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So lets see if we have this straight...


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Well to be fair this is the Sith emperor at Peak power, and as said Marr was unnarmed


And we can basically count every single non force sensetive class aside from maybe the Mandolorian as Cannon since lets be fair, Neither The smuggler, the trooper or the imperial agent would have stood a single chance against a jedi/dark councill member or revan for more than a couple of seconds.


But this pretty much confirms that Satele shan is going to die aswell. Both the poster boys of the Empire (Marr and malgus) has died, it seems only fair that we get to kill Satele aswell. Eitherway, they really want to make us feel like the Republic and empire is struggling to survive.


Just a question, is the trade federation a thing or Kamino? Prehaps the Empire can turn to the Gunray legacy for assistance and get battledroids, then prehaps the republic Can create clones so we stand a chance against the Zakuul Empire. How would it make sense (If these things are a thing in this time and space)


Simple, after Swtor, the empire is destroyed and all their connections with the Trade federation is lost, They then dissapear into the shadows untill the the prequels.. Recovering after the countless wars, the republic can no longer afford to keep up the production of clones. Someone Erases all the records of any involvement of the past, and sets in motion Palpatines plans even before he's born. He's ****** like that


None of any of the other classes could do it either, that's why they had help in those matters

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None of any of the other classes could do it either, that's why they had help in those matters


How exactly?


The sith warrior is the Emperors Wrath, everyone in the council fears him from what I know. No one would aid Baras against the Wrath since they would just see their own end, which means he/she's around the most powerful sith in the Era.


The inquistor arguably the most powerful Dark council member destroyed Thanaton. Thanaton was no match for the Inquistor at all.


The Jedi knight destroyed the emperors Voice. Sure the Sith warrior did it to but there is next to no people that has managed to kill the emperors voice


The Barsen'thor is suposedly the most powerful force user of the Era. Eitherway, my point is Their achievement's and powers are far more interesting than the other ones.


The smuggler takes out the Voidwolf which is nothing short of a letdown. Built up to be this ****** character, one fight and he dies to his own grenade.

The trooper captures a ****** general.

Imperial agent takes out some terrorist organisation.


These 3 really doesent compare at all to the other feats. Sure none of the force sensetive classes would stand a chance to the significant lore characters such as Revan, Vitate, Malgus, etc single handedly, but they are powerful enough to do this with others. I dont even know where I am going with this, Look at it this way


None of the Non force sensetive characters aside from the mandolorian is cannon in my book. None of them stands a single chance against a force user, let alone vitate on Zioist. I don't care what machinery you have, THEY. DONT. STAND. A. CHANCE. If vitate wanted he could just snap their necks in an instant, against the force users it would be more of a challenge. Against a mandolorian vitate would have made short work of him/her but the mando would certainly last longer than the other classes. What is the Smuggler suposed to do? Han solo is the best quickshot in the galaxy and Vader kicked his *** with his bare hands.


Suposedly best trooper in the ERA (one from the cinematics) didn't stand a chance against Malgus at all. I mean, AT ALL. What is the Imperial agent going to do? Yeah sure, with a good opening maybe he/she could shoot the force user in the head with either a snipe or a stealth attack but if that fails it wouldnt last more than a few seconds. Atleast Boba fett managed to hold his own against Obiwan for a long enough time.

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How exactly?


The sith warrior is the Emperors Wrath, everyone in the council fears him from what I know. No one would aid Baras against the Wrath since they would just see their own end, which means he/she's around the most powerful sith in the Era.


The inquistor arguably the most powerful Dark council member destroyed Thanaton. Thanaton was no match for the Inquistor at all.


The Jedi knight destroyed the emperors Voice. Sure the Sith warrior did it to but there is next to no people that has managed to kill the emperors voice


The Barsen'thor is suposedly the most powerful force user of the Era. Eitherway, my point is Their achievement's and powers are far more interesting than the other ones.


The smuggler takes out the Voidwolf which is nothing short of a letdown. Built up to be this ****** character, one fight and he dies to his own grenade.

The trooper captures a ****** general.

Imperial agent takes out some terrorist organisation.


These 3 really doesent compare at all to the other feats. Sure none of the force sensetive classes would stand a chance to the significant lore characters such as Revan, Vitate, Malgus, etc single handedly, but they are powerful enough to do this with others. I dont even know where I am going with this, Look at it this way


None of the Non force sensetive characters aside from the mandolorian is cannon in my book. None of them stands a single chance against a force user, let alone vitate on Zioist. I don't care what machinery you have, THEY. DONT. STAND. A. CHANCE. If vitate wanted he could just snap their necks in an instant, against the force users it would be more of a challenge. Against a mandolorian vitate would have made short work of him/her but the mando would certainly last longer than the other classes. What is the Smuggler suposed to do? Han solo is the best quickshot in the galaxy and Vader kicked his *** with his bare hands.


Suposedly best trooper in the ERA (one from the cinematics) didn't stand a chance against Malgus at all. I mean, AT ALL. What is the Imperial agent going to do? Yeah sure, with a good opening maybe he/she could shoot the force user in the head with either a snipe or a stealth attack but if that fails it wouldnt last more than a few seconds. Atleast Boba fett managed to hold his own against Obiwan for a long enough time.


The Dark Council didn't take any sides, they decided to play it safe and figure that the more powerful of the two would be the one backed by the Emperor and they didn't want to piss Vitiate off by killing the Wrong person. And while I love my Wrath, the Dark Council do not fear him, some might respect him, but definatly not fear him. This is especially obvious when they talk to you in later questlines like the Shroud and the Seeds of Rage.


And Thanaton seems to be one of the weakest Council members and yes Thanaton was a match, jsut because you ahd a cutscene of kicking his *** after weakening him does not mean Thanaton was severely outclassed.


And Agent, trooper, smuggler and Bounty Hunter destroy a much more powerful version of the voice on Ziost (Could we call the possessed jedi voices? Or is there a difference?)


You serverly downplay the non-force users acheivments, the Trooper took down the General that was the most responcible for the Empire winning the war. The Bounty Hunter took down the previous Battlemaster (I think that was his position) and...yeah, the smuggler villain was built up to be good, but never really struck me as that type.


And even in all this, story-wise, no matter the class...

Against Darth Arkus? They needed help

Against Revan? They needed help

Aainst Vitiate? They will need help.


None of the Non force sensetive characters aside from the mandolorian is cannon in my book
That doesn't matter, in the story, they all happened. And as a side note, the Imperial agent already did the remarkable thing of holding off Darth 'Secondin-power-to-the-Emperor-Himself' Jadus after only recently being deemed good enough to become a cypher and that both the Smuggler and Trooper can kill off three Dark Council members in the Corellia Planetary Story.
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And Thanaton seems to be one of the weakest Council members and yes Thanaton was a match, jsut because you ahd a cutscene of kicking his *** after weakening him does not mean Thanaton was severely outclassed.


Where was Thanaton weakened, in the fight preceding the cutscene? During the entire Kaggath? Was that not from fighting the Inquisitor?


I am not aware of any in-game indication of Thanaton's relative strength, or of that of any of the other council members, possibly with the exception of Marr, who must be pretty awesome to survive on the Dark Council that long.


Thanaton survived Sith intrigues and scheming for 35 years - he became Sith Lord after defeating Exal Kressh in 3678 BBY. The Inquisitor does wipe the floor with Thanaton in the cutscene (and before), there is no indication that they're even making any real effort, let alone strain themselves. Lord Kallig deflects Thanaton's Lightning, without using a Lightsaber - while not unique that is a rare feat in the SW universe. Looks like outclassed to me.


You serverly downplay the non-force users acheivments

I agree, all classes perform similar feats, and KotFE will show that all will be equally capable of doing their job.

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