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Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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I like coming back to a planet that had a heroic that may have been tough at the time and being able to faceroll it for fun.


Even with Sync you still can. In the streams they showed Sync'd characters pretty much one-shotting Heroics.

Edited by Faelandaea
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Given that certain events already send us back to planets without worrying about level-cap, I think this is either a red-herring from Bioware, or just them going off their collective rocker.

Syncing everything on the planet avoids pockets of content of different levels on the same planet. This way, a level 18 isn't going to be killed in one shot on Republic Taris if he accidentally ends up in the Dread Seed area, but he still won't get the mission until he hits lvl50. Now if they add another reason to go back to Republic Taris you'll have content at 16-20, 50, 65, etc

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  • 4 weeks later...
Syncing everything on the planet avoids pockets of content of different levels on the same planet. This way, a level 18 isn't going to be killed in one shot on Republic Taris if he accidentally ends up in the Dread Seed area, but he still won't get the mission until he hits lvl50. Now if they add another reason to go back to Republic Taris you'll have content at 16-20, 50, 65, etc

That still doesn't explain why they decided to make even instanced, class-specific content follow the same rules.


...why was this thread dredged up, again?

Edited by SelinaH
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I see someone ignored BWs request to quit making new threads on the matter and discuss it in the already existing tens of millions of threads.




Also, I vote FOR sync. There you go.


Maybe I'll go make a new topic now "Poll: Should people start using existing topics on lvl sync"...


I posted in suggestions to have BW limit these type of threads to one. I don't honestly understand even why this exists. There is no poll. Unless people go back then literally count. Even if Level Synyc has more votes. People are just going to say this doesn't rep the entire community. These spam posts are a little annoying.


I vote for level synyc and companion changes are fine...how many threads. How many times do people seriously need to ask..

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I remember a while ago there was a thread where people claimed they were leaving over this. Now I laugh at them. If anything level syncing has made this easy and I am soloing pretty much every heroic with comp alone. Seriously...no big deal. I am more likely to quit over new companions not being customizable than this.
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I remember a while ago there was a thread where people claimed they were leaving over this. Now I laugh at them. If anything level syncing has made this easy and I am soloing pretty much every heroic with comp alone. Seriously...no big deal. I am more likely to quit over new companions not being customizable than this.


I know its funny. These people as much as they complain. Their not going quit. They are just going to keep making thread after thread till BW stops them. Then their going to go back in the game like nothing happened. The changes are too big for the company to reverse itself. They think they can make thread after thread then they'll change their mind. It's not going to happen. I hate to see grown adults act like children on the forums. They need to seriously get over it or play a different game because its not gong to change.

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I don't mind it at all, mainly because I think it is a flaw of game design to make any area of a game become irrelevant to a character to the point where they sneeze and everyone around them dies, or that they can just about drive over an NPC without gaining aggro.
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I remember a while ago there was a thread where people claimed they were leaving over this. Now I laugh at them. If anything level syncing has made this easy and I am soloing pretty much every heroic with comp alone. Seriously...no big deal. I am more likely to quit over new companions not being customizable than this.


I WAS going to quit (I still thinking of letting my subscription lapse for a while. all I'm doing is soloing anyways, and that can be done as preferred). luckily, companions being as powerful as they are, makes level sync tolerable. still not ideal since proximity aggro is annoying (and flashpoints in solo mode, as expected drop nothing but crystals), but it could have been worse.

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I posted in suggestions to have BW limit these type of threads to one. I don't honestly understand even why this exists. There is no poll. Unless people go back then literally count. Even if Level Synyc has more votes. People are just going to say this doesn't rep the entire community. These spam posts are a little annoying.


I vote for level synyc and companion changes are fine...how many threads. How many times do people seriously need to ask..


So someone posts in an existing thread, rather than create a new one, and you're still complaining? As annoying as it can be to see this subject over and over again, you are not the forum police. You're certainly not helping the pro-level sync or the don't nerf companions arguments by doing this.


And before you say it, I like level-sync and don't want companions nerfed. There's just better ways, most of the time, of countering it than just saying "I don't agree with you so stop posting".

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So someone posts in an existing thread, rather than create a new one, and you're still complaining? As annoying as it can be to see this subject over and over again, you are not the forum police. You're certainly not helping the pro-level sync or the don't nerf companions arguments by doing this.


And before you say it, I like level-sync and don't want companions nerfed. There's just better ways, most of the time, of countering it than just saying "I don't agree with you so stop posting".


You say "Let me post my opinion" and "don't tell me what I can and can't post or where" the same applies to me. Please don't tell me what I can and can't post or where. That's exactly what some people tell me. It's a two way street. I don't think I'm forum police. Yet again you are making things up...I never said...then claiming or assume I think that. It doesn't take a rocket science-st to see these constant threads are annoying. When you see five new ones in the same day. I can voice my point of view on them. So please stop this harassment of me for posting what I think.


On topic. A poll really should have been created. Unless we literally go back and count each persons post. How are we going to know the results to anything.

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It's OK, but it didn't changed anything. Before level Sync, I can kill heroic enemies on planets Like Coruscant, Ord Mantell or Tython with one blow of my lightsaber. And in other planets with two. Now... I can do the same, Sometimes is three or four but...
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I didnt like the idea of level sync at first, but since the Companions make it not bad at all. I dont have a problem with it anymore. If they were to nerf Companions now, it would make the game unplayable for most people (casual folks especially) and extremely annoying for the rest trying to farm crystals to buy armor and junk. Only ones who would love to see the game insanely hard, are the very minor few elitists who would rather have the entire game to themselves, the rest be damned.
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You say "Let me post my opinion" and "don't tell me what I can and can't post or where" the same applies to me. Please don't tell me what I can and can't post or where. That's exactly what some people tell me. It's a two way street. I don't think I'm forum police. Yet again you are making things up...I never said...then claiming or assume I think that. It doesn't take a rocket science-st to see these constant threads are annoying. When you see five new ones in the same day. I can voice my point of view on them. So please stop this harassment of me for posting what I think.


On topic. A poll really should have been created. Unless we literally go back and count each persons post. How are we going to know the results to anything.


I'm not making things up, just stating my opinion. In every recent thread I've seen about these issues I've seen you post what I see as hostile comments that amount to "don't post because I don't like it". Just think you could go about it in a different way. Yes, the constant threads are annoying, but as subs they have a right to post and voice their views. Perhaps think about walking away from the thread. That's what I tend to do.



But just to be clear, that's my opinion. And it's not harassment if I post that I disagree with your attitude towards people with a differing viewpoint. Otherwise everything you're posting in regards to the people you disagree with is also harassment.

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After playing KotFE and being subjected to the constant use of the down leveling system.


I dislike it. It brought no extra fun or entertainment to the game that I was already enjoying. I find it to be wasted development time and a rather useless feature.

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level sync isn't why i unsubbed, but it would be why i never again went to another planet where this would apply.


so i guess that makes me opposed?

I posted in suggestions to have BW limit these type of threads to one. I don't honestly understand even why this exists. There is no poll. Unless people go back then literally count. Even if Level Synyc has more votes. People are just going to say this doesn't rep the entire community. These spam posts are a little annoying.


I vote for level synyc and companion changes are fine...how many threads. How many times do people seriously need to ask..

i see you're now not only limiting your attacks on people wanting to discuss companions, now you're dictating whether or not people should discuss level sync too. why do you click on these threads if you don't want to see them? you've been a sub for 2 weeks and already feel a need to dictate what merit's discussion in a place built for discussion.

also odd that you concede that a poll here doesn't constitute absolute fact, while spouting things like "the majority has spoken" with regards to companions.

Edited by Pagy
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I'm not making things up, just stating my opinion. In every recent thread I've seen about these issues I've seen you post what I see as hostile comments that amount to "don't post because I don't like it". Just think you could go about it in a different way. Yes, the constant threads are annoying, but as subs they have a right to post and voice their views. Perhaps think about walking away from the thread. That's what I tend to do.



But just to be clear, that's my opinion. And it's not harassment if I post that I disagree with your attitude towards people with a differing viewpoint. Otherwise everything you're posting in regards to the people you disagree with is also harassment.

don't take it personally, he's in every thread dictating what merits discussion and dismissing anyone that disagrees with him and orders them to "go away".


you're standing up for your right to discuss things and he's attacking you based on your opinions. he's clearly the one harassing you.

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don't take it personally, he's in every thread dictating what merits discussion and dismissing anyone that disagrees with him and orders them to "go away".


you're standing up for your right to discuss things and he's attacking you based on your opinions. he's clearly the one harassing you.


Ha. The thing is, if he paid any real attention to what I was saying he would see that I am against the removal of level-sync and like the new approach to companions. I just dislike him self-electing himself as the voice for all of us, and trying to dictate where and how much others can post about their frustrations with the new systems.

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On topic. A poll really should have been created. Unless we literally go back and count each persons post. How are we going to know the results to anything.


We won't. No counting of posts, poll, or DNA test will tell us how the player base feels about these changes. People will continue voicing their opinions and debating the pros and cons with each other because that's what a forum is for. There will be posts you agree with and don't agree with, but if your only argument is that the majority want something else, then you are arguing wrong.


There are no facts in this debate as the enjoyment of level sync and companions is subjective. It's why the majority of those against are requesting some sort of option to appease both groups rather than just reverting to 3.0 status. I'm not sure why you are so dead set on everyone being forced to play the game on easy mode just because you haven't learned how to play the game in the 2 weeks you've been here.

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I like the level synch in terms of being able to come back to an old planet and be decently rewarded for doing the local heroics.


But I'm not sure about the aggro range. Nothing against not being able to one-shot mobs (as an Operative healer, I couldn't even do that before the synch) but I wish aggro range remained tied to the character's actual level. That way we could still enjoy the rewards and have to work a bit for them, but there would be way less frustration involved in simply getting from point A to point B if you're, say, a level 65 hunting for datacrons or RPing with the guild or whatevses.

Edited by imissleeches
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