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How dare you BW ? atleast give us the choice (spoilers)


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what choices are you talking about ? they didn't even give the choice to let him live or die

As noted, why would they? It's their game. This is like the people complaining about that one daughter of Herschel's dying in The Walking Dead because "her story was not done."


If and when they decide Marr's "story is done," it's done.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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As noted, why would they? It's their game. This is like the people complaining about that one daughter of Herschel's dying in The Walking Dead because "her story was not done."


If and when they decide Marr's "story is done," it's done.


Herschel's daughter is dead? Holy crap!

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i just hate how marr died like a little bch, there should have been an awesome fight scene, or even a cinematic duel between the two.


Its the freaking Emperor and he is "just" Darth Marr. He fails like Revan fails and Revan was more powerful than Marr.


So what should they have shown?

Marr activating his lightsaber, taking two steps forward and than? He dies. Everything else, including an one-on-one battle with the Emperor, would have f***ed up the powerlevel the Emperor was described to be on.

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Good Riddance :p

If they let us kill Lana this will be the best expansion ever!


Nope. My Smuggler chick needs Lana. You can have Theron. Or Saresh.

You know what, take both of them. Please.


As for Marr. He was too nice and cooperative to leave alive. Still it didn't look fatal. I bet ya a million creds that he will survived and be brainwashed and you will be forced to kill him.

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When I read spoilers I assume it has to do with the current gameplay, I had no idea this was spoilers from the expansion aswell. If they intend to stream data everywhere please inform the viewers to use catuion writing about it.


Many other games have a separate section where the nex expanion is discussed.


I had no idea about what you wrote in your post and I am not happy that I know.


Can we perhaps use "KOtFE spoilers" for now until the expanion and wrap it up in a spoiler tag, not all care but I do.

Edited by Icestar
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How dare a developer not send out and email to every registered account clearing every little move they are planing on making......


As noted, why would they? It's their game. This is like the people complaining about that one daughter of Herschel's dying in The Walking Dead because "her story was not done."


If and when they decide Marr's "story is done," it's done.



again they promote the expansion as "your choices matter" the least they could do is give us the choice

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relax none of us really, honestly KNOW if he dies or not -- I for one will relax and play the game as my characters seem to fit the game at that point --- my JK will be the iconic goody two - shoes and save everyone, whether Marr likes it or not ...... he knew I was a Jedi before he and Lana "recruited " me --- sheeesh !


my smuggler, the same ---- the other two, I'm not so sure ( they're Empire after all )


we need to just play the game and quit trying to figure out all the angles, we are fixating -- like raiders do on how much DPS they can get (" I am getting 0.000025 more DPS than you ! " --- I've raided, I know how they get ) ---- we are doing that too, just in a slightly different way

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relax none of us really, honestly KNOW if he dies or not -- I for one will relax and play the game as my characters seem to fit the game at that point --- my JK will be the iconic goody two - shoes and save everyone, whether Marr likes it or not ...... he knew I was a Jedi before he and Lana "recruited " me --- sheeesh !


my smuggler, the same ---- the other two, I'm not so sure ( they're Empire after all )


we need to just play the game and quit trying to figure out all the angles, we are fixating -- like raiders do on how much DPS they can get (" I am getting 0.000025 more DPS than you ! " --- I've raided, I know how they get ) ---- we are doing that too, just in a slightly different way


He got a god level defibrillator shock, he ain't getting back up, he's dead. Any alluding to the contrary is simply wading in denial. :o

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again they promote the expansion as "your choices matter" the least they could do is give us the choice

Again, as noted, why would they? It's part of the story they have written. They don't give you a choice to not let Katha Niar die, do they? They don't give you the option to kill Zhorrid after you "betray" Jadus, do they (at least I don't think they do)?


If you don't like it. write your own story.

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