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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Thats funny, because I already remember two occasions of that happening. The "second pass" already went past, mate. First time I would have believed you, and did infact not bump the thread pointing that out after you ignored it as i assumed that might have been the case. This second time I did however, hence my annoyance and belief you started strait off ignoring stuff.


I don't really give a sh.it what you believe on it. If I missed it, it was accidental. I'm sure I'll get another chance. If it means so much to you, please refresh me. I'll be happy to talk about something that bothers you I missed.


Otherwise. Lets keep the thread moving and not just about the love we have for each other. We can take that to a PM.

Edited by Quraswren
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My point is, when I ask people ingame, or my personal friends, more or less the majority of people ask about it... they mostly agree it's a change they don't like. Some may drop the game entirely.

Indeed your friends are not the entire player base, as in my experience chatting on my guilds ts about this the feelings of people have been quite the opposite. One out of ten has disliked it, the rest nine out of ten have been fine with the change. My friends are not majority of player base, your friends are not majority of player base, forums are not majority of player base. /end of debate

Edited by Kiesu
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Really? Then what's the fuss about levels about? If it's not about progression, why are people raging about losing it? Is it more a point of "I have to keep disagreeing, even though I'm running out of things to say" kind of thing?


No your either completely misunderstanding, or choosing to do so. I was responding to your post which was talking about progression as being something you have to be doing all the time or your playing the game wrong. At that point the discussion was nothing to do with level sync.


Just because people do things that aren't directly progressing their character all the time doesn't mean they never progress their character. Indeed a lot of what this is about is because people like going back after progressing and enjoying that previous progression in ways that doesn't necessarily progress them further. So of course they don't want that taken away.


I'll give you a couple of examples:


Somebody who is level 40 rp's on a level 20 planet. While they are RPing they are not progressing their character in the traditional sense of the word, but they are enjoying the game. If level sync if forced on them, their play experience will be affected.


Somebody who is level 60 likes to go back and solo that level 50 heroic. While soloing that heroic they are not progressing their character in the traditional sense of the word. If level sync is forced on them, their ability to do this will be affected.


So while people play in ways that arn't strictly progressing their character, that doesn't mean they want to lose their existing progression.

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Totally against it, the only reason why I go back to some of those earlier planets is so I can feel like a god and stomp anything that gets in my way without worry. I want to be that Jedi that can storm an entire base and wipe out scores of defenders. If I feel the need to go back and do it all at level, I'll go roll another toon.
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Level sync to me is an easy out for not generating enough new content to keep a player sated. I have no desire to be sync'd to a planets level after having completing it. After finishing a planet it's done I don't want to go back, heck even dailies get old. With other big titles like Fallout 4 and another Star Wars game coming out I can't see a reason for me to stay and have nothing new to do other than dressupville 4.0 no thanks . IMO
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Could be lack of foresight and understanding of the overall playerbase.


Or that all-too-common flaw in video game companies, The Vision.


Or because they figured it would be easier not to and didn't give a damn.


It's like you can read my thoughts Max. If I need to take a break from this thread, can you post on my behalf? :D

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...or because they have plans for the future of which none of us have any knowledge or foresight. Frankly, my money's on the latter.


So that would come under the vision then. The other two points could still apply.

Edited by ZavienUK
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Otherwise. Lets keep the thread moving and not just about the love we have for each other. We can take that to a PM.

Yes. The point of keeping this thread going is to say the same things in about million different words after all, its very important to keep it going.

And why would I want to PM you about it, when you want to prove a point to the entire forums by the sounds of it! We too! Oh, except everyone elses points got flooded by the same explanations in different words again.

Do continue, im sure everyone is getting a lot out of it.

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I'm sure griefers and exploiters have fun griefing and exploiting too. Still don't care?


Did you actually read? He said "As long as they're not actively depriving others of enjoyment of the game". Griefing by it's very definition is depriving others of enjoyment. Or to put it another way, one person having fun at another's expense.


Either you didn't bother to read because you were too eager to hit reply so you could make your snarky comment, or your just trolling. Which is it?

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Totally against it, the only reason why I go back to some of those earlier planets is so I can feel like a god and stomp anything that gets in my way without worry. I want to be that Jedi that can storm an entire base and wipe out scores of defenders. If I feel the need to go back and do it all at level, I'll go roll another toon.

Everyone hide, the Mary Sue is headed this way! We dont have a chance!

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It's like you can read my thoughts Max. If I need to take a break from this thread, can you post on my behalf? :D


I had the same conclusion when he posted that.


Like I said, game companies are just as bad at wanting to do less and get more. It's not just a player thing.

Edited by Quraswren
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Dromund Kaas/Tython are shown on the galaxy map as levels 10-16, so -- assuming level bands are the same as on Live -- Eric was at +2 for the Livestream. However, according to the blog, characters on Alderaan will be scaled to 32 -- +0 to planetary range limit (28-32, not counting Bonus Series).


It is possible they'll be tweaking the level ranges, or setting different de-level criteria for different planets. It'd be nice to get some more details.


I think it's almost certain we will see tweaking after release. Part of that is what beta, sorry I mean early access is for. It's kind of to be expected with a new system.

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Did you actually read? He said "As long as they're not actively depriving others of enjoyment of the game". Griefing by it's very definition is depriving others of enjoyment. Or to put it another way, one person having fun at another's expense.


Either you didn't bother to read because you were too eager to hit reply so you could make your snarky comment, or your just trolling. Which is it?


For a moment there, I thought we were having a civilized discussion. My bad.

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So basically you get max level of npc on the planet you're on with level sync.

For example, Eric was level 18 on DK, world boss is level 18 on DK.




If you get on a planet with bonus series you will be lower level ( example of Alderaan Bonus series ) level 32 vs level 40.

Edited by -Spc
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So basically you get max level of npc on the planet you're on with level sync.

For example, Eric was level 18 on DK, world boss is level 18 on DK.




If you get on a planet with bonus series you will be lower level ( example of Alderaan Bonus series ) level 32 vs level 40.


It's possible. I'd wager that is a tweak their still working on and could be changed even after launch. Definitely adjusted at the end of the early access week before launch to all.

Edited by Quraswren
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Given that since this game started, is a leveling based game. the intention and design when it was created, was for gamers to eventually out-level content.


Not sure of your point here.

They created a leveling based game but didn't intend you to out level content? Or ever go back and kill or interact with lower level content once you passed it?


You are absolutely correct, it is a leveling game. After a set point, mobs no longer give you XP. If you're still farming these mobs for free, what's the bad about farming these mobs when they award XP at your current level, whether that's at level, or 60? Is it because fighting them at level is too hard? That's understandable, there was a guy on DK tonight that couldn't beat his class quest end boss because he refused to gear his comp due to upcoming changes. He did, however, expect someone to come help him. I mean, if this is the case, I can understand why some people leech their way through a few KDYs to get some levels on class missions.


I'm still going to be able to force choke/force stasis, lightning storm/chain lightning mobs, nothing has changed, except how hard they hit, but considering the mobs I'm hitting, the effects, I expect will be similar if not the same. I linked the entirety of the Level sync portion of the blog earlier in this thread, it clearly stated that we're going to keep our skills, active and passive, so the only conclusion I'm left with is "It's going to be too hard for some people to deal with". I have my own concerns with the system, but they involve class missions that require you to run through H4 areas to get to your quest entrance, BH and SI Chapter 2 beginnings come to mind. I'm curious how they're going to handle that, but, I'm also not overly concerned about it. I have run through the area behind the wall at level about 20 times to get that datacron back there. I'm sure I can repeat that performance for my class missions.

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So basically you get max level of npc on the planet you're on with level sync.

For example, Eric was level 18 on DK, world boss is level 18 on DK.


If you get on a planet with bonus series you will be lower level ( example of Alderaan Bonus series ) level 32 vs level 40.

Wow you literally already said this same thing and got a reply ten pages back. Some attention span.


Since you cant pick up these missions before achieving required hard lvlcap, downscaling these mobs and areas to general planet level actually wouldnt effect them in any way. OR having sync bind to area works just as well. We just solved how to make bonus series, hk parts, dread seed and GSI missions work, everyone clap!

Oh if only there would have already been a topic discussing these with multiple solutions... oh wait there is

Edited by Kiesu
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So it's not like people are saying that you will be 6 levels above the current planet, You will be exactly the same level as highest NPC on that planet with exception of bonus series, GSI, Dread Seed, HK Parts....
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So it's not like people are saying that you will be 6 levels above the current planet, You will be exactly the same level as highest NPC on that planet with exception of bonus series, GSI, Dread Seed, HK Parts....

Wow ignored again i dont think he is even trying to have a conversation.

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And you can't face the reality of the situation.


Had this been held back and made optional. We wouldn't be having this discussion because, there would be no reason to debate when both sides would be happy.


Here's the reality of the situation: Making it a toggle will not please everyone, just you and your friends. There are people here that won't care, one way or the other, by definition, they are not pleased, because they don't care, and there are people that have insisted that if it's in game at all, it should be mandatory, making it a toggle will not please them at all either. This is the reality of the situation, different strokes for different folks. Your vision of what should make everyone happy only works in one place, your head. Out here, where there are very real people with very different opinions your way may or may not make them happy. This is the reality of the situation.

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Nowhere in my post did I say, or imply a majority of anything, those are your words, not mine. I wouldn't have inferred anything from your lack of a reply, other than the obvious "You didn't reply". Unlike some that are ready to become emotional basket cases about this issue, I don't even see this as an issue. The only issue I had was you trying to tell me that things that are happening in the thread aren't happening in the thread, and of course, you suggesting I do something you hadn't done, actually read the thread...


I'm trying not to swear because I don't want to be banned. Did you even read my post. When I suggested you go and read the thread, I was talking about the thread that I had read and had been contributing to. This was before I was aware there was a thread merged in here that apparently existed from before the stream. Even if other things have been merged in here that doesn't mean the things I was suggesting you go and read are no longer there to be read. When I am talking about the thread I am talking about the thread in the present tense.

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