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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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I'm okay with it.


If you're going back to the old planets to farm, credits, gear etc, then as the kids say it, "you're doing it wrong". There are far better areas to farm. If you're helping someone out, guildie, friend etc., time to remember the content.


This certainly makes for a more entertaining game. For anyone who doesn't like that you've 'earned' your levels, then simply don't go there, it's not complicated.


The game has already been dumb-downed in a number of areas, this one is not.


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Why? Anakin was one of the strongest Jedi in the entire order.




They're not Rakghouls. They're a different species. Plus they're saturated in the dark side energy of Yavin IV. Which is one of the most powerful Dark Side nexuses in the galaxy.


Lol! Ok flutterplumes compared to stonerays, or, idk, an Imp solider on Planet A to the same Imp soldier on Planet B? Come up with justifications and excuses for it all you want, but it's been immersion breaking for too long... this makes steps to resolve that. Simply, this is a good move.


Yes, your cakewalk is gone... yes, you will have to learn to be more strategic if you want to keep all the loot. It's a good thing... "that loot" was rubbish anyway, now it will be of use, maybe.


This rejuvenates much of the content for all characters rather than just levelling characters. And maybe, just maybe its necessary for the path that our characters will have to take in the chapters ahead, who knows!

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You know when those people made "I quit" threads no one believed them either. I brought up dead mmos and pointed out there were people who said they'll quit there too and people made the same arguments here. No this isn't proof the same will happen but.. I don't get why people think it can't happen. That this game can't suffer the same fate. It's odd.

You know, even if only 2 out of 10 people that make those ' I quit threads' was reality, that's still a lot. Because most people that quit don't make a thread about it. That's a guess on my part, I realise.

Fact of the matter is, it's not getting busier on the fleet, or anywhere for that matter.

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What in the world do people do on old planets that this is such a travesty? You're level 60 and you go back to some early level planets and do what exactly? One shot the mobs for fun?


They should just drop this horribly stupid vertical leveling system altogether. It makes zero sense to begin with.

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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?

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Sorry for not reading through 20 pages of whining, but was it addressed what happens on planets where the bonus series are significantly higher than the rest of the planet (e.g. Nar Shadaa and Alderaan)?


To answer your question; no.

But kindly don't call it whining. It's a legitimate concern about forcing a gamechanging feature onto people who don't want or need it.

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This change brought to you by the Fixing Things That Aren't Broken Department, in conjunction with the We Do What We Want division of We Know What's Fun Better Than You Inc.


Yes, I see SOE laughing their arses off.

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This here explains my thoughts exactly. Personally, I am very excited for this change. Allowing me to go back and help friends and low-level players without forcing them to lose out on precious experience, while also feeling powerful and benefiting my character while they helping them progress with their own.


Sounds good, so why not have it as toggle?, so you can use it in the circumstance you described, but it's not forced on those who don't want it.

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Lol! Ok flutterplumes compared to stonerays, or, idk, an Imp solider on Planet A to the same Imp soldier on Planet B? Come up with justifications and excuses for it all you want, but it's been immersion breaking for too long... this makes steps to resolve that. Simply, this is a good move.


Yes, your cakewalk is gone... yes, you will have to learn to be more strategic if you want to keep all the loot. It's a good thing... "that loot" was rubbish anyway, now it will be of use, maybe.


This rejuvenates much of the content for all characters rather than just levelling characters. And maybe, just maybe its necessary for the path that our characters will have to take in the chapters ahead, who knows!

It was a cakewalk because I gained the levels, and this is a level based game. Why does it bother people like you that I'd like to one shot mobs on lower level planets, or just walk around them not being worried about getting aggro. If I want a challenge I'll do hm operations or maybe hm fp's. Let me have my thing, I levelled and progressed for it. I wanna feel like that powerful Sith Lord I set out to be.

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So I thought about this a bit and decided that it could be ok if these scaled rewards are good enough.


For instance Chamber of Speech on Tython is easy when level appropriate. If the rewards given are decent in terms of credits and crystals (the new version of comms) it becomes a farmers dream. Especially if with the new way gathering nodes work.


Low level heroics are pretty easy anyway. Sure might be a little less convenient but can't be worse that Oricon or Makeb were when they dropped.


I'm trying to stay positive, not the biggest fan of descaling but as you point out it does have some perks. I'm hopeing the reward will be decent, so it open up more content and gives us more choices. I'm worried about the system working right as if this leveling system become buggy it could cause a lot of problems. I'm also curious how there going to deal with dailies like Belsavies, these mission are way higher then the planet level. Other quest like GSI or bonus series could have problem if they didn't do some careful testing. Hopeful the system will work right and not end up being a buggy mess.

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And? It's still cheesy AF. Putting people down & spouting L2P, while bragging about leet skillz, uses Treek.

Lulz were had.


So what? Treek is just a companion like any other companion. It was a Heroic 4 for the max level of the planet filled with 3-4 Golds and 2-3 Silvers in a small hallways with Patrols. Soloing it, does take skill and proper knowledge of one's class.

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You missed what I said. From a story perspective, you are this powerful person who can kill people in cut scenes with a single slash or choke or blaster shot or shock. That's the immersion that only matters.


If your issue with not being able to one shot things because you're max level comes from your rank as the wrath or a Darth then you need to realize you could never one shot anything at level. After all if your character can easily kill anyone, you should be able to in game play mechanics, right?


Wrong if game play mechanics allowed for players to randomly one shot everything because they reached a certain point, there would be no point in having any ability past the first generic slash or shoot.


You're missing my point and I don't think you're taking the time to read what I have to say. I don't usually use that line but I already stated that Immersion/RP should not be greater than mechanics. I am not arguing that because of immersion we should be able to one shot enemies.


I am talking about this..


I will be a strong character yes,but I will not be the character that has progressed through 60 levels and gained power along the way.

But you love the idea, so well, no need to further this discussion. Immersion probably doesn't play a role for you.


This is what another person had to say.


This is what you said in response.


Yes you will be, you will have all those abilities and passives that you gained from leveling up on top of set bonuses and companions you didn't have at the time.


My point was that it IS immersive for a Dark Council member to go back against a terrorist resistance group and drop a lightning storm that drops them all immediately or for the Empire's Wrath to force crush some pitiful Padawan. No, I am not arguing that they should remove level scaling just because of immersion's sake. I am only countering your argument in regards to what someone else said. Now if you argued "It's beneficial due to gameplay reasons." I wouldn't argue that with this.


Lol! Ok flutterplumes compared to stonerays, or, idk, an Imp solider on Planet A to the same Imp soldier on Planet B? Come up with justifications and excuses for it all you want, but it's been immersion breaking for too long... this makes steps to resolve that. Simply, this is a good move.


Yes, your cakewalk is gone... yes, you will have to learn to be more strategic if you want to keep all the loot. It's a good thing... "that loot" was rubbish anyway, now it will be of use, maybe.


This rejuvenates much of the content for all characters rather than just levelling characters. And maybe, just maybe its necessary for the path that our characters will have to take in the chapters ahead, who knows!


I'm not arguing against this change with immersion alone. If you read my posts you'd understand that. Also I can point to some novels what some seemingly harmless critters have done to squads on dark side worlds. It's not that unrealistic as you would think. Star Wars really does fit the D20 model because there is power scaling in it's own story. We have Jedi who can be taken out by skilled commandos and we have Jedi who can manipulate black holes. The difference between one jedi and another can be immense.

Edited by Rhyltran
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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?


The only 2 downsides I can think of are: 1) that toggled people and non-toggled people would have to be in different instances of the planet, but that's only a minor downside imo. 2) non-toggled people shouldn't be able to receive rewards for the weekly heroics (logically), but that seems doable programming-wise. You toggle it on; weekly rewards go off. And only if you did an heroic in the 'toggled version' instance, will you receive a reward.


I really don't get it why Bioware didn't make this optional in the first place.

Edited by Tahra
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A question I would like to pose to people:


I know there are many people against this system, and people who have no problem with this system.


But is there anybody (on either side of the debate), who would be against this as a toggle, and why? It would seem that way both sides of the debate would be happy, we all win. Neither side is forced to either have it or not have. We get the advantages from both sides. Thoughts?


If they add a toggle, I wouldn't care one bit.

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Good, I don't think it needs to be optional. What possible purpose does being able to 1-shot every thing on lowbie planets serve? The lower planets actually will have some replay-ability now.


Why should it have replayability? I've done it on plenty of characters, I just want to one shot things. I'm that powerful Sith Lord. Or did I progress to 60 to have them bother me again?

Edited by Geeorgedk
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Ziost is in the heart of the empire. Ziost is one of the Empire's homeworlds where the Sith retreated to during the great Hyperspace War and where the Sith began to rebuild for their revenge against the republic. Having some of the most powerful troops there makes sense as it's where the Emperor used to reside. Not to mention many of the most powerful republic and empire forces were sent there to reclaim it only to have the Emperor control them.


And what? The Empire didn't send it best troops to infilitrate Coruscant, push the Repbulic off Taris, fight for control of Balmorra, or Correllia?


Let's move away from the Sith.... and talk about the non-force using classes, and put it in real world examples. No soldier from the world's best most elite unit would ever be able to run into a barracks full of armed soldiers from the worlds most down on its luck bananna republic dressed only in his underwear and expect to come out alive... Yet that is exactly what a lvl 60 BH/Trooper can do on any world below lvl 30 with ease. But please go ahead and tell me how it is because the Empire didn't send its best soldiers to those battlefields.


Or better yet... Why is it that my lvl 28 Jedi Guardian is so OP that he gets no experience for killing Rakghouls on Taris, but a lvl 28 Sith Juggernaut finds those same Rakghouls to be a rather great challenge indeed....


Sorry but for immersion purposes going back to those worlds currently is immersion breaking... what they are proposing is much more immersive.

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