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Petition Mandatory Level Sync.


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Except that what players want isn't always in the best interest of the game or the company that manages one.


Well the same thing could be said about the people managing the company. :rolleyes:

Edited by tcgtqu
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I DON'T need this synchrobullsh*t.

So im up for the choice to ignore this crap.

I want to be OP. I want to be overgeared.

I'v earned it by MY time and MY afforts.


So i wan't to ignore this crap. I want to have a simple button and disable this non-sense.


You still will be OP and overgeared. It will just take a few hits to kill something instead of 1.

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Personally I very much support level-syncing. While making it optional for players is a good idea in theory, there are two very big reasons as to why it wouldn't work out: PVP and Dailies.


Open-world PVP: What happens when a max-level player with level sync turned off runs into a max level player of the opposite faction with it turned on? Is it fair for the person who has it turned on to be one-shotted like a lowbie, even though they are the same level, just because they enjoy playing the older content?


Dailies: This is a similar problem. What happens when a person has it turned on because they enjoy challenging content and good gear loot, but the person who has it turned off can just face-roll all the old dailies and make money/reputation at twice the speed of the other person? Is it fair for the person to have to sacrifice the enjoyment of challenging content just because everyone else around them is face-rolling and making money much faster?



Solution, non-synced players are put into instance 1 when it fills up you go to instance 2 or 3 or 4, etc where you are synced. To go to instance 1 by default (not open map and change instances) you must tick off a box in preferences something. Since people seem to think no one will ever go back to old planets 1 instance isn't going to hurt the game with the handful of people going there.


As far as dailies, if you want to sync or run them at the lowest possible level why should someone who doesn't sycn or runs them at max char level be punished because the other person hasn't hit max level, that's no different than choosing to sycn vs someone who doesn't or any other choices where one person's gear/skill/effort gives them an advantage on the same content.

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Level synch by definition has to be mandatory because there is nothing useful you could ever do with it if it wasn't.


It's like when they permanently shut down analog TV broadcasting stations to free up bandwidth. If people where able to "opt out" of that change it would have defeated the entire point of the change. Yes the removal of analog screwed over a (tiny) portion of the population, however change was beneficial to the majority by freeing up huge amounts of air bandwidth


And lets be real, how many people ever bother to go back to do gray content that gives +7 exp.


How so? If you want to gain the benefit of the xp, relevant gear/item drops/rewards, opportunity to play with others at the sync level (friends/guildies/etc), get in on a group working to gather enough people to take down the wb you sync. If not you don't and are left to deal with all the others who don't want to sync, the opinion of those who say few if anyone will ever go back to old planets means it isn't even an issue right?


All they need to do is make instance 1 the default for those (almost no one according to the pro force sync crowd) who don't want to sync and the others are all for those that want to sync or if the unlikely event that instance 1 gets full everyone landing is synced and stuck in the other instances.


Keep the sync people separate from the non sync people it makes sense that if there is an option it can't be abused.

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They could make it optional on just RP servers...


They could, though I would imagine that making a separate set of rules for just the RP servers would be harder to get put into motion than just having the blanket option for all servers to toggle the level sync on or off. Either way, I only play on an RP server. lol.

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This for BW


Why change something that's not broken( not taking into account all that is broken and needs fixing!).

Fine you get over lvl'd for some planets, so what;

Why the drama:

I played each planet for the story,lvling didn't come into it.


Lvl synch should be optional for those who want to use it

Clearly forcing something like this on the playing community will and has caused a split to each side.


BW I have to ask but why do you do these things;Do you purposely go out of your way to annoy players.

Why don't you actually ask the community about these ideas you want to implement instead of waiting to almost the 11th hour to drop these bombshells.


BW you really really should take a leaf out of Blizzards book when it comes to keeping their player base in the loop.

MMO champion is the perfect example of how to do it as opposed to your half arsed attempts if you can even call them that.

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BW you really really should take a leaf out of Blizzards book when it comes to keeping their player base in the loop.

MMO champion is the perfect example of how to do it as opposed to your half arsed attempts if you can even call them that.


Erm, If Blizzard kept their players in the loop, and yet still lost half of their user base...

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Comparing a casting decision for a movie and a mandatory (forced) level sync that will punish players who have taken the time to level/gear up their character so they don't have to deal with the headache of a planet is like comparing an apple to an orange. Making it an optional level sync is a more fair way to approach the matter rather than telling everyone, "If you want to go to Coruscant, you will have to sync your level down to 17." Since it's also telling people they are being punished in a way for having put in the time to level up their character and wanting to go back to a planet that is lower than their level.


Creating a level sync is great so that people can go back and gain experience for content IF THEY CHOOSE, not all players are concerned with gaining experience from old content they have outleveled. Some players would play old content (missions, fp's, ops, etc.) just for the story aspects of them.


This is also considering that not everyone wants to take the time to form up a group just to be able to run old content; there are many times that people will log in for 15-20 minutes to go and bash through some stuff. if you suddenly have to take that 15-20 minutes just to find a group to run non-groupfinder content then you no longer have the ability to go to a lower level planet or flashpoint and just crunch through in a short amount of time without regard to gaining experience or great monetary reward. How is forcing them to level sync just to gain more experience from this content fair? How is discounting that a person has already leveled up to 60 and geared up their character only to be forced to adhere to the level cap for the planet fair? How is punishing the player right?


There was a post by someone on a different thread that made the statement that by doing this Bioware is essentially saying that levels no longer matter. In some ways I can understand their sentiment and agree to an extent. Forcing someone to downgrade their character simply because they want to go to a lower level planet and run around is discounting their time and effort in leveling up their character...this is why you have a leveling system in the first place. Players level up going through content until they out level it, then they move on making room for other people to come in and do the same missions.


The far reaching downsides of a mandatory level sync go beyond the things I have listed so far. This in contrast to the potential downsides of an optional level sync? I will continue to push for an optional level sync rather than a mandatory one. The downsides to a mandatory one are so far reaching I dont think anyone has really take the time to consider how far it really goes.

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And here are my two cents regarding the forced level sync:


From a roleplayer's perspective the level synch is an absolute nuisance.


I often host RP events with my guild on low level planets where we use the landscape to help built up the specific scenario or setting. This could of rinstance be the rakghoul tunnels on Taris. Here the Storyteller or Dungeon Master will be typing out the overall situation, whereas the players emote and describe the actions of their character. The actual in game npcs are not invovled in these scenarios and often just a source of annoyance when they aggro us and get in the way. Thankfuly, our high level players has just be able to one-shot them when they attack and refocus on our actual roleplay... Until now.


This forced level sync will make it far harder for us roleplayers to set up RP events in the open world and thus it is not something we appreciate. The worst part is that this could be done in a much better way. Many games has a mentor system where a player can scale to the level of a specific plays or to the level of the player they are in a party with. However the key is that this feature is optional and toggle able.


In conclusion I don't consider this to be just a bad decision, but the worst decision you've made since launch when it comes to annoying the RP community. Also seeming how many other people are concerned and displeased with this forced feature, please listen to your player base and prevent yourselves from committing this error.

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Solution, non-synced players are put into instance 1 when it fills up you go to instance 2 or 3 or 4, etc where you are synced. To go to instance 1 by default (not open map and change instances) you must tick off a box in preferences something. Since people seem to think no one will ever go back to old planets 1 instance isn't going to hurt the game with the handful of people going there.


As far as dailies, if you want to sync or run them at the lowest possible level why should someone who doesn't sycn or runs them at max char level be punished because the other person hasn't hit max level, that's no different than choosing to sycn vs someone who doesn't or any other choices where one person's gear/skill/effort gives them an advantage on the same content.


Separating the player base is NOT a good idea. You should either have everyone sync'd or no one.


A mandatory system gives Bioware the ability to do some very interesting stuff, much more than if it was a simple toggle to help your friends. This is a foundation for the future.

Edited by Cosia
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And here are my two cents regarding the forced level sync:


From a roleplayer's perspective the level synch is an absolute nuisance.


I often host RP events with my guild on low level planets where we use the landscape to help built up the specific scenario or setting. This could of rinstance be the rakghoul tunnels on Taris. Here the Storyteller or Dungeon Master will be typing out the overall situation, whereas the players emote and describe the actions of their character. The actual in game npcs are not invovled in these scenarios and often just a source of annoyance when they aggro us and get in the way. Thankfuly, our high level players has just be able to one-shot them when they attack and refocus on our actual roleplay... Until now.


This forced level sync will make it far harder for us roleplayers to set up RP events in the open world and thus it is not something we appreciate. The worst part is that this could be done in a much better way. Many games has a mentor system where a player can scale to the level of a specific plays or to the level of the player they are in a party with. However the key is that this feature is optional and toggle able.


In conclusion I don't consider this to be just a bad decision, but the worst decision you've made since launch when it comes to annoying the RP community. Also seeming how many other people are concerned and displeased with this forced feature, please listen to your player base and prevent yourselves from committing this error.


So now the creatures and mobs act in a more realistic way. They would have no way of knowing what level you are and if they should avoid you or not so they would attack if they see you regardless of level. If you really wanted to RP you would turn off all HP bars.

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So now the creatures and mobs act in a more realistic way. They would have no way of knowing what level you are and if they should avoid you or not so they would attack if they see you regardless of level. If you really wanted to RP you would turn off all HP bars.


He is talking that just because they are using the rakghoul tunnels as a setting doesnt mean that they would be there for the purposes of their role-play. Many planets play host during a role-play as places that do not exist within the game, however, they do in Star Wars lore. One such instance is the planet Ossus which is where the Great Jedi Library was located and was turned into a ruined a toxic waste land...much like the in game setting of the planet Quesh.


"Ossus was originally a rugged, lush world with two-thirds of its surface covered in water and an abundance of flora and fauna. In 3996 BBY it was transformed with the destruction of the Cron Cluster into a desolate, irradiated desert world. Chemical and electrical storms swept the land, and little life remained on the surface." - Wookieepedia.


In this instance the planet played host to limited lifeforms, so running into mobs every 20ft breaks the immersion into that role-play. When higher levels walk through, they are typically unassailed when compared to players that are lower level. This is the reasoning behind an optional level sync. If one wants to gain; commendations, worthwhile experience, better gear, etc., they would need to sync to the planet for missions or go to a higher planet.

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Separating the player base is NOT a good idea. You should either have everyone sync'd or no one.


A mandatory system gives Bioware the ability to do some very interesting stuff, much more than if it was a simple toggle to help your friends. This is a foundation for the future.


Separation of the player base already happens, since there are already instances when a certain map grows to too large of a population. They still share a general chat channel and so on, they only thing they would not do in this instance is be trampling over one another for one reason or another...the same way they do already.

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Separating the player base is NOT a good idea. You should either have everyone sync'd or no one.


A mandatory system gives Bioware the ability to do some very interesting stuff, much more than if it was a simple toggle to help your friends. This is a foundation for the future.


We're separated by server, by faction, by time zone, by planet, by class story, by instances, by level how would this be any different or 'worse'? It is somehow better to force people to deal with this thing they don't want and virtually no one asked for (forced planetary level downscaling) or just up and stop playing?


The 'foundation for the future' is to rest on the content that has been out for nearly four years and then to let whatever new content that comes out be 'relevant' xp/various loot that people will outgrow quickly for those above that new area's level when they raise the level cap again and again.


If you really think there's no benefit to the 'play with your friends' line bw is feeding us then fine no level sync I think that's a stupid decision since people (even myself) wanted a way to play with friends/guildies but never did I see people asking for it to be mandatory and planet based but I freely admit I didn't keep checking those old threads from years ago on a regular basis to see what some new poster might have said when they requested the same thing.

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Those that are complaining about level syncing, turn around and stop playing content that bolsters your character. Being bolstered to a higher level is the same damn thing as what level syncing does. Just in the opposite direction. I for one am all for the level syncing. My mara can now go back to Korriban to help some of my guild mates level up. YAY!!! No more waiting around cause I have no low level characters to help out guildies. I will be able to feel like a guild leader again.


Level sync, if done right like bolster, is going to be a force send.

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Mandatory Level-Sync can and is a double-edged sword. It can hinder those that are on a planet for non-leveling purposes (i.e. datacrons, lore discovery, exploration, legitimate material gathering). By having the level-sync on all the time means having to fight in and out of areas which may cause a player to abandon the peripheral content. Some items are only in heroic areas. Sometimes it is difficult to find others to work through that area just so you can get an insignificant piece of lore (most players get irritated with a delay). I for one like to faceroll through some content that I missed if I only have a limited amount of time to play. The other side of this is mandatory level-sync also prevents the level 60 players that go through an area to one-shot all the targets needed to complete quests which can diminish the enjoyment in playing the game.


What would be nice is a toggle to turn it off while I am in solo mode. This way I can enjoy the content while passing the time or attempting to work through additional content. I would propose that if a player is grouped then the level-sync becomes mandatory for all high level players. And if there are two level 60 players grouped together then they should be automatically brought down to the appropriate level of the area. I know this isn't a perfect solution, but maybe a step away from forcing a particular way to play the game.

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