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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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My fabricated?


You now claim that that page is fabrication.


Oh my, Quraswhatever will be VERY dissapointed.

are you not going to answer the question?


what's 'n' in this fabricated 5% of yours?


does it include Timmy, the plumber from Wisconsin that logged in three times this year?

Edited by Pagy
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are you not going to answer the question?


what's 'n' in this fabricated 5% of yours?


does it include Timmy, the plumber from Wisconsin that logged in three times this year?


What question? That i use official Blizzard claims that are readily available by simple Goggle search?


Yes, it inludes number of subs Blizzard claimed.


Timmy the plumber from Wsconsin paid same 15$ to play as everyone else. Unfortunately Timmy the plumber was subsidizing small minority, and Timmy the plumber eventually stopped paying 15$. In fact there were over 7,7m Timmy the plumbers, which is very unfortunate.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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Again, you have to read past first line.

Lets analyze it further and see how many people did actual raiding (which is normal):

Teehee: 5%

Im glad you brought that page up.

And i have already said that there should be content in SWTOR that scales from 1-16 players, and group exclusive content should be super scarce.


I did look at it and you seem to be under some delusion that not many people raid. You mention wow and lotro. Well of course not many raid in lotro. The game itself is barely good enough to play much less trying to get a consistent group to raid content but like I said, even then they made 12 person group content. WHile not exactly a raid, it's getting there.


But you also mentioned wow as if gamers didn't raid all that much there. Well, turns out it much greater than 5% that are raiding in some capacity. It's as great as 70% and from a rather large sample size of 7.3 million armory toons and that isn't made up like the numbers you are throwing out.. It's not at the most difficult level but no one is arguing that. We know more than 5% raid in WOW on the easiest difficulty level. More than 5% run OPS in SWTOR and while it wont be nearly as high as WOW because SM is much harder than LFR, it sure as hell isn't as low as 5%

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5%, what in vanilla wow? where ops required attunements except for aq40?


not only do we again, not know what 'n' is, but this was vanilla wow, and isnt relevant at all for a multitude of reasons, ease of access notwithstanding.

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I did look at it and you seem to be under some delusion that not many people raid. You mention wow and lotro. Well of course not many raid in lotro. The game itself is barely good enough to play much less trying to get a consistent group to raid content but like I said, even then they made 12 person group content. WHile not exactly a raid, it's getting there.


But you also mentioned wow as if gamers didn't raid all that much there. Well, turns out it much greater than 5% that are raiding in some capacity. It's as great as 70% and from a rather large sample size of 7.3 million armory toons and that isn't made up like the numbers you are throwing out.. It's not at the most difficult level but no one is arguing that. We know more than 5% raid in WOW on the easiest difficulty level. More than 5% run OPS in SWTOR and while it wont be nearly as high as WOW because SM is much harder than LFR, it sure as hell isn't as low as 5%


LOTRO had almost 1m subs at launch. Things started going south when Turbine decided in MoM that there should be more group focus at endgame (game should be even more like WoW in other words) and tried to funnel everyone into dungeon -> raid progression and things started falling apart from then. They still insisted on raiding and faithfully produced group endgame content and faithfully losing more and more players. until they finally axed raids and put raiders in their place with their statement because they were rampaging all over internet about that with claims identical to yours, just about LOTRO.


Toons are IRRELEVANT, it was 2,3 million ACCOUNTS (with non guilded players not accounted for) out of over 10 million Blizzard claimed in MoP.


And LFR is irrelevant because you could stuck that loot pinata in any other content with same results. But even with that only 15% participated.


On NORMAL, which was ACTUAL raiding in WoW 5% killed first boss, and that shrunk with progression to 2,5% for last boss.


Yes, thats what your link represents.

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Yes you did. A sample size of the wow armory for 7.3 million characters does give a better impression than what you might have originally thought but was mistake on.


You'll try again Im sure as we give extra chances around here.




If story lasted longer I might could see your POV but since it is so easily consumed leaving little to nothing but to grind to get back what you already had and BW took away.


It's a shot in the dark I don't see being all that successful and brings more negative than positives.



And that is why in the middle of the next story patches we "should" be getting events that effect planets, and see some of the storyline effects on some of the older planets. (this is from the last Q&A they had.) The plan is that story happens, Few months things change, events happen, Next story upgrade.



What they want to do is faster pacing, more story more events. If they do it, it is going to be amazing. If they can pace it right. The lost of raiding and ops would be well worth it for many players if they can get this right.

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LOTRO had almost 1m subs at launch. Things started going south when Turbine decided in MoM that there should be more group focus at endgame (game should be even more like WoW in other words) and tried to funnel everyone into dungeon -> raid progression and things started falling apart from then. They still insisted on raiding and faithfully produced group endgame content and faithfully losing more and more players. until they finally axed raids and put raiders in their place with their statement because they were rampaging all over internet about that.


Lotro was falling apart well before that particular move. The whole game can't be mediocre and then blame raiding. Raiding wasn't the down fall of LotRO. The whole game being uninteresting was.


Toons are IRRELEVANT, it was 2,3 million ACCOUNTS (with non guilded players not accounted for) out of over 10 million Blizzard claimed in MoP.


and there is your sample size. You don't have to be some statistician to see it could apply to wow as a whole. More gamers are raiding than just a simple 5% you are claiming or even thinking about. Maybe for teh hardest difficulity yes but raiding LFR. Much more than 5%. If you did nothing but look at the raw numbers taking 25% from teh whole. 70% of that is raiding. A bit more than 5% you seem to think it is but since you can apply that general theory to wow as a whole. It's going to be much more than 5%.


And LFR is irrelevant because you could stuck that loot pinata in any other content with same results.

Because it's easy it's not raiding. Tahts the biggest joke I've ever heard. It's raid and it's easy and gamers are having a good time. Thats why so many are doing it and well above your imagined 5%.


On NORMAL, which is ACTUAL raiding in WoW 5% killed first boss, and that shrunk with progression to 2,5% for last boss.


When talking about raiding in wow. Much more than 5% are raiding. They may be on the lowest difficulty but they are raiding. They are seeing the content and the bosses and getting gear. You can try to dodge that truth by calling it to easy or calling LFR not a real raid but you would be just as wrong now as you were thinking is was some low number of 5%.

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What they want .... If they do it...... If they .....


To many wants and if's for my liking from a game company that has already failed at delivering content on a timely manner after claiming they never want to do that again. You'll have to forgive me for not believing them now.

Edited by Quraswren
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So ... who you hate more: The Cowboys or The Bears?

Well the Cowboys of course...in the 90's, they knocked us outta the playoffs far too many times. As long as the Bears have Cutler, we don't need to worry about that :p

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Lotro was falling apart well before that particular move. The whole game can't be mediocre and then blame raiding. Raiding wasn't the down fall of LotRO. The whole game being uninteresting was.




and there is your sample size. You don't have to be some statistician to see it could apply to wow as a whole. More gamers are raiding than just a simple 5% you are claiming or even thinking about. Maybe for teh hardest difficulity yes but raiding LFR. Much more than 5%. If you did nothing but look at the raw numbers taking 25% from teh whole. 70% of that is raiding. A bit more than 5% you seem to think it is but since you can apply that general theory to wow as a whole. It's going to be much more than 5%.



Because it's easy it's not raiding. Tahts the biggest joke I've ever heard. It's raid and it's easy and gamers are having a good time. Thats why so many are doing it and well above your imagined 5%.




When talking about raiding in wow. Much more than 5% are raiding. They may be on the lowest difficulty but they are raiding. They are seeing the content and the bosses and getting gear. You can try to dodge that truth by calling it to easy or calling LFR not a real raid but you would be just as wrong now as you were thinking is was some low number of 5%.


So now youre discounting YOUR OWN link and claim something different.


LOTRO was going VERY STRONG until that particular move. You dont even know what MoM is rofl They wanted even more and to steal WoW players. Instead, like every other game that tried to steal WoW players including SWTOR, it went south. And that was 6 years ago and you STILL refuse to accept it even if Turbine laid it out to you black on white.


NO MATTER how many players played LOTRO at ANY particular time (and that was close to 1m at launch and close to 1st xpack) there was NEVER more than 10% of raiders+pvpers combined and pvpers were BIGGER of the 2.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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So now youre discounting YOUR OWN link and claim something different.


Not even close. All I know is that garbage post you keep refering to, that 95% vs 5% is so far from the truth I'm shocked you keep bringing it up.


Especially given just how many are actually raiding in wow and just how far above 5% is actually is.


LOTRO was going VERY STRONG until that particular move. SNIP..


LotRO was never all that strong. Even back when it launched it had little to keep gamers there. It's been a mediocre MMO ever since. Struggling to be more but never could. Removing raids just allowed them to cut content and cut costs but lotro had more wrong with it than supporting raid content.

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To many wants and if's for my liking from a game company that has already failed at delivering content on a timely manner after claiming they never want to do that again. You'll have to forgive me for not believing them now.


So that means they should not try at all?


They are changing the system because it needs to be. That is just how simple it is. The way they have it setup limits them, and they don't have the power to give amazing story, raids, dungeons all at a decent speed.



The things I said the IF parts are all things they said they wanted to do. So giving up group/raid content for what they are planning to do is Ok in many peoples books.

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So now youre discounting YOUR OWN link and claim something different.


Not even close. All I know is that garbage post you keep referring to, that 95% vs 5% is so far from the truth I'm shocked you keep bringing it up.


Especially given just how many are actually raiding in wow and just how far above 5% is actually is no matter your personal dislike for the difficulty level they are raiding on.


LOTRO was going VERY STRONG until that particular move. SNIP..


LotRO was never all that strong. Even back when it launched it had little to keep gamers there after nostalgia wore off. It's been a mediocre MMO ever since. Struggling to be more but never could. Removing raids just allowed them to cut content and cut costs but lotro had more wrong with it than supporting raid content.

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Well the Cowboys of course...in the 90's, they knocked us outta the playoffs far too many times. As long as the Bears have Cutler, we don't need to worry about that :p

Heh. I guess nobody really cares about Marshall's smack talk anymore. Old news.

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LOTRO was going VERY STRONG until that particular move. You dont even know what MoM is rofl They wanted even more and to steal WoW players. Instead, like every other game that tried to steal WoW players including SWTOR, it went south. And that was 6 years ago and you STILL refuse to accept it even if Turbine laid it out to you black on white.


NO MATTER how many players played LOTRO at ANY particular time (and that was close to 1m at launch and close to 1st xpack) there was NEVER more than 10% of raiders+pvpers combined and pvpers were BIGGER of the 2.

MOM was a terrible expansion. On top of that, that's when things began to drastically change in the store...it went from cosmetic items only to various P2W items. The RAIDS were also way too over tuned for most folk - I tanked them all. Lotro can blame whatever they like for the failure of their game...but it's not the raiders fault...99% of it is mismanagement.

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MOM was a terrible expansion. On top of that, that's when things began to drastically change in the store...it went from cosmetic items only to various P2W items. The RAIDS were also way too over tuned for most folk - I tanked them all. Lotro can blame whatever they like for the failure of their game...but it's not the raiders fault...99% of it is mismanagement.


Ehm, there was no store in MoM, since that was BEFORE F2P. busted. you dont know what youre talking about.


Yes it was missmanagement....producing only group endgame content in attempt to steal WoW players.

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So that means they should not try at all?

It means they should make smarter moves that encompass more gamers than just the new ones that may or may not come or changing game play that gamers have enjoyed just fine for years but by changing it, it takes a bit of the fun out they once had in a part of the game that lasts much longer than story.


They are changing the system because it needs to be.

Well we're not going to be agree on that. Gamers have been playing SWTOR rather successfully for the past number of years since F2P and the game didn't break and has been rather successful. Making this change to reuse old content while hiding the addition of no new end game group content, while at the same time making sure gamers have to regrind that 4 year old content plus the regrinds for crafting and achievements. Sorry but this system didn't need to happen the way it is being implemented.


That is just how simple it is. The way they have it setup limits them, and they don't have the power to give amazing story, raids, dungeons all at a decent speed.


Simple. Thats about describes the thought process and outcome of this expansion. What is the simple way to make every gamer regrind something. Regrind companions, crafting, achievements. this expansion screams simple with it's generic companions and down leveling everyone so they don't have to create new content. Relying so heavily on a story that will come as go so fast you'll have to run an alt to remember if you even ran it at all.


The things I said the IF parts are all things they said they wanted to do. So giving up group/raid content for what they are planning to do is Ok in many peoples books.

Well since that imagined planning you think is happening hasn't happened. I'll not be getting on board that ship just yet.


Still too many "if's and "wants" from a game company that has said what they want to never want to wait that long for content again and turned right around and did it.

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Not even close. All I know is that garbage post you keep referring to, that 95% vs 5% is so far from the truth I'm shocked you keep bringing it up.


Especially given just how many are actually raiding in wow and just how far above 5% is actually is no matter your personal dislike for the difficulty level they are raiding on.




LotRO was never all that strong. Even back when it launched it had little to keep gamers there after nostalgia wore off. It's been a mediocre MMO ever since. Struggling to be more but never could. Removing raids just allowed them to cut content and cut costs but lotro had more wrong with it than supporting raid content.


then try to align you claims with that posts, because you ARE disclaiming your own link.


Its been a medicore MMO since MoM since they made a booboo they never recovered from. And booboo was trying to funnel everyone to dungeon - > raid progression.


Denial, denial, thats all you are about. Facts are facts, and you may want to spin them however you like, but those are facts.


Blizzard ca afford to waste money, they have droves of it, they can even axe project they squandered over 100m$ on and not even blink. Luxury that only select games like Lineage can afford beside WoW. Unfortunately for you, SWTOR doesnt have that luxury.

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Facts are facts, SNIP...


Facts are facts and more people raid than the imagined 5% you seem to think.


Maybe not in lotro but that game has been hobbling along that it wasn't raiding hurting it. The game itself just started sucking and management made it worse.

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Facts are facts and more people raid than the imagined 5% you seem to think.


Maybe not in lotro but that game has been hobbling along that it wasn't raiding hurting it. The game itself just started sucking and management made it worse.




Guess what?


Same thing in LOTRO

Same thing in WS

Same thing in WoW


Same claims, same denial of facts, same everything.

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Ehm, there was no store in MoM, since that was BEFORE F2P. busted. you dont know what youre talking about.


Yes it was missmanagement....producing only group endgame content in attempt to steal WoW players.

I wasn't saying the store was in MOM, I meant the store is a big reason the game began to fail. MOM was a terrible expansion, the store began to sell P2W items, class changes that blew the game completely out of balance etc...


At what point was there ONLY group end game content added, nothing else?

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I wasn't lying. Why would I lie about saying I posted something a long time ago. There's no benefit to it.


Admittedly I can't seem to find the stupid post, either, but I will find it eventually. it may have been on one of my alt accounts but I am certain it was on this one. BW does NOT delete posts. They have NEVER deleted a thread here, despite what the conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats try to say. Yes, they LOCK threads, but they do not delete.


I do remember the convo. Some idiot PvPers were doing what idiot PvPers always do - whining about needless, meaningless fluff that had to do with higher levels slamming on lower levels. I had mentioned in that thread that the only way to fix that was a Sync system, and also discussed there that a Sync system WOULD be nice for the PvE crowd also because of high levels always trolling the low levels just to troll.


Sheez. Just because the thread can;t be found or whatever doesn't mean the convo didn't happen. Besides I just answered a simple question in THIS thread pertaining to if anyone in the past had mentioned a Sync system, which the answer was an absolute YES. You make it sound like I was the ONLY one who mentioned a Sync system, which is NOT true. So don;t be angry at me because of some age-old post I may or may not have made because I obviously was NOT alone. If there was not a demand for a new feature, BW would NOT have gone to all this trouble to code it. Do you REALLY think they would make this huge of a change without some sort of request or feedback from players? As you stated yourself ... "Seriously."


OK, so... You said:


I remembered starting a couple of threads myself over a year or so ago, requesting a Sync system. I know others did as well. When i submitted mine it was in the feedback/suggestions area. And it's not dramatic at all. People are just making it out to be.


Your profile shows you have only started two threads and neither was involving level sync or mentoring.




No one I know of are making claims that 'Mentoring' has never been suggested. I think many people opposed to the current changes in store on the 20th/27th would have been happy champions of a Mentoring system. Something that allows them to choose to drop to an equal level of a group-mate or perhaps allows a group-mate to be increased to their current level without having all the new abilities (basically the current system for Kuat/PVP Warzones, etc) .


Over the years people have suggested this because it exists in other implementations.


What they are arguing is that very few people, if any, were asking for _everyone_ on a planet to be scaled downwards to its maximum level without any choice. EG, level scaling as it is being implemented has not really been on the lips of many as a desired feature. MENTORING which IS different, despite any of your protestations otherwise, has been requested and not many would deny that rationally.


You can not equate Mentoring with Mandatory Level Syncing/Planetary Maximum Levels ad they are two entirely different systems with the very least of the distinctions being one is voluntary and the other is mandatory.


So the fact remains. You NEVER started a thread (or two as would be intimated by your use of the word 'couple' above) despite your claims. You made a false claim in order to support an argument (not in order to answer a question) you were making for a system you support. I could care less about anything else, thats just sloppy and needless.


I see later in this thread you make a bunch of links to prior threads. This is _slightly_ better, except you are conflating Mentoring with Forced Global Syncing. You're presuming that although they are two entirely different systems if people support one they must automatically support the other and that is a terribly flawed syllogism.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
Edit to correct spell checker.
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