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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Funny how the only "argument" that 90% of the people in favor of this change can manage to come up with is what amounts to spewing "Uh, you're dumb and ugly and bad at games, uh...." at anyone who is opposed to it.


Musco explained the benefits to this system it's your failing if you are to stubborn to notice those benefits.


More then likely you and others in this topic are only complaining because this gave you something to complain about and nothing more.

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None of you will quit, and if you do. You was just looking for a reason to do it.



Sorry, but if this feature was enough for you to leave a game you would have left a long time ago because this game has so many flaws and problems that this one thing won't be the death of it.



You will be back, You will sub. So stop being upset over some thing you don't like. No game is cater around a single person. If this change is enough to make you quit. That means that what SWTOR is not enough for you to accept it.



So go ahead and quit. More like myself are coming back to the game.

Nope, I love visiting lower level planets helping people, doing achievements or just taking a stroll because I'm bored or love the scenery. I hated downscaling in GW2. I unsubbed just because of this announcement. Might be hard to accept, but there are people that are very adamant about certain things.

We don't all play the same way you know, big surprise I guess.

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Yeah, it's a shame you might actually have to group up for something that was intended for groups.


Yes it really is. If you want to group up for that crap, go right ahead, but I don't want to be forced into it. I like freedom.

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People that are talking about how powerful Musco's character was do realize that it was a heroic 2 that he was 4 levels above on Dromund Kaas, right? Level 14 characters (the level of the mission) wouldn't have an earpiece, any implants, relics, or even a headpiece most likely, to add on to that point. If Musco had chosen a heroic 4 on like Voss for example, it would have been much uglier. I don't really care on this issue since I doubt I'd be going back to those planets, but I don't really see why you wouldn't make this optional (obviously only get the rewards if you do level synch). Edited by Dewlmenow
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People don't actually seem to understand what this means for the game. It's so funny.


There are so many reasons why this is a good thing. If you can't see them, get glasses.


People should be more concerned about:

1) No new operations. That's the lamest cop-out any MMO developer has ever tried to pull of. Indeed, one did: ArenaNet tried to do Guild Wars 2 without raid content. They're reversing that decision with HoT. So Bioware decides to try what ArenaNet failed to achieved with their much more successful MMO.


2) No new PvP content. Again, a serious cop out. PvP was once centre-stage in this game. Now, it's an after-thought to such an extent that all we get is new gear, time and again. Huttball was a brilliant innovation in battleground design, and it's a real shame Bioware aren't investing in this sort of vertical progression in map design. MMOs lend themselves to so many different styles of PvP; where's the MOVA-esque maps for PvP? What about a PvP match that's focused around killing a boss mob, where one team attacks the boss whilst the other team attempts to disrupt the fight? PvP needs some love, desperately, and that love should be innovative ;)


Those are my two biggest concerns right now. A lack of new content in two areas that are core to any MMORPGs is concerning.

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I levelled to get stronger, not only through levels but through story as well. It makes no sense I'm being delevelled. It's immersion breaking and unnecessary.

Other than that, my character has grown stronger, can one shot lower level mobs because of it. What's wrong with that, it's character progression. Why did you feel the need to respond in such a childish way?


You'll still be stronger than the players who isn't max level on that planet.

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Seriously ... title says all. Lots of people DON'T WANT THIS, still you force this upon us. I would be happy if this level synch means through terminals, but now you just get punished if you want to play the game in any way you want.


Seriously considering unsubbing right now.




It'll be great for open world pvp servers.

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Keep getting mad over being exposed for being a terrible player. It's quite hilarious. Also just because you were here since 2008 doesn't mean anything since the game didn't come out till December 2011.


Wrong, i was in Beta noob, before you obviously even heard of the game lol. I was playing it and learning it before most ppl here were able to play it. stupidity.

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i said in other threads and i am saying it here too

i agree with op and i am gw2 player it is my main mmo and i love it but i dont want similar stuff here because this game belongs to SW universe and particularly for force users they grow in power significantly and if you are truly SW universe fan then you will understand a sith acolyte when becomes darth it means he/she is by far far more powerful...this gw2 type level scaling only breaks immersion in my opinion and nothing more...that is not case for gw2 universe...the ED were always by far more powerful than pc and you needed npc help even in solo able story content..so for sake of story and immersion i say this level scaling sucks.

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People that are talking about how powerful Musco's character was do realize that it was a heroic 2 that he was 4 levels above on Dromund Kaas, right? Level 14 characters (the level of the mission) wouldn't have an earpiece, any implants, relics, or even a headpiece most likely, to add on to that point. If Musco had chosen a heroic 4 on like Voss for example, it would have been much uglier. I don't really care on this issue since I doubt I'd be going back to those planets, but I don't really see why you wouldn't make this optional (obviously only get the rewards if you do level synch).


I don't think there ARE heroic 4s anymore based on what I saw in the live stream. Especially considering the Heroic he chose WAS a H4 before 4.0.

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While I dislike the idea of the level syncing, I think the only real problem is aggro'ing all the planet mobs I'd like to avoid while I'm there on a max level character. The rest of it I don't think will be too bad. But this makes the Heroic quests more valuable, and it prevents max level characters from farming world bosses and denying at level players from grouping up and killing them when they want to.


There were other ways of going about this, but this is the option BioWare chose. In a way the method BioWare chose will actually backfire to some extent. Well with some players. I'm actually going to be less inclined to help anyone on lower level planets because I'll have to deal with all the trash mobs. No thanks. You could get around the level difference before by not actually being in the group with someone while you killed or weakened enemies for a lower level player. Now it just seems like it will be more painful to help out. I think BioWare should have put a debuff on all world bosses like the one Dreadtooth has. If you engaged it outside of a group, or engaged it after another group of players pulled it you'd get an insta-death. I'm all for the level syncing as it was explained inside the Heroic areas. Had they confined it there I wouldn't be ************.


Depends on what you're doing there in the first place at max level. If it's just for heroics, there is prority transport to these heroics so you can avoid all that using that.

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Full of idiocy you are. Every planet easy, that's pathetic and full of lies.


Are you playing the same game? When people can have 22 max level characters, the leveling portion of the game is easy. Quit while you're behind man. You make this too easy.


oops, there's that word again.

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We could have Dailies on every planet, a reason to go back to these dead worlds. It could make places like Taris scary and challenging again and not like it is now where 95% of the galaxy is just worthless to max capped players.


Hopefully credits and loot drops are Level sync too.

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