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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Quote: Originally Posted by ArielaKnight


You are going to have to deal with this.


Really not going to have to deal with this


mentoring has been asked for years (before game even went into closed beta it was asked for)

but in every request it was OPTIONAL,

not forced.


No biggy for me as already decided to unsub over the conquest changes when 4.0 hits

This just makes it even less likely I come back


No clue who EA getting their ideas from this time around but once again they show poor judgement in who they listen to.

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Didn't sit through the 2 hours so honest question. What benefit is it to a max level toon that doesn't need more XP?


Re: choice vs. force. How come the whiners got their way when they chose not to do 12XP but we don't get our choice if we want to solo WBs?


Is this just a way to force us back into grouping to run planets after all of the changes that make it easier to solo?


Am I the only one to notice the incongruity that you can buy a level 60 just to have it level-synced ... or maybe those ideas are actually related.


Datacrons are legacy and it's made retroactive. :D


Lastly, not going to say I'm quitting because of this (may go preferred which still costs EA/BW its $15/mo), but you all know that Black Desert just had its Russian CBT, right?

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I'm nor FOR it OR AGAINST it! That's what I have been trying to say!


I'm simply explaining WHAT the system is without putting my personal thoughts into the matter Qura :( That's what I'm trying to do so people understand what it is!


I'm neither FOR or AGAINST it. That is until I see it and play it for myself. Then, only then, can I decide.


But there is absolutely NO logical reason to be mad, upset, at the change or new systems coming or be down about it because that makes no logical sense whatsoever. You must always be optimistic about things and be rational, and level headed. Force yourself to think positive! and if things don't end up the way you want, cut your losses and move on :) do NOT set yourself up to be dismal. It's not good for you life. MMOS are supposed to be our escape, not stress us out!


Okay I'm getting further in this thread. You were coming across as being for it, but your neither for or against it fine I'll accept that.


But there is a logical reason for people to be upset about this. The very fact that this is an escape is why people are upset about it. They don't want to move on to a different game, but they enjoy this level based MMO for what it is. They don't want to lose that. They would rather voice their complaint in the hope Bioware see it. All people are asking for is for them to make it optional, that way nobody loses, everybody wins.

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seriously, you guys are unsubbing for stuff you will never do? lol please cry more sad sad player base, who give in to the idea that 15 dollars a month grants you permission to trash talk a game you secretly love. you will continue to sub solely to say you're unsubbing on the forums. Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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This won't stop you enjoying it, it will simply change it.

Unlike Max, I'm okay with this change, but I really have to question how it is that you can speak for what he will or won't personally enjoy in playing the game.


Maybe he genuinely enjoys going back to low-level planets and completely rofl-stomping everything he sees - when I'm back on lowbie worlds for the Bounty Contract week I certainly get a chuckle out of using Force Storm and Chain Lightning to one-shot whole groups of enemies at a time. Maybe he likes helping friends and guildies power-level. There are plenty of ways he might be enjoying the game as it is now that he won't be able to do once this change goes live.


You can certainly argue that, overall, you think this change will be for the best for the overall health of the game, or that you think more people will end up liking it than will end up disliking it, but saying "you, personally, will like this change" to someone who has expressed their dislike of it... that just seems odd and even a bit patronizing.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Which heroic has 50 npcs at once?


50 total npcs within the heroic called "Prison Busting" on Imperial Corellia. You can gather them all up to attack you in one room, kill them all within 7 minutes, with 50 to 55k credits payout, not including vender credits.

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seriously losers, you guys are unsubbing for stuff you will never do? lol please cry more sad sad player base, who give in to the idea that 15 dollars a month grants you permission to trash talk a game you secretly love. you will continue to sub solely to say you're unsubbing on the forums.


Troll much?



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Which heroic has 50 npcs at once?


The Imp side heroic in The Black Hole. Probably not 50 at once, but there are a fair amount of hypermatter protection droids that spawn at once. If you've been scaled down, you'll likely be fighting a lot more of them at once if you try to go it alone, since you won't be able to kill them as quickly.


Some of the Heroics and even the interstitial Pub side weekly quest (which I know is being removed and changed, but we don't know how/what is being changed yet) on Makeb have many-enemy spawning mob waves. The end heroic to the dreadseed quest also has some fairly large mobs and waves of mobs. Granted, that's one that you really can't solo at 60 now anyway, scaling you down will just make it that much more frustrating, even in a group.

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Okay I'm getting further in this thread. You were coming across as being for it, but your neither for or against it fine I'll accept that.


But there is a logical reason for people to be upset about this. The very fact that this is an escape is why people are upset about it. They don't want to move on to a different game, but they enjoy this level based MMO for what it is. They don't want to lose that. They would rather voice their complaint in the hope Bioware see it. All people are asking for is for them to make it optional, that way nobody loses, everybody wins.


Does anyone know yet exactly how effective a 65 end game char will be with the lower level planet content? Assuming way too much.

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seriously losers, you guys are unsubbing for stuff you will never do? lol please cry more sad sad player base, who give in to the idea that 15 dollars a month grants you permission to trash talk a game you secretly love. you will continue to sub solely to say you're unsubbing on the forums.


You can keep telling youself that but you'd still be wrong.


$15 is plenty to trash talk a change you don't agreed with. Especially one that you can see being in the game but one that needs to be optional. Not a force down scaling after spending so much time actually leveling up.


It's one of the more bad move Bw has made and this game doesn't need any more of those to be honest.


Well, the option then is to not do it. Good luck with that. I think I'm done with you guys. I'm gonna chip off before the sky falls in! Lol, again.


Probably best for you given you failed to see that no one is saying the sky is falling. Just that the skies are a little darker.

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Another reason why this is a good idea. Most posts in here are overreactions. It's great for the game and makes every, single, planet now relevant.


You wanted a reason to go back to past planets? Now here is a huge one!


So make it optional. Then you still have the reasons you describe, but don't have to it you don't want. Everybody wins

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Does anyone know yet exactly how effective a 65 end game char will be with the lower level planet content? Assuming way too much.


You are max level of the planet you go to. You'd have to look that up for whatever planet you're interested in.

Edited by Quraswren
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The Imp side heroic in The Black Hole. Probably not 50 at once, but there are a fair amount of hypermatter protection droids that spawn at once. If you've been scaled down, you'll likely be fighting a lot more of them at once if you try to go it alone, since you won't be able to kill them as quickly.


Some of the Heroics and even the interstitial Pub side weekly quest (which I know is being removed and changed, but we don't know how/what is being changed yet) on Makeb have many-enemy spawning mob waves. The end heroic to the dreadseed quest also has some fairly large mobs and waves of mobs. Granted, that's one that you really can't solo at 60 now anyway, scaling you down will just make it that much more frustrating, even in a group.


There's simply no "probably" about it.

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I'm not sure why you're arguing with me here -- I think it's been pretty clear from my posts in these threads today (and over the past week or two) that I am very much against mandatory, open-world level syncing in TOR.


I would love for it to have been an option, though.


I'm not arguing with you, I was agreeing and expanding! Sorry if I came across otherwise.

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You are max level of the planet you go to. You'd have to look that up.


You'd actually have to wait for the update to be released. Cos I'm not saying what level, I'm saying "how effective"... there's a difference.

Edited by leehambly
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The Imp side heroic in The Black Hole. Probably not 50 at once, but there are a fair amount of hypermatter protection droids that spawn at once. If you've been scaled down, you'll likely be fighting a lot more of them at once if you try to go it alone, since you won't be able to kill them as quickly.


Some of the Heroics and even the interstitial Pub side weekly quest (which I know is being removed and changed, but we don't know how/what is being changed yet) on Makeb have many-enemy spawning mob waves. The end heroic to the dreadseed quest also has some fairly large mobs and waves of mobs. Granted, that's one that you really can't solo at 60 now anyway, scaling you down will just make it that much more frustrating, even in a group.


Nah Prison Busting on Imperial Corellia is much more profitable than the "End of Torvic". Better payout, faster to work through, and shorter travel distance.

Edited by Nickious
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Unlike Max, I'm okay with this change, but I really have to question how it is that you can speak for what he will or won't personally enjoy in playing the game.


Maybe he genuinely enjoys going back to low-level planets and completely rolf-stomping everything he sees - when I'm back on lowbie worlds for the Bounty Contract week I certainly get a chuckle out of using Force Storm and Chain Lightning to one-shot whole groups of enemies at a time. Maybe he likes helping friends and guildies power-level. There are plenty of ways he might be enjoying the game as it is now that he won't be able to do once this change goes live.


You can certainly argue that, overall, you think this change will be for the best for the overall health of the game, or that you think more people will end up liking it than will end up disliking it, but saying "you, personally, will like this change" to someone who has expressed their dislike of it... that just seems odd and even a bit patronizing.


I might actually be more put off by some of the things being said to those opposing the change, than by the change itself.

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Troll much?




no i honestly don't, the idea that someone would unsub because they can't 1 shot DK mobs is laughable to me and i will continue to support the deportation of people that threaten their subscriptions just so they can "choose" to 1 shot mobs, something so minuscule to their actual game enjoyment, until something that actually matters like quing as a group, or severe class imbalance, causes me to unsub.

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There's simply no "probably" about it.


This just comes off as being a jerk, Lee. You asked about heroics with 50 npcs at once, I provided a list of heroics that have large concentrations of mobs and waves of enemies, possibly even to 50 in some cases, I've not counted. Do you think this gets you points or something because they're not exactly 50?

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Yeah because you totally dont do more damage in HM gear than the 55 green geared fresh 60 in current bolstered GF ops, right?

Honestly, I'm fine with this. The gear I'll take from HMs is going for NIM progression anyway.

And why would i want to go and do HM or NiM mode other than achivs and mounts ?

The gear i get from NiMs is only good for ops, useless outside any level 65 mission

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So make it optional. Then you still have the reasons you describe, but don't have to it you don't want. Everybody wins


That would be fine if the rewards were adjusted if not outright removed for people not synced. Why should people be rewarded for one shotting stuff 40+ levels below them?

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