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Invisible floor in Eternity Vault on SOA


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Playing 16M Nightmare Eternity Vault. The floor looks fine at the beginning of the SOA fight, but in the part where you have to jump down many of the panels are invisible to all players. You can still stand on them if you know when and where they will be.


This has only happened since the new patch as far as I know. I tried exiting the area and reloading, it did not resolve the issue.


Here is a video demonstrating the issue.

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I would like to second this. We tried 8M nightmare mode EV last night and had two problems


1. This island hopping with the lava dog... boss... thing..., wasn't working. When he would pound an island into the lava, the next island we were to run to appeared, but all the in-between islands never appeared. So we run through the lava and heal through... annoying but doable.


2. then we get to SOA and have the same issue with the disappearing floor. About 2/3 of the group could not see the platforms to jump down on. On the second try, for me at least, the first 3 platforms appeared, then everything after that was invisible.


If you are unable to fix this issue before 4.0, please extend the time where we can get the NM achievements to some point beyond when you have fixed it.

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We had the EXACT same thing last night since the patch. The first one or two showed up, but then INVISO. We died of course (A couple folks with low ping saw them), but came back in again and same thing.


Work around was to have whomever COULD see the floor be the "STACKING" Point for everyone.


This also happened on the next set of platforms as well. Finally got to the bottom, but it sucked.


I sure hope this gets fixed before 4.0 drops.

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Same stuff. run yesterday 16 SM EV. i was the leader of the group - on;y I saw the tiles - others were running on the thin air as they said - seeing only lanterns. well, after a couple of times i managed to guide ppl through that but really this is more then strange.


Oh and same stuff with non-existent small islands in lava in second boss.


as far as i think that running on the thin air is kinda cool to see - doing that when you have a limit of time and fight a boss is a suicide. plz fix that...

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Just an update for everyone, we found a work around. Right before the platforms drop if you look straight up you have a good chance of seeing them after they drop. Have someone do that and put a marker on their head for everyone to follow.
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I would just like to add some detail in case it helps identify and fix the bugs.


Many have pointed out and it's in my experience that the graphics in question a) originate outside a players viewing area (possibly outside draw distance too) and b) animate to enter the players viewing area. So if you aren't looking up in Soa (for platforms) and Garj (for stalactites that fall to allow safe crossing of the lava) or Corruptor Zero (who drops down from above) those visuals and animations won't happen until you bring the point of origin into the visible window.


In 2 of those 3 I've seen the full animation occur once you look in the direction (Garj and Soa), i.e. they don't just magically appear when I look up, I see the full drop animation when I finally look up. I haven't been in CZ but assume that's the case.


Other notes.

- I did not have any problems with Kephess in EC. I guess his image is drawn on the walker and he is animated jumping out of the walker and not drawn new when you destroy his Walker.

- I also did not have any problems with rocks falling in HM Underlurker 16M and I've never ever looked up in that fight ever. I can't say for sure those have fall animations or just appear though. Never paid close enough attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use medium graphics and have had the same issues with EV since patch 3.3.2 last month. (In fact, I put in a ticket about it the same day that has not had any response yet.)


Just curious: if I change my graphics settings for this fight to anything but the new medium settings, should it be "working as intended" again? Or would it still bugged even then? If not, please fix this soon, Bioware.

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