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I am level 65, I need no Xp from Hutta, but...


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I'm lv 60, I need no loot, xp or achievs from Dormund Kaas, but I went to kill the WB to feel mighty. I fought the beast valiantly and suffered not even a scratch! I am so proud of myself, now none of these low lvl noobs can kill the WB because I killed it, it was my kill I tell you, MINE

Look at me lowbies! I am the allmighty LordMcEgo who nobody can touch! Atleast on Kaas, god forbid if I'd group for Revanite Walker and wiped to content of my lvl. That would be terrible for my image. Good thing I can just solo lowbies all day long to boast my ego.

Edited by Kiesu
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I'm lv 60, I need no loot, xp or achievs from Dormund Kaas, but I went to kill the WB to feel mighty. I fought the beast valiantly and suffered not even a scratch! I am so proud of myself, now none of these low lvl noobs can kill the WB because I killed it, it was my kill I tell you, MINE

Look at me lowbies! I am the allmighty LordMcEgo who nobody can touch! Atleast on Kaas, god forbid if I'd group for Revanite Walker and wiped to content of my lvl. That would be terrible for my image. Good thing I can just solo lowbies all day long to boast my ego.


And yet, there should be nothing wrong with this if that's what people like to do.

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And yet, there should be nothing wrong with this if that's what people like to do.


Apparently we have been screwing up the game for 4 years. Playing a leveling based game completely wrong by out-leveling mobs and then killing them.


IT's a game killer really. It's a wonder games like wow and SWTOR have survived all these years with how bad out-leveling mobs and then later killing them hurts the game.


Thank God BW is putting a stop to that right? /sarcasm :rolleyes:

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With or without other changes to the system, what would be an interesting change for world bosses would be to put them all into an instance and treat them all the same as Xenoanalyst, Eyeless, Golden Fury, and whatever else.


They could leave the bosses exactly as they are with no player character scaling, they could leave them as they are and add level sync, they could rescale them higher and add bolster, or whatever else you can think of. Whatever else happens, being treated as an instanced operations boss would mean that no world boss is ever unavailable because of somebody else having killed it recently. They would only become unavailable to you personally because of the weekly operation lockout.

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And yet, there should be nothing wrong with this if that's what people like to do.

And yet, theres nothing wrong with people wanting to not faceroll old content either. Or god forbid, do content on that level, was the boss ever alive.

Edited by Kiesu
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Apparently we have been screwing up the game for 4 years. Playing a leveling based game completely wrong by out-leveling mobs and then killing them.


IT's a game killer really. It's a wonder games like wow and SWTOR have survived all these years with how bad out-leveling mobs and then later killing them hurts the game.


Thank God BW is putting a stop to that right? /sarcasm :rolleyes:


You are dead on right. The game was pretty bad, that is why it had to go f2p and even with that. It still does not have the numbers it wants. (I mean even Elder Scrolls who messed up big time turn things around.) If they can do it this game can also.


Change is hard, but the game needs it. So it is getting it.

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You are dead on right. The game was pretty bad, that is why it had to go f2p and even with that. It still does not have the numbers it wants. (I mean even Elder Scrolls who messed up big time turn things around.) If they can do it this game can also.


Change is hard, but the game needs it. So it is getting it.


Change for change sake is unwise.


It needed optional not forced.

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Change for change sake is unwise.


It needed optional not forced.


If optional conflicts with other options of the game. (alliance system.) it should not be. Also this system could be ground work for the future content that comes out.


So no optional is not always the right answer.

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Against level sync tells about gamers who are 110% too entitled. According to these people there should be no challenge whatsoever when they farm their ingame currency. They should be able to do it because they were taught that their "needs" should be listened to and what they want to say is "no challenge thanks". All the "gaming" needs to happen on their terms which is not gaming at all in traditional sense. We can tell this when we inspect developers actually making the game better (add challenge to already ridiculously easy game and not much by any standard) and people get mad because they have to play it instead of having a "youtube" moment with keyboard and mouse. Optional someone says? I call banthasith on that too. It shouldn't be optional, the group of gamers (in this case against level sync) requiring games to be worse (more like youtube) should just shut up and stop trying to ruin games for everyone everywhere.
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Against level sync tells about gamers who are 110% too entitled. According to these people there should be no challenge whatsoever when they farm their ingame currency. They should be able to do it because they were taught that their "needs" should be listened to and what they want to say is "no challenge thanks". All the "gaming" needs to happen on their terms which is not gaming at all in traditional sense. We can tell this when we inspect developers actually making the game better (add challenge to already ridiculously easy game and not much by any standard) and people get mad because they have to play it instead of having a "youtube" moment with keyboard and mouse. Optional someone says? I call banthasith on that too. It shouldn't be optional, the group of gamers (in this case against level sync) requiring games to be worse (more like youtube) should just shut up and stop trying to ruin games for everyone everywhere.


A bit harsh, but this person speaks the truth. Whether people like it or not, level scaling is good for the game. :)

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Against level sync tells about gamers who are 110% too entitled. According to these people there should be no challenge whatsoever when they farm their ingame currency. They should be able to do it because they were taught that their "needs" should be listened to and what they want to say is "no challenge thanks". All the "gaming" needs to happen on their terms which is not gaming at all in traditional sense. We can tell this when we inspect developers actually making the game better (add challenge to already ridiculously easy game and not much by any standard) and people get mad because they have to play it instead of having a "youtube" moment with keyboard and mouse. Optional someone says? I call banthasith on that too. It shouldn't be optional, the group of gamers (in this case against level sync) requiring games to be worse (more like youtube) should just shut up and stop trying to ruin games for everyone everywhere.


You know what? I'm not against the level-sync, not now I know abit more about it anyway, although I'm still worried about playability, but seeing this "death to casuals" statement makes me wish I was against it, and why? Because, and I'm almost certain this is true, what you would call brain-dead face-roll, I would call a nightmarish challenge, and I'm sure we're not alone in our views of playability, but how dare I ask for a game that doesn't have max-level 16m NiM difficulty bosses at EVERY step of EVERY planet, capable of channeled aoe terminates, or some other one-shot mechanic. Oh no, not nearly enough challenge there! :rolleyes:


A bit harsh, but this person speaks the truth. Whether people like it or not, level scaling is good for the game. :)


A BIT harsh? And what truth is that? That anyone who doesn't share that person's passion for ultra-nightmare hardcore, bazillion credit repair bills, an unlimited number of defeats, of being grouped the WHOLE time while playing, should pretty much be barred from the game? But why stop at that, let us hunt all casuals down and exterminate them for daring to breathe the same air as the elite and holy gamer gods, agonisingly painfully.


Until I get more information on it, I like the idea of the level sync, especially being able to gain xp from old mobs, and do more missions, perhaps more dailies, if the H2+s aren't soloable. I also like it if I can take SOME damage (please, BW:A, no planetary enrage timers of one-shotting our chars/comps), BUT our characters are special, like it or not, they should still feel like it.


It certainly ensures older planets won't necessarily get neglected, whatever level our chars are at, if they have more repeatable content (especially solo) to do than just the upper-level ones, with rewards scaled to our char level.


I just hope it's not casual-evicting, because that really would kill the game if they give our chars/comps really stingily-lousy stats with our level-sync. Here's hoping I don't NEED a group to beat any of the H2+s... *fingers crossed*


I would remind people not to wear rose-coloured glasses concerning game difficulty, remember; your judgement of "face-roll easy" is another person's "at-level 16m NiM ops difficulty", it's entirely subjective since any definition of difficulty is defined by whomsoever plays the game. Better, or worse, are also highly-subjective terms. E.g. If you define making the game better as pretty much making all missions require a group, you've just killed the solo/casual market.


Another concern I have heard raised, and this is a great and growing fear of mine, is that when 4.0 comes live, those players supporting the level-sync system so they can feel challenged, like Ruskaeth (and I can totally see them doing the following) and who can't seem live if there isn't even the slightest whiff of any kind of a challenge in the game will come charging to the forums, demanding, DEMANDING that the level sync will essentially create the 16m-NiM-ops challenge they're seeking, "Down scaled players are OP!" kind of thing, as well as demanding their final solution to the casual question be put into practice, so there's no-one to oppose them, and if any does dare try to voice opposition, they'll forum-bash them into a mental institution.


And frankly, I like this game, a SW game, and I don't, and shouldn't, need an MMO degree to play it, nor should anyone. If BW:A gives our chars and comps lavish down-scaled stats (purple BIS gear for that level x2, or something to make us feel powerful, again, Ruskaeth and similarly-minded people would probably have a coronary-inducing fit if that ever came to be, because how dare us filthy casuals actually ask that we be able to enjoy the game), or gives us an option to decide on our scaled-down level (say, we come to DK, first thing that happens is we cannot move our chars until we decide on a down-scaled level, as it's DK, 16-21 or something like that, so all the mobs should still be green and deal damage to us. But no, how dare a disgusting filthy no-right-to-live casual like myself even CONSIDER wanting to be over-levelled for content. :rolleyes:


TL;DR Hardcore players hate casuals with a passionate vengeance, and basically think they're scum who should be one-shotted out of existence, because they don't share their elitist and warped notions game-playability. I support the level-sync myself, but more information would be appreciated, and more lavish down-scaled statting or max-level slider for planets (no more than 5 levels above the max, please).

Edited by sentientomega
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Against level sync tells about gamers who are 110% too entitled. According to these people there should be no challenge whatsoever when they farm their ingame currency. They should be able to do it because they were taught that their "needs" should be listened to and what they want to say is "no challenge thanks". All the "gaming" needs to happen on their terms which is not gaming at all in traditional sense. We can tell this when we inspect developers actually making the game better (add challenge to already ridiculously easy game and not much by any standard) and people get mad because they have to play it instead of having a "youtube" moment with keyboard and mouse. Optional someone says? I call banthasith on that too. It shouldn't be optional, the group of gamers (in this case against level sync) requiring games to be worse (more like youtube) should just shut up and stop trying to ruin games for everyone everywhere.


Players for level sync tells about gamers who are 110% too entitled. According to these people there should be challenge everywhere when they farm their ingame currency. They should be able to do it because they were taught that their "needs" should be listened to and what they want to say is "challenge please" which is why we ended up with over-tuned operations in SoR. All the "gaming" needs to happen on their terms which is not gaming at all in traditional sense, it's masochistic . We can tell this when we inspect developers actually making the game worse (and ignoring creating new content for all types of players) and people get mad because they have to play it instead of having a "youtube" moment with keyboard and mouse. Forced someone says? I call banthasith on that too. It shouldn't be forced, the group of gamers (in this case for level sync) requiring games to be worse (more like Darksouls) should just shut up and stop trying to ruin games for everyone everywhere.


Best I could do with that wall of text, try using the Enter button and paragraphs next time thanks. Also, considering you're the one telling other gamers what to do, isn't that really hypocritical?

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People who complain about how hard these "level 5 mobs will be," which is pretty dumb within itself because Hutta cap will be 12, I have a question: When did you ever die against these things? Ever. Was there ever a K'lor'slug that was so challenging that you needed to use all of your skill to defeat it? The vast majority of the content on the lower planets is meant to be solo'd anyway. Most of the things brought up in these threads aren't even meant to be done with a companion, which by the way can now all do every roll.

"Combat is the absolute easiest it's ever been, but that one little number at the side of my screen says I can be hit now, so it's way too hard. Except for when I'm doing content that's at my actual level, then it's way too easy. It's like I'm just trying to find a reason to complain, or something." is the gist I get from almost every one of these threads that pop up every day.

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People who complain about how hard these "level 5 mobs will be," which is pretty dumb within itself because Hutta cap will be 12, I have a question: When did you ever die against these things? Ever. Was there ever a K'lor'slug that was so challenging that you needed to use all of your skill to defeat it? The vast majority of the content on the lower planets is meant to be solo'd anyway. Most of the things brought up in these threads aren't even meant to be done with a companion, which by the way can now all do every roll.

"Combat is the absolute easiest it's ever been, but that one little number at the side of my screen says I can be hit now, so it's way too hard. Except for when I'm doing content that's at my actual level, then it's way too easy. It's like I'm just trying to find a reason to complain, or something." is the gist I get from almost every one of these threads that pop up every day.


Pretty much I agree with you. This change for the game is better. I can understand people not liking it, but personal views aside. The game will be better because of it, and that is all that matters. (For new players and old.) It is a good change.

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If people could opt to be as little as at-max-level-synced, or as much as 5-levels-above-synced (is 5 levels above so bad? you can still sustain moderate damage, I have the scars to prove it), that would be give us all some options vis-a-vis challenge. Remember, just because the Oricon heroic is now brain-dead face-roll to you, doesn't mean it is that easy for me.


Pretty much I agree with you. This change for the game is better. I can understand people not liking it, but personal views aside. The game will be better because of it, and that is all that matters. (For new players and old.) It is a good change.


Mmhmm, it is good for the game, especially with the planetary replayability factor to consider; I felt a little funny to come back to Alderaan and watch House Ulgo fumble about like the Marks Brothers...

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If optional conflicts with other options of the game. (alliance system.) it should not be. Also this system could be ground work for the future content that comes out.


So no optional is not always the right answer.


Optional IS the right answer.

You turn it on: you will gain reputation.

You turn it off: you won´t gain reputation

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turning it on and off like that could cause more problems than need be. If they could have done it with the system they wanted I am sure they would have added that option.


They did not, so it could be they have future plans, or that this new SWTOR vision they have no place for that option to turn it off. So people just are going to have to adjust.

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I don´t think that this would cause more problems.

You travel to a planet. Before you leave your ship you should be asked if you want to turn this "feature" on or not.

The planet has 2 instances, one for people who use the "feature", one for people who don´t.

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People who complain about how hard these "level 5 mobs will be," which is pretty dumb within itself because Hutta cap will be 12, I have a question: When did you ever die against these things? Ever. Was there ever a K'lor'slug that was so challenging that you needed to use all of your skill to defeat it? The vast majority of the content on the lower planets is meant to be solo'd anyway. Most of the things brought up in these threads aren't even meant to be done with a companion, which by the way can now all do every roll.

"Combat is the absolute easiest it's ever been, but that one little number at the side of my screen says I can be hit now, so it's way too hard. Except for when I'm doing content that's at my actual level, then it's way too easy. It's like I'm just trying to find a reason to complain, or something." is the gist I get from almost every one of these threads that pop up every day.


Minimum level for BCW is 15, it would be pretty strange if Hutta was capped at 12.

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I fought against a level 5 Mob. The fight was so hard and interesting;), I nearly died! :rolleyes:

But the best of all, I got 50 Bugs!! 50 Bugs, wow, now I am rich!! :D

Yea I am a rich Hero!


Thank you Levelsync!:D


If you are going to have trouble against level 5 opponents at level sync 10-12-ish, maybe the game is too difficult for you. That's fine, not everyone is cut out for the hero gig.

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I fought against a level 5 Mob. The fight was so hard and interesting;), I nearly died! :rolleyes:

But the best of all, I got 50 Bugs!! 50 Bugs, wow, now I am rich!! :D

Yea I am a rich Hero!


Thank you Levelsync!:D



However, while under Level Sync we will not take away any abilities or passive effects that you have. Also, while under Level Sync you will earn scaled experience. So if you are a level 60, killing level 30 mobs, you will gain experience appropriate for being a level 60 . This enables a player to go play any of the content in The Old Republic and get rewarded appropriately for their time investment. Did you miss out on the heroic area on Tatooine? No worries! Now you can simply head there and check it out without dramatically stopping your progression.




If you are going to have trouble against level 5 opponents at level sync 10-12-ish, maybe the game is too difficult for you. That's fine, not everyone is cut out for the hero gig.


It means, that nobody will fight against a hutta Mob, when he/she is level 65.


For 50 Bugs?

For the "heroic fight" 2 hits down bam bam?


There is no "great reward"


With level 65 people will hang out on the fleet, as ever.


If they levelsync the credits from am level 5 Mob, maybe some more player will hang out on old planets.

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