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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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In your opinion, and this is the problem with players who happen to be la creme de la creme; if something's easy for them, they cannot possibly fathom how it could not be for anyone else, and instead end up inevitably looking down on anyone less-skilled as weak and inferior and unworthy. We're not all as...gifted, as you are.


And you're forgetting Oricon, or are you? The champions there are hell, even for a well-geared 60 char/comp (186 everything), and I'm not talking about a dps/dps pair. Remember, what may be a cakewalk for you may not be such for the rest of us.


Difficulty is in the eye of the beholder, just as I've said above.


My guess is that he's going to claim that if you couldn't solo the Oricon H2 "commanders" at level 55, you should "learn2play"... which is pretty much an admission that he has no leg to stand on.


This is just a guess, mind you, since I just put him back on ignore for being his same old smug, belittling self all the time.


There's also the question of what does one mean by "can be soloed" -- if you have to drop Heroic Moment and every CD you have and so on, and barely survive with under 5% health at the end of the fight, then that mob is technically "soloable", and no doubt some of the claims are based on that standard. If you win the fight 50% of the time and die the other 50%, then maybe some people consider that "soloable". Personally, I don't consider that to be "soloable" in a practical and soloable way.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It would concur here. But I am not sure why that is. Do they not care? Do they not read the forums? It's clear there is a huge amount of confusion. Does Eric really have to ask so many people before he can manage the community as community manager with even a flimsy post?


I would imagine that there is a certain reluctance to engage with the community on the forums. We're a pretty polarised bunch sometimes. :(

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My guess is that he's going to claim that if you couldn't solo the Oricon H2 "commanders" at level 55, you should "learn2play"... which is pretty much an admission that he has no leg to stand on.


This is just a guess, mind you, since I just put his rude little self back on ignore.


He should learn to play and so should everyone else. Players should always strive to be the best at any game they play as that will make them less of a hassle to deal with when grouped with other players.


Also: Oh no, not the ignore section! :rolleyes: Truth hurts I guess.

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I would imagine that there is a certain reluctance to engage with the community on the forums. We're a pretty polarised bunch sometimes. :(


It's pretty much from my experience that some people take their word as gospel and when BW doesn't deliver they proceed to act like BW ran over their cat or something.

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I can feel his anger as he types the stuff. He is so proud to tell everyone he has them on ignore. His post are becoming worse and worse.

Come now let us not take my comment that serious. I was just saying it to upset them since they seem to have a thing for me.

You're not actually on any sort of moral high ground, here.

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He should learn to play and so should everyone else. Players should always strive to be the best at any game they play as that will make them less of a hassle to deal with when grouped with other players.



Sorry but it's pretty well know that in MMOS gamers do not rise to the occasion (difficulity) in most gamers they play. No matter how much you think they should.


Hell, even wow developers said as much and it's player base is much bigger and they know this.

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Sorry but it's pretty well know that in MMOS gamers do not rise to the occasion (difficulity) in most gamers they play. No matter how much you think they should.


Hell, even wow developers said as much and it's player base is much bigger and they know this.


Whenever someone starts saying "learn2play", you know they've lost the argument, and they're just trying to dismiss you in any way they can think of -- it's a default fallback comment with no real substance. 99.9% of the time, they've never seen you play, and they're speaking from utter ignorance as to what sort of player you are, what content you do, what gear you have, how well you know your powers and rotation, etc.



Not to mention that, no matter how much certain players wish it were otherwise, grouping -- of any sort -- is not mandatory in this MMO or most others at this point. Unless a player is looking to group with others, they have absolutely no obligation or responsibility to tailor their habits, their playstyle, their build, or their gear to suit group content or the whims of any other player.

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The Champions in the Heroic on Oricon were soloable at 55 when it was still the new relevant content. If you feel you are not good enough to solo them then make yourself better at the game and you will find yourself in wonders of what you can take on by yourself at the relevant level.


He should learn to play and so should everyone else. Players should always strive to be the best at any game they play as that will make them less of a hassle to deal with when grouped with other players.


It's obvious you never listened to anything I've said, so let's try again.


Difficulty is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone has the capacity to reach your dizzy heights; and in a game where the objective is to have fun, it should never be a 'my way or the highway' requirement.


Yes, fun, maybe you've heard of it; but, since all you seem to care about is the in-game equivalent of running up sand-hills in the blazing sun with with a tremendous boulder tied around your person, and dictating that everyone should do the same, then I guess 'fun' just isn't in your vocab anymore. At least, not the definition MOST people share. So, it would seem to be to me that you've forgotten how to have fun without demanding other people mimic your style.

Or people know how to play their class and have no problem with managing interrupts and appropriate defensive cooldowns to kill a champion mob 100% of the time every time.


I know it's a hard concept for you to accept but you can get better at the game.


Another elitist fun-destroying, soul-destroying "L2P Noob" answer, NOT EVERYONE shares YOUR CAPACITY for achieving the IMPOSSIBLE!


Don't imagine that 5 levels above, at 60, with all 186s, my madness sorc with Xalek tanking, having done exactly what you have described here, made the encounter easy. And since it was hell at 60, it is guaranteed, GUARANTEED to be 16m NiM palpitation-/coronary-inducing INSANITY at 55.


You see what I'm saying, where's the fun in that? Oh wait, your definition far superior; us mere mortals can get knotted, I suppose.


Sorry but it's pretty well know that in MMOS gamers do not rise to the occasion (difficulity) in most gamers they play. No matter how much you think they should.


Hell, even wow developers said as much and it's player base is much bigger and they know this.




Whenever someone starts saying "learn2play", you know they've lost the argument, and they're just trying to dismiss you in any way they can think of -- it's a default fallback comment with no real substance. 99.9% of the time, they've never seen you play, and they're speaking from utter ignorance as to what sort of player you are, what content you do, what gear you have, how well you know your powers and rotation, etc.



Not to mention that, no matter how much certain players wish it were otherwise, grouping -- of any sort -- is not mandatory in this MMO or most others at this point. Unless a player is looking to group with others, they have absolutely no obligation or responsibility to tailor their habits, their playstyle, their build, or their gear to suit group content or the whims of any other player.


My point exactly, in their warped little superman minds, the most difficult difficulty is brain-dead face-roll easy for the most blind, comatose lobotomy patient; they think that they are superior and everyone else should try to be more like them, instead of actually enjoying themselves positively. They stopped having the right and positive kind of fun a long time ago, and decided they wanted to control everyone else's play-style with their L2P Doctrine and final solutions to the filthy disgusting casual question. They truly believe that because they're gods of the player-base, that gives them the right to determine how other people play.


I have news for you, the devs outrank you hardcore elitists; RL is where any challenge should be, NOT a GAME where FUN is to be had.

Edited by sentientomega
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It's obvious you never listened to anything I've said, so let's try again.


Difficulty is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone has the capacity to reach your dizzy heights; and in a game where the objective is to have fun, it should never be a 'my way or the highway' requirement.


Yes, fun, maybe you've heard of it; but, since all you seem to care about is the in-game equivalent of running up sand-hills in the blazing sun with with a tremendous boulder tied around your person, and dictating that everyone should do the same, then I guess 'fun' just isn't in your vocab anymore. At least, not the definition MOST people share. So, it would seem to be to me that you've forgotten how to have fun without demanding other people mimic your style.




Another elitist fun-destroying, soul-destroying "L2P Noob" answer, NOT EVERYONE shares YOUR CAPACITY for achieving the IMPOSSIBLE!




Another elitist fun-destroying, soul-destroying "L2P Noob" answer, NOT EVERYONE shares YOUR CAPACITY for achieving the IMPOSSIBLE!


Don't imagine that 5 levels above, at 60, with all 186s, my madness sorc with Xalek tanking, having done exactly what you have described here, made the encounter easy. And since it was hell at 60, it is guaranteed, GUARANTEED to be 16m NiM palpitation-/coronary-inducing INSANITY at 55.


You see what I'm saying, where's the fun in that? Oh wait, your definition far superior; us mere mortals can get stuffed, I suppose.


But see, that's part of learning. My explanation for those who may not know: Companion tanks are terrible, except for Treek. If you don't want to use Treek, then you probably would want to tank yourself in a dps mode, and have a healing companion. As a Sorc, you have some good defensive abilities. Also, learn which commanders are easier than others if you're not doing the "kill all 8" achievment. Finally, know how to use a rotation. Dulfy's is good for that. Don't hesitate to use Heroic Moment either, and all of the abilities if you have them. If nothing else, it shortens the fight.


There is homework needed sometimes if you want to turn hard encounters into more manageable ones. If you go in blind, then yes, you'll have difficulties.

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But see, that's part of learning. My explanation for those who may not know: Companion tanks are terrible, except for Treek. If you don't want to use Treek, then you probably would want to tank yourself in a dps mode, and have a healing companion. As a Sorc, you have some good defensive abilities. Also, learn which commanders are easier than others if you're not doing the "kill all 8" achievment. Finally, know how to use a rotation. Dulfy's is good for that. Don't hesitate to use Heroic Moment either, and all of the abilities if you have them. If nothing else, it shortens the fight.


There is homework needed sometimes if you want to turn hard encounters into more manageable ones. If you go in blind, then yes, you'll have difficulties.


I don't tank, but I do admire anyone who can; you're masochists, and that is why I will not tank, in a GAME, it's your right but please don't force that on the rest of us.


Yes, well; at 60 with 186s; I managed to down them all, BARELY, with rotation and all. You're assuming I haven't done anything to even try, I have done EVERYTHING I can POSSIBLY do. At 55, if we are scaled down to that for Oricon; I may as well not even bother, I KNOW for DAMN SURE that it WILL be IMPOSSIBLE for ME, and most players, actually. And for us to even consider trying, would do more harm than good.


That's all very nice but heroic moment is something that has too high a CD, and it should only be used if you were caught off-guard by two of those bosses. Our lives should not have to be validated by trying to be Number One, in a *********** GAME! It is exactly like 16m NiM ops because ONE wrong move, and it's all over. Maybe that kind of life-or-death intensity is fun for you, Yes, this is a game, an environment we don't, nor shouldn't, have to be perfect EVERY.SINGLE.MOMENT!


I don't know how any of you can so blithely declare how brain-dead face-roll bored-out-of-skull-witless easy any H2+ is at level, or even below it, not everyone is like you, not everyone is interested in becoming like you, and not everyone, even if they wanted to, can get to be as good as you. They may as well just unsub, if the hardcore elitist mentality reigned supreme and cast a dark shadow of tyranny over the game. And again, in a game, and I know this might be hard for you to understand, where the objective is to have fun, there should be ZERO compulsion to strain any part of ourselves we wouldn't do IRL. Fun for you may be a constant stream of nightmarish challenge, but most of us don't share that; nor should we have to, nor want to.


I've listened to you, and have even done all you recommended, at which point, it stopped being fun, but to hear you talk, everyone who isn't as skilled as me (and honestly, I do not believe I am that good, and that above example is the absolute limit to what I can achieve, and that was nightmarish enough, rotation done, DCs popped, even an heroic moment) might as well unsub right now. Guaranteed, if the devs made things ANY easier, you and every superior being would be so up in arms over the great New Casual World Order conspiracy.


If people don't want to group for things, they won't and thus hardly anyone would touch that heroic if I found myself needing to group, because BW:A thought it was a good idea to listen to a bunch of players who've FORGOTTEN how to enjoy themselves without imposing the same hell on everybody. HAVING to group for something you should be able to do alone SUCKS, especially if the devs think casual-bashing is a good idea, and the Oricon H2+ bears that out come 4.0.


Would it be too much to ask that it be a little easier, so that everyone could do it? Sounds like good business sense to me...


I don't know where the sync will put us on much higher level planets, but I really hope it's not AT max level. Ideally, anywhere above 50 should scale us down to no lower than 5 levels above the max.


In short: I've done exactly what you said, and at 5 levels above, it's all I can manage; at-level cannot be done, except by the number of hardcore elites you can count on one hand.

Edited by sentientomega
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The Champions in the Heroic on Oricon were soloable at 55 when it was still the new relevant content. If you feel you are not good enough to solo them then make yourself better at the game and you will find yourself in wonders of what you can take on by yourself at the relevant level..




I'm a level 60 Immortal Jugg with a full set of blue 190/purple 186 gear and a fairly well geared healer companion (Quinn)

I still have a fair amount of difficulty killing the Oricon commanders.


To suggest 55's could do it is straight up rubbish.

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I'm a level 60 Immortal Jugg with a full set of blue 190/purple 186 gear and a fairly well geared healer companion (Quinn)

I still have a fair amount of difficulty killing the Oricon commanders.


To suggest 55's could do it is straight up rubbish.


See other discussion on this subject -- "can do it" is a really vague standard.

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No, they would have "can do it" as defined PURELY by THEM, and "Everyone else can go screw themselves."


I keep telling you, their fun is not the fun most of us have.


I like the idea of the level sync, but whether or not I'll be able to continue to do so after I've seen how we're synced per planet, remains to be seen.

Edited by sentientomega
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No, they would have "can do it" as defined PURELY by THEM, and "Everyone else can go screw themselves."


I keep telling you, their fun is not the fun most of us have.


Here's the discussion I'm talking about. Very civil, and gets into how wide a scale "can do it" covers.




"Can do it" or "reliably can kill that mob" ranges from "had to pop Heroic Moment and every last cooldown I have, ended the fight at 5% health" to "risk is negligible, character might die if I drop the ball completely".


Just something to look at, I'm not really disagreeing with you -- there will always be 99th-percentile hardcore players for whom that last 1% of damage or heal or soak is a point of pride, and then there will always be a much smaller set of those players who smugly and self-righteously see the world divided between "99th percentile" and the rest of us who according to them need to "get better or shut up", and who hide behind this smirking, derisive, disdainful elitism.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Oricon was the hardest solo/H2 content ever released in TOR, hardly a good example. Watch the stream how Musco was melting golds in H4 on Dromund with base gear. I don't see any soloing issue for at least 90% of heroics


Musco was also doing content at the far end of the "heroic mission" scale from Oricon H2, on a dev account.


Somewhere in the middle is where we're going to see the day-to-day results fall, and it's going to end up having a big affect on how the general playerbase receives this change.

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Sorry but it's pretty well know that in MMOS gamers do not rise to the occasion (difficulity) in most games they play. No matter how much you think they should.


Hell, even wow developers said as much and it's player base is much bigger and they know this.


Not my problem if they feel punished for not getting better at an already easy game.


It's obvious you never listened to anything I've said, so let's try again.


Difficulty is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone has the capacity to reach your dizzy heights; and in a game where the objective is to have fun, it should never be a 'my way or the highway' requirement.


Yes, fun, maybe you've heard of it; but, since all you seem to care about is the in-game equivalent of running up sand-hills in the blazing sun with with a tremendous boulder tied around your person, and dictating that everyone should do the same, then I guess 'fun' just isn't in your vocab anymore. At least, not the definition MOST people share. So, it would seem to be to me that you've forgotten how to have fun without demanding other people mimic your style.


Another elitist fun-destroying, soul-destroying "L2P Noob" answer, NOT EVERYONE shares YOUR CAPACITY for achieving the IMPOSSIBLE!


Don't imagine that 5 levels above, at 60, with all 186s, my madness sorc with Xalek tanking, having done exactly what you have described here, made the encounter easy. And since it was hell at 60, it is guaranteed, GUARANTEED to be 16m NiM palpitation-/coronary-inducing INSANITY at 55.


You see what I'm saying, where's the fun in that? Oh wait, your definition far superior; us mere mortals can get knotted, I suppose.




My point exactly, in their warped little superman minds, the most difficult difficulty is brain-dead face-roll easy for the most blind, comatose lobotomy patient; they think that they are superior and everyone else should try to be more like them, instead of actually enjoying themselves positively. They stopped having the right and positive kind of fun a long time ago, and decided they wanted to control everyone else's play-style with their L2P Doctrine and final solutions to the filthy disgusting casual question. They truly believe that because they're gods of the player-base, that gives them the right to determine how other people play.


I have news for you, the devs outrank you hardcore elitists; RL is where any challenge should be, NOT a GAME where FUN is to be had.


Basic understanding of your class is not elitist at all. Believe it or not, people like to challenge themselves to do the impossible and see the invisible. Soloing a champion mob on a heroic at level isn't some grand feat of elitism you are over exaggerating it to be.


If you're choosing to not touch the untouchable or break the unbreakable, then you can't try to blame it on fun when it's clearly quite easy to do.


BTW, Fun is in the eye of the beholder (cwutididthur?) People who are good at easy video games always seek out new challenges to test their skills, with a bit of practice you can do it too.




I'm a level 60 Immortal Jugg with a full set of blue 190/purple 186 gear and a fairly well geared healer companion (Quinn)

I still have a fair amount of difficulty killing the Oricon commanders.


To suggest 55's could do it is straight up rubbish.


Sorry dude, but that's just sad. Level 55s could do it and they did do it, back when it was relevant content.


Whenever someone starts saying "learn2play", you know they've lost the argument, and they're just trying to dismiss you in any way they can think of -- it's a default fallback comment with no real substance. 99.9% of the time, they've never seen you play, and they're speaking from utter ignorance as to what sort of player you are, what content you do, what gear you have, how well you know your powers and rotation, etc.



Not to mention that, no matter how much certain players wish it were otherwise, grouping -- of any sort -- is not mandatory in this MMO or most others at this point. Unless a player is looking to group with others, they have absolutely no obligation or responsibility to tailor their habits, their playstyle, their build, or their gear to suit group content or the whims of any other player.


Translation: Max can't handle a bit of criticism and advice whenever effort is involved and gets upset whenever someone brings it up to the point of ignoring them.

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Musco was also doing content at the far end of the "heroic mission" scale from Oricon H2, on a dev account.


Somewhere in the middle is where we're going to see the day-to-day results fall, and it's going to end up having a big affect on how the general playerbase receives this change.

Then again, there are dozens of heroics in the game and people will figure easiest and fastest farms within hours (if not minutes posted by TorCommunity/Dulfy). I could see this being a "huge test" if only the hardest heroics on Voss and Oricon were available, but they're not.

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Not my problem if they feel punished for not getting better at an already easy game.


How do you feel when you spout that, like you really DO speak for EVERY player in this game?


Basic understanding of your class is not elitist at all. Believe it or not, people like to challenge themselves to do the impossible and see the invisible. Soloing a champion mob on a heroic at level isn't some grand feat of elitism you are over exaggerating it to be.


If you're choosing to not touch the untouchable or break the unbreakable, then you can't try to blame it on fun when it's clearly quite easy to do.


I have a basic understanding of my classes, you are using the wrong term; and having a hyper-advanced intimate knowledge if every single class, right down to every single number, IS elitist.


Again, it's not EASY to do for the rest of us; no matter how you feel, content should not be built around your quite unreasonable standards.


BTW, Fun is in the eye of the beholder (cwutididthur?) People who are good at easy video games always seek out new challenges to test their skills, with a bit of practice you can do it too.


Not really, people's limit is not YOUR limit, but you don't want to see that; you would ruin everybody else's fun because nothing is quite hard enough for you, is it? And everyone else should behave like good little zombies and toe your line, follow your gospel? I think not...



Sorry dude, but that's just sad. Level 55s could do it and they did do it, back when it was relevant content.


I'm sure they could, but not everyone of us gets BORED by face-roll soloing 16m NiM content the way only a god-like personality such as yourself can.


And, I suspect that Colascione's situation informs the majority experience by those who play this game; people you don't want to admit exist, people who should just roll over for you because "Hey, let's make a game a second RL as well and make it our own personal hell for everyone less-skilled than us!"


Translation: Max can't handle a bit of criticism and advice whenever effort is involved and gets upset whenever someone brings it up to the point of ignoring them.


And if he's done his best, he should just die, and all hail Reno_Tarshil? Everyone has a different capacity, it's so sad that you flatly REFUSE to see that.

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Sorry dude, but that's just sad. Level 55s could do it and they did do it, back when it was relevant content.



Highly dubious at best, outright lies at worst.

Even if they did do it, those players would be the exception not the rule, so how's about you get off your high horse and cease looking down everyone else.


I know my skill rotation, I know how to play my toon, I've spent 3 years doing so. To insinuate thats its just me being "bad" is ludicrous.

Edited by Colascione
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Sorry but it's pretty well know that in MMOS gamers do not rise to the occasion (difficulity) in most gamers they play. No matter how much you think they should.


Hell, even wow developers said as much and it's player base is much bigger and they know this.

Not my problem if they feel punished for not getting better at an already easy game.

Whether or not any individual feels bad for the players who can't solo H2+s, the issue remains as to whether or not the game will be financially successful if it leaves those players 'feeling punished' under the new system. That being said, anyone who claims to know the answer to that question at this stage is kidding themselves


Highly dubious at best, outright lies at worst.

Sorry mate, but it's absolutely doable - before SoR I was solo-ing Oricon's H2+ without BiS gear (I just used the Ultimate Comm gear still in their 'factory presets', never swapped out any Mods to do any min-maxing of the stats, never had any set bonuses). I don't claim to know how many players are able to solo it vs how many cannot, but I do know he's not lying when he says it's possible.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Sorry dude, but that's just sad. Level 55s could do it and they did do it, back when it was relevant content.


To be fair, 55's could, but depending on class, spec and gear level, it was either obnoxiously hard and required Heroic Moment ability spam or it was a cakewalk if you interrupted the right things.


Wasn't 55 Oricon also pre 3.0 where interrupt cooldowns went through the roof too? Certain tanks had like... 4-6 sec interrupts when specced for it back in the day.



It was also only CERTAIN Commanders you can solo, with being infinitely easier than others due to perma-CC on some. Bleh, I don't want to try level-synched Oricon again >_<

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How do you feel when you spout that, like you really DO speak for EVERY player in this game?


I have a basic understanding of my classes, you are using the wrong term; and having a hyper-advanced intimate knowledge if every single class, right down to every single number, IS elitist.


Again, it's not EASY to do for the rest of us; no matter how you feel, content should not be built around your quite unreasonable standards.


Not really, people's limit is not YOUR limit, but you don't want to see that; you would ruin everybody else's fun because nothing is quite hard enough for you, is it? And everyone else should behave like good little zombies and toe your line, follow your gospel? I think not...


I'm sure they could, but not everyone of us gets BORED by face-roll soloing 16m NiM content the way only a god-like personality such as yourself can.


And, I suspect that Colascione's situation informs the majority experience by those who play this game; people you don't want to admit exist, people who should just roll over for you because "Hey, let's make a game a second RL as well and make it our own personal hell for everyone less-skilled than us!"


And if he's done his best, he should just die, and all hail Reno_Tarshil? Everyone has a different capacity, it's so sad that you flatly REFUSE to see that.


1.) How do I feel? I feel pretty good discussing my experience from in-game activities and expressing my opinion on topics at hand. I've never once stated I was speaking for anyone but myself, so chillax.


2.) You may claim to have a basic understanding of your class but what is most apparent is you have a extreme amount of jealously and bitterness towards people who are able to play a easy game better than you. I recommend you breathe and read some guides, lest you have a heart attack or something. Afterall... "If knowledge is power! Then a God am I!" -Edward Nygma (Batman Forever)


3.) So easy content should be built around even easier standards? Cause if Easy Standards are unreasonable, then perhaps a MMO isn't for you.


4.) The only limit people have are the limits they impose upon themselves when they find something they feel cannot achieve and sulk around said limit until someone comes along makes it easier for them even though they already have the full capacity to not only break that limit but do the impossible and see the invisible.


5.) Where did I mention face-roll soloing 16m NiM Content again? Hint: I never did.


6.) Tanks have it very extremely easy for the Oricon Heroic. If they can't handle a 55 Champion Mob with a healer companion and the basic knowledge of tanking, then they need to get better because tanking damage is silly easy.


7.) People who lack motivation to get better should either get motivated and adapt or step aside and do something more relevant to their skill sets. Trying to hide behind a alleged lack of capacity to do so is a poor excuse in an easy game.

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Highly dubious at best, outright lies at worst.

Even if they did do it, those players would be the exception not the rule, so how's about you get off your high horse and cease looking down everyone else.


I know my skill rotation, I know how to play my toon, I've spent 3 years doing so. To insinuate thats its just me being "bad" is ludicrous.


It is just you being bad, Tanks had it super silly easy back then at 55. Really no other reason why you couldn't. I mean you had a healer companion with you as well.


Whether or not any individual feels bad for the players who can't solo H2+s, the issue remains as to whether or not the game will be financially successful if it leaves those players 'feeling punished' under the new system. That being said, anyone who claims to know the answer to that question at this stage is kidding themselves


Sorry mate, but it's absolutely doable - before SoR I was solo-ing Oricon's H2+ without BiS gear (I just used the Ultimate Comm gear still in their 'factory presets', never swapped out any Mods to do any min-maxing of the stats, never had any set bonuses). I don't claim to know how many players are able to solo it vs how many cannot, but I do know he's not lying when he says it's possible.


Glad someone else knows it was possible.


To be fair, 55's could, but depending on class, spec and gear level, it was either obnoxiously hard and required Heroic Moment ability spam or it was a cakewalk if you interrupted the right things.


Wasn't 55 Oricon also pre 3.0 where interrupt cooldowns went through the roof too? Certain tanks had like... 4-6 sec interrupts when specced for it back in the day.


It was also only CERTAIN Commanders you can solo, with being infinitely easier than others due to perma-CC on some. Bleh, I don't want to try level-synched Oricon again >_<


But you only needed to interrupt certain abilities like for example Rico (sp?) as long as Grav Round was constantly interrupted Rico was a push over. (Armor Debuffs are a hassle, rest of the damage was meh at best.)


Of course knowing the fights and knowing your class go hand in hand when it comes to soloing stuff.


Also DW, if you're still around I'll help you thru it.

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