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Why scaling should not be optional


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Just to be fair to everyone...:rak_03:


From what I have been reading the main reason people want scaling to be optional is soloing old fp's....from what I am reading here http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire...most of the story fp's are going solo mode anyway. So in theory that is gone.


Can't help a lower level....in reality this means I can't jump on my geared max level and beat it in 2 secs and the person who wanted help just gets a pass....i see people complaining about bad players....logically what makes them bad? Getting free passes like that...


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be

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Just to be fair to everyone...:rak_03:


From what I have been reading the main reason people want scaling to be optional is soloing old fp's....from what I am reading here http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire...most of the story fp's are going solo mode anyway. So in theory that is gone.


Can't help a lower level....in reality this means I can't jump on my geared max level and beat it in 2 secs and the person who wanted help just gets a pass....i see people complaining about bad players....logically what makes them bad? Getting free passes like that...


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be


once level 10 both can queue for story mode and both get bolstered to level anyway.


want solo, go to solo mode

want to run with someone of different level go, to story mode (tactical)

want a challenge, go for hard mode.

Edited by DOHboy
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Just to be fair to everyone...:rak_03:


From what I have been reading the main reason people want scaling to be optional is soloing old fp's....from what I am reading here http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire...most of the story fp's are going solo mode anyway. So in theory that is gone.


Can't help a lower level....in reality this means I can't jump on my geared max level and beat it in 2 secs and the person who wanted help just gets a pass....i see people complaining about bad players....logically what makes them bad? Getting free passes like that...


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be


There is no reason why it shouldn't be optional.

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I'm all for level scalling (so long as it's scalling down to the content and not up, although it's fine to scale up for instances content just not zone/world) as it is in Guild Wars 2, which in my opinion is the best leveling EXP in any game. It's really sad to watch all these, so called elite players, complaining how they will have to put extra effort into heroics and flashpoints. Of course my opinions, and we'll all know what happens to the leveling EXP soon enough. Edited by Awarain
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Just to be fair to everyone...:rak_03:


From what I have been reading the main reason people want scaling to be optional is soloing old fp's....from what I am reading here http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire...most of the story fp's are going solo mode anyway. So in theory that is gone.


You are ignoring two of the three reasons people solo old flashpoints. So no, the reasons people like to solo outleveled content isn't gone. Only one reason to do so is addressed: that of seeing the story at your leisure.


1. Decorations, mounts, pets & armor. Solo mode flashpoints don't drop those, or drop them so rarely you have better chances of winning the lottery.


2. Solo challenge. Currently the only challenging solo content is soloing group content. Solo mode flashpoints are mind-numbingly easy.


To keep it fair and balanced they should offer hard mode solo versions that drop the same loot 25% of the time.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I agree with the OP, it shouldn't be optional, that wouldnt be balanced or fair.


Unless they block off all skills/skill level both active and passive then it will not be balanced or fair... I've played a couple of MMO's that mess about with your level, and none have done a particularly good job at it.

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Just to be fair to everyone...:rak_03:


From what I have been reading the main reason people want scaling to be optional is soloing old fp's....from what I am reading here http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire...most of the story fp's are going solo mode anyway. So in theory that is gone.


Can't help a lower level....in reality this means I can't jump on my geared max level and beat it in 2 secs and the person who wanted help just gets a pass....i see people complaining about bad players....logically what makes them bad? Getting free passes like that...


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be


Actually the bone of contention is about forced open world scaling and not those in the FPs, though I do have an issue if I can't play unscaled FPs solo as well.

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You are ignoring two of the three reasons people solo old flashpoints. So no, the reasons people like to solo outleveled content isn't gone. Only one reason to do so is addressed: that of seeing the story at your leisure.


1. Decorations, mounts, pets & armor. Solo mode flashpoints don't drop those, or drop them so rarely you have better chances of winning the lottery.


2. Solo challenge. Currently the only challenging solo content is soloing group content. Solo mode flashpoints are mind-numbingly easy.


To keep it fair and balanced they should offer hard mode solo versions that drop the same loot 25% of the time.


Show me where it says the revamped FPs wont drop those things?


What challenge is there in being 60 and in 192/196 gear and facerolling a level 30 FP?


nice try but if you really want a challenge then you should embrace the scaling


but again i am just playing devil's advocate

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Actually the bone of contention is about forced open world scaling and not those in the FPs, though I do have an issue if I can't play unscaled FPs solo as well.


I will concede that open world scaling is a little much...but I still point to the free ride you give a player you are helping by doing it on a max toon..

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Why are so many people concerned about how other people are doing content that doesn't involve them in any way?


If someone wants to be overleveled, or solo-stomp some low-level FP, that has nothing to do with anyone else.


yeah it really does have to do with everyone else when they are one shotting our mobs and killing our world bosses. Right now its hard as **** to find a world boss that is your level without a lvl 60 camping it and killing it in a few hits, thats not how the game was intended to be played. This is an MMO, it effects everyone.

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yeah it really does have to do with everyone else when they are one shotting our mobs and killing our world bosses. Right now its hard as **** to find a world boss that is your level without a lvl 60 camping it and killing it in a few hits, thats not how the game was intended to be played. This is an MMO, it effects everyone.


Oh, yay, we're back to the "intended" canard.

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Show me where it says the revamped FPs wont drop those things?


What challenge is there in being 60 and in 192/196 gear and facerolling a level 30 FP?


nice try but if you really want a challenge then you should embrace the scaling


but again i am just playing devil's advocate


The current solo flashpoints don't. That is precedent.


The challenge is soloing lvl 55 hardmodes.

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I take it you couldn't come up with an intelligent response to what i stated, as I contradicted everything you said, but simply brushed it aside with "intended" canard, which holds no merit.


Stop worrying about how other people play and what they do with their time in the game. If you don't think it's fair to be downscaled while other people aren't forced to be, then don't take the option (should it ever exist).


Demanding that other people be forced to downscale so that you can do exactly what you want in the open world, and then hiding behind the "intended way to play" nonsense is weak.


Beyond that, arguing with people who rant about "the way the game was intended to be played" is a waste of time.


Have a good day.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Just to be fair to everyone...:rak_03:


From what I have been reading the main reason people want scaling to be optional is soloing old fp's....from what I am reading here http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire...most of the story fp's are going solo mode anyway. So in theory that is gone.


Can't help a lower level....in reality this means I can't jump on my geared max level and beat it in 2 secs and the person who wanted help just gets a pass....i see people complaining about bad players....logically what makes them bad? Getting free passes like that...


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be


My personal preference is universal scaling, so that all solo content is roughly equal in difficulty.


However, that's not what is best for the game. Options are good things. Optional scaling > mandatory scaling.


I think the solution is to offer rewards for choosing to do scaled content. For example, offer credit rewards equivalent to level cap dailies. So going back and doing scaled planetary missions is as financially profitable as doing regular dailies. (Doing the same missions without scaling down to lower level should rewards players with the vanilla -- much lower -- credit sum.)

Edited by Hebruixe
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I take it you couldn't come up with an intelligent response to what i stated, as I contradicted everything you said, but simply brushed it aside with "intended" canard, which holds no merit.


Actually, it has a lot of merit, and he explained himself quite clearly in the other thread.


I don't think elite players are complaining.. I think it's the casuals.. you know, the ones who fund the game? Notice no new "end game" content for "elite" players - wonder why that is?

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