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Mandatory Level Sync, dumbest idea ever...No POINT in having a level based system.


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I disagree :D


For me lvl-sync has been one of the best things that they have added to SWTOR. For me it is my easier to enjoy the story and go back to earlier planets in this way. I can also lvl alts together with my husband and we both will have fun fighting our way through different quests even if our characters have different lvl:s. I also really enjoy having all the earlier H2:s available as weekly content, there are so many of them that I have never seen before, now I am running through them with my lvl 65 char and a comp with high affection.


Different people like different things as always, I really enjoy the level sync and I am glad the introduced it.


Since when? You could go back to the planets either way and I have to disagree with you. The complete overhaul was in my opinion stupid especially when it came to heroics. You could do them anyways even if you didn't level up that way you weren't rushed. Now though those of us who actually like the cutscenes in the heroics are shafted in favor of those who are too lazy and want instant gratification.


Case in point: A Question Of Motivation. Before the overhaul you could turn in the quest and get darkside or lightside points depending on whichever choice you wanted to make now you can't get that option.


Second case in point: The Red Engine quest before you could get a title for it, same with the one from Trevi Potts over on Ord Mantell. Now you can't get the titles 'Imperial Scholar' and 'Mantellian', and cant complete the actual codex entries or get the achivements for completing them.


There's no point for me personally in level sync if I'm forced to go over the old content triggering enemies all the freaking time just because I decide to go back to Dromund Kaas after getting high level. Even if I did go to help someone it's still freaking boring either way so the idea that its the greatest thing since sliced bread I really don't see it at all.:mad:

Edited by Nika_Alexandrov
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Why can't threads like this just fade out of existence?


Level sync is never going to go anywhere.

It just adds a minor inconvenience and maybe some small amount of difficulty to an already overtly simple and easy game to play.

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Create a non lv sync instance, simple-easy fix and neither would interact with each other. And, ofc alliance crates not be given from weeklies in non sync, which I'd be fine with.
or they can just make it optional altogether as for the person complaining about these type of threads fading away there's a reason threads like this one appear; it's because there are many who don't care for it and are paying customers who want to feel like the money they shell out is worth it.
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Seriously, whoever came up with this should just be outright fired. What's the point of levels now? You're just going to be brought up/down to be on par with the mobs.


This change has nothing to do with difficulty and is completely asinine. Some of us like to go back to old stuff and farm it for credits/kill time/etc...


I actually had no complaints about changes we've heard coming in KotFE until this. forcing it on players isn't just a plain crap thing to do but doesn't make sense in a LEVEL DRIVEN GAME. you might as well just remove all Experience and Levels at this point.


Idiotic..completely idiotic.


Although a bit aggressive, I kind of agree with you, as you get scaled down or up, they don't matter.


I'd prefer a system where you just get experience to unlock abilities rather than having numbered levels.

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It is stupid, and not just because you are forced down to levels consistent with the planet you are on supposedly but also because one keeps getting xp even when they really shouldn't be. I mean c'mon now a level 31 marauder closing in on 32 on dromund kaas without having even done chapters two or three? Really shows lack of critical thinking not weighing the pros and cons of a decision first before shoving this out there.


So...what is the problem with that? Does a level 31 on dromund kaas impact your gameplay? Far less so than a non-levelsynced level 31 I'd wager.

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So...what is the problem with that? Does a level 31 on dromund kaas impact your gameplay? Far less so than a non-levelsynced level 31 I'd wager.
Actually it does because (1) I don't want to have to fight endless waves of npcs or get tons of xp when I've already hit the max level for that planet.
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Create a non lv sync instance, simple-easy fix and neither would interact with each other. And, ofc alliance crates not be given from weeklies in non sync, which I'd be fine with.
Don't even have to create a new instance, just make the non level sync instance the pvp instance. That way people can get their pvp planet kill achievements and we still get silly thread on the forum to keep us entertained. :p
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This would probably be an appropriate time to quote Dr McCoy....


"It's dead Jim"


Translation: Level sync is here to stay. Let it go.


Besides... most players, even early objectors and skeptics, have come to accept it and actually enjoy it.

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Don't even have to create a new instance, just make the non level sync instance the pvp instance. That way people can get their pvp planet kill achievements and we still get silly thread on the forum to keep us entertained. :p

That's all u haha.


I'd settle for a non sync instance, pvp instances aren't my cup of tea.

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This would probably be an appropriate time to quote Dr McCoy....


"It's dead Jim"


Translation: Level sync is here to stay. Let it go.


Besides... most players, even early objectors and skeptics, have come to accept it and actually enjoy it.


Lv sync doesn't have to go anywhere and there's no way I'll ever let it go.

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Bad products often fail in the end. Saying the customer should get over it when the company making the game wouldn't have money if it weren't for said customers isn't a smart thing to say.


Hate to break it to you.... but you are one player amongst many many thousands. Most people like or at least accept level sync.. now 8 months later.


Not every MMO, or MMO change is right for everyone. Nor is it negotiable.. the studio decides. Either adapt or find something that makes you happy elsewhere.


Even the OP of this thread, has not commented further since end of September... so he too appears to have made peace with level sync... one way or the other.

Edited by Andryah
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No I'm not just one, I've seen and read threads before and talked to others who don't care for level sync. As to the op for all one knows that person could've just decided the hell with it I'm going to play WoW since at the very least it doesn't have level sync stupidity.


As for the whole adapting thing since when? Why do you think SWG died? It became massively unpopular for one after NGE came out and secondly 'the studio decides'? They claim they listen to their customer base that's how they arrived at their so called decision you can't have it both ways.

Edited by Nika_Alexandrov
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Bad products often fail in the end. Saying the customer should get over it when the company making the game wouldn't have money if it weren't for said customers isn't a smart thing to say.


Okay let say they do this:

Create a choice for level sync but this is what happens when you go into a heroic with level sync shut off.


(1) You get no alliance crates for the alliance specialist you are trying to raise your influence with

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Okay let say they do this:

Create a choice for level sync but this is what happens when you go into a heroic with level sync shut off.


(1) You get no alliance crates for the alliance specialist you are trying to raise your influence with

That would be an idea I could support, same with it being optional instead of mandatory.

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No I'm not just one, I've seen and read threads before and talked to others who don't care for level sync. As to the op for all one knows that person could've just decided the hell with it I'm going to play WoW since at the very least it doesn't have level sync stupidity.


Sorry bud.. far more positive comments in the forum about level sync then negative. And a good number of formerly negative players have now embraced it and made positive comments. You need to step out of your bubble a little bit.


As for OP... He continued to post for months afterwards in the forum, but never touched this thread again.


Basically you are surfing your personal views on a rage based thread from September of 2015.


Make decision.... stay and adapt or don't. /shrug. There are always new players to replace you.

Edited by Andryah
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No I'm not the only one as I've seen numerous threads just like this and subscribed to a lot of them so the idea of you projecting your views onto myself in favor of making a point really don't fly with me.


Then let me repeat once more.. since you are choosing to ignore my comments.

Sorry bud.. far more positive comments in the forum about level sync then negative. And a good number of formerly negative players have now embraced it and made positive comments. You need to step out of your bubble a little bit.

As for OP... He continued to post for months afterwards in the forum, but never touched this thread again.


Basically you are surfing your personal views on a rage based thread from September of 2015.


Make decision.... stay and adapt or don't. /shrug. There are always new players to replace you.


Even the negative threads spawning all over this 7 months ago generally had more positive then negative views about level sync. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Hate to break it to you.... but you are one player amongst many many thousands. Most people like or at least accept level sync.. now 8 months later.


Not every MMO, or MMO change is right for everyone. Nor is it negotiable.. the studio decides. Either adapt or find something that makes you happy elsewhere.


Even the OP of this thread, has not commented further since end of September... so he too appears to have made peace with level sync... one way or the other.


Population's declining dude, for many reasons 'including' lv sync, I don't know the population count, but I'm sure it's not 'many thousands'. There's been quite a few 'quitting the game' 'dropping subscription' threads that's been posted over the past 8 months, not to mention quiet players that either walked away or stopped subbing.


*not trolling, just saying*


I watched another game force changes on players a few years ago. The result was atleast 30% of the population left the game, and it took YEARS for that game to recover, even after reversing some of the changes.

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Population's declining dude, for many reasons 'including' lv sync, I don't know the population count, but I'm sure it's not 'many thousands'. There's been quite a few 'quitting the game' 'dropping subscription' threads that's been posted over the past 8 months, not to mention quiet players that either walked away or stopped subbing.
That's the thing though, we rarely see posts from new players announcing their arrival. Most of them fall into that "quiet players" category who simply join up and start playing. It's a given that gaming forums engender more negative posts than positive. Happy players tend to play rather than post. Plus, the psychology is such that we feel more motivated to grouse than to compliment.


I never dropped sub, but I sure as heck stopped playing SWTOR before the release of KOTFE solely because they announced the "Level Shifter Thingy" was coming. I abhorred the idea. I denounced the game, the developers, and the developers' barbers. I worked to persuade other players to protest with me.


A few months after KOTFE released, I ended my boycott and tried it. I love the "Level Shifter Thingy" ... it's one of my favorite features in SWTOR and I wish the other MMO I play would introduce it.

Edited by Thoronmir
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