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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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I went for certain things.


After 4.0, I will no longer do so, it will go from a trip to accomplish a specific task or see a specific thing or whatever, to a tedious, sloggy nuisance.


NO ONE is saying "boo hoo, it will be too hard to get to that place now! I can't handle green mobs! They're so hard!"

They're saying "it will no longer be worth the added time of fighting through all those trash mobs to get to what I actually wanted to do there".


Once again, you and I are in agreement. It's tedious and time consuming. That's the part we object to.

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Agreed. Once the dust settles and the shock value is gone no one will care either way. People will either adapt or log off and go play something else. they won't be missed. I purchased another 6 months sub because of all the cool stuff they are giving us in 4.0. :)


Rubbish, people will give up complaining about it, and either put up with it or move to a different game but that doesn't mean they stopped caring. At this point people are still hoping for Bioware to listen to the feedback. There comes a point where (once the dust settles) where people would just be flogging a dead horse, so people don't bother, again it doesn't mean they don't care. If Bioware doesn't listen to the feedback in the 'shock value' stage, they are not going to listen at a later stage so people know there is no point going on about it.


Your post completely fails to address why it bothers a lot of people. It might not bother you, but you shouldn't force your playstyle on others. If Bioware make this optional, then everybody wins. Your not bothered - so can continue using level sync, but those who hate it can toggle it off. Is there any reason you would be against this?

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It is not taking anything away. You can still do that stuff!


Can I? I won't be able to RP without having to waste time killing mobs on a respawn timer. I won't be able to solo most of the higher level heroics anymore. While I'll still be able to explore, I won't want to. Dealing with trash every five meters is not fun. It's just not.


Edit: and yes, I did watch the stream. If it takes more than one hit, it takes too long. Period.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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You are overreacting max! It won't be a sloggy nuisance :confused::confused: YOU will still have all your max level gloriness, it is just scaling you to the level of the planet is for max. You will still flow through mobs like butter. did you watch the stream? Eric went through those guys like nothing! It's nothing like you think it is!


Will they be "gray", ignore my PC unless I practically step on them, and die like flies if they actually attack me?


Will they have a massive chance to miss, as they currently do?


Will my maxed-out PCs have all their normal, high-level HP, damage/heals, defenses, etc?


We already know the answers to those questions, and it's NO.


So don't tell me it won't be a tedious slog and nuisance when I have to stop and fight groups of mobs repeatedly to get where I'm going, clear them off things before I can get to whatever it is I'm after, etc.

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Sarfux, truly not needed.


All these threads do is get the same 5-10 people who posted the "hate this" threads to come in here and continue to argue about it, further clouding the waters of the forums with pointless threads, forcing the mods to delete them and/or merge them together.


I agree with your stance 100%, but this doesn't help explain your stance nor does it do anything to discredit any "white knighting". No matter what you say and/or do you will always be to them what you are to them. Bioware knows you and I support what they do by continuing to sub, that is all that is required ^_-

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How about when you are in a heroic area, you will be level sync. Then outside of those heroic areas you are at max level. This would be good compromise.


Which would only work on Heroics that are behind an instance wall. The heroics that are in open world would be much harder to set up in that manner.

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Only compromise I'll agree to is if you don't level sync you cannot get credits, trash, loot, xp, or kill credit if you are 7 levels about max level for planet.



If bioware goes back on this choice now it'll be like ME3 all over again and shows that they don't have the chops as a developer because they let their own vision be bullied into submission by a handful of people.



So if level sync were to go away or some sort of compromise to be made then if you don't level sync you should get nothing for being overleveled on said planets.

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There is now a reason to step foot onto lower level planets. Before there wasn't. Doesn't mean you have to do any of that content if you don't wish to see the level scaling. Choose what you want.


Speak for yourself. I am currently running the lower planets for the achievements. If I choose to do that as a level 60 and curbstomp the mobs I should be allowed to.

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How about when you are in a heroic area, you will be level sync. Then outside of those heroic areas you are at max level. This would be good compromise.


How about the compromise of making it entirely optional, so that everyone gets what they want, except for the people who get pissed off about how other people get enjoyment out of a game.

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Sarfux, truly not needed.


All these threads do is get the same 5-10 people who posted the "hate this" threads to come in here and continue to argue about it, further clouding the waters of the forums with pointless threads, forcing the mods to delete them and/or merge them together.


I agree with your stance 100%, but this doesn't help explain your stance nor does it do anything to discredit any "white knighting". No matter what you say and/or do you will always be to them what you are to them. Bioware knows you and I support what they do by continuing to sub, that is all that is required ^_-


Hey there Juro! How have you been? :) Great post. I just felt the need to explain it a little more in depth for those who might not understand and they think it's a giant nerf to your character and you won't be able to do stuff. Thanks for the reply. Good point with the stuff you said. Some people just have to know though

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Oh look, the "you didn't earn it, grrrrrr" argument.


It's like cliche-o-rama here tonight.


Didn't earn what? we have to earn level sync now? Who said anything about earning anything? oh wait that's right you want me to agree that level sync is a bad idea. I love you too Max, besides everything on the interwebs is cliche, to change is horrible and unwelcome.

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Avoiding mobs is soooooo difficult.


Actually avoiding mobs while downlevelled will be 'soooooo' much more difficult. On your level 65 your agro radius will be the same as a player a similar level to the mob and you'll get knocked off as much as a player at a similar level to the mob. Aggro radius and getting knocked off makes sense to avoid people cheesing current level content, but now you get feel all that joy when passing through a low level planet. Sounds fun doesn't it?

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Actually avoiding mobs while downlevelled will be 'soooooo' much more difficult. On your level 65 your agro radius will be the same as a player a similar level to the mob and you'll get knocked off as much as a player at a similar level to the mob. Aggro radius and getting knocked off makes sense to avoid people cheesing current level content, but now you get feel all that joy when passing through a low level planet. Sounds fun doesn't it?


What a pita! :eek:

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Hey there Juro! How have you been? :) Great post. I just felt the need to explain it a little more in depth for those who might not understand and they think it's a giant nerf to your character and you won't be able to do stuff. Thanks for the reply. Good point with the stuff you said. Some people just have to know though


It is a giant nerf to your character. How much of a nerf depends obviously on what planet you go to. But I'll feel reassured to still have all my levels to look at when sat on the fleet or my ship. I guess I can still use them with the combat dummy. Great RPG this, earn levels you can use with your combat dummy :/

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How about the compromise of making it entirely optional, so that everyone gets what they want, except for the people who get pissed off about how other people get enjoyment out of a game.


^^^ THIS. It really sounds like a fair compromise to me. ;)

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It actually sounds fun. My boyfriend and I run things together and if the heroics are heroic 2 that sounds like something we will enjoy.


We both made the comment that the 12xp was making things too easy for us. We like a little bit of a challenge and this sounds like it will give us a challenge.


We not the type that just wants to one shot things. We enjoy challenges and this might just give us that.

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It is a giant nerf to your character. How much of a nerf depends obviously on what planet you go to. But I'll feel reassured to still have all my levels to look at when sat on the fleet or my ship. I guess I can still use them with the combat dummy. Great RPG this, earn levels you can use with your combat dummy :/

The more I think about it, this system is actually going to encourage people playing together to do just that.

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It's going to change very little about my play style, because 99% of my credits are from GSF unless I intentionally set out to farm them (and when I do that, I sure don't go run dailies; that's slow). But then, I guess that only applies if you win the matches you're in, so you really wouldn't be able to relate.


Oh you're adorable <3


Enjoy those 10 matches a day :p

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Didn't earn what? we have to earn level sync now? Who said anything about earning anything? oh wait that's right you want me to agree that level sync is a bad idea. I love you too Max, besides everything on the interwebs is cliche, to change is horrible and unwelcome.


No, the part about "If syncing is optional, then those who turn it off don't get ANYTHING doing the lower-level content" (paraphrasing).

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It's always telling in one of these "discussions", which side feels desperate and driven and insecure in their position, to the point of constantly lobbing insults at the other side, impugning their motives, attempting to belittle them, etc.


At any rate, enjoy your trolling.




Desperate and insecure? This is going live, I feel very secure.

Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for those who won't be able to do dailies anymore because they will need to actually group up with others or spend more than 20 min to do the content (not really).


I'm not belittling anyone, I'm just saying I hope it goes live and those who are throwing a tantrum on here unsubs.

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It is a giant nerf to your character. How much of a nerf depends obviously on what planet you go to. But I'll feel reassured to still have all my levels to look at when sat on the fleet or my ship. I guess I can still use them with the combat dummy. Great RPG this, earn levels you can use with your combat dummy :/


Final Fantasy 8 had level scaling. And that was an RPG.


Also it's only a nerf because it wasn't originally in the game. Had this game rolled out with level scaling it would just be the way things are and always have been. Which is how new players will view the game. Numerical levels themselves are just counters, and not something in and of themselves to be upset about. Games without 'levels' are also perfectly valid RPG's. There are a multitude of valid complaints about level scaling (Achievement hunting, Bounty Hunter quests, ability to cruise old planets without getting dismounted by trash mobs you killed in 2013, etc etc etc), the "I'm level 42 but on DK I'm level 18" seems rather arbitrary.

Edited by JDiablos
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