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Why Vicious Throw (Execute) has 3 rage cost !?!?


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Seriosly, I find this high cost an offense to the warrior community of all MMOs. Execute is always a high damage finisher with no or low cost, a complete situational ability. In Swtor it has a huge cost same cost as a normal attack while also sporting a cooldown. Why ?


The more I play my Marauder, the more I am forced to believe that Bioware devs either didnt knew how to design my class, or they simply want me to suffer or be discouraged at playing my class. Bioware should go back to design board with this class.


P.S. Can add that even the dmg is wrong, since at at lvl 45 I prefer to fire a 100% crit Scream that does around 2000 dmg and cost only 2 rage then to use a 3 rage 20% crit 1500 Vicious Throw.

Edited by Suspirium
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I agree completely. Perhaps they neutered sith warriors assuming 90% of players would automatically chose the class which would result in complete class unbalance...... and they will be fixed later....


I rather beleive this is all some mastermind plan rather than biowares incompetance :rolleyes:

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I have to agree, the damage of this ability is not that much better then massacre.. and its below 20% hp only.. I definatly think it should be 2 rage not 3.


20% Hp requirement, a heavy handed cool down, and you want it to cost 2 rage? That's still imbalanced. This ability should cost no more than 1 rage, and that is being generous.

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I tend to agree, however execute mechanics rarely work with either a high cost or a terribly long cool-down.


If you look at WoW's, for example, it was actually just supposed to be spammed after reaching the max rage-to-damage conversion (iirc it was around 20 extra rage). Ours has the rage cost and a 6 second cool-down, therefore isn't a replacement and is just something extra to weave in.


As far as PvE goes, some hardcore math will have to be done to see if it's worth dropping dots/messing with the Carnage priority to weave in.


You have to be aware, though that it's only useable when the target has 20% or less HP; at 50 most PvP targets will have, let's say, an average of 10500 HP.


10500 x 20% = 2100


Vicious Throw hits for a base of 2469-2873. It will most likely kill anyone if you use it, or get them damn close.


In short, its use in PvE will have to be mathed out, however using it in PvP will probably be our big "**** you" button.


In order to judge if the cost/cooldown is unbalanced we'll have to see how it fairs in PvE, but at this time that much burst in PvP is well worth 3 Rage and a 6sec CD.

Edited by Kibaken
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Just bind it into some talents.


Annihilation - 2 points - Each point reduces base damage by 5% but adds a DoT for 10% of normal damage. (10% overall damage increase that benefits from it's DoT talents)


Carnage - 2 points - Every proc from Ataru Form has a 50/100% chance to reduce it's rage cost by 1 stacks up to three times. - Or - Every proc from Ataru Form reduce the rage cost of your next Vicious Throw by 1/2 rage.


Rage - 2 points - If you're vicious throw kills it's target you have a 50/100% chance to be refunded of all rage. If the target does not die, the cooldown on all Force abilities is reduced by 1/2 seconds. You may say this is too little, but remember it reduces their cooldown by probably 1/3 of their duration if you use Vicious Throw every chance you get.

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I tend to agree, however execute mechanics rarely work with either a high cost or a terribly long cool-down.


If you look at WoW's, for example, it was actually just supposed to be spammed after reaching the max rage-to-damage conversion (iirc it was around 20 extra rage). Ours has the rage cost and a 6 second cool-down, therefore isn't a replacement and is just something extra to weave in.


As far as PvE goes, some hardcore math will have to be done to see if it's worth dropping dots/messing with the Carnage priority to weave in.


You have to be aware, though that it's only useable when the target has 20% or less HP; at 50 most PvP targets will have, let's say, an average of 10500 HP.


10500 x 20% = 2100


Vicious Throw hits for a base of 2469-2873. It will most likely kill anyone if you use it, or get them damn close.


In short, its use in PvE will have to be mathed out, however using it in PvP will probably be our big "**** you" button.


In order to judge if the cost/cooldown is unbalanced we'll have to see how it fairs in PvE, but at this time that much burst in PvP is well worth 3 Rage and a 6sec CD.


Level 50s will have a lot...lot more than an average of 10500 hp. I had 1600 in the last beta phase, when I was 'geared' out. As much as you can be in only a month to level and gear up. :p I only reached 50 this morning, so am hardly what you'd call geared yet, and atm I have ~13600 hp buffed in pvp. So, I'm thinking we'll all have a bit more than 1600 hp once the dust settles, as we gear ourselves out even better than what we had done in beta. I'm already seeing level 50s with 1600+ hp, and we're only 13 days into the life of the game. ;D


As the level 50s start to slowly gear up, the argument that bolster doesn't cut it will start to pick up steam, because it's true. Bolster compares well to a fresh 50 who hasn't picked up any new gear, but falls woefully behind as soon as a level 50 starts to gear up. Even with only three pieces of Champion Gear (got very lucky on getting three Champ pieces out of my first 10 bags), and three pieces of level 50 pve commendation gear, it's already no real contest if I happen across a sub-50 all alone in a warzone. :/


I know Bioware has said a 50-only bracket is coming when they think there's enough 50s to warrant it, but I think there's going to be a period where it's going to be utter torture for non-50s soon in the meantime. :p At least on my server, I'm more and more finding myself in groups and fighting against groups containing 4+ level 50s.


It's still a very useful skill to use in pvp, though you might be surprised at how often it doesn't actually kill someone, so make sure you are always following it up with something else just in case (the followup will almost always kill them, unless they are a tank or Sent/Marauder who activated 99% damage reduction). So, even though it often takes two GCDs, it's still almost always a sure kill.


In fact, I'd rather it be removed from the GCD than ask for its rage cost to be reduced.

Edited by revial
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