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Social Gear biased towards Light Armour users (take 3)


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Oh - No arguments there. This isn't a game breaking issue, and there are more pressing bugs/issues to be addressed. But an issue is an issue. All I'm looking for is a "We're aware of this, and we will address this when time permits" response.


Sadly, I have received none - be it via ticket bug reporting, email or forum threads.




This sounds promising - what/where are these Q&A sessions? Forum threads, interviews on fansites, audio/videos on the website? :)


im not 100% it was about a week ago, but maybe it was on darthhater.com? i'll see if i can find it again.

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im not 100% it was about a week ago, but maybe it was on darthhater.com? i'll see if i can find it again.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=696184 is the post, here is the exact dialog.



Originally Posted by Spankyjnco

"9. Social gear scaling. Great idea putting this in, but the way that it currently is moddable, only classes that never get hit can benefit from this. They can get all their stats and such,but nobody else has these benefits. Any plans on making it un-moddable?"


There are plans to allow those who adopt tanking roles to be able to gain the armor benefits when wearing moddable gear. Again, this is not a high priority feature right now, but I know it's something that Damion feels is important.

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too lazy to read all the complaining feel like pointing out the fact that it's light armor is meaningless for anyone NOT a guardian/juggernaut, BH or trooper there are no medium wearing tanks derp you don't NEED that armor as a DPS unless solo and if you do... god help you since the difference in armor rating without the tank buff is miniscule... heavy armor NPC? 5% more DR then my full geared medium sent <.<; uhh... he has almost 2k more armor then me im pretty sure if i can win a fight with 20% DR i can win it with 15% =/
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Please read the post in its entirety before commenting - no more "It's light armour so everyone can wear it comments are required. It's moddable armour and should be treated as such.


Social Equipment - It is biased towards Light Armour users.


All social gear is fully moddable, and is therefore identical to "regular" Light Armour moddables found in the game. I think this is unfair for us Medium/Heavy armour users.


I hear you say - It iz Arrpeee gear, who careszzzzz.


Well I do for one - I don't think it is fair that my jedi consular can run around in full social gear and still be as good as if he was wearing moddables given/crafted/dropped during the game (with comparable mods ofcourse), when my Trooper cannot.


This is classism!


Either make social gear have its own armour type (Un-armoured) or make the social gear moddables adapt the armour type to who is wearing it.


Or as a completely wild suggestion - make some social gear for Medium/Heavy classes (unlikely seeming as most of the social gear includes fancy dresses and chainmail bikinis)



You realize how ridiculous you sound now?


The social gear is clothing... clothes... fabric...light ...say it... armor. Yes, it is modible. So feaking what? You chose to make a heavy armored class. You can still use light armor and gain the stats from it.


Just because your Trooper cannot run around in clothing while a jedi can, is not classism it's role-play and practicality. Jedi rarely wore armor and basically fought in clothing. A Trooper would not be running around in cloth armor on a battlefield, I am sorry, but they would not. They would however wear light gear to social occassions which protected less but provided "some" protection.


Social wear is not meant to be worn for battle. It's for Role-players, and most of us like it the way it is. We don't want to see Troopers running around in slave outfits on the battlefield. Because we all know that is what you want for your female toon.


Sure only two classes benefit from it, Consulor and Inquisitor, but consider this, armor does nothing for them, they are more reliant on stats, and there lies the rub. All other classes have at least medium armor options available to them and therefore a wider selection of armor to protect them.


The solution is not to add medium or heavy armor to social options, but rather to add a greater variety of heavy and medium options in world drops and crafting options.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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@Davidpop & Shyba: Miniscule armour difference or not - it's there.


And David - there's no reason to be childish about it. No reason why we can't have an adult discussion without going into "troll" territory.


@Damon: Then tell me this quickly - If the social gear wasn't designed with combat in mind, then why does it have mod slots in the first place? Mods don't change appearance in the slightest (since we're not talking weapons here), so I don't really see the validity of your argument.


A personal note : My Guardian is walking around in a Heavy Armour robe, that looks just like the light armour ones for consular type Jedi.


TLDR: Keep it civil, raidleaders and other players tend to care that you're using sub-optimal gear and "RP-Gear argument" not really valid as long as social gear has mod slots.


End of Line.

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Here is how this would go if BW listen to these nonsense:


"Social gear is bias towards light armor users!"


*adds heavy and medium version that looks the same*


"Heavy armor should not look like slave girl clothes!"


*add different models for heavy and medium armor*


"Social gear is bias towards heavy armor because they can use 3 different models!"


*rolls eyes*

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You realize how ridiculous you sound now?


The social gear is clothing... clothes... fabric...light ...say it... armor. Yes, it is modible. So feaking what? You chose to make a heavy armored class. You can still use light armor and gain the stats from it.


Just because your Trooper cannot run around in clothing while a jedi can, is not classism it's role-play and practicality. Jedi rarely wore armor and basically fought in clothing. A Trooper would not be running around in cloth armor on a battlefield, I am sorry, but they would not. They would however wear light gear to social occassions which protected less but provided "some" protection.



You know there are social sets in the game with the appearance of heavy armour but are classified as light armour right? Like the Imperial Trooper set sold by the CE vendor.


Why can light armour wearing classes run around and engage in combat in a set of gear that appears heavily armoured but a heavy armour wearing class can't without taking a loss in combat efficiency? What's your argument to support that?

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Why can light armour wearing classes run around and engage in combat in a set of gear that appears heavily armoured but a heavy armour wearing class can't without taking a loss in combat efficiency? What's your argument to support that?


there really inst a good reason why this system is so bad


And there is also the reverse side of this debate. As a player that has both a light armor DPS and a Medium armor DPS I Notice that my medium has access to so many more sets of orange gear, and that is in no way fair.


A BH can wear every single style of orange gear. from the heavy to the light armor can dress up like a IA or a Jedi and mix and match to make a truly custom outfit. While light armor wearers can only wear the social vendor gear. and the light Jedi robes. While they may not take a hit to armor class. They just have fewer options to chose from for no good reason.


In both cases its completely unfair and all Orange gear should not have armor class at all. Instead it should scale to whatever your classes Armor class is.

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What happened to the social equip that WAS THERE during Beta?


I have confimation ingame that there were medium and heavy versions of EVERY social equipment during Beta, as well as Social equip accessable for both genders....

It just has been removed for some reason.



So why not just putting it back in? Why was it ever removed?

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What happened to the social equip that WAS THERE during Beta?


I have confimation ingame that there were medium and heavy versions of EVERY social equipment during Beta, as well as Social equip accessable for both genders....

It just has been removed for some reason.



So why not just putting it back in? Why was it ever removed?


There is a dev post where the dev says that they removed these options because they took away the feeling players got when they acquired new gear. Since the new gear wouldn't make them look all that different if it automatically matched what they are already wearing.


The new system gives people the option to show off their hard-to-get custom gear if they want to, or, alternatively, to face the challenge of collecting matching custom armor, which they can then feel accomplishment for completing the look they want.


I assume this is also why similar looking armor is not always found in the same planet, for example. Instead you must collect gear from multiple planets and flashpoints, which is much more difficult.

Edited by DeltaGun
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I'm thinking they need to fix game breaking bugs like the patch/repair loop before working on social armor /shrug


Yes, because a multi-million revenue company cannot possibly handle both at the same time, with no discernible difference in efficiency and/or expediency.

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There is a dev post where the dev says that they removed these options because they took away the feeling players got when they acquired new gear. Since the new gear wouldn't make them look all that different if it automatically matched what they are already wearing.


The new system gives people the option to show off their hard-to-get custom gear if they want to, or, alternatively, to face the challenge of collecting matching custom armor, which they can then feel accomplishment for completing the look they want.


I assume this is also why similar looking armor is not always found in the same planet, for example. Instead you must collect gear from multiple planets and flashpoints, which is much more difficult.


Except for light armour classes you mean? They still get around the "hard to get" way. They can buy themselves moddable gear as soon as they land on Garrick, matching sets at that. :p

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If they truely only intended social gear to be for looks, then why the hell would they bother putting slots in it? Oh yeah... BECAUSE ITS SUPPOSED TO FRACkING USABLE AS REGULAR GEAR, NERF HERDERS


I think I'm missing how this is a more valid argument than "If they truly intended socialgear to be used as heavy armor, why did they make it light? Oh yeah.... BECAUSE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE USED AS SOCIAL ARMOR," etc.


I honestly don't know which is intended, but you could go either way with it.

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In my opinion you're missing his central point.


Lets explore what is meant by social gear - It's a costume to make you look a certain way, it's not supposed to serve you any good in battle (imagine running around on a battlefield dresses in a giant panda suit).


His point is that if the social gear as it is now is supposed to serve that role, then the mod slots have nothing to add to it, and only offers an unfair advantage. It becomes more than just a costume - it becomes actual moddable armour, for light armour users.

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Social wear is not meant to be worn for battle.

And yet those armor sets contain slots for modifications that are intended for battle.

The OP has a valid point about fairness/balance.


It's for Role-players, and most of us like it the way it is.

Most of you? How many of you is there? :)

Edited by Massimoto
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