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Why do MMOs punish longtime players


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It was kind of dumb to add a highly desirable title unlock years after the initial event, not to mention more than a little unfair.


I never got around to getting the Pub side of the Rakghoul armor for example, because I barely played the faction at the time (still do :p), and then years later I get punished for it by never being able to have an achievement that didn't even exist back then.


It was a move that was beyond stupid, and I'm glad they're coming back on that.

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It sucks that all the old gear from the early events is being made available. The cool thing about being a long time player is having gear that no one can get. This is one of the things that lead to the failure of SWG.


To be honest I think it's a good thing to bring back the old stuff. Nothing should ever be taken out of a game. I started playing SW:ToR on beta and in the first 6 month of the game and left because my guild stopped existing over the issues with rated warzones. We farmed the ops in all difficulties, we got the pvp gear sets and mounts.

I sold some of those items because I had no space to keep them and (no reason, because there was no outfitting option) back then I didn't expect them to be no more available some day.

I returned with some friends in 2015 and a lot of the stuff I did at start vanished. I have almost no achievements from my first time in the game. Most of the armors are no longer available to me and even my legacy is gone because my server isn't there anymore.


It would be great to get those things back, especially the old armor sets, mounts and stuff.

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Kids get trophies now for participation because "there are no losers". This is just the next natural degenerative step, now you get a trophy for not even coming to the game.


Give it a few years and if you sign on to an NFL team that's won the super bowl before, you'll get retroactive rings...

What does this post have to do with the topic? I can't figure out if you agree with the OP, disagree or have some point of your own.


But, in all three cases, TOR, school participation and the NFL, we are talking about games (albeit a game for big money for the NFL). Who cares if they give out "participatory awards?" Now if they gave an M.D. out to everyone who applied to med school, even if they failed to graduate, that would be a real problem.

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The only thing that would/might be a slap in the face to long term players or veterans are those rewards that were given for specific things and had a deadline on them. Such as:


Founder title. Given to people who were subscribed from launch until sometime in March 2012. There was a deadline. And it was given for a reason, for supporting SWTOR when things weren't going to well due to stuff like no group finder, etc. People who came after March 2012 should not be allowed to have this. It was a reward.


Party Jawa. It was given to people for being either HERE during the implementation of free to play, or it was given to SUBS who were here during implementation of free to play. Sure, it's an achievement, but not a very important one. It was an exclusive only item with a deadline. NO ONE should be allowed to get it who were neither subbed during this time or are new. The Party Jawa will be rewarded to current or previous subscribers as of August 1 and who are active subscribers when the Free-to-Play option launches. (August 2012)


The Tauntaun Ram. Was only available to subscribers who were subscribed around April 2012.


There were other rewards for being a subscriber, or playing during a certain time frame, or what have you.


The original rakghoul event and the chevin event, while these events were one time only events back in the day, the rewards weren't anything special for being subbed, or a vet, or what have you. So having a vendor on the fleet selling armor, weapons, and even crystals, I've no problem with newer people receiving these. I mean, if WE the vets who played during these times knew we would need the armor and stuff for achievements a year later, we'd have farmed them.


But if it came to actual, Bioware stated it's EXCLUSIVE for being a sub, or playing the game at launch or what have you, sure then people could get upset. It'd be like Bioware gives us the Founder title for playing almost since the game launched, or close to it, and then suddenly new people wanted the Founder title too and they only just came to the game last night. I'd be pissed over THAT because that Founder title was 1. exclusive and 2. meant something.


But giving new guys ARMOR? Let them have the armor.

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The only thing that would/might be a slap in the face to long term players or veterans are those rewards that were given for specific things and had a deadline on them. Such as:


Founder title. Given to people who were subscribed from launch until sometime in March 2012. There was a deadline. And it was given for a reason, for supporting SWTOR when things weren't going to well due to stuff like no group finder, etc. People who came after March 2012 should not be allowed to have this. It was a reward.


Party Jawa. It was given to people for being either HERE during the implementation of free to play, or it was given to SUBS who were here during implementation of free to play. Sure, it's an achievement, but not a very important one. It was an exclusive only item with a deadline. NO ONE should be allowed to get it who were neither subbed during this time or are new. The Party Jawa will be rewarded to current or previous subscribers as of August 1 and who are active subscribers when the Free-to-Play option launches. (August 2012)


The Tauntaun Ram. Was only available to subscribers who were subscribed around April 2012.


There were other rewards for being a subscriber, or playing during a certain time frame, or what have you.


The original rakghoul event and the chevin event, while these events were one time only events back in the day, the rewards weren't anything special for being subbed, or a vet, or what have you. So having a vendor on the fleet selling armor, weapons, and even crystals, I've no problem with newer people receiving these. I mean, if WE the vets who played during these times knew we would need the armor and stuff for achievements a year later, we'd have farmed them.


But if it came to actual, Bioware stated it's EXCLUSIVE for being a sub, or playing the game at launch or what have you, sure then people could get upset. It'd be like Bioware gives us the Founder title for playing almost since the game launched, or close to it, and then suddenly new people wanted the Founder title too and they only just came to the game last night. I'd be pissed over THAT because that Founder title was 1. exclusive and 2. meant something.


But giving new guys ARMOR? Let them have the armor.


Agreed, as long as planetary/general achievements are not tied to the "lost forever" content. Party Jawa is required to 100% complete Tatooine, for example. the LD-1Celebrator is required for Cartel Gearhead. The Tauntaun Ram is required for Taun Fond. Pull those requirements from the achievements noted (and from similar achievements, I'm not looking up everything in the pets achievement). Anything that is not currently available in game or will be cyclically available from the Cartel Market, don't tie an achievement to it; unless that achievement is for longevity in game.

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