'ers these days have it made, and easy as hell.

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Sorry but you are dead wrong. This is an mmorpg, you should be thankful you are able to reach 40 so quickly. I remember the days when it took over six months to hit 40 or even max levels. Newbie mmo'ers these days have it made, and easy as hell.


I'm sorry but those types of games don't interest me. I had the opportunity to play UO and EQ but passed.


All I ask is that I be able to solo quest to cap with ease and in my experience I haven't been able to. I've never had this problem in other MMOs.

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Had same problems in beta at lvl 38-42, but this time around I noticed an NPC on the fleet which directed me to bonus series on Alderan which leads to a lvl 38-42ish area; it made up the difference and then some. Once I did that, I had no problems hitting 50 without even doing many group missions. Even if you do run short at 48+, there is 10+ dailies that give excellent exp, creds, and daily tokens. Edited by fixit
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Had same problems in beta at lvl 38-42, but this time around I noticed an NPC on the fleet which directed me to bonus series on Alderan which leads to a lvl 38-42ish area; it made up the difference and then some. Once I did that, I had no problems hitting 50 without even doing many group missions. Even if you do run short at 48+, there is 10+ dailies that give excellent exp, creds, and daily tokens.




I did find a quest giver to alderaan yesterday by the pvp area, but the quest was gray for me.


All I can say is that I went where I was sent to and did every soloable quest I could. I certainly didn't purposely skip any quests that I could do on my own.

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Currently 45 and finding myself a level or two below the quest level on Voss. Never really had this issue until getting on this planet. Only done regular planet and class quests. Heroics on planet starters but that's it.


It would be much better if we got mail indicating to us that there is available quests to do instead of having to go out and look for them such as the NPC on the republic fleet offering additional quest on Alderaan or on Nar Shaddaa for the bonus quest series which is only available when you reach a specific level for it. Some people can completely miss these without ever knowing they can pick up these additional quests.

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I am a little slow at leveling, but i constantly find i am 2-3 levels above the content. I just left Coruscant at level 19, now i am going t the next world, that is supposed to be for level 14-20.

Which means all the quests for the next little while are going to be grey.


I actually would prefer to have the ability to turn experience gain off, so i don't out level the content so fast.


But i tend to do ALL the quest, and the flash points and throw in a few space missions. Then i can help but out level the content.

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This is my #1 gripe with the game right now. It took a while, level 40, but I reached a point where my level was too low for the next part of the class quest and the next planet.
Did you skip all the side quests and only do your class quest line? I'm not sure how you could be too low for your next area unless you did that. Just from questing alone and not focusing on class quests, minus the Heroics, I'm still 2-3 levels above the content I should be doing.
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how many heroic quests or flashpoints have you done?


The only things I've missed were some later parts of bonus chains when I didn't realize they'd disappear by finishing the main part. I had just assumed since the mobs were still around I could finish them.


There's no way I skipped levels worth of soloable quests.


I have done NO Flashpoints or Heroics. As I said, it was all regular quests. No FP's or Heroics. Also, don't assume you have picked up all the quests. While the main story/class quest lines are laid out so you should find easily, the side quests you can get are sometimes scattered throughout the world. For example, there is a Republic side quest on Courscant that you only find IF you go to the Jedi Temple ruins. Even then you can miss it if you aren't paying attention while passing through the ruins area.

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I remember leveling in EQII and I thought that was bad. Then I heard about EQ...man MMO's are not what they used to be. Hell let's take Eve Online where it literally takes you over a real life MONTH to complete a skill.


My suggestion to you would be to take a day or so off because clearly you have been playing almost non-stop since EGA. After that time take your rested exp, go to a heroic area with your companion and kill everything for an hour or two. As you do that think to yourself...OMG people used to do this for MONTHS?! Then maybe...just maybe you will realize how easy this game is and how spoiled we are as MMO players.


Or perhaps you can enjoy other facets of this game. Nothing wrong with space combat or flashpoints. The flashpoints even have some good story behind them!


TL: DR Less QQ more Pew Pew go out and enjoy other aspects of the game.

Edited by Maxxian
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I do not know what you're doing wrong but I am level 40 and I've done 1 warzone, 1-2 flashpoints and some of the level 1-20 heroic quests but very few after that due to the low amount of people my level. What I have done however is do every solo quest in a planet, bonus series included with every bonus objective. Doing that I am consistently 2-3 levels above the planet I am on. As I said I am level 40 and I still haven't visited Hoth so please, there is enough solo content.


Oh I forgot to mention that I do all green to red difficulty space missions every day which nets me with some extra XP but that's solo content as well.

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