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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Level Sync needs to be optional, i did not level my toon to 60 or 65 to go back and play a planet at lvl, I enjoy being a POWERFUL JEDI who can go to a world and one button a mob on a lower lvl planet. dont take that away form me.


Level Sync needs to be optional!!!!!!! .......to encourage people to play the content at lvl make a **** ton of Achievements for completing Heroics, Areas, flashpoints and operations At level and offer unique items or drops to entice people to play that content.


And to Tat and the Dev,s just a heads up i will give it a try, but the first time i go to a low lvl planet at 65 and get knocked of my speeder and attacked buy a mob and die because of Level Sync i will never log on again. i Hope we have a understanding

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Unfortunately we will disagree there. Money drives this game. I'd love to see enough leave that it forced this down leveling to be made optional. Forced a change to it so it was more acceptable for everyone. If that has to start at just a few leaving. So be it.




So you read more into it than was needed. IF thats your thing go right ahead.


You are aware, of course that there are exit surveys on most MMOs? All that's required if you want to get their attention is to fill it out. You can list all your grievances, in an abbreviated form, there. Posting here, in a dialog about the changes isn't reaching out to a dev, it's attention whoring.

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Yes that was a change in the opposite direction, that made something less tedious. The opposite to this.


Point is, you win some and you lose some.


The new kids also don't have to worry about gearing companions, for example.


So maybe a couple of things are more tedious for them, if they even experience it as such, and other things are less tedious for them. .

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You keep telling yourself that it's not a majority, but facts are facts. Just cuz you have your head in the sand doesn't mean the sky isn't blue or that there isn't existence outside of the sand hole.


And just because you stick your head in the sewer doesn't mean the whole world is oozing with ****. Your "forum majority" is a skewed representation of the overall player base.

Edited by Hebruixe
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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread. The one thread that is in support of the level sync, " level sync = revival of swtor" has 5-6 times less replies and support for it.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc... Would have done the job, but it is interesting to see that bioware claims they are giving the community what we want, but it clearly isn't the majority they are listening to, or even their own community. Though this may be something they wanted to test and see how ppl react and if it is not well received they may get rid of it, it is quite obvious, the reaction is not positive.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:

GSI quest

Story missions requiring to go back to lower level planets

Bounty contracts

Events (Gree/Rak)

Etc.... The list goes on


How will level sync work with these in detail? All we were told is what it does in general, " you are scaled to the max level for that planet...", as stated in stream many many many times. But no details that actually needed to be addressed were addressed for whatever reason. The dodge method.


It is not obvious. lol. Your bias is getting the best of you. Here, do this, in game ask your guildies or ask in gent chat. You will find that most people don't care, and the ones that do are evenly split.


That's what I found, and you know what? That really doesn't mean anything because it obviously it is not a fair assessment of anything much like your post.

Edited by Rafaman
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This is what they said:


Thanks Tsillah, I couldn't help but notice this bit:


These Solo Mode Flashpoints use a new level sync system that lowers your character’s level and power


Since when have I ever wanted my power lowered. It's like the developers and me are in complete disconnect about the fact I enjoy getting more powerful.

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It was a purely hypothetical situation. I do get what you're saying, but it's because you are rather more reasonable than many others that I think you'll be around still. But I could be wrong of course, just a gut feeling nothing more.


I'll be around the forums, for sure, if nothing more than to keep tabs on things. Playing - nope. I quit Defiance over a year ago for similar reasons (changes to the core gameplay) - and that was a game I played hardcore from launch up until that point in time (which meant even taking an extended break from SWTOR, but I maintained both subs anyway).


I am a reasonable person, which is why when I find something unenjoyable, I don't partake in it. I don't play this game just because it is Star Wars. I play this game because I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I don't play GW2 because I never enjoyed the experience with that game. I still play GW1 because I still do thoroughly enjoy that game. Once 4.0 hits SWTOR, my enjoyment of the game will be adversely affected enough to know that it is not something I am going to enjoy enough to continue playing - whether I am paying for it or not.


I play SWTOR for the PvP. I don't play it for the Ops. I don't play it for GSF or PvE Space (though I enjoy the latter). I don't play it for the Strongholds. I play it primarily for the story-based experience in the leveling game, including the Flashpoints. On October 20th, how I get my enjoyment from playing that particular part of the game is fundamentally changing, with no currently known option for turning it off and continuing to play it "vanilla-style." While I am glad for the re-focus on story with KotFE, in all actuality, the story laid out before us doesn't hold my interest as much as the vanilla story does. For me, it does not warrant continuing to play the game, even on a free level 60 character. There's no rage, QQing, or anything else about it. I am no more upset over this than I am when I do not patronize a restaurant because I do not like the food they serve.

Edited by TravelersWay
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He we go again, another person who thinks the people who don't want this is for the entirely one dimensional reason of being able to one shot mobs.


I think most people here are in complete agreement that this system is a great idea. It brings so many benefits. What some people are against is this being mandatory all of the time.


Please name a single reason it's bad, outside of one-shoting. Money farming? The only place to spend credits is GTN anyway, and its prices are determined by money farm to begin with. What else? It's a serious question, i want to know.

Edited by Frenesi
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Level sync = death of SWTOR I agree! I'm not fan fan of this at all. Whats the point in this game having a level based system just to be scaled back on lower planets?


The best way to get the message out to bioware about this level sync garbage is to hit them where it really hurts! Their pocket book! unsub and stop playing their game. Plain and simple!:mad:

Edited by Forcespawn
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It's not a majority, its like the same 20 people making 10 different posts and then arguing with each other in all of said posts. The actual majority of players got annoyed with all the Chicken Little* posters in the forums and left these forums long ago. Most players are quietly waiting for more information and are going to actually give the changes a chance before making up their mind about them.



*Chicken Little was the guy who ran around telling everyone very loudly that the sky was falling just because a rain drop fell on his head, or something like that I don't remember exactly what fell but point is that he thought the world was ending when it in fact, wasn't.

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No I directed that comment at a specific person and it wasn't you.

I just want to know if this guy is being real or just throwing out empty threats, nothing more.


No threat. I just don't like this not being optional. Not sure if you thought I'd quit over this or not but I'm also not sure where you got that from since I didn't say it.


but back to that post which I apparently missed.


So, when this goes live in a few weeks, what will you do with your solid stance then? ... because it will go live.

Will your stance mean that you quit or will you defiantly stand while paying your sub?


My stance will be play the part of the game that's enjoyable. A down leveling of everyone doesn't screw up the entire game thankfully. . Just portions of it i used to find fun. It's still a design I'll not support even if it's arbitrarily done so by me playing. There are still some parts I like. Of course BW is doing their damnedest to screw that up to with no new end game group content and still no new PVP areas.


It will get no vocal support from me as it is. Optional feature? Yes Forced on every single player in the game? No thank you.


Please name a single reason it's bad, outside of one-shoting. Money farming? The only place to spend credits is GTN anyway, and its prices are determined by money farm to begin with. What else? It's a serious question, i want to know.


You never went back and soloed old content I take it? Like world bosses for some neat gear customization?

Edited by Quraswren
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However, the arguments used fit the trope exactly. I'd assume you read it before you thought "Ha ha, I've got him now", but apparently not?


Of course I didn't read it, I know better than to follow a link to tvtropes when I have anything else planned that month :p


I didn't think "Ha ha, I've got him now" because I'm not aged 12. This isn't a competition.

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Yet this was the main issue that some used to argue against level sync. lol


No it wasn't. Another person who thinks the argument again level sync is entirely one dimensional. Some people appear to have very simple thought processes and are unable to comprehend that it is complex and multi faceted.

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Of course I didn't read it, I know better than to follow a link to tvtropes when I have anything else planned that month :p


I didn't think "Ha ha, I've got him now" because I'm not aged 12. This isn't a competition.


That's me and youtube, I never go there on purpose, but if someone links a video of something, I might not come out for three days...

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I think it is clear as the difference of night and day that level sync is not well received by the community... Copious amount of threads showing the distaste of it. So much so that the threads all had to be compiled into one thread. The one thread that is in support of the level sync, " level sync = revival of swtor" has 5-6 times less replies and support for it.


The question is why not implement this in a way to get feedback before actually putting it in game? A poll, pts, etc... Would have done the job, but it is interesting to see that bioware claims they are giving the community what we want, but it clearly isn't the majority they are listening to, or even their own community. Though this may be something they wanted to test and see how ppl react and if it is not well received they may get rid of it, it is quite obvious, the reaction is not positive.


Many questions still are uncertain about level sync such as:

GSI quest

Story missions requiring to go back to lower level planets

Bounty contracts

Events (Gree/Rak)

Etc.... The list goes on


How will level sync work with these in detail? All we were told is what it does in general, " you are scaled to the max level for that planet...", as stated in stream many many many times. But no details that actually needed to be addressed were addressed for whatever reason. The dodge method.


I'm in favor of level sync, stop posting about it already, the developers told you not too.

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I really don't understand this, but it's your account and your opinion. I just don't see it the way you do. But I have played GW2 in the past. To me has nothing to do with level. (since you got your skills) It really only impacts three things (since you agree killing mobs is not an issue)

- Speed to which you can pick up mats (mitigated some by change to gathering) and run dailies (lowering coin put into the game economy, but this should result in lower GTN prices)

- impact on questing mob availability (OS no longer wiping out area mobs) and impact on pvp (though still OP vs on level)

- World boss will probably take a group again.


Really no other meaningful impact.


Thankyou for your respectful reply. I play on a PvE server and don't kill world bosses so those points don't really apply to me, but I can definitely see the pro's that level sync will bring in that regard. I have never experienced an issue with mob availability in this game without level sync anyway. We are all different and so we see things in different ways, it's nice to be able to disagree respectfully.

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Interesting answer. You will be clicking unsubscribe on the 20th. That means you do care about the rewards and you will have a month sub still when it goes live...


If I had to put money on it though, based on this, without you knowing of course, I'd put money on it that you'd resub before your sub really runs out.


Not wishing to get into a silly debate about rage quitting, but just pointing out it isn't a month from when you click unsubscribe, it's whenever your billing date comes up, which could be 2 days or 4months after clicking unsubscribe.

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Yeh, I see where you're coming from. My suspicion is that the level-syncing will be a more integral part of content release over the future, possibly with the stories taking you all over the universe etc. So I don't expect a toggle, but if they can make it work I'm fine with that too.


Quietly I don't disagree, I am not particularly hopeful they will change anything, because I am a realist. I would be very happy to be wrong though. I have no doubt your right and they have future plans for it, but I don't see that precluding a toggle option, they could just require it toggled on to complete future missions. There is room for compromise here.

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No I directed that comment at a specific person and it wasn't you.


I just want to know if this guy is being real or just throwing out empty threats, nothing more.


I know it wasn't directed at me, but whether his threats are empty or otherwise, trolling him doesn't add anything to the discussion.

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I still feel they should have lead off with the new conquest and whats going to happen in solo mode flash points then showed the planet side. Like i see the 60 God mode guards and know right now each conquest time there one for both sides to kill the Guards and there 60 gold/slivers that hit hard like a min boss. And the other chain that comes around when your done the class story whats level is the snyc going to be for those that want to do them if there a thing this time around.:cool: Edited by higginsjf
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We who post on these boards are a tiny fragment of the whole player base. Most of the players don't post at all.

So to say "majority" or "minority" applies only to these forums, *not* to the *whole* player base ...


The reason I've not made many posts on these forums is because actually getting involved in most "discussions" is a waste of time and bandwidth. That doesn't mean I don't read these forums often and form opinions.


There are two rather passionate groups that post a great deal. In the first group you have people that don't like some changes, and intelligently or otherwise, make negative comments. Despite the merit of this groups argument(s) (for better or worse), the first group meets opposition from the second group, which can best be described as Apologists or fanbois.


The second group wouldn't care if BioWare served up a steaming pile of s**t on a broken plate. Group Two would gobble it down, demand seconds, all the while deriding and insulting ANYONE that has something bad to say about their beloved SWTOR and BioWare.


Here's what I do know: While the majority of people playing the game don't post on the forums, there are issues that transcend this little oasis of subjects and responses. Of those people, the people I talk to in voice chat, raid channels, and from my friend list, the vast majority does NOT like the forced level-sync.


The reasons are varied, from how it may affect RP events, doing daily missions, helping guildies that just want to face-roll content, to (probably legitimate) fears that BioWare will really screw it up.


There was no cry on these forums (or in discussions in-game) for level-sync before 4.0, or 3.0. Now, all of a sudden, it's coming, it's mandatory and BioWare hasn't explained why.


In fact, MOST of the game mechanics are still a mystery, with my best guesstimate for the arrival of the "blog post" where we get all the information will be the Oct. 19th patch notes.


So let's review. Level-sync wasn't requested previously, wasn't a "Problem" really, but now for some mysterious reason, it's getting stuck in the game.


The people that don't like it have valid reasons for asking why it must be mandatory. (Full Disclosure: If BioWare offered a purchased perk to toggle level-sync off, I and many people I know would buy it, no problem).


The people that play the apologist role for BioWare, telling people to quit (and ALWAYS asking for their "stuff"), to "get over yourself" in no way invalidates the concerns of other players. By the way - telling people to quit? Be careful what you wish for.


But to round this post up, I do believe the majority of players are against mandatory level-sync. But the majority of players won't post here in the first place because of the apologists and fanbois that always reply in the same fashion, and even more telling, the dearth of response(s) from BioWare. Case in point - the huge number of threads complaining about the level sync issue, and BioWare's sole response was to post that they were merging all the threads, and tell people to play nice.


So, maybe there's a few good reasons why people don't post on these forums.

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