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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Loss of 12 times xp won't be good


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Oh...ok...I thought you meant the silver lining of removing 12xXP for whatever this new thing is. I agree...the new system is better than it was, but 12xXP was better than that.


I'm very disappointed in the removal of 12xXP.

Just like I get disappointed when Cartel Market items are on sale and then returned to full price.

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I don't think you have to worry about the xp that much. One of the things I do like about the expansion is the retooling of class content quests to help you "zip" through planets along the class story a little faster and not worry about the slog fest that is often the planetary quests. In that way, I don't think you'll notice a huge difference with x12 going away.


Hell, they almost spoon feed us xp with legacy xp, xp boosts, and guild xp already. SWTOR has one of the easiest leveling systems around in my honest opinion. Throw in the double xp weekend and these x12 xp stints and it really hasn't been that hard to get to end game in two days or less if you've got an entire day to blow here and there.


There are other things I don't like about the expansion... but the xp... I wouldn't worry too much about that. Leveling sounds like it'll still be pretty dang fast in comparison to other mmorpgs.

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The same class stories that you have done multiple times?


That whole "multiple times" reason you used to explain why you don't want to do the planetary stories anymore?


And there will still be other ways to get XP, right? They aren;t getting rid o fall of the side missions are they? PvP and flashpoints will still be out there. Space missions, even, if you want to do that, and GSF if that offers XP.


But if it's too much to ask, then just buy a 60.


If playing the class missions are that important to you then you will find a way to fill in the rest of the XP you need to get to cap.


Sorry, b ut I just couldn't ignore this.


Now, most people using the 12x XP are likely leveling one of every job, to see every story once in their own playthrough. These characters, in the current system, on one side, see the following:



Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests

Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests

Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests

Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests


There is NO repeat in this scenario. They see each of the stories, and the only thing that 'repeats' is really the order of the planets due to the way the game levels. You could even CHOOSE to do Planetary stories with ANY of the classes.


Now, let's take a look at what happens with the new system...



Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet Story

Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet Story

Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet Story

Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet Story


Man. Now they have to run the same content four times! How boring. How annoying.


In the above scenario, you're repeating Planet story 3 times to getting 4 different stories.


But let's take it one step forward - let's say they decide to do both Light and Dark of the Imperial quests.



Light Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet

Light Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet

Light Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet

Light Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet

Dark Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet

Dark Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet

Dark Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet

Dark Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet


Man, my eyes are already rolling into my head as I space bar through those planetary quests.


In the above example, you have to run the planetary quest 8 times compared to your 8 different stories. Even if you give the benefit to say that the PLanet has a Light/Dark Path too, that's still a repeat of 7 to 8 Repeat:Unique.




EDITS: Had some formatting issues. Sorry! Also, this little blurb below is being added in a post-edit:

I'll take one more, and say 'one of every class'...


Sith Inquisitor + Planetary Quest

Sith Warrior

Bounty Hunter

Imperial Agent

Jedi Knight + Planetary Quest

Jedi Consular




In the current format, you get 8 stories, 2 planetary quests (Optonal), no repeats.


In the updated system, you get 8 stories, 8 planetary quests. 6 of which are repeats. At best, only a repeat of 4 times if you do light/dark choices.

Edited by sotaka
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I like the world stories, i like that the new system will be a combination of class story and world story to hit 60 and not just class story. i think it will be good.



Lets face it, they want new players, 12x xp is a system you have to finnesse as a veteran, because you have to understand the mod system and read guides on when you should be gearing yourself up.


Yeah its annoying for vets to do the planet story multiple times, but its not for new players who dont want to be 15+ levels undergeared because they are leveling so fast they dont have time to stop to gear.

Edited by deserttfoxx
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That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.


This game's primary goal is story. You sir have walked into the wrong forums. :rak_03:

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Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet Story

Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet Story

Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet Story

Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet Story


Man. Now they have to run the same content four times! How boring. How annoying.


In the above scenario, you're repeating Planet story 3 times to getting 4 different stories.


... or you simply ignore the main planet story and queue once in a while for a flashpoint or pvp or do some solo stuff that is not the planet story. The main quests are recommended to play and they give a lot of XP but they are still OPTIONAL in sense that they are not the only way to level up.


Use your 25% Boosts from Cargo Holds that you stuck since they were unnecessary for X12 and use legacy perks for Class Stories.I bet it will be enough to level up through the class stories only. If not, you have other quests to do instead of the planet main quests. It won't be a grind. I wouldn't say that two or three "exploration quests" done every 4-5 levels to catch up with the required level for the class story is a grind.


However, as I said, I can bet that 5 legacy perks for class story XP + active 25% Boost will be enough to level up solely on class stories (in total 50% boost to the exp).

Edited by PavSalco
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You know you can just buy a LV60 character easily from store? (For Subscribers only)


Uh, read my original post. I love walking thru the main storylines. Buying a 60 is for skipping all that, like buying a 90 in wow. Good reason to skip leveling in wow. It's so f'ing boring.


SWTOR's strength is the stories. GW2's strength is the leveling design. WOW's has degraded to nostalgia. So Bioware needs to use their heads, and thrive on their strength. And without the boost, the game turns into a leveling nightmare.


Now tonight, I'll get my trooper and bounty hunter from 20 to 30. Without the boost, well I wouldn't be playing, but if I did it would take a week. No thank you. The first responder to my thread said something about plans to keep a large xp boost on the stories. I'll look into it. Thanks.

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and that's why it failed...lack of endgame content still they are on the same again...


I've come to believe that the expectation of an eternal endgame is hopeless. No game can do it. I look at SWTOR as I would Witcher 3. Play it from beginning to end. Measure it's worth based on the fun I had and the time involved. Then in an mmo's case, unsub. Come back for the expansions.


Wow's WoD is considered a failure due to the lack of endgame. Every single mmo is criticized for this. So what's the point. SWTOR has great entertainment value thru the stories. Treat it as such.

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and that's why it failed...lack of endgame content still they are on the same again...


Wait it failed? Is that why you are on the forums of a game that is still alive and running? :rak_03:


Think before you write m8. And we have 9 raids. More than ESO and Destiny. SO what endgame content are we missing exactly?

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Giving us x12 XP was the mistake.


We called this long ago. We were laughed at. But in the end we were correct all along.


Got anything salient to flesh that claim out or are you just into making baseless assertions?


For the record, you're still wrong. They're keeping ramped up xp for subscribers, and very it's not because everyone hates it and it sucks.

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Sorry, b ut I just couldn't ignore this.


Now, most people using the 12x XP are likely leveling one of every job, to see every story once in their own playthrough. These characters, in the current system, on one side, see the following:



Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests

Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests

Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests

Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests


There is NO repeat in this scenario. They see each of the stories, and the only thing that 'repeats' is really the order of the planets due to the way the game levels. You could even CHOOSE to do Planetary stories with ANY of the classes.


Now, let's take a look at what happens with the new system...



Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet Story

Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet Story

Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet Story

Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet Story


Man. Now they have to run the same content four times! How boring. How annoying.


In the above scenario, you're repeating Planet story 3 times to getting 4 different stories.


But let's take it one step forward - let's say they decide to do both Light and Dark of the Imperial quests.



Light Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet

Light Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet

Light Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet

Light Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet

Dark Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests + Planet

Dark Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests + Planet

Dark Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests + Planet

Dark Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests + Planet


Man, my eyes are already rolling into my head as I space bar through those planetary quests.


In the above example, you have to run the planetary quest 8 times compared to your 8 different stories. Even if you give the benefit to say that the PLanet has a Light/Dark Path too, that's still a repeat of 7 to 8 Repeat:Unique.




EDITS: Had some formatting issues. Sorry! Also, this little blurb below is being added in a post-edit:


Thank you so much for this. This is exactly how I feel. I have not yet completed all the class stories and I do not want to play the planetary stories again and again. That is Not fun for me at all. If 12xp had never been implemented I would have never played more than one class story on each faction.

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That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.


Honestly, with the beefed up class XP, you can likely get the "Class Mission Experience" perks and be right at (or very nearly at) 12X again. Since they didn't stack with the 12x XP, wise buyers haven't bothered getting them, and they may have been forgotten. :)

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You don't HAVE to do the planetary missions. You only have to do the class quests to further the story. The planetary series' are not required. They just offer enough xp in addition to the class quests to level you properly through the story/planets.

You can omit the planetary quest series, but you'll have to do other activities to make up for that lost xp.

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Sorry, b ut I just couldn't ignore this.


Now, most people using the 12x XP are likely leveling one of every job, to see every story once in their own playthrough. These characters, in the current system, on one side, see the following:



Sith Inquisitor - Main Story Quests

Sith Warrior - Main Story Quests

Bounty Hunter - Main Story quests

Imperial Agent - Main Story Quests


There is NO repeat in this scenario. They see each of the stories, and the only thing that 'repeats' is really the order of the planets due to the way the game levels. You could even CHOOSE to do Planetary stories with ANY of the classes.


Except under 12X experience they already did all of the class stories.


Everything would be a repeat for them.


And light side versus dark side? Not enough difference to matter.

Oh, hey , you killed this guy instead of capturing them or letting them go? And? Net difference in story? Zero.


Yeah, there are a couple of times where things may play out differently at some point, but it's not like these choices create an entirely different story.

There are even some instances where you can choose to do one of two things, but if you are re-running the Sith Inquisitor story so that one time you can fight the gang leader on Nar Shaddaa and the next time you can cure the sick people you are still repeating 99% of the story to do a mission that is not substantially different from any of a number of other missions in the game, for Sith Inquisitor or any other class.


The one and only case where it really matters is for one companion with one class, but then it only changes your interaction with that companion while the class story remains the same.


You want to make a different choice witht he Agent at the end? You are fine re-running that story because you want to choose differently to get a slightly different conversation at the end?


If that's what you want to do then have fun, but those same different choices can be made for the planetary stories, too, and thus should also add to any replay value they have.


And, again, there will still be "exploration missions", heroics, flashpoints, space missions, PvP, etc as ways to get XP outside of class and planetary missions.

There will still be XP boosts that can be used.


All in all, skipping a planet, or multiple planets, along the way seems entirely doable if someone is really motivated to do so.

Edited by Mithros
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Except under 12X experience they already did all of the class stories.


Everything would be a repeat for them.


And light side versus dark side? Not enough difference to matter.

Oh, hey , you killed this guy instead of capturing them or letting them go? And? Net difference in story? Zero.


Yeah, there are a couple of times where things may play out differently at some point, but it's not like these choices create an entirely different story.

There are even some instances where you can choose to do one of two things, but if you are re-running the Sith Inquisitor story so that one time you can fight the gang leader on Nar Shaddaa and the next time you can cure the sick people you are still repeating 99% of the story to do a mission that is not substantially different from any of a number of other missions in the game, for Sith Inquisitor or any other class.


The one and only case where it really matters is for one companion with one class, but then it only changes your interaction with that companion while the class story remains the same.


You want to make a different choice witht he Agent at the end? You are fine re-running that story because you want to choose differently to get a slightly different conversation at the end?


If that's what you want to do then have fun, but those same different choices can be made for the planetary stories, too, and thus should also add to any replay value they have.


And, again, there will still be "exploration missions", heroics, flashpoints, space missions, PvP, etc as ways to get XP outside of class and planetary missions.

There will still be XP boosts that can be used.


All in all, skipping a planet, or multiple planets, along the way seems entirely doable if someone is really motivated to do so.


I feel like you're arguing a completely different point.


Only one scenario - a very EXTREME scenario I gave - involved doing light/dark side. However, that doesn't address someone who, say, leveled Sith Warrior to 50, saw all that story, and did it with 12x XP, now goes and levels a Sith Inquisitor. This person has to do Planet Story now - whcih for the first time, isn't that bad. They'll do a little extra story and take some extra time.


Now they go and level their Bounty Hunter. Now they have to do planetory story again, in order to get the full experience they need to level. (Repeat)


Now they go and level their Imperial Agent. Now they have to do planetary story again, in order to get the full experience they need to level (Repeat)


And really. How fast did Black Talon get old for you? Someone who doesn't want to run those / rely on the Group Finder is going to be inherantly forced to grind repetative-as-**** content. And this is bad for those in the low levels trying to see all the stories.

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Depending on where you were already in moving your toons along is how happy you'll be with any of it. After doing 12 60s before the 12xp addition, doing my other 4 I can skip some of the repetition. If you're new though you'll be missing out on some good stories, but since you'll miss them you may not even be aware of that. There's always a catch to these kind of features. Ultimately the hope is that you're having fun even if you miss those stories.
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INow they go and level their Imperial Agent. Now they have to do planetary story again, in order to get the full experience they need to level (Repeat)


And this is different from the normal XP rate how exactly?


Oh yes you get to still skip a ton of side missions that don't mean anything and level your character up in a fraction of the time. All so you can go to the 50+ stuff which is completely the same for every class.


Plus you have other options, you don't actually have to do the planetary quests you can use a legacy unlock to make up for the lower XP rate and most likely level just off the class quests. Or you could do different content like Heroics and the like.


In the meantime it also means that people who haven't played though those story lines will still be encouraged to do so and not out level things so fast that they hit end game without knowing the full story. Yeah I know you can buy a 60, but IMO that should only be an option if you already have a lvl 60 character.

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Honestly, with the beefed up class XP, you can likely get the "Class Mission Experience" perks and be right at (or very nearly at) 12X again. Since they didn't stack with the 12x XP, wise buyers haven't bothered getting them, and they may have been forgotten. :)


Another useful one is legacy exploration xp bonus perks. You have to travel either way, might as well get extra xp for doing it...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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And this is different from the normal XP rate how exactly?


Oh yes you get to still skip a ton of side missions that don't mean anything and level your character up in a fraction of the time. All so you can go to the 50+ stuff which is completely the same for every class.


Plus you have other options, you don't actually have to do the planetary quests you can use a legacy unlock to make up for the lower XP rate and most likely level just off the class quests. Or you could do different content like Heroics and the like.


In the meantime it also means that people who haven't played though those story lines will still be encouraged to do so and not out level things so fast that they hit end game without knowing the full story. Yeah I know you can buy a 60, but IMO that should only be an option if you already have a lvl 60 character.


Little confused on your point, but I'll try to address it.


Yes, the normal EXP rate had you doing each Planetary Mission + Side Quests in full in order to get your levels (Back in the original release pre-x12 times.) You didn't have to do the bonus series, whcih was the only nice caveat to it.


Under the current system, you only have to do fresh, new, unique content 1-50 for your class stories. You get to sit and enjoy your stories while leveling up at a comfortable (Albeit fast) pace. This basically means that the people who do this can see all their story 1-50 without feeling hasslted to cosntantly go do side content that they may not care about.


What I find funny is that there's people who criticize those who skip side content, citing story, while simultaneously ignoring those who specifically want to be able to just enjoy the main story of their class. I do not possibly understand how this can be contested as a negative for a fresh player coming in compared to the 12x XP system.


Now, I have seen some -WONDERFUL- ideas. The idea that you could unlock it by leveling a class to 50 via the Planetary Quests + Main Story quest actually adequately satisfies both sides, in my opinion. These people would then see the Planet story for the one required time, and would - once again - have the option of turning it off thereafter.


Option, choice, and player enjoyment are important. I don't know anyone that's complained about leveling with thier 12x XP (Though I've seen a few on the forums, citing that it creates a lower skill ceiling for the playerbase) but I've seen plenty that want to quit because they don't want to return to the old way of grinding if they haven't finished their quests. This to me is what kames it a very flawed system.


in the original release of the game, players burned out quickly because the story of most plaents / side quests are not the meat and potatoes for most players. There's only so many ways you can say "Go kill 15 droids for me. Oh, and feel free to make a decision that will only come up in a letter." for most of these quests.


Not gonna deny some are good. But I am gonna say that the players who want to enjoy the story in a story-driven game should be enabled to do that - and the 12x XP system is great for those players. The fact that you can turn it off means that it should never impact YOU as a player, because YOU have the option.

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That's your opinion. For those of us who don't care all that much about story, or who have MANY alts, we don't want to be forced to do the same planet class every toon we level. *smh* Just because it fits for you, and what you like doesn't mean it's everyone's choice. Quit assuming. Way too much of that going on here on these forums.


Well I have many alts and I don't mind this, so don't make assumptions about people with many alts... but lucky for you, you can skip it all and buy level 60 characters when the expansion hits.

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