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Is it possible to play a sith carebear?


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I found playing a light sided female Sith warrior was very amusing! I had a lot of fun with the dialog! Try it! I was the funnest play through i ever had!


Every character I have is full light side--but it is more satisfying when the NPCs are incredulous of your benevolence. However, I have noticed that in most instances, the LS choices for empire side are largely pragmatic and less to do with genuine kindness.



Lord Praven is an example of a light sided Sith (more or less) until the JK prevails upon him to go to Tython. There are a number of times when the SW had to do terrible things that surprised me--and there were no options to avoid the slaughter.


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Light side warrior is a realy cool guy.


Especialy on Alderaan



When he annihilates everyone up to the point when he meets Jaeasa's parents and then he tells them that he comes in peace.



Also thorought the story, he tells the jedi how to be jedi.


Those were great moments.

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I very much enjoyed playing Light Sided Sith. If you roll a character that way, the character basically becomes someone trying to change a system from within. You get an honorable Sith who is loyal to the Empire but recognizes that a lot of its practices need to be changed or abolished altogether, but doesn't want to rock the boat too hard just yet. It's a very interesting and enjoyable route to take. At least it was for me.


I loved the LS sith warrior story for this reason through the first 2 chapters. It seemed like in the latter half of the story, the writers kind of took that aspect away and made you play the sith warrior story they wanted you to play. And the ending... ughhhh. I was hoping for at least some little payoff at the end or something to acknowledge that I wasn't a typical kill everyone for fun Wrath. Instead what we get is:




(Sith Warrior defeats Baras in a climactic showdown)


Darth Marr: You are the Wrath

Sith Warrior: Yep, thanks


The End




If SOR is a preview of how they will handle class dialogue, it seems that our toons will be typecast now more than ever.

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As I said, my Juggernaut was very honorable, coming originally from a culture that emphasizes honor( I haven't finished my Marauder but she is mostly light side). I kinda felt some of the dialogue in SOR was very...I don't know what word I want to use, but it's like the writers wrote what they think my Wrath would say( sounds like a "duh", I know).


When she chose to address the pirates on Rishi as herself at an alignment of Light IV, she said,



"Listen, I am the Emperor's Wrath. I am hate incarnate."



She would never introduce herself like that. It would be, "Hi, I'm Bralova Teniir, I'm not a pirate. I want answers."


In fact all the SOR dialogue seems presumptuous to me for all the classes I've done.

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Yes you can be a compassionate, empathetic and merciful Sith.


I do and have done so since i created my Sith Inquisitor. I have chosen two - TWO - Dark Side choices in the entire time she has existed.


One was when an Imperial officer flat out mocked and insulted me openly. No, that did not result in his death, only a lot of pain from being shocked.


The other was a mercy killing. Though it really makes no sense why it was Dark. Let him live to be hunted, tortured and eventually killed by the people chasing him, or be merciful and kill him right there. /shrug So i killed him as he asked me to do.

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Honestly, I've had lots of fun playing neutral characters, which if I didn't have biochem on a few of my toons would be all of my characters. My smuggler was a greedy bastard, but still a good guy so darkside/neutral, same with my sith warrior he did what was necessary, but wasn't a mass murderer. Jedi knight, was a bit more practical so lightside/neutral, and I found some interesting conversations by going this route throughout each story. :D
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cause I got sick of his ugly Togruta face (montrals). :(

Even to me, a non-follower of the lore, the montrals look weird on the male Togruta, compared to the female PC Togruta. I have one Tog left, a female SW I created early on. The RNG was kind and gave me an awesome-looking combination that lead to her being Aurata (for the "golden" look she had, yellow main skin, white contrast, gold-tone jewellery things.)


Then a bit later without thinking about it, I changed my legacy name to "Argentis", so now I have a character called something like "Golden Silver". :p:eek::rolleyes:

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Hello I am new to the game. Nearly a month into the game. I found out you can play both light/dark side on all characters from both the republic/imperial faction. I know you can play a 'dark' corrupted jedi knight, although I haven't tried that. What I am curious about and would like to hear from the rest here is, is it possible to play a goody 'carebear-like', benevolent, kind-hearted, tender, sith? The concept and idea of it is just too amusing and I have to know!


Kind of. If you want to do every quest out there, sometimes the "light side" options are still pretty monstrous, and in some cases the distinction is silly. Early on on Dromund Kaas you'll have the opportunity to

mass murder a bunch of slaves via slow, agonizing death (dark side) or mass murder a bunch of slaves relatively quickly and painlessly (light side)


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Refuse quest?


Did that a few times.


That works now, that did not work as well when the game first came out, unless you were able to get a group to do FPs or you actually cared to PvP.


Though I remember turning down the quest to kill a fellow Chiss :p Only wish I could have had the option to kill the one giving the quest.

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I have to agree with people above me, in that some of the Light/Dark Side choices are quite ridiculous. Sometimes they seem swapped, like the Light and Dark are on the wrong choice. Sometimes the Dark Side choices are seriously messed up. Sometimes the alignment choices offer no real difference or meaningful choice, akin to quite simply how quickly the NPC dies.


I find that the biggest problem with the alignment choices is that for one - you can turn on the white/red star to guarantee you only choose the alignment choices that give you what your after. I am even guilty of this. And two, people see that alignment and REGARDLESS what is written and said, they choose the alignment they want to stick to. Ask many players why they chose option 1 or 2 (Light and Dark) and they will undoubtedly say that it was because it was the Light/Dark Side option and NOT because ''I did/didnt want X to die for Y reasons''.

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I have to agree with people above me, in that some of the Light/Dark Side choices are quite ridiculous. Sometimes they seem swapped, like the Light and Dark are on the wrong choice. Sometimes the Dark Side choices are seriously messed up. Sometimes the alignment choices offer no real difference or meaningful choice, akin to quite simply how quickly the NPC dies.


I find that the biggest problem with the alignment choices is that for one - you can turn on the white/red star to guarantee you only choose the alignment choices that give you what your after. I am even guilty of this. And two, people see that alignment and REGARDLESS what is written and said, they choose the alignment they want to stick to. Ask many players why they chose option 1 or 2 (Light and Dark) and they will undoubtedly say that it was because it was the Light/Dark Side option and NOT because ''I did/didnt want X to die for Y reasons''.


I totally turn on the light/dark indicators in conversation, because when I play Sith/Jedi, I want to play them standard. Does this mean I agree with every choice tag on the light/dark spectrum? No, not at all. Not every killing they deem to be dark would actually be so according to the mythos, and just because an act is more kind than the cruelest option doesn't mean it isn't a dark act. But light and dark in this game are written by people who don't understand them, so I just ignore the parts that come up where the writers get it wrong. Which is pretty much what I did in KoTOR.

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I have to agree with people above me, in that some of the Light/Dark Side choices are quite ridiculous. Sometimes they seem swapped, like the Light and Dark are on the wrong choice. Sometimes the Dark Side choices are seriously messed up. Sometimes the alignment choices offer no real difference or meaningful choice, akin to quite simply how quickly the NPC dies.


I find that the biggest problem with the alignment choices is that for one - you can turn on the white/red star to guarantee you only choose the alignment choices that give you what your after. I am even guilty of this. And two, people see that alignment and REGARDLESS what is written and said, they choose the alignment they want to stick to. Ask many players why they chose option 1 or 2 (Light and Dark) and they will undoubtedly say that it was because it was the Light/Dark Side option and NOT because ''I did/didnt want X to die for Y reasons''.


I have them turned on, but I actually don't remember turning them on, but I never let it decide for me. Likely why a lot of my characters are LS 1, DS 1 or Neutral. :p

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My Sith Marauder is Light II and he's just almost balanced, he fought in a compasionate way all way through but is hard to say: most of the choices of the Dark Side weakens the Sith Empire in one way or another, YET he's more alive than most of the Jedi.


On the other hand something curious happened with my Sith Assassin: I desired her to be a Dark Side Agent of Chaos [she's Dark II], but eventually it came like ice when just before I finished her 3rd Chapter and I wanted to advance faster so I began the Makeb Story Line:


On the Ship



Darth Marr called her:

"Darth Imperious!"


When I already knew that a Light Sided Sith Inquisitor is named like that, neutral is Darth Occulus and Darth Nox for Dark Sided



So I began looking after what I have done, just to give you an idea of what my Sith Lady has done:





1.- Tortured everytime she could the Acolyte on the interrogation but asked for protection for him...

2.-Gave the BRAIN of the Tukata to the Crazy Sith and betrayed the acolyte with her master [Dark Side Choice]

3.- Gave the poisoned "food" to Seh-run[Light Side Choice]

4.- Spared the Scientist [Light Side Choice]

5.- Send the Trandoshians to "redekorate" the walls of Darth Skotia's place... [Dark Side Choice]

6.- Set Acolytes for the Party-long Sith with the Merc... [Light Side Choice]


Chapter 1


7.- Heal the poor[Light Side Choice]

8.- "Force" the Miracle [Dark Side Choice]

9.- Kill the previous leader of the cult...

10.- Force the bartender to speak about Andronikos [Dark Side Choice]

11.- Shock Andronikos [Dark Side Choice]

12.- Kill the Organa Jedi [Dark Side Choice]


Chapter 2


13.- Force Every Spirit to Bind [Dark Side Choice]

14.- Ashara Zavros [Dark Side Choice]

15.- Kill the Sith Lord who killed the former Zash acolytes


Chapter 3


16.- Spare the Sith Lord before the Fire Test[Light Side Choice]

17.- Use the Coronet zoo against Thanaton instead of sending the Imperial soldiers on an internar struggle...[Light Side Choice]


Still at the end, she was named Darth Nox




I believe the Sith Empire is not evil at all, but they just are fighting for their very survival and the worst enemy of them is NOT the Jedi or the chaotic Republic of fools; but the "tradition" is what the Empire has to overcome: infighting that will last until Darth Bane...


The Empire is doomed, but I still like it better than the Republic!

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... but eventually it came like ice when just before I finished her 3rd Chapter and I wanted to advance faster so I began the Makeb Story Line:


A glitch, probably because you are going through the events out of order. If the game sets the title at the end of Chapter 3 that is used for the correct line in the conversation then your out-of-order play has presented it a situation where it is not set and it chooses a default which is not related to your choices or alignment.


Has nothing to do with LS/DS or sith carebears, they should probably prevent people from doing story stuff out-of-order, but the outrage would be deafening.


I believe the Sith Empire is not evil at all, but they just are fighting for their very survival and the worst enemy of them is NOT the Jedi or the chaotic Republic of fools; but the "tradition" is what the Empire has to overcome: infighting that will last until Darth Bane...
This is really more inline with Imperius' opinion, so maybe it was the Force that made the game choose to address your character as Darth Imperius :) Edited by nimmerstil
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I have them turned on, but I actually don't remember turning them on, but I never let it decide for me. Likely why a lot of my characters are LS 1, DS 1 or Neutral. :p

There are two levels of these indicators. The first is the overt ones by the text, outside the wheel. This option should be off by default. The second is the symbol inside the wheel if you run the mouse pointer over the text. This one should be on by default. I have both on, and I have never tried to turn off the mouse-over ones.

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Kind of. If you want to do every quest out there, sometimes the "light side" options are still pretty monstrous, and in some cases the distinction is silly. Early on on Dromund Kaas you'll have the opportunity to

mass murder a bunch of slaves via slow, agonizing death (dark side) or mass murder a bunch of slaves relatively quickly and painlessly (light side)

The "painlessly" part is only relative, in that the pain is over quickly. It's probably more intense.


In fact, I don't do that quest anymore, except on resolutely dark characters, and usually not even on them, because it represents a choice between unpleasantly evil and demonic.

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The "painlessly" part is only relative, in that the pain is over quickly. It's probably more intense.


In fact, I don't do that quest anymore, except on resolutely dark characters, and usually not even on them, because it represents a choice between unpleasantly evil and demonic.


I prefer distinguishing them as myopic and cartoon villainy, respectively. :)

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This is really more inline with Imperius' opinion, so maybe it was the Force that made the game choose to address your character as Darth Imperius :)


I don't know, but it keeps happening: the game keeps giving my Assassin Light Side relics while looting... Could it be that the Legacy has something to do with it? Or is my Assassin is meant to be a servant of Light Side? :mad:


I pity my Assassin... She doesn't look very friendly, does she?

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I don't know, but it keeps happening: the game keeps giving my Assassin Light Side relics while looting... Could it be that the Legacy has something to do with it? Or is my Assassin is meant to be a servant of Light Side? :mad:


I pity my Assassin... She doesn't look very friendly, does she?


Wel, your forum name is Imperious

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