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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = death of SWTOR


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No. With attitude you are encouraging players to camp lowbies. I think its you who dont belong in a guild.


They never needed encouragement my friend. Hence why the greatest memories of PvP comes from helping out my guildies of days long past whenever they needed it. That was what being a guild is all about. You clearly have no understanding of what makes guilds and PvP the great systems they once were. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were nothing but one of those anti-social PvE carebears that the "Old Schoolers" constantly QQ about.

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So... I'll be able to drive right by all those trash mobs around the area where the Kingpin is, and ignore them, or wipe them out if they actually attack me? I'll be able to get the HK part without constantly fighting off the locals? They'll all still be grayed-out and negligible?


Or will it make almost every one of those missions into a sloggy, tedious nuisance? Not "challenging", not "aw, too hard for you noob"... just plain tedious...



So a 30 second fight is an issue? I don't see how this is any more tedious than replaying the same ops over and over in hopes that an item drops and you win the roll.

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big difference between gw2 and here on this one: Gw2 baked it in from the get-go. People were buying that as part of the experience straight out the gates.


Now, the devs are changing a fundamental way that levels interact with the gameplay experience game-wind. They obviously think it'll be great and wonderful, but the sheer blowbakc already hitting the forum suggests to me that it might be possible that they're not as right as they hope they are.


Adapting to things is good. Taking whatever crap you're given makes you a doormat, however - these protests need to be lodged by those that have them, or doormats we shall permanently remain.


Also, its rather tedious in gw2 to go exploring, because everything hostile will and does aggro you all the time everywhere, no exceptions. Its really fricken boring to have to kill your way to everywhere you ever want to be after a rather short while. I know this because i played the game for a good two years pretty solidly.


Fortunately, gw2 has good systems in place to always make it relatively worth your while. Xp is never wasted as but one example. Hit max level and keep gaining xp for skill points. That seems like it might be changing for how it all works in their own upcoming expansion, but i don't really care about that anyway.


What i care about is the fact that if you don't like this change, you might as well gdiaf. They don't care and they're not going to care. So it is written, so shall it be.


Bioware doesn't exactly have a bright history of making anything for anyone but themselves. Dragon age 2, ending of mass effect 3, anyone? What'd it take to finally get them to budge in the most pathetically small of ways about me3's ending? Mass public uproar and global blowback on a scale that genuinely threatened the almighty dollars.


We must, all of us, accept one fact as the absolute truth here when considering bioware's position - they speak only profitability. All else is irrelevant noise. They will make irrelevant noises at us in a fashion consistent with their strategy to generate more profit.


They are czerka, to translate. Deal accordingly.

qft :)

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So... I'll be able to drive right by all those trash mobs around the area where the Kingpin is, and ignore them, or wipe them out if they actually attack me? I'll be able to get the HK part without constantly fighting off the locals? They'll all still be grayed-out and negligible?


Or will it make almost every one of those missions into a sloggy, tedious nuisance? Not "challenging", not "aw, too hard for you noob"... just plain tedious...


Well, the rest of us certainly will be able to do that.

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Then this game is maybe not for you ?

Try playing eve online pvp, you'll loose everything you own, including spaceship all the items that you have equipped and everything that you have in the ships cargo.

Hah. I love this comment. You're basically saying "I dont like the scaling" and I'm saying "I dont like the camping", and you're telling me maybe the game isnt for me? Well, same words for you bro, maybe the expansion is not for you ;)

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One of the things that stands out about this change is basically everywhere a max level character goes outside of ops, max level pvp brackets, the fleet, and the KotFE storyline they will be below their actual level. So outside of those areas you wont be lvl 65.


So the intent of this change is to create content by making the old content challenging regardless of level in place of actual new content? I don't know, Ive done all those flashpoints dozens of times, both solo and in groups. Will that hold people's interest?

It's not just for flashpoints. Don't you see? It's beneficial for the whole game because instead of doing something one time as you level, you can do it multiple times but STILL be a powerful level and have your stuffs etc BUT you will have another scaling level.


I think this is the start of something bigger for the game! I'll be in here all night answering questions and clearing confusion about what perhaps this scaling system is. Basically they are going the route of GW2, where the whole game is relevant, regardless of level, you can keep on doing things infinite amount of times because it scales you.

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The JK that beat the Sith Emperor, the Hutt Cartel, the Dread Lords, and Revan, will be reduced to a freaking apprentice when they go back to Tython. A low-level stinking pathetic little turd of an apprentice.



Who can still put the beat down on anyone and anything on Tython. You're virtually going to be scaled down with BiS armor mods/equip, all your abilities, all your passives etc.

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Lets see


HK can be unlocked for all characters.

Crafting mats can be gotten without even going to the planet

Datacrons are going to be made legacy wide

General exploring is a poor reason and RP only applies to RPers.

You asked what I was doing on the planet(s). I replied.


HK cannot be unlocked without first collecting all the parts on a single character.

Crafting materials cost credits -- either in mission costs or GTN prices -- if they are not gathered or gifted to you.

Datacrons must still be obtained by at least one character in the Legacy. Not everyone has the Datacron Master achievement.

If I want to explore a planet, I have to do it on that planet.

Of course RP only applies to people who RP. This is a non-sequitur.

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Who can still put the beat down on anyone and anything on Tython. You're virtually going to be scaled down with BiS armor mods/equip, all your abilities, all your passives etc.


Meaningless. Still scaled down, still a raw pathetic little apprentice just because they went for a visit, a mere shadow of everything they've experienced and learned.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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They never needed encouragement my friend. Hence why the greatest memories of PvP comes from helping out my guildies of days long past whenever they needed it. That was what being a guild is all about. You clearly have no understanding of what makes guilds and PvP the great systems they once were. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were nothing but one of those anti-social PvE carebears that the "Old Schoolers" constantly QQ about.

Well arent you the hero in shining armor. Give me a minute to get swept off my feet while you rescue the poor lowbies.

Excuse me if I'd rather prefer equal chanse for both parties to win if in such situation, than pretend the hero for the poor.

Edited by Kiesu
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"Well some stuff scales and some doesn't so you don't lose everything and still have some advantage" and "well you have your level and then this other level and the area level and..." is all meaningless detail.


The player character's "mojo" will be scaled down to the area that you're in. If you go into a lower "mojo" area, the PC's "mojo" will be lower as well. That's all there is to it.


The JK that beat the Sith Emperor, the Hutt Cartel, the Dread Lords, and Revan, will be reduced to a freaking apprentice when they go back to Tython. A low-level stinking pathetic little turd of an apprentice.


I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. I don't mean that as an insult to you. So if you are so against it, vote with your wallet. It seems there is a refusal to like or adapt the new system or see how it goes and THEN make a decision. I was afraid at first also Max but it seems they are going the route of GW2. Which is good. Just take a step back and see how it goes!


Be rational and don't be overly emotional about these type of things. Just simmer down. :) I want to help you buddy!

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It's not just for flashpoints. Don't you see? It's beneficial for the whole game because instead of doing something one time as you level, you can do it multiple times but STILL be a powerful level and have your stuffs etc BUT you will have another scaling level.


I have no reason to do most of the leveling content multiple times on the same character, and I certainly have no reason to do it multiple times if the character never grows in relation to that content.

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I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. I don't mean that as an insult to you. So if you are so against it, vote with your wallet. It seems there is a refusal to like or adapt the new system or see how it goes and THEN make a decision. I was afraid at first also Max but it seems they are going the route of GW2. Which is good. Just take a step back and see how it goes!


Be rational and don't be overly emotional about these type of things. Just simmer down. :) I want to help you buddy!


Using pretty colors makes me an authority on the subject too. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid bro.

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Meaningless. Still scaled down, still a raw pathetic little apprentice just because they went for a visit, a mere shadow of everything they've experienced and learned.

No, no a million times no. You are NOT going to be a shadow of everything you learned and experienced. You are taking this thing the completely wrong way! It's not what you think it is! This is good for the game to add future things, events, quests, because you will be able to do everything everywhere, anywhere, all the time, regardless if you are max level or not!


You are not going to suddenly be a young piece of trash if you go to Hutta, Tython, Ord Mantell or Korriban again! That's NOT how this works!! Please believe me! Others who have played GW2 know the system I am talking about :)

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Well arent you the hero in shining armor. Give me a minute to get swept off my feet while you rescue the poor lowbies.

Excuse me if I'd rather prefer equal chanse for both parties to win if in such situation, than pretend the hero for the poor.


That's what Arenas, Warzones, et al. are for. You want a "fair" fight - you have more than enough opportunity to play those. Open World PvP is a free for all, and it should be - that's what makes it different and that's what makes it great.

Edited by TravelersWay
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I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. I don't mean that as an insult to you. So if you are so against it, vote with your wallet. It seems there is a refusal to like or adapt the new system or see how it goes and THEN make a decision. I was afraid at first also Max but it seems they are going the route of GW2. Which is good. Just take a step back and see how it goes!


Be rational and don't be overly emotional about these type of things. Just simmer down. :) I want to help you buddy!


Why? Why should he wait and spend an extra $15?


This game has been the same for 4 years. It's now going under a monumental shift - to copy a style of a game with no real sub system.


You once again are championing recycled content. It's not new and it doesn't become "fun" again by reducing levels.

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Hah. I love this comment. You're basically saying "I dont like the scaling" and I'm saying "I dont like the camping", and you're telling me maybe the game isnt for me? Well, same words for you bro, maybe the expansion is not for you ;)

Like i said maybe pvp server is not for you, as you don't like the pvp rules on the server, because they can camp you in.

Maybe swtors biggest problems are levels and bioware should get rid of the levels entirely.

Edited by -Spc
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Meaningless. Still scaled down, still a raw pathetic little apprentice just because they went for a visit, a mere shadow of everything they've experienced and learned.



Understandable, well if you choose to leave the game then farewell, hope you find something that catches your attention.


It's true that this should be optional, but I also think that if you don't scale down then you shouldn't be able to collect those mats, earn credit for those kills or pick up that loot. But that's just me, it may not be other people's cup of tea, but I do admit I get tired of setting up a world boss op only to get there and have some 60 solo it cause "lawlz".

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Using pretty colors makes me an authority on the subject too. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid bro.

I use orange because it's easy to read on gray and black and I have been doing it since the beginning of the game and I happen to like orange. You don't have to think less of me or berate me because of that reason.

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I don't think there is even going to be a sensible discussion here. I don't mean that as an insult to you. So if you are so against it, vote with your wallet. It seems there is a refusal to like or adapt the new system or see how it goes and THEN make a decision. I was afraid at first also Max but it seems they are going the route of GW2. Which is good. Just take a step back and see how it goes!


Be rational and don't be overly emotional about these type of things. Just simmer down. :) I want to help you buddy!


I have seen GW2, and as far as I'm concerned, the system is not good. It is not what I want out of a game. It is the opposite of what I want out of a game.

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No. It needs no more explaining.


"Well some stuff scales and some doesn't so you don't lose everything and still have some advantage" and "well you have your level and then this other level and the area level and..." is all meaningless.


The player character's "mojo" will be scaled down to the area that you're in. If you go into a lower "mojo" area, the PC's "mojo" will be lower as well. That's all there is to it.


The JK that beat the Sith Emperor, the Hutt Cartel, the Dread Lords, and Revan, will be reduced to a freaking apprentice when they go back to Tython. A low-level stinking pathetic little turd of an apprentice.


This isn't GW2, and one of the reasons I never bought GW2 is the "levelsync". I don't want levelsync. I don't like levelsync. This has always been a game WITHOUT levelsync. Changing to one that has it now, after all this time, is just not the way to go.


It will REDUCE the amount of things that I will bother doing, and REDUCE the number of planets I ever bother taking my maxed-out characters to, and REDUCE the appeal of the game for me.


I don't know how to make that any more clear to the people saying "but but but this is awesome!" Great, it's awesome FOR YOU, that doesn't change in any way that it SUCKS for me.


It should be optional. I'd fully support it as an optional feature. As a mandatory feature, it's a deal-breaker.


They will explain it more in the coming weeks and I will also explain it. It makes sense to me now, how they are going to do it. It seems they are going to do it like GW2 system. Don't get so down hard on it! :o

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Im guessing neighter of you read my previous reasoning on the PVP subject. I shall not repeat it as it seemed to go on deaf ears.


Again, I much prefer this approach of players meeting as equals on the planets. It is what I hoped originally from world pvp, and am quite happy with the change and will defend it :)

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I have seen GW2, and as far as I'm concerned, the system is not good. It is not what I want out of a game. It is the opposite of what I want out of a game.

Agreed, the biggest reason I didn't like the game, while it did have some good things going for it.

Almost everyone was hanging around Queensdale or whatever it was called. I hope they reconsider this change.


The thing that bothers me the most is, if you're going to implement a system like that, do it from the get go. Don't do it 4 years in. If they had done it from the start I would have never gotten invested in this game.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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