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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. I don't mean that as an insult to you. So if you are so against it, vote with your wallet. It seems there is a refusal to like or adapt the new system or see how it goes and THEN make a decision. I was afraid at first also Max but it seems they are going the route of GW2. Which is good. Just take a step back and see how it goes!


Be rational and don't be overly emotional about these type of things. Just simmer down. :) I want to help you buddy!


Some really questionable statements there from somebody with the privilege of orange text.


So because somebody vehemently disagrees with you, it's not a sensible discussion?

This isn't about adapting to a new system, this is about a fundamental change to a vertical level based RPG. A lot of people like the vertical nature and what that means.


People would rather Bioware understand their complaint than be forced to vote with their wallet and leave a game they previously enjoyed.


If you think the system is so great then why shouldn't it be a a toggle. Surely if it is so great then we will find most people choosing to have the level sync toggled on. In reality, it has benefits, and I personally would use it on in some circumstances and not in others.

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Given we have that terminal the planet scaling really needs to be optimal.


the terminal alone can handle scaling and rewards and teleporting gamers to the FP.


All the more reason this should be optional if you go to a planet on your own.


ITS FOR A REASON. Look beyond what it is doing, and ask WHY!

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I think it is a good idea to be able to help your friends or guild members without hurting their level. It is good that there is a challenge now on these other planets.


Oh yes I know some of you want an option.


But funny thing is when some of us ask for an option on the mission on the new expansion as we like to group with our friends/boy/girlfriends/spouses we were told you not going to have an option so you have to deal with it and do it solo or do it twice. We were always told by a lot of you that we needed to deal with it well now:


You are going to have to deal with this.


That's a very mature attitude, really. Punish everyone who is against this because a few people were jerks about something you wanted, lump everyone opposed to it in with the people who told you to "deal with it" at some point.

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Not going to lie. Mainly a little peeved because I won't be able to farm solo old heriocs like Prison Busting for massive bank.


I wish it had been optional but I'll get over it. Back to dailies and sell prefab I guess. It was better to have once loved than to not have loved before.

Edited by Nickious
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Not going to lie. Mainly a little peeved because I won't be able to farm solo old heriocs like Prison Busting for massive bank. I wish it had been optional but I'll get over it.


Don't worry - you will still be able to, but now prolly with less effort getting there and more reward since it will scale to your actual level.

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I use orange because it's easy to read on gray and black and I have been doing it since the beginning of the game and I happen to like orange. You don't have to think less of me or berate me because of that reason.


Oh wow, I actually though you were like the equivalent of MVP's in World of Warcraft, not Bioware staff but chosen as community representatives. Questionable, I'm sure I'm not the first to be mislead by that.

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And why do i need level 65 gear ?

To do bolstered SM operations for money ?

I can do that with level 10 gear, i'll get a bolster in level 50-65 ops.

So gear is now totally obsolete.


Fine with me. I can spend credits on something else now.

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That's a very mature attitude, really. Punish everyone who is against this because a few people were jerks about something you wanted, lump everyone opposed to it in with the people who told you to "deal with it" at some point.


And people in this forums are acting mature? I don't think so.


And on that note have a good week.

Edited by ArielaKnight
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I don't care "why".


What I care about is that something that adds nothing to the game for me is being made mandatory.


What do you mean "nothing to the game"... THIS IS 4.0. This will be the focus of the story... why would they be developing it otherwise?


Why limit the farming to daily content in a handful of areas, what they are doing here is opening up the entire set of planetary content, giving it a purpose (influence, no doubt about it) and giving a mechanism for accessing it quickly and easily.. don't you see that?

Edited by leehambly
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Fine with me. I can spend credits on something else now.


That's why i don't see why people will do operations as operations are now useless, well you get some credits from them but other than that ...

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IMO, only two counter-arguments have been raised (at least that I've seen) that make some sense for why this wouldn't work as an optional system, but I honestly don't think either one carries the day.


1) The Alliance system may involve going back to low-level planets for some sort of 'rep grind' to build your team, and that grind wouldn't work if being over-leveled made the missions on those planets trivial.

  • Okay, so set it up such that you only get credit towards the Alliance 'rep' if you are progressing through the mission with the level-sync toggled "on", the same way you don't get credit for some missions when you are in an Ops group, etc.


2) It would really, really complicate open-world PVP

  • This one I believe actually has some merit, and I can't say that I have a straightforward solution to it - but I'm also not a professional game designer. This is one of those times when I honestly think the devs should put in the time and effort to come up with a solution - because the problem certainly doesn't seem insurmountable. Damage / healing / etc already works differently when you're attacking another player as opposed to an NPC - that's why Expertise is a stat - it seems like there is room to work with the systems they have to make it work. If this is the only hurdle to making the system optional, then it seems like it would be worth working their way through it.


As I've said before, I am okay with a mandatory level-sync being implemented, but I think the system would be significantly better if it were made optional - and I don't think the obstacles to making it optional seem unmanageable.

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UGH!! I'm not coming across well or explaining myself well enough. It's not coming out what I'm meaning to say!! Dammit guys. Does anybody understand what I mean?? I wish I could explain things better


No I'm think your coming across the way you intend, your just upset people don't agree with you and frustrated you can't convert them.


I get it, you like the system, great. But why do you want to force your play-style on other people. Make it optional and you can use the system, but not everybody is forced to.


Options are good. Forcing people to play the way you like is not.

Edited by ZavienUK
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What do you mean "nothing to the game"... THIS IS 4.0. This will be the focus of the story... why would they be developing it otherwise?


Why limit the farming to daily content in a handful of areas, what they are doing here is opening up the entire set of planetary content, giving it a purpose (influence, no doubt about it) and giving a mechanism for accessing it quickly and easily.. don't you see that?


So. What.


They can add new planets if they want to go that route, it's a big galaxy. No need to trash the existing content for those of us who are enjoying it as it is.


I'm never going to do KotFE, so all this crap about "influence" and "alliance" is meaningless to me. If it actually creeps into the rest of the game and corrodes it for the sake of that ME2 rehash / "I'm even more powerful than you realized -- yet again!" crapfest, then I have no reason to bother logging in after it goes live.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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And why do i need level 65 gear ?

To do bolstered SM operations for money ?

I can do that with level 10 gear, i'll get a bolster in level 50-65 ops.

So gear is now totally obsolete.

Fine with me. I can spend credits on something else now.



Yeah because you totally dont do more damage in HM gear than the 55 green geared fresh 60 in current bolstered GF ops, right?

Honestly, I'm fine with this. The gear I'll take from HMs is going for NIM progression anyway. Not that I havent already cleared that content before though, sigh.. If BW should change something it would be to introduce new ops so gear QQers can go back to progression.

Edited by Kiesu
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ITS FOR A REASON. Look beyond what it is doing, and ask WHY!


I did and everything leads back to it being an option. Not a forced endeavor.


They put in a terminal to get old companions. You don't need to get any of the others.

They want you to do heroic again? Then do them though the terminal and get scaled.

- Go to the planet and have the option to scale or not.


Look at what this is doing and how it being optional would have been a better deal for everyone. More ways to play. More game play experiences. Not some forced BS down scaling to make your high level toon some weaker version.

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So. What.


They can add new planets if they want to go that route, it's a big galaxy. No need to trash the existing content for those of us who are enjoying it as it is.


MMO's are constantly in flux, it's what they are... you are thinking of a different game style. This won't stop you enjoying it, it will simply change it.

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MMO's are constantly in flux, it's what they are... you are thinking of a different game style. This won't stop you enjoying it, it will simply change it.



I'm never going to do KotFE, so all this crap about "influence" and "alliance" is meaningless to me. If it actually creeps into the rest of the game and corrodes it for the sake of that ME2 rehash / "I'm even more powerful than you realized -- yet again!" crapfest, then I have no reason to bother logging in after it goes live.

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Don't worry - you will still be able to, but now prolly with less effort getting there and more reward since it will scale to your actual level.


Well with downscaling, I don't think I'll be able to survive getting hit by 50 NPCs at once anymore, nor kill them as fast. The main credits was in the mobs, not actual mission payout.

Edited by Nickious
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You're fighting a losing battle friend. Some people don't like change, change scares them. The worry that this change is going to be the NGE/CU of SWG, so they are worried.


If they didn't care about their aspect of the game they enjoy they wouldn't bother making a post, while I myself find it no trouble at all, they do. You will not win this argument. You should let them vent, agree to disagree and walk away.


I don't think this is about change scaring people. I know some people don't like change, but this isn't that situation. This is about people understanding completely what the change is, but not seeing it as a benefit, and not wanting it. It fundamentally changes the traditional level based game. If you think this is just about people fear of change, make it optional. You can then allow people to experience the new system and perhaps change their view, but at least the option is still there.

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I did and everything leads back to it being an option. Not a forced endeavor.


They put in a terminal to get old companions. You don't need to get any of the others.

They want you to do heroic again? Then do them though the terminal and get scaled.

- Go to the planet and have the option to scale or not.


Look at what this is doing and how it being optional would have been a better deal for everyone. More ways to play. More game play experiences. Not some forced BS down scaling to make your high level toon some weaker version.


Well, the option then is to not do it. Good luck with that. I think I'm done with you guys. I'm gonna chip off before the sky falls in! Lol, again.

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