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So Khem Val can heal in 4.0? ***


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Hmm I wonder if they will make other companions besides Treek and HK as good as they are. I hope not, you earned and/or payed for Treek and HK they should be better than the baseline companions.


I agree with this, as someone who earned HK (havent used him, but wanted to get him at least once) and hasn't gotten Treek.


It just seems to me, if you pay money for a companion, should be pretty decent compared to the rest.


Though, if they make them all equal, I won't bat an eye. :p You bought the companion, you got to enjoy a powerful companion for awhile :) Me, I want to use my favorites! Which will be hard to decide in the coming expansion O.O

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TY for all the input guys. I guess I feel a little better about it. Just felt to me like companions now just lose their uniqueness.


It should have been this way from the beginning. Different classes can fill multiple roles but each class gets companions in a different order. So if you're playing a bounty hunter tank you get a healing comp right away. But what about assassins? Khem is fun but two tanks don't do great damage and neither has access to much healing. Talos is an annoying little twerp who loses affection when I choose fun dialog options, but when I got him his healing abilities made a big difference in how PvE battles went.


Then there's Treek. She can be unlocked at level 10, tanks and heals, and doesn't seem to be affected much by dialog choices. She has no place in the storyline and is just there for convenience, but many players want that kind of convenience. If I had Treek available to heal my assassin during tough battles while leveling there would have been a lot less respawning and frustration.


All they are doing is bringing that kind of convenience to every companion so newer players can experience less frustration while still enjoying their favorite companions' stories. If you don't like it then you can just use them for their traditional roles only. As for immersion, on a busy night there can be dozens of Khems and Kiras running around on fleet so if you can ignore all the clones this shouldn't bother you either.

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I agree with this, as someone who earned HK (havent used him, but wanted to get him at least once) and hasn't gotten Treek.


It just seems to me, if you pay money for a companion, should be pretty decent compared to the rest.


Though, if they make them all equal, I won't bat an eye. :p You bought the companion, you got to enjoy a powerful companion for awhile :) Me, I want to use my favorites! Which will be hard to decide in the coming expansion O.O


Well it depends, right now there is no mechanical point to take anyone but HK or Treek. I have no issue with the new stances for companions. I just hope Treek doesn't loose her healing in tank stance or HK his one shot.

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Which is different than now how?


With this you can choose your favorite companion to run with all the time rather than 'oh I need heals so I have to take Guss' or 'No point in Mako on this trash right now.'


Now -- companion gear determines their stats.


4.0 -- companion gear is meaningless.

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Hmm I wonder if they will make other companions besides Treek and HK as good as they are. I hope not, you earned and/or payed for Treek and HK they should be better than the baseline companions.

I hope they are all have the same strength (I have Treek). If they are stronger you still can't use the companions you want, instead you need to choose either Treek or HK.

Edited by hanebuch
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I hope they are all have the same strength (I have Treek). If they are stronger you still can't use the companions you want, instead you need to choose either Treek or HK.

How do you figure? Even if Treek or HK are marginally better, I seriously doubt the other companions are going to be so ineffectual that they aren't still perfectly viable options.

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I hope they are all have the same strength (I have Treek). If they are stronger you still can't use the companions you want, instead you need to choose either Treek or HK.


Of course you can. HK may be stronger, but I never use him on the one character I have him on (Consular was the one I did the quest on...not sure why she'd keep him on the ship though :p).


I will use the companion I want to run with that character. :) Some will repeat, some won't, but all will have the one I think they should run with given my options.

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Depending on what toon I'm on, most of my companions will probably stick to their current roles. Ya know Quinn=healer, Kira=Dps, Tharan=healer.


I'm very happy you can choose to have your companion be anything you want them too, but for me personally, I'll more than likely keep them as they are now role wise. Mostly because for the last almost 4 years, Kira's been dpsing, Guss has been healing, Corso has been tanking, Jaesa has been dpsing, etc. Having someone like Quinn suddenly start tanking would feel odd as hell to me.


But I AM happy for the ability to choose between the trinity for the companions. In case I need a healer on my Gunslinger, and don't want to replace Corso, I just switch him to healer.


But as I said, for ME, and only ME, it feels weird to change them, so I'll probably keep them as is.

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Of course you can. HK may be stronger, but I never use him on the one character I have him on (Consular was the one I did the quest on...not sure why she'd keep him on the ship though :p).


I will use the companion I want to run with that character. :) Some will repeat, some won't, but all will have the one I think they should run with given my options.

I will also use the companion I want to use, but it doesn't change that you will be stronger if you use treek or hk. I also never choose a crew skill, because a companion had a + 5 critical chance with this crew skill. They remove the roles and the crafting bonus so you can play with the companion you want and choose the crew skill you want to use. Making a companion more powerful would only change how much you will gimp yourself, instead of really give yourself the choice to choose the companion you want to use without any (small) negative impact. It would be the same if they instead of removing the crew skill bonus would just reduce the bonus. If nobody wants to buy a companion, they should write a more interesting companion and not increase the strength of the companion.

You can also buy an item/companiom that is better with real money and that is something I don't like.

Edited by hanebuch
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So weird about this change. Doesn't fit some companions at all. A dumbing down? I understand the versatility but not sure I like this. comments? :confused:


Think of him like Yoshi. He eats your enemies, but instead of laying an egg, he...."lays and egg" and those gaseous fumes have healing power.

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I agree with this, as someone who earned HK (havent used him, but wanted to get him at least once) and hasn't gotten Treek.


It just seems to me, if you pay money for a companion, should be pretty decent compared to the rest.


Though, if they make them all equal, I won't bat an eye. :p You bought the companion, you got to enjoy a powerful companion for awhile :) Me, I want to use my favorites! Which will be hard to decide in the coming expansion O.O

I disagree on the companions you pay money for being better than the rest. That's making the game pay-to-win and I don't like that. Granted I do have Treek and HK but I still wouldn't want them being the best compared to the other companions.


Really, it's only an issue for those who bought the two characters recently. Those of us who got them long ago, don't have to worry about it since we've had a ton of time to get our money's worth from using them (if you bought them with money).

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Meh, on the gear meaning all that much given how easy it was to find. It was basically dress up already.


Right now, you are able to chose, for example, whether you want your DPS companion to be built more around Power, Crit, or whatever. If you want to put in more resources, you can gear your companion in all customizable gear with top-flight mods, and push their ability right to the max -- or just go with something cheap.


When 4.0 comes, you will just get whatever Bioware decides that type of companion should have.

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So now I'm curious as to which companions would people use for which roles?



For me all companions already make sense in the dps role, because all companions already dps to an extent. The only grey area you get to is who feels right as a Healer/Tank, it very rarely feels like a single companion could be all three.


So for me:


Vette - Dps/Tank - I already let Vette tank for me a little. I used Vette exclusively 1-60 on my Jug (except where another companion was required) because I love her. Since I'm dps myself, sometimes for tough fights I send her in to pull agro first and let her facetank until my dps pulls agro to me, to spread the incoming damage out and increases survival chance.

Quinn - Heals/Dps - It's easy enough to accept the idea that any healer could be a dps if you just hand them a better blaster and tell them to leave the Kolto back on the ship.

Jaesa - Dps/Tank - Basically all melee dps easily convert to tanks in my mind.

Pierce - Tank/Dps - Use that BFG of your and kill things, yeah?

Broonmark - Tank/Dps - Again, all companions fit under dps easy enough.



Khem Val - Tank/Dps - Just switch your thinking from "He's big, so he must be tough" to "He's big, so he must be strong."

Andronikos - Dps - Honestly he doesn't feel like he'd be anything other than dps to me. I suppose if I had used him in the same way I had used Vette, I could see him as a Tank, but I didn't so I can't.

Ashara - Dps/Tank - See melee=tank

Talos - Heal/Dps - See companion=dps

Xalek - Tank/Dps - again companion=dps


Bounty Hunter

Mako - Heal/Dps

Gualt - Dps - Another in the same boat as Andronikos. I never really used Gualt much, so the only feel I have for him is his default.

Torian - Dps/Tank

Blizz - Tank/Dps/Heal - Blizz already fills his least likely role, seeing him as Dps is of course not an issue, but then he also strikes me as exactly the type who would collect old broken kolto probes and injectors and stuff and make crazy contraptions out of them. "BOSS! BOSS! Blizz heal you!"

Skadge - Dead/Dead - EAT LIGHTSABER JERK :mad:



Kaliyo - Tank/Dps

Vector - Dps/Tank

Dr Lokin - Heal/Dps - This one is even easier than most healer->dps shifts. He literally already has a Dps form (even if it's junk)

Ensign Temple - Dps/Heal? - Maybe? I'm noticing I have the hardest time placing Ranged Dps in other roles, because "Ranged" doesn't equal "Tank" to me in the same way that "Melee" does.

Scorpio - Tank/Dps



T7-O1 - Tank/Dps

Kira - Dps/Tank/Heal - Like Blizz, I can see Kira in any of the roles easily enough.

Doc - Heal/Dps

Rusk - Dps/Tank

Scourge - Tank/Dps



Quyzen - Tank/Dps

Tharan Cedrax - Heal/Dps - Despite his (frequently) reminding me that he's a pacifist, he certainly has no qualms with shooting people in the face.

Zenith - Dps

Iresso - Tank/Dps

Nadia - Dps/Tank



Jorgan - Dps/Tank - He's one of the few ranged Dps that I feel easily fit as a Tank, given his heavy armor.

Elara - Heals/Dps

M1-4X - Tank/Dps

Tanno Vik - Airlock/Depressurized - Whoopsie, clumsy me

Yuun - Dps/Tank



Corso - Tank/Dps

Bowdaar - Tank/Dps

Risha - Dps/Heal? - I suppose if I were going to assign another role to Risha it would be Heals. She's definitely not a frontline fighter.

Akaavi - Dps/Tank

Guss - Heal/Dps

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How can anyone complain about this? I've wanted this since launch. I love Vette and hate quinn but I have to use a healing companion to be efficient. Now I can have both of best worlds.

and...kill quinn..... :rak_03:


Some people are put off by mismatched character/role combinations.


Others are put off by this coming at the price of companions losing all benefits from gear, and all becoming cookie-cutter in terms of stats and abilities.

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