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How dare you BW ? atleast give us the choice (spoilers)


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How dare they free us from having to kowtow as marrs lapdog so that we can aspire to true dominion? Yeah right. Thank the force for these awesome devs. With marr out of the way, there is no one in the entirety of the empire able to stand as my sw equal.


The inquisitor would like a word before he takes your ghost <3

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How dare the devs make a unilateral decision on a story that they are writing! Don't they know that they must make every story entirely to suit MY own individual needs, letting me chose every action every other character in the game does regardless if it makes sense or not?




If you don't like it, go make your own game and get everyone else ************ about the choices you make.

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if Marr does die you can say Satele will as well at some point during the xpac. Still he could be held in prison for the last 5 years but makes little sense story wise. I mean why would he be kept alive.



BTW SithKoriandr your Stephen Fry quote is one of the best and truthful things I have ever seen. If I knew how to do the signature thing, I think I would also have that as mine.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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if Marr does die you can say Satele will as well at some point during the xpac. Still he could be held in prison for the last 5 years but makes little sense story wise. I mean why would he be kept alive.


depends on the state of the empire, if the empire is a vassel state of Zakkul, then it'd be good to have some insurance against whomever leads it. the implicant threat of marr alive is actually of greater use in that case then a dead Marr

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what choices are you talking about ? they didn't even give the choice to let him live or die


The choices of dialouge tht gave you the chance to gain his approval, the choices to aid in defending his ship. It could factor into saving his life. Plus, we didn't even get comfirmation that he's dead. I'm sure as hell that one lightning bolt will not kill Marr.

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how dare you killing marr - one of the most interesting characters in the game - that very early in the new expansion :mad: and you say choices matter without even let us chose to let him live or die :mad:


How dare a developer not send out and email to every registered account clearing every little move they are planing on making......

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He was one of the dullest characters, and his death was leaked a few months ago.


i just hate how marr died like a little bch, there should have been an awesome fight scene, or even a cinematic duel between the two.


Well his whole speech was really telling Vitiate to go **** himself and Marr giving him the finger before the 1-shot OP lightning attack.

Edited by Eillack
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I honestly don't think he is dead, just very badly hurt and knocked out. I would not be surprise if you save him or he show up later. This is mainly because they give influence through out chapter one toward Marr which would be sort of pointless. I could be wrong but I'm not buying he's dead. :D
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