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Why Level Sync needs to be Mandatory!


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I feel as though the people that are really opposed to this either:


A.) RP - This is fine...it's a concept that is beyond me and I find it extremely strange to observe but whatever I don't have to deal with it and I get that different people are into different things. To each his own. In my view though this should add realism to their experience, if you walk into a mob of bads you get shot they don't just ignore you. In no battlefield in the world or universe are opponents/enemies just going to ignore you and not respond.


B.) You want to farm whatever achievements - IMO achievements are there because they are a challenge, solo destroying Dreadtooth ten stacks at level 60(or 65) with no sync is no challenge at all which means you missed the point of an achievement. Basically these peoples complaint is that they would have to either obey mechanics, get a group (and they are too lazy or it's too hard to do that or they don't like doing group content), or both. Again the point of the achievement is to challenge you and it's a carrot dangling in front of you to motivate you to do something not just arbitrarily come back when it's easier and you can just smash everything in sight. And this is not a single player game, I realize that people want to do stuff alone sometimes and yes I've heard about the "data", but unfortunately this is an MMO not a single player third person action game and you might have to get outside your comfort zone and form groups for achievements/gear/things you want. I don't think it was ever the intention of the devs that you would just go back and solo run missions, bosses, ops etc when you were completely overleveled and that now many people feel entitled to it.


C.) People want to farm mats and chests - Again probably not the original intention of the devs for you to just go farm mats around mobs that ignore you and then sell them off or profit from them somehow. Basically the complaint here is that they will have to do more than just run from node to node scavenging up everything and then selling it off, so their cash cow is drying up. You honestly get no sympathy from me. At least with level sync you will have to actively do something beyond running from point A and B to profit. Most people will see this as a bummer though and quit it I have a feeling. Perhaps it will cut down on gold spammers also since they won't be able to just easily run bots all around.


D.) People all caught up in Conquest - Honestly I'm personally sour on Conquest for so many reasons. It was kind of a regift, instead of developing legitimate new content they wrapped up the old content and said here do this again. On top of that they didn't raise the bar they lowered it by appealing to the lowest common denominator instead of pushing people or rewarding for doing higher level content. It only encourages people to do the bare minimum. To me saying you are the best at Conquest is like saying you are the greatest at story mode or crafting. Crafting doesn't take any skill at all you click a button walk away, come back and bam you have stuff meh. At least now if somebody decides they want to take down a Commander they will actually have to compete with people PvPwise on that planet since they will be at the same level making it increasingly more difficult and it also means that a guild with varied membership levels can compete with a guild of all 65's. Also means that when there are area and world boss missions for Conquest that the content will actually be more challenging therefore to some extent raising the bar of Conquest. If you like doing Conquest that is great but much like RPing, Conquest in it's current state is something that I just can't wrap my head around and find rather pointless. Again, to each his own.


I believe these complaints are mainly based in a sense of entitlement and lack of any will to put anything forward except the bare minimum of effort. This is why the game is going casual, because learning mechanics, rotations, classes, specs, forming groups, social interaction, etc is hard and if people have to put effort in than it isn't worth it to them so they walk away because they aren't just being spoon fed everything. That's my opinion though and I'm sure many will disagree and call me an arrogant elitist looking down his nose at everybody and everything. /meh

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To them levels=skill, experience and talents. Just how some RP'ers somehow think a level sync is going to make them an apprentice again.


The reason they hate it so much is because it's forced on them, they like 1 shotting things, they like having mobs ignore them, they like being able to RP in a Warzone and have their stories be so feared that the enemies ignore them. They like having the option of soloing a WB because it gives them a sense of their power. They don't want to be inconvenienced with having to fight every group of mobs they may or may not come up against while farming nodes that'll drop mats based off skill level. They don't like the idea that they a level 65 could possibly lose to 2 level 29s on a level 29 planet.

Most of all it's a don't take my shiny stuff away. I personally think they should adapt and see it as a new challenge to overcome, but that's just me telling them how to play a game....and they don't like that.


The fact that you don't see a problem with 2 level 29 players going up against a "galactic legend", twice the experience, time and effort put in as the both of them and not having an insurmountable advantage in a game designed to make the player feel powerful except when facing opponents of vastly greater power, says a lot.


Back to my recurring analogy: Darth Vader is Level 60; if 2 level 29 Republic scouts shoot and kill him, that's KIND OF A BLOODY PROBLEM....


I feel as though the people that are really opposed to this either:


I believe these complaints are mainly based in a sense of entitlement and lack of any will to put anything forward except the bare minimum of effort. This is why the game is going casual, because learning mechanics, rotations, classes, specs, forming groups, social interaction, etc is hard and if people have to put effort in than it isn't worth it to them so they walk away because they aren't just being spoon fed everything. That's my opinion though and I'm sure many will disagree and call me an arrogant elitist looking down his nose at everybody and everything. /meh


You're forgetting that Level 60's have already put in the time and effort; in leveling and getting their crew skills maxed (and paying for it in credits!). BW is going the other direction and giving those UNWILLING to put in the time, resources and effort insta-60's, dumbing down the crafting system, removing complexity of mechanics and giving max skills out the door...


So the precise opposite of your argument is true. Those crying hardest for mandatory level sync, are precisely the same population at large that aren't willing to put in more than the bare minimum of effort. The REASON they want mandatory level sync, is in existing world, Level 60's have an advantage in stats and gear for their efforts. Pro-syncers unwilling to put in that time and effort, want those advantages removed from those who earned them, turning level 60's into level 30's. THIS is their idea of fair... It isn't about L60's having content spoon-fed to them, they earned their silver spoons. It's about Level 30's who haven't earned theirs, and since asking for their own would be unreasonable, they cry to Bioware to take everyone else's silver spoons away in the name of fairness.


The whole argument can be easily summed up as "You have a shiny toy, I want it too. But since you won't give it to me, I'mma tell Bioware to take yours away." It's like watching two siblings bickering over a video game until the tv eventually gets turned off... The oldest wants to play the game, the youngest does too, but the youngest understands if they aren't able to the end game is to whine to the parents and have the whole thing taken away. And what ALWAYS happens? This is why you can't reason with pro-syncers, their end-game is scorched earth. They'll destroy it all if they can't have it their way.


So who has the sense of entitlement? Those who put in the hours grinding ops and levels; or those who haven't and ask the game-maker to change the game's laws of physics to put them on equal ground with the first group who put in far more effort?

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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You're forgetting that Level 60's have already put in the time and effort; in leveling and getting their crew skills maxed (and paying for it in credits!). BW is going the other direction and giving those UNWILLING to put in the time, resources and effort insta-60's, dumbing down the crafting system, removing complexity of mechanics and giving max skills out the door...


So the precise opposite of your argument is true. Those crying hardest for mandatory level sync, are precisely the same population at large that aren't willing to put in more than the bare minimum of effort. The REASON they want mandatory level sync, is in existing world, Level 60's have an advantage in stats and gear for their efforts. Pro-syncers unwilling to put in that time and effort, want those advantages removed from those who earned them, turning level 60's into level 30's. THIS is their idea of fair... It isn't about L60's having content spoon-fed to them, they earned their silver spoons. It's about Level 30's who haven't earned theirs, and since asking for their own would be unreasonable, they cry to Bioware to take everyone else's silver spoons away in the name of fairness.


The whole argument can be easily summed up as "You have a shiny toy, I want it too. But since you won't give it to me, I'mma tell Bioware to take yours away."


I'm honestly indifferent, I just don't see why everybody is getting all butt hurt about it happening except that they want things to remain simple. I really don't care if somebody pays for a level 60 either, you want to buy that(and I'm sure it's not going to be cheap) feel free I have 20+ 60's and they all only cost me a monthly subscription. What people spend their money on is not my concern at all, and being level 60 doesn't mean you have gear or know how to play the class so it's really kind of insignificant. On a long enough timeline anybody can hit 60 so not really an impressive feat anyways and with 12x XP it was easy enough to level an alt from 1-60 in a day or two so it's not like anybody can really say that it was hard earned either.


I wouldn't really call the new crafting system dumbed down either I think it's more convoluted, sure they removed mats but now you have to craft stuff to craft other stuff seems pointless. And there is sm and hm craftable gear but they aren't actually from the ops, but you can still craft the gear from the ops but those are entirely different from the storymode hardmode gear.


I don't agree with them removing mechanics or nerfing the dmg on a lot of the fights that they did, honestly it was uncalled for on Bulo and Sword Squad those are 2 fights that any progression team should have been able to deal with. The problem is that it was hard for pugs or casuals or people that aren't necessarily cut out for progression raiding.


The silver spoon you refer to is the entitlement thing, you feel that since you've leveled to 60 that you are entitled to crush level 30's or dominate a planet. Again I highly doubt this was the original intention of the devs as they were creating the game but it just was never addressed and people accepted it as the status qou. I have no problem being level 60 and getting nerfed down to level 30 I'm confident in my ability to play and if you really want to take me on and I'm flagged then so be it. Even playing field isn't necessarily a bad thing, and I really don't think there is a core group of level 30's crying out for this change. I never thought of them making this change till it happened and my response was basically "ok, whatever." If anybody is willfully staying at level 30, much less groups of people, this is news to me. When I leveled I tried to get through the content as quickly and efficiently as possible and didn't linger for long, and I'm sure for many that is the same approach. I'm sure others explored, and did side and planet missions, probably ran FP's but all those things get you xp so...yeah, still leveling. KDY is so popular because people know it's one of the most efficient ways to level and nobody seems to have a problem with that level syncing you upwards?


And as far as giving out top level abilities really don't see that as a conflict either, honestly would be alright with them handing the whole arsenal over in the beginning. I feel like as the way things are you don't really get a feel for the actual rotation of a spec as you level and so people just end up pounding their face against the keyboard hoping things die and continue that on into endgame. The game doesn't really prepare you for endgame all that well tbh, as I see countless AP PT's using flame thrower in their single target rotation and deception sins using force lightning. The use of those skills in those rotations shows that you can have all the max skills in the world but it's not going to make you better at the game. I'm honestly not a fan boy I play the game because I enjoy it, and playing for the story is completely secondary to me. I play mostly for endgame operations and PvP. I would prefer to see more people make it to max level and know how to play than everything in between. As it is there are DPS with dismal at best DPS, healers who can't fill red bars, and tanks who can't hold aggro. Some are willing to learn, but some there is no teaching.

Edited by eskimo_brother
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I feel as though the people that are really opposed to this either:


A.) RP - This is fine...it's a concept that is beyond me and I find it extremely strange to observe but whatever I don't have to deal with it and I get that different people are into different things. To each his own. In my view though this should add realism to their experience, if you walk into a mob of bads you get shot they don't just ignore you. In no battlefield in the world or universe are opponents/enemies just going to ignore you and not respond.


Due to the games limited planetary locations (when compared to how many are present in the SWU in this time frame) often planets will have to play host as other locations, not all the flora and fauna are either as aggressive or a plentiful in all planets (and certainly not in droves as they are in most locations within the game). As well, there are non-lethal approaches to be taken instead of ending life. These thing lead to a break in immersion for the players who do partake in RP. People ask "Why don't you just RP it in." That's a fair question and at times you can, other times you cannot. Being at a higher level allows for you to ignore the mobs that would otherwise attack you and remain IC instead of having to break to kill stuff or die typing.


I believe these complaints are mainly based in a sense of entitlement and lack of any will to put anything forward except the bare minimum of effort. This is why the game is going casual, because learning mechanics, rotations, classes, specs, forming groups, social interaction, etc is hard and if people have to put effort in than it isn't worth it to them so they walk away because they aren't just being spoon fed everything. That's my opinion though and I'm sure many will disagree and call me an arrogant elitist looking down his nose at everybody and everything. /meh


This game is going casual because of other reasons aside from lack of effort from players. I agree that people should take some time to learn the game aspects and not just cry out "It's to hard to figure out which of the four stats applies to my class!" Often I think most people dont take the time to form up the same type of social aspects that were once center stage in many MMO's is due to the lack of need for people to group up for missions. Forcing people to level sync for planetary missions will not encourage this since as it stand you can make a character, not adv class and make it to 55 without gear in anything aside from your main and off hand (I know...ive done it twice...one Pub, one Imp both before and during the 12x xp). I am no stranger to grinding out experience in a game, have done so for a long time.


I am both for and against level sync; I am for putting in the option to be able to level sync missions, flashpoints, operations, etc. with others to either expand grouping options or range at which you can help people. I am against mandatory level sync since it denies that choice to players that have put in the time and effort to level up a character (and not just purchased with the new free level 60 characters...seriously how is -that- not an issue??). Saying that the majority of complaints are coming from those who are too lazy, entitles, etc. is as ignorant a statement as saying "the majority of those for the forced level sync are only in it so they have more fodder to mulch through in full pvp gear when they don't have any." There are many varying types that are for and against the issue with many different play styles. As stated above, I am not lazy when it comes to honing my characters to make them better, I just don't want a; forced, mandatory, required, etc. level sync if I choose to take a break from the grind (and lack of varied end game content) to go and explore planets that are below my level, or role-play on them without being hounded by mobs or have lower level party members killed by mobs while while we try.

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"These are not the droids you're looking for.

Nothing to see here. Move along"

Level Sync needs to be optional.

If it means that much to go help your friend out, go make another level 20 character to go run with him/her.

Level sync is BS.

BTW. tldr, your opinion sux.


Have a nice day.

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Here's irrefutable reasons why level sync should be mandatory for Bioware.


There's a lot of player complaining that Level Sync introduced, and I'm shocked at how painfully obvious it is that many players are missing the point.


Not having Level Sync doesn't make Lore Sense


In the original Star Wars trilogy, Stormtroopers were the cannon fodder of the movies, in this game right now, the imperial soldiers are also the cannon fodder of this game. The logical lorebreaking standpoint is that the Snowtrooper enemies at level 40 on say Hoth as it stands on live, are SEVERAL MAGNITUDES weaker than the snowtrooper enemies on say, Ilum. This doesn't make any sense. There's no reason for a flesh raider to suddenly become more powerful when I fight him in the Tython and Korriban Flashpoints in comparison to the ones on Tython.


Therefore, Level Sync makes sense from a lore standpoint, a Sith Acolyte on Republic Taris will be just as strong as the equivalent on say, Alderaan. It makes no sense that I can totally barrel through say, a Jedi Master on Dromund Kass, but a Republic Soldier takes comparatively more effort to defeat on Corellia.


But doesn't this mean that when I go back to Tython, and I'm a lowly Padawan again?


Except... you're not? The ONLY thing scaling down appears to be Stats. You preserve your skills and any abilities you have attained. On Tython as a Jedi Knight and a lowly padawan, how many defensive cooldowns do you have? 1. Saber Ward. As a Vigilance Guardian going back to Tython at level 60, the Jedi Battlemaster of the Jedi Order, you have:


Focused Defense, Enure, Saber Ward, and Saber Reflect.


Your damage is also significantly higher too. What abilities do you have on a Jedi Knight at level 10, or even a Jedi Guardian? In the case of Vigilance, Plasma Brand, Master Strike, Blade Storm, Strike, Slash, Sundering Strike, and force sweep. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE HEROIC MOMENT.


At 60, you have Plasma Brand, Master Strike (And the reset proc), Overhead Slash, Blade Storm, Dispatch (With procs too!) Strike, Slash, Vigilant Thrust, Unremitting off of Force Leap, and SO MUCH MORE.


Tell me how logically these two even are on the same playing field. Look at it backwards. If you have a Level 60 Jedi Guardian, remove all the abilities you've gotten since Level 10. Tell me with a straight face those two are equivalent.


The BENEFITS of Level Sync?


Bioware can do a lot more with Level Sync.


Here's why:


Imagine in 5.0. Whatever story content comes in 4.0 has passed and besides adding a new planet, Bioware goes,


"What if we could have a new questline on older planets that lays the seeds for the main expansion???"


In the current system on Live, this would be impossible. You'd run into logistical issues because you'd have random level 65 whatever NPCs attacking random lowbies who don't know what they are doing and stumble upon something they should not stumble upon. We run into a similar problem in 2.0, where the Dreadseed Quests had level 55 enemies that people accidentally stumbled on. We had a similar problem in the Bounty Broker's Event where running by a level 60 fighting a bounty and accidentally whacking it would get you killed.


Level Sync eliminates a lot of barriers. Any player can help any other player as long as they both are synced or naturally on level for the planet. You could team up with your Level 15 friend and do his Coruscant Bounty. Say there's a new alien artifact on Alderaan and you need to get it? Before, they'd have to make a new area and make an unintuitive partition. Now, they can just build the area, make it generally fit in with the planet (Or just make it where you can hide certain things while not on pace for the quest), and WHABAM. No random lowbies getting killed.


Finally, you can do heroics with friends, kill conquest commanders together (assuming they are downleveled which they probably should be), OW PVP and fight battles against enemies and still be moderately useful, the list goes on and on.


Why it should be mandatory





Here's why:


Number one: If I went to Alderaan and went to a heroic area and was 65, and I wasn't, I could run around trolling everyone by killing the mobs before they kill it. I could kill a World Boss while an 8man ops group was preparing to fight it.


A less nefarious use, but still wrong, would be doing a quest at 65, getting to the turn in, turning level sync on, then turning in the quest, then turning level sync back off. You'd literally eliminate any difficulty to leveling on older planets.


"Then why can't I just be OP when I'm not doing quests or not doing world bosses or not doing, well, anything?"


Why should you be? YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING AT THAT POINT. LITERALLY NOTHING. Also, you're still under the assumption you're actually on level for the content and have the same abilities that you do on level, which, you don't. See point 2.


But I'm a Solo Player!


If you leveled to 60 alone, you can do it again, except this time you have abilities that literally make you overpowered for the leveling planets. How is this harder? How is this more annoying?


Stupid Noob, why you think it's great to be Level Synced: because you play on PvE server you tried PvP but couldn't handle being killed.

The Fact is if you get Level Synced you can get killed by a player that is +30 levels below you if you play on PvP server. I could make a 30 assasin or shadow and just wait for level 65's doing heroics and then kill them when they got low hp.

The whole fun about being max level has gone now, no more farming, no more ganking, only noob friendly Gameplay.

You are obviously PvE player, Those hardcore players on PvP servers got nerfed big time, so many different ways to kill a level 65 now, that should not be possible at all, the feel of being rewarded with invincibility towards lower levels players just got removed with Level Sync.

It's the worst idea ever to level Sync. Bioware should instead have used the time to make cross server group finder for fp, wz and ops.

I dont see the point in being level synced to the planet is more fun, 1st Planetary PvP broken only fun if you are the low level that kills the maxed level. 2nd you don't get ops gear 3rd you run out of things to buy with commendations now companions don't have gear anymore, within a month or two you got all you can buy for them. 4th you dont need xp as level 65.


This is the end of farming, it is a noob friendly game now, only noobs and bad players get something out of Level Sync. It's the finishing blow for PvP why dont just make rated warzones for all levels now. it doesn't mater what level you are' you got synced so you can be killed by lower levels, to prevent guys on PvE server to troll by killing all mobs, they should just make faster spawn rate on herioc mobs, why ruin the game for PvP players and farmers, the people that use over 20 hours a week playing this game just got raped even more with Level Sync.

Past year i monthly paid 85$ for 14500 cc and i ofc sub. Now i think off stopping swtor because they made the game to simple and to noob friendly,

No new fp or ops, only stupid Level Sync for noob players, no more spending time to gear you character with the right stats it just got 1 stat mastery all the fun with nerding you character so it put out the highest dps has gone now. more or less all will be doing the same amount of dps now.

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One of the reasons I do not like the idea of level sync is this:


So I am Darth Nox, Dark Council Elite, slayer of Revan, but I head back to DK, to hang out in the home world or Dark Temple and as I am heading there some level 13 thing actually knocks me off my speeder. Wait WHAT? I am one of the most powerful Force users in the Galaxy and a level 13 nub can hit me and pull me off my bike. How is that fun. It just seems like everything will take longer to accomplish.


Also I am around level 52 when I head back to Korriban to face Thanaton and walk in to the instance, will he be level 50 and I'm only 12? Have we tested this, will they answer if it is ok?


These are just 2 of my thoughts not to mention Belsalvis with the level 50 area, Oricon, Seeker and Dread Seed quests, and so many others. I just really don't like it, and I have lots of unanswered questions. So what is means to me is that I will no longer step foot on the old planets unless I am ABSOLUTELY forced to do so. Basically this will probably kill a HUGE part of the game for me.

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Stupid Noob, why you think it's great to be Level Synced: because you play on PvE server you tried PvP but couldn't handle being killed.

The Fact is if you get Level Synced you can get killed by a player that is +30 levels below you if you play on PvP server. I could make a 30 assasin or shadow and just wait for level 65's doing heroics and then kill them when they got low hp.

The whole fun about being max level has gone now, no more farming, no more ganking, only noob friendly Gameplay.

You are obviously PvE player, Those hardcore players on PvP servers got nerfed big time, so many different ways to kill a level 65 now, that should not be possible at all, the feel of being rewarded with invincibility towards lower levels players just got removed with Level Sync.

It's the worst idea ever to level Sync. Bioware should instead have used the time to make cross server group finder for fp, wz and ops.

I dont see the point in being level synced to the planet is more fun, 1st Planetary PvP broken only fun if you are the low level that kills the maxed level. 2nd you don't get ops gear 3rd you run out of things to buy with commendations now companions don't have gear anymore, within a month or two you got all you can buy for them. 4th you dont need xp as level 65.


This is the end of farming, it is a noob friendly game now, only noobs and bad players get something out of Level Sync. It's the finishing blow for PvP why dont just make rated warzones for all levels now. it doesn't mater what level you are' you got synced so you can be killed by lower levels, to prevent guys on PvE server to troll by killing all mobs, they should just make faster spawn rate on herioc mobs, why ruin the game for PvP players and farmers, the people that use over 20 hours a week playing this game just got raped even more with Level Sync.

Past year i monthly paid 85$ for 14500 cc and i ofc sub. Now i think off stopping swtor because they made the game to simple and to noob friendly,

No new fp or ops, only stupid Level Sync for noob players, no more spending time to gear you character with the right stats it just got 1 stat mastery all the fun with nerding you character so it put out the highest dps has gone now. more or less all will be doing the same amount of dps now.


Your whole argument is that you feel like you should just be able to go to a low level planet and gank people and now they might be able to kill you, I feel like that makes you the noob. Apparently a level playing field makes the lower level noob? You still have a wider range of abilities at max level and a full rotation that a level 30 doesn't, if you lose to one then you sir are the bad player. It just means you can't just hit them once to kill them. If this is your whole argument then the game was actually already noob friendly/too simple and level sync is going to make it much harder all around which is what you really don't like.


Gearing hasn't really changed since they consolidated the mainstats into mastery. Again if you were putting cunning on an Assassin that makes you the noob. The only thing that changed is that they merged crit and surge and moved crit onto enhancements as a tertiary stat. You still have to balance your stats and make sure that you have appropriate levels of everything. You also have your aug slots that will allow you to customize how you see fit.

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Here's my two simple problems with level sync:


Level Sync kills farming credits and mats on lower leveled planets. I used to be able to run around at 55 on any planet gathering mats with ease. As I should be able to after becoming master of the universe. I used to be able to farm OPs on my own for furniture and credits, as I should be able to as Master of the universe. These are no longer possible.


Level Sync kills the WHOLE REASON I GOT TO 55 IN THE FIRST PLACE! To be extremely overpowered. Now what's the point? I'm playing for a semi decent story only? No thanks. When level sync hits. I unsubscribe.


I get it that Biowares can now put missions anywhere but if you want to save the thousands of subscribers you're going to lose, there needs to be a level sync ON/OFF switch.

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Here's irrefutable reasons why level sync should be mandatory for Bioware.


There's a lot of player complaining that Level Sync introduced, and I'm shocked at how painfully obvious it is that many players are missing the point.


Not having Level Sync doesn't make Lore Sense


In the original Star Wars trilogy, Stormtroopers were the cannon fodder of the movies, in this game right now, the imperial soldiers are also the cannon fodder of this game. The logical lorebreaking standpoint is that the Snowtrooper enemies at level 40 on say Hoth as it stands on live, are SEVERAL MAGNITUDES weaker than the snowtrooper enemies on say, Ilum. This doesn't make any sense. There's no reason for a flesh raider to suddenly become more powerful when I fight him in the Tython and Korriban Flashpoints in comparison to the ones on Tython.


Therefore, Level Sync makes sense from a lore standpoint, a Sith Acolyte on Republic Taris will be just as strong as the equivalent on say, Alderaan. It makes no sense that I can totally barrel through say, a Jedi Master on Dromund Kass, but a Republic Soldier takes comparatively more effort to defeat on Corellia.


But doesn't this mean that when I go back to Tython, and I'm a lowly Padawan again?


Except... you're not? The ONLY thing scaling down appears to be Stats. You preserve your skills and any abilities you have attained. On Tython as a Jedi Knight and a lowly padawan, how many defensive cooldowns do you have? 1. Saber Ward. As a Vigilance Guardian going back to Tython at level 60, the Jedi Battlemaster of the Jedi Order, you have:


Focused Defense, Enure, Saber Ward, and Saber Reflect.


Your damage is also significantly higher too. What abilities do you have on a Jedi Knight at level 10, or even a Jedi Guardian? In the case of Vigilance, Plasma Brand, Master Strike, Blade Storm, Strike, Slash, Sundering Strike, and force sweep. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE HEROIC MOMENT.


At 60, you have Plasma Brand, Master Strike (And the reset proc), Overhead Slash, Blade Storm, Dispatch (With procs too!) Strike, Slash, Vigilant Thrust, Unremitting off of Force Leap, and SO MUCH MORE.


Tell me how logically these two even are on the same playing field. Look at it backwards. If you have a Level 60 Jedi Guardian, remove all the abilities you've gotten since Level 10. Tell me with a straight face those two are equivalent.


The BENEFITS of Level Sync?


Bioware can do a lot more with Level Sync.


Here's why:


Imagine in 5.0. Whatever story content comes in 4.0 has passed and besides adding a new planet, Bioware goes,


"What if we could have a new questline on older planets that lays the seeds for the main expansion???"


In the current system on Live, this would be impossible. You'd run into logistical issues because you'd have random level 65 whatever NPCs attacking random lowbies who don't know what they are doing and stumble upon something they should not stumble upon. We run into a similar problem in 2.0, where the Dreadseed Quests had level 55 enemies that people accidentally stumbled on. We had a similar problem in the Bounty Broker's Event where running by a level 60 fighting a bounty and accidentally whacking it would get you killed.


Level Sync eliminates a lot of barriers. Any player can help any other player as long as they both are synced or naturally on level for the planet. You could team up with your Level 15 friend and do his Coruscant Bounty. Say there's a new alien artifact on Alderaan and you need to get it? Before, they'd have to make a new area and make an unintuitive partition. Now, they can just build the area, make it generally fit in with the planet (Or just make it where you can hide certain things while not on pace for the quest), and WHABAM. No random lowbies getting killed.


Finally, you can do heroics with friends, kill conquest commanders together (assuming they are downleveled which they probably should be), OW PVP and fight battles against enemies and still be moderately useful, the list goes on and on.


Why it should be mandatory





Here's why:


Number one: If I went to Alderaan and went to a heroic area and was 65, and I wasn't, I could run around trolling everyone by killing the mobs before they kill it. I could kill a World Boss while an 8man ops group was preparing to fight it.


A less nefarious use, but still wrong, would be doing a quest at 65, getting to the turn in, turning level sync on, then turning in the quest, then turning level sync back off. You'd literally eliminate any difficulty to leveling on older planets.


"Then why can't I just be OP when I'm not doing quests or not doing world bosses or not doing, well, anything?"


Why should you be? YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING AT THAT POINT. LITERALLY NOTHING. Also, you're still under the assumption you're actually on level for the content and have the same abilities that you do on level, which, you don't. See point 2.


But I'm a Solo Player!


If you leveled to 60 alone, you can do it again, except this time you have abilities that literally make you overpowered for the leveling planets. How is this harder? How is this more annoying?


I totally agree with this post.

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Here's my two simple problems with level sync:


Level Sync kills farming credits and mats on lower leveled planets. I used to be able to run around at 55 on any planet gathering mats with ease. As I should be able to after becoming master of the universe. I used to be able to farm OPs on my own for furniture and credits, as I should be able to as Master of the universe. These are no longer possible.


Level Sync kills the WHOLE REASON I GOT TO 55 IN THE FIRST PLACE! To be extremely overpowered. Now what's the point? I'm playing for a semi decent story only? No thanks. When level sync hits. I unsubscribe.


I get it that Biowares can now put missions anywhere but if you want to save the thousands of subscribers you're going to lose, there needs to be a level sync ON/OFF switch.


Again your whole argument is: I want easy credits without really having to work for it. If you make me work for it than I'm not going to play anymore because then I would have to put time and effort in and it's not worth it if it's not a free gimme.


Again this was probably not the dev's original intention for you to just be farming an endless supply of credits and blowing through content virtually solo. I think what you are looking for though is something in the realm of a single player game on super easy mode, possibly a He-man game since you keep on referencing "Master of the Universe". World Bosses weren't meant to be soloed, heroics were designed for a group, and so were operations. Just because a long time went by where you could do these things doesn't mean it was the intention. There are people that are making compelling arguments, yours is not one of them and is not going to make the devs go "OH MAN, WE GOT A MAJOR PROBLEM HERE GUYS!!! HE'S GOING TO UNSUBSCRIBE IF WE DON'T LEAVE IT ON EASY MODE AND LET HIM FARM UNLIMITED MATS AND CREDITS AND CONTRIBUTE NOTHING TO THE COMMUNITY BY SOLOING EVERYTHING!!!. Well there is only one thing we can do now..." I mean did you even read it after you typed it and think it through? I'm missing why you have this undeserved sense of entitlement because you hit 55. 55 isn't even the cap anymore 60 is, and in another day it's going to be 65. If you are only 55 then it means that you did not buy the expansion or have not played in forever. I assume you sub or else I don't think you could post on the forums. But it would be my guess that the devs can afford to lose your money because beyond a possible sub you do not spend any money on expansions or the cartel market. I assume that you figured you'd just wait until they gave Shadow of Revan out for free to subs and that you buy stuff on the cartel market but only with the monthly stipend of CC's you are given and generally you just put that stuff up on the GTN to make more credits and buy the stuff you really want with the unlimited supply of credits you make from farming mats. /sigh I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Edited by eskimo_brother
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There is no "irrefutable" reason level sync can't be semi-optional. Fully optional would be bad if things like daily/weekly rewards were the same for both level sync and non synced, the same if you could get achievements without being synced. However a semi-optional that allow a player to unsync when they just want to collect crafting mats, or wants to collect a piece of gear for cosmetic reasons is a more ideal solution to full mandatory.


To so there are irrefutable reasons is to say that having it not on actually harms the game, and everyone's experience, but that is not the case, as there is no reason which could make that statement true.


I like level sync and think it is great, but i also dislike that if i just want to collect mats i can't do it without possibly getting knocked off my mount, and deal with some pointless mobs that i would otherwise one shot or would not knock me off. Why is it so bad that in an instance like this i can't turn it off. Also don't try to tell me because of ganking, that is BS and we all know that it will still occur, because the gear advantage and ability advantage are still there, making it so a higher level will still easily rape your face, it just wont look as bad now. Maybe you could win if you wait for them to be half HP or lower, but then your the douche that is ganking a low health player. It doesn't all of a sudden make world PvP a thing, if it did i would be for it, but that isn't the case here.

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Leveled enemy system was allways seem dumb to me. Why sith lords on DK die when I spit on'em while sith lords have to suffer through my full rotation before they die? I don see any logical reason why someone could stand for this crapy system.

Even so with level sync you will have all your abilities and gear stats not goin to beowered wich means you will be pretty stronger anyway, but not in the stupid way it was before.

I hope all rpgs witout lvl sync will die forever.

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Leveled enemy system was allways seem dumb to me. Why sith lords on DK die when I spit on'em while sith lords have to suffer through my full rotation before they die? I don see any logical reason why someone could stand for this crapy system.

Even so with level sync you will have all your abilities and gear stats not goin to beowered wich means you will be pretty stronger anyway, but not in the stupid way it was before.

I hope all rpgs witout lvl sync will die forever.



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There is no "irrefutable" reason level sync can't be semi-optional. Fully optional would be bad if things like daily/weekly rewards were the same for both level sync and non synced, the same if you could get achievements without being synced. However a semi-optional that allow a player to unsync when they just want to collect crafting mats, or wants to collect a piece of gear for cosmetic reasons is a more ideal solution to full mandatory.


To so there are irrefutable reasons is to say that having it not on actually harms the game, and everyone's experience, but that is not the case, as there is no reason which could make that statement true.


I like level sync and think it is great, but i also dislike that if i just want to collect mats i can't do it without possibly getting knocked off my mount, and deal with some pointless mobs that i would otherwise one shot or would not knock me off. Why is it so bad that in an instance like this i can't turn it off. Also don't try to tell me because of ganking, that is BS and we all know that it will still occur, because the gear advantage and ability advantage are still there, making it so a higher level will still easily rape your face, it just wont look as bad now. Maybe you could win if you wait for them to be half HP or lower, but then your the douche that is ganking a low health player. It doesn't all of a sudden make world PvP a thing, if it did i would be for it, but that isn't the case here.


Thing is that easily farming mats for crafting and selling isn't supposed to be a thing, they don't want you aimlessly wandering a planet unopposed gathering up unlimited mats and credits. There is a reason why most of the nodes are usually really close to a mob, they want you to have to fight the mob and reward you with the node. Gear is also a reward for doing missions you aren't supposed to be able to just run through unopposed smashing everything in your way.

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Thing is that easily farming mats for crafting and selling isn't supposed to be a thing,

Wrong. That is the very basis of a game created on the premise of leveling up. Thats what the entire game design is based on. You are suppose to get higher levels in comparison to other parts of the game.


If they no longer want a game based on leveling up then remove the levels and give everyone everything from teh start. Let them jump to any area they want and just increase or decrease their power. What their doing makes the entire idea of levleing up nothing but a gate to skills which is a rather poorly thought out decision in a 4 year old game based on leveling up to get more power.


they don't want you aimlessly wandering a planet unopposed gathering up unlimited mats and credits.

So instead they made this forced down leveling change affect every single player in the game so we can still run around unopposed gathering up unlimited mats and credits because it didn't really do anything but put in a small speed bump. Thats called an unwise change when you change something and it really doesn't do all that much.

There is a reason why most of the nodes are usually really close to a mob, they want you to have to fight the mob and reward you with the node.

In otherwirds, with or without the down level it is still roughly the same but they made it take just a few seconds longer. WOW - They are indeed amazing. /sarcasm

Gear is also a reward for doing missions you aren't supposed to be able to just run through unopposed smashing everything in your way.

So like above, we're going to do that anyway it seem. Pointless change is pointless for the things you described. add that to the terrible idea of down leveling so 4 year old content is now something to regrind to get back what was taken away and it just gets worse and worse as a forced feature.

It should have never left the design room till it was an optional feature.

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i pref optional aswell over what they do now kinda silly to be brought back to say lvl 30 whats the point then to lvl at all.

1. Ye but it fits the lore better is plain BS, just like in real life the more you do a certain thing the better you get ( leveling in a way )


The better the training the stronger the person, a sith lord on DK is just not as far trained as a sith lord on oricon or yavin etc more experienced you can say .


Apprentice beats his master after a certain period cause he out leveld him and became better and took his place.


2. Open world pvp ????? hvnt seen that in ages and when it happens its 95% of the time on the latest planet anyway so max lvl vs max lvl so not much sense there to downscale lvls


3. Dailys yes you can do them faster but then again you evolved in being a force user so its back to point 1

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Again your whole argument is: I want easy credits without really having to work for it. If you make me work for it than I'm not going to play anymore because then I would have to put time and effort in and it's not worth it if it's not a free gimme.
this is a video game. it's a leisure activity. it shouldnt be "work"


also your forum name is using a racial epithet and should be changed; it's offensive

Edited by Pagy
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Wrong. That is the very basis of a game created on the premise of leveling up. Thats what the entire game design is based on. You are suppose to get higher levels in comparison to other parts of the game.


If they no longer want a game based on leveling up then remove the levels and give everyone everything from teh start. Let them jump to any area they want and just increase or decrease their power. What their doing makes the entire idea of levleing up nothing but a gate to skills which is a rather poorly thought out decision in a 4 year old game based on leveling up to get more power.


You didn't respond to what I said and apparently no they do not want you just leveling up to come gather mats and credits on low planets as they are now putting a "speed bump" in your way. I feel like everybody is too caught up in literal translations and being fan boys. "If I'm the Emperor's Wrath nobody should be able to oppose me especially low levels on low planets." Because everything else in the game makes perfect literal sense...


So instead they made this forced down leveling change affect every single player in the game so we can still run around unopposed gathering up unlimited mats and credits because it didn't really do anything but put in a small speed bump. Thats called an unwise change when you change something and it really doesn't do all that much.


If it doesn't affect anything then why are you on here complaining? Why are others on here complaining that it is going to be an annoyance for them to have to fight mobs or get knocked off their speeder to farm stuff? It's apparently a big enough annoyance that it will deter some from farming and or playing if they can't do it.


In otherwirds, with or without the down level it is still roughly the same but they made it take just a few seconds longer. WOW - They are indeed amazing. /sarcasm


Refer to previous statement


So like above, we're going to do that anyway it seem. Pointless change is pointless for the things you described. add that to the terrible idea of down leveling so 4 year old content is now something to regrind to get back what was taken away and it just gets worse and worse as a forced feature.

It should have never left the design room till it was an optional feature.


Apparently you aren't all going to continue to do it. And again if it's not going to affect anything then what is the issue? I came on the forums because I wanted to know what the debate about the level sync was, as I said previously in this thread I was really indifferent because I mostly just hang on fleet to PvP and am involved in end game progression raiding so it really doesn't affect me whatsoever because I'm not going to go farm stuff or run daily's so I didn't really know the issues and wanted to be educated, but all I found was a lot of squabbling from people that feel entitled for doing nothing.


I have seen some people say well I RP and it ruins the immersion. RPing isn't something I care about and or understand, as I stated I find it on the whole kind of strange and really not something I want to be involved in. But I respect that somebody else is into it, and that they play differently than I do. RPing doesn't affect the economy, they don't infringe on anybody elses ability to play, there are servers setup specifically for them even, so I can understand where the people that were stating it as an issue for them was a compelling argument. That is a valid statement to me as to why level sync is going to ruin their enjoyment and there are a few others.


I feel less pity for the people that are like well I wanna go gank lowbies on low level planets and kill them in one shot, I'm max level I should be allowed to do that. Or this ruins my unlimited income, I don't want to be annoyed by being knocked off my speeder or having to fight something. Pretty much if you start with "How am I supposed to farm ____ (whether it be achievements, chests, gear, nodes, bosses, operations, fp's, etc) now?!", I have no sympathy for you. These aren't valid reasons to not implement something. It's like if a vault at a bank is left open and they don't have cameras or guards and so you loot it and this goes on for awhile, but one day they put those things into affect and you get pissed because security was stepped up. Could you still loot it? Sure, but it's going to be a little more of a pain now and maybe enough of a pain that it stops some people from repeatedly doing it. The more I read here though the more I am inclined to believe that it's the way to go though because everybody seems to feel that they are entitled to be able to just have stuff without working for it because they hit max level or close enough. Being leveled is not an achievement anybody can do it, you don't have to know a rotation, you don't have to be in the right stance, you don't have to have the right gear on. You just have to be able to go from point A to point B and hit spacebar and on a long enough timeline you will hit max level, it doesn't entitle you to anything.

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