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Level synch = death of SWTOR


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Not directed at me, but on October 20th, I will click that "Cancel your subscription" at the bottom of my account page on both of my accounts. I also have no plans to play in preferred status, either. I am not uninstalling the game, but I certainly will no longer be playing it until there are options in the game that let me turn off the accelerated leveling pace and the level syncing. If that never comes to pass, well it's been a good ride up to this point and well worth the money and time I invested in the game. I have more than enough games that I have been neglecting for far too long to really have any regrets about leaving SWTOR and never looking back.


Interesting answer. You will be clicking unsubscribe on the 20th. That means you do care about the rewards and you will have a month sub still when it goes live...


If I had to put money on it though, based on this, without you knowing of course, I'd put money on it that you'd resub before your sub really runs out.

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Oh the irony.



I'm not going to live forever. If it takes you 15 more years to figure it out, I'll likely have died of old age, or maybe my brain will finally explode from all the forum reading I make it tolerate. The true irony here, however, is cherry picking one line out of the post to respond to. I guess the rest of it had you going "What does that mean"?

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And you would suppose they would post this blog not 3 weeks before early start goes live if they had any plans to change anything to it?


As you say it's all planned ahead and by that same reasoning people can see that it's futile to think BW will change level syncing at this point before the release.


They no doubt have a plan and schedule in place for the release of information leading up to the release. It would be futile to expect them to suddenly abandon their schedule over a forum post, nor would that make any sense.


Expecting this to be changed in time for the release, considering we're less than 20days out from the expansion, no that's probably not realistic. Them coming forward and saying they intend to make this a toggle, perhaps in the first major patch after release, that is realistic, as to whether they do actually do that, well that remains to be seen.

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They no doubt have a plan and schedule in place for the release of information leading up to the release. It would be futile to expect them to suddenly abandon their schedule over a forum post, nor would that make any sense.


Expecting this to be changed in time for the release, considering we're less than 20days out from the expansion, no that's probably not realistic. Them coming forward and saying they intend to make this a toggle, perhaps in the first major patch after release, that is realistic, as to whether they do actually do that, well that remains to be seen.


Yeh, I see where you're coming from. My suspicion is that the level-syncing will be a more integral part of content release over the future, possibly with the stories taking you all over the universe etc. So I don't expect a toggle, but if they can make it work I'm fine with that too.

Edited by Tsillah
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He didn't like the change. He's not a member anymore. Pretty much self explanatory. No more information is really need.


Actually, if he wasn't crying for attention, he wouldn't have even posted that. That's all it was "LOOK AT ME, I SAID LOOK AT ME". We looked, we were not impressed, we moved on.


Do be sure to note his name, however, so you can watch for it to pop up in a couple of months.

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He didn't like the change. He's not a member anymore. Pretty much self explanatory. No more information is really need.

So he/she needs to grow up and stop being a drama queen. Unsub if they want,that's fine. But the melodramatic "i'm quitting unless this changes" is pointless and beyond stupid. More to the point it won't change anything.

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So, when this goes live in a few weeks, what will you do with your solid stance then? ... because it will go live.


Will your stance mean that you quit or will you defiantly stand while paying your sub?


You trolling, your just trying to inflame the discussion. I can't speak for anybody else, but I have no intention of 'quitting' over this. I do not want this as a mandatory system, but there are enough other things I enjoy about the game for me not to cut my nose off to spite my face to make a point to you or Bioware. However it will reduce my overall enjoyment of the game, so there is nothing wrong with providing feedback, in the hope Bioware will reconsider and make this optional. Enjoying a game less is not the same as no longer enjoying it at all, and so is not a reason to quit over. Making it optional maintains the enjoyment for everybody.

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You trolling, your just trying to inflame the discussion. I can't speak for anybody else, but I have no intention of 'quitting' over this. I do not want this as a mandatory system, but there are enough other things I enjoy about the game for me not to cut my nose off to spite my face to make a point to you or Bioware. However it will reduce my overall enjoyment of the game, so there is nothing wrong with providing feedback, in the hope Bioware will reconsider and make this optional. Enjoying a game less is not the same as no longer enjoying it at all, and so is not a reason to quit over. Making it optional maintains the enjoyment for everybody.


No I directed that comment at a specific person and it wasn't you.


I just want to know if this guy is being real or just throwing out empty threats, nothing more.

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Excuse me if i play the game for story and IP! Clearly you only play it because it has lvls in it.


Clearly? What exactly makes that clear, apart from your post hoc ergo proper hoc fallacy of assumption? Just because I disagree with you does not automatically mean that I must agree with this other thing.


You're just bouncing from one failure of reasoning ability to the next here, do I'll make this easy for you.


I think level sync should be optional. Insofar as anyone knows yet, there's no reason why it can't be, and ever reason why it should be.


All of the benefit, none of the annoyance.


So, now that my position is clarified, would you like to apologize for making crap up and assuming it to be true or shall we just assume that you're not qualified to participate in reasonable discussion anymore?

Edited by Uruare
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Interesting answer. You will be clicking unsubscribe on the 20th. That means you do care about the rewards and you will have a month sub still when it goes live...


If I had to put money on it though, based on this, without you knowing of course, I'd put money on it that you'd resub before your sub really runs out.


The only reason I haven't cancelled yet is because of the Swoop Bike reward. Certainly if I never return, then it's pretty much wasting away in some crate somewhere, but if I do come back to play in the future (after I get my options, of course), then I most certainly will regret not waiting that extra time to have it available to me.


That, plus since the changes go live on the 20th, I have no problem paying and playing the game up until that day, since I am enjoying the current method of playing the game. On my main account, I had a six month subscription which was supposed to renew on 9/26, but I changed it to the monthly plan before that day, so it now runs out on 10/26. The other account runs out on 11/4.


I wouldn't waste your money if I were you. Those subs will not be renewed until I have those options I mentioned. I have said this for years, I will continue to pay for and play this game so long as I am getting enjoyment out of it. The enjoyment I get is based purely upon my subjective needs as a gamer and my playstyle. A forced accelerated leveling pace and a forced level syncing system are things that adversely affect my enjoyment of playing a game enough to warrant no longer playing that game.


I'm not going to live forever. If it takes you 15 more years to figure it out, I'll likely have died of old age, or maybe my brain will finally explode from all the forum reading I make it tolerate. The true irony here, however, is cherry picking one line out of the post to respond to. I guess the rest of it had you going "What does that mean"?

Not really. I just found it really amusing. I hope this game lasts as long, and longer, than WoW and the other long time MMOs out there. However, while I have faith in the game, I have about as much faith in EA as I do the former SOE - none.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Btw, when was this poll taken? I visit reddit almost every day and i didn't see it. Was it taken while the level-sync was still a rumor?


Not sure I just found it on the front page after seeing this thread


Here's the thread from reddit. It was posted yesterday


Edited by Acemapsc
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Actually, this seems fairly relevant to the dialog:






I do love how people chose to cherry pick lines out of the presented information to carry on with their "DOOM" prophecies, but since you will keep all of your abilities, including passives, unless you really suck at character building, you're not going to be having a lot of trouble with anything.


Nobody is cherry picking anything. We knew this already. This was already mentioned in the stream. When this thread was started, we already knew while being level synced we would be keeping abilities etc. We also saw in the stream that there wouldn't be a lot of trouble killing those now similar level mobs.


So go back to the earlier parts of this thread and actually read why some people don't want this as a mandatory system nevertheless.

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The only reason I haven't cancelled yet is because of the Swoop Bike reward. Certainly if I never return, then it's pretty much wasting away in some crate somewhere, but if I do come back to play in the future (after I get my options, of course), then I most certainly will regret not waiting that extra time to have it available to me.


That, plus since the changes go live, I have no problem paying and playing the game up until that day, since I am enjoying the current method of playing the game. On my main account, I had a six month subscription which was supposed to renew on 9/26, but I changed it to the monthly plan before that day, so it now runs out on 10/26. The other account runs out on 11/4.


I wouldn't waste your money if I were you. Those subs will not be renewed until I have those options I mentioned. I have said this for years, I will continue to pay for and play this game so long as I am getting enjoyment out of it. The enjoyment I get is based purely upon my subjective needs as a gamer and my playstyle. A forced accelerated leveling pace and a forced level syncing system are things that adversely affect my enjoyment of playing a game enough to warrant no longer playing that game.


It was a purely hypothetical situation. I do get what you're saying, but it's because you are rather more reasonable than many others that I think you'll be around still. But I could be wrong of course, just a gut feeling nothing more.

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Trust me, he wasn't the only one claiming majorities on the forum on this topic. Should've left it alone really, I'd already forgotten about it till you replied :cool:


Sorry, in order to keep up with the discussion I leave this open on the page I was up to when out/sleeping etc. I try and skim forward and ignore as much as I can, but yeah.

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Sorry, in order to keep up with the discussion I leave this open on the page I was up to when out/sleeping etc. I try and skim forward and ignore as much as I can, but yeah.


hehe, no worries, it is rather chaotic exactly because of the reason you mentioned.

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Nobody is cherry picking anything. We knew this already. This was already mentioned in the stream. When this thread was started, we already knew while being level synced we would be keeping abilities etc. We also saw in the stream that there wouldn't be a lot of trouble killing those now similar level mobs.


So go back to the earlier parts of this thread and actually read why some people don't want this as a mandatory system nevertheless.


You know what? I read all of the threads since before they were merged, and care to guess what's wrong with your logic here? Allow me to spell it out for you, this blog and the stream weren't out yet when people started freaking out. After the stream went live, people were complaining about losing all their abilities, and now that the blog's out, the last thing I saw quoted from it before I posted the whole level sync section was one line about killing mobs. When you pull one line out of a document, and comment on that, it's called cherry picking. That's exactly what was done.


You can feel free to rationalize it, or justify it however you see fit, but let's not rewrite the language to support your Vision of Doom, ok?

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So he/she needs to grow up and stop being a drama queen. Unsub if they want,that's fine. But the melodramatic "i'm quitting unless this changes" is pointless and beyond stupid. More to the point it won't change anything.


Unfortunately we will disagree there. Money drives this game. I'd love to see enough leave that it forced this down leveling to be made optional. Forced a change to it so it was more acceptable for everyone. If that has to start at just a few leaving. So be it.


Actually, if he wasn't crying for attention, he wouldn't have even posted that. That's all it was "LOOK AT ME, I SAID LOOK AT ME". We looked, we were not impressed, we moved on.


Do be sure to note his name, however, so you can watch for it to pop up in a couple of months.


So you read more into it than was needed. IF thats your thing go right ahead.

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level Synch is a great idea.


The only thing that will be the death of this game is listening to all the whiners who refuse to let anything be changed.


There is not enough new content generated by this game, or any other to sustain an MMORPG long term in a pure vertical progression MMO. Revitalizing old content is absolutely necessary.


The majority of the content in this game can be found at 1-50, and very few people do it any longer. The idea that we should cave to anyone for any reason just so they can "one shot everything on every planet before Yavin" is ridiculous. Let those people quit the game if they feel so strongly about it, in the long run it will be better for the game to give people a broader variety of content to do on all planets. Especially when the best parts of this game are not necessarily the newest parts.


He we go again, another person who thinks the people who don't want this is for the entirely one dimensional reason of being able to one shot mobs.


I think most people here are in complete agreement that this system is a great idea. It brings so many benefits. What some people are against is this being mandatory all of the time.

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