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Conflicted about buying SoR when KotFE is so close to launch.


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I just came back to TOR after almost a years break. (played since beta before that) I recently subbed and really enjoyed my 1-55 experience. I naively assumed that Shadow of Revan was included with subscription but was unpleasantly surprised when I found out it wasn't the case. I want to be ready for KotFE with my main when it drops but I just can't justify spending $20 to play something I'll be getting for free in less than 3 weeks time. Anyone else feel the same way?
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I just came back to TOR after almost a years break. (played since beta before that) I recently subbed and really enjoyed my 1-55 experience. I naively assumed that Shadow of Revan was included with subscription but was unpleasantly surprised when I found out it wasn't the case. I want to be ready for KotFE with my main when it drops but I just can't justify spending $20 to play something I'll be getting for free in less than 3 weeks time. Anyone else feel the same way?


You know what? I am in the same boat, I just can't afford to do it. Since I would have to pay for two copies.


I asked in the suggestion to give us a little bit of a headstart with revan before KOTFE came out, and people acted like that was a crime to ask for. How dare you not want to pay for SOR and ask them to give it to you for free sooner. You get it for free in a few weeks. Stop crying. This forum man..


Now I am just chilling at 55, trying to make money..kinda bored.

Edited by Teladis
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I'm glad someone else can relate. It just doesn't feel morally right to advertise for people to come back to TOR before the new expansion and put up a pay wall at the end when it will be obsolete in a couple weeks. As a buyer of the collectors edition and long time subscriber, I feel taken advantage of.
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I'm glad someone else can relate. It just doesn't feel morally right to advertise for people to come back to TOR before the new expansion and put up a pay wall at the end when it will be obsolete in a couple weeks. As a buyer of the collectors edition and long time subscriber, I feel taken advantage of.


I am just now coming back, and I don't know if I feel really taken advantage of. I mean it blows, as I have no care for the speeder or anything like that. I would think that they would say, Hey come back to the game and get ready for the next expansion. Here is SOF for subscribers to get you ready for it. Like a little bit of extra time would be nice? Oh well.

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SOR is quick. There's a lot to do, and a lot happens, but it goes fast. Or maybe it just seems fast compared to the 1-55 quests. But don't be too worried about waiting for it to be free with KotFE. You'll be able to do SOR pretty quickly and be into the new expansion probably by the next day or two, depending on how much time you have to play. Which will likely be a good thing -- avoiding the traffic jam on day one. ;)
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I just came back to TOR after almost a years break. (played since beta before that) I recently subbed and really enjoyed my 1-55 experience. I naively assumed that Shadow of Revan was included with subscription but was unpleasantly surprised when I found out it wasn't the case. I want to be ready for KotFE with my main when it drops but I just can't justify spending $20 to play something I'll be getting for free in less than 3 weeks time. Anyone else feel the same way?






SoR isn't worth $20.

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Use the Amazon $39.99 bundle offer


BUY 3 months of subscription time ;; and GET SoR, RotHC and 2400 cartel coins.



This special Starter Pack offers the Star Wars RPG gamer awesome benefits including 3 months of unlimited prepaid subscription level access to all of the exciting game features and an unparalleled story-driven experience all the way to Level 65.


Plus we’ve included 2400 Cartel Coins you can use to purchase boosts, special gear and collectible items from the in-game Cartel Market – all for $39.99, a savings of over 35%†!


39.99 gets you:

  • 90 Prepaid Subscription Time
  • 2400 cartel coins
  • Shadow of Revan
  • Rise of the Hutt Cartel


The downside, it's only 1 code for everything. Can't split the deal between multiple accounts.

Edited by Falensawino
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I'm glad someone else can relate. It just doesn't feel morally right to advertise for people to come back to TOR before the new expansion and put up a pay wall at the end when it will be obsolete in a couple weeks. As a buyer of the collectors edition and long time subscriber, I feel taken advantage of.




The expansions are not generally free in other games, this game is the only big MMO I have heard of that releases everything into the subscription when the next expansion launches.


They could have made some kind of deal the last few weeks with the Revan expansion half price or something.

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You are "conflicted" over three weeks (now two)?




I'm glad someone else can relate. It just doesn't feel morally right to advertise for people to come back to TOR before the new expansion and put up a pay wall at the end when it will be obsolete in a couple weeks. As a buyer of the collectors edition and long time subscriber, I feel taken advantage of.

You're obviously a subscriber now. Are you not going to be one in two weeks?


Also, what does being a CE buyer have to do with anything?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Buying SoR was a reasonable choice in September but now 2 weeks before the KotFE release it would be a silly thing to do. You can finish SoR story on your first walkthrough in 7h-8h. Let's assume that you will do it in 2 days after KotFE release. That's just 2 days behind in comparison to people who already started KotFE. Not that bad.


Btw, the prologue to SoR wasn't a part of the expansion, right? Have you already done three flashpoints from the prologue?

Edited by PavSalco
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I only did it to stave off boredom. Whether it is worth it is a personal decision.


As i just resubbed, I will not have early access. 12x xp ends on the 19th, that is more than a week to wait for kotfe without 12x xp. This way I can lvl stuff to 55 until the 19th, then work them to 60 until i can kotfe

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I recently came back after a few years off as well. Sharing my experience in case this helps.


I happened to purchase one of the Amazon bundles, which included:

subscription time

cartel coins


Amazon pet


As the bundle was not much more than the actual play time, I considered this to be a worthy investment, but of course that is a personal opinion.


It does not take very long to level to 60 through SoR, which is good in this case because you can catch up very quickly (a few days is all it took playing casually). With any luck, they will give all subscribers access to all expansions on the 20th (when the 4.0 engine drops), which means you could be level 60 before the 27th with at least one character which would not put you even with other people like me that came back after the first promotion ended.

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Use the Amazon $39.99 bundle offer


BUY 3 months of subscription time ;; and GET SoR, RotHC and 2400 cartel coins.





39.99 gets you:

  • 90 Prepaid Subscription Time
  • 2400 cartel coins
  • Shadow of Revan
  • Rise of the Hutt Cartel


The downside, it's only 1 code for everything. Can't split the deal between multiple accounts.


the downside of this bundle is that you don't actualy get to play SoR until official release of expac. previous bundle came with immediate SoR acess. this one does not (which is why its now 3 months of subscription instead of 2 like the old bundle)


honestly, unless OP, you have $20 to spare? I'd wait for 3 weeks.

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It just doesn't feel morally right to advertise for people to come back to TOR before the new expansion and put up a pay wall at the end when it will be obsolete in a couple weeks.


What exactly should they do?


The whole point of the 12xp is to get classes you haven't played up to whatever the max level for you is, so you're ready when KotFE comes out. The mear fact that they're giving away SoR is a pretty cool thing, most games would expect you to pay for it even after the next expansion comes out.


But they are giving it away for free, and so they naturally have to pick a date on which it is added to everyone's account. No matter what date they pick someone is going to feel like it's not soon enough. So they pick what is naturally obvious one, the day that KotFE comes out.

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