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In upcoming patch notes I noticed a change to the cartel market.


"Starfighter category has been removed from the cartel market window"


and to add insult to injury...


"Mounts category has been added to the cartel market window"


Sad day my friends

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Honestly it doesn't surprise me. Not because of the poor support for GSF but because of how they totally failed to integrate GSF's CM items into collections. They really just totally dropped the ball in making money off of GSF since you'd have to spend full price on everything each time you wanted it on a new toon and was the only CM stuff that applied to (save for consume on use items). I think if they'd made GSF's CM stuff integrated into collections it would've sold (heck I would've bought my favorite engine colorants etc. as account wide unlocks if I had the option). But I don't think people were inclined to pay full price each time, especially if they had a lot of alts.


It's been ages though since I can recall seeing a CM ship in a match.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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I think it was always a missed opportunity in even more capital scale. They failed to integrate GSF&GSF cosmetics with rest of the game. Imagine if they had given people their own, personal in-game hangars. Where all ships you buy show up for you to look, climb into and bunny hop on. Each ship wearing the weapons and cosmetics you have bought. Show the place to your friends. Put some posters on the walls. Have some e-peen board showing lifetime kills or somesuch. I think this alone would have increased the appeal of GSF CM junk and GSF as whole so much. In eyes of typical player, I think it would have made GSF feel part of TOR rather than detached game within a game.


Unfortunately EA rather invests 10 mils on 2 min daddy issue cgi instead of doing anything like this.


Besides and beyond all this..yeah, pretty much all cosmetic GSF unlocks have always been ridiculously expensive considering what they buy you. Banf for buck is pretty horrid, even in EA scale.

Edited by Vasflam
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Honestly it doesn't surprise me. Not because of the poor support for GSF but because of how they totally failed to integrate GSF's CM items into collections. They really just totally dropped the ball in making money off of GSF since you'd have to spend full price on everything each time you wanted it on a new toon and was the only CM stuff that applied to (save for consume on use items). I think if they'd made GSF's CM stuff integrated into collections it would've sold (heck I would've bought my favorite engine colorants etc. as account wide unlocks if I had the option). But I don't think people were inclined to pay full price each time, especially if they had a lot of alts.


It's been ages though since I can recall seeing a CM ship in a match.


Really? I see plenty of T2 cartel scouts and bombers.

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In response to the EA invested money into the CGI trailer instead of the development of GSF comment. The money for the trailer came from a marketing budget and not the game development cost. Also the trailer was made by a 3rd party called BLUR if you think they diverted personnel to that bit of work.


Large products like SWToR have multiple budget allocations. It is a shame that we haven't seen much on GSF but to be fair it's been a test-bed of the system as it stands now. There hasn't been a large following in it for a while. It wouldn't be fiscally responsible to shift more money into a system that shows little growth.

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In response to the EA invested money into the CGI trailer instead of the development of GSF comment. The money for the trailer came from a marketing budget and not the game development cost. Also the trailer was made by a 3rd party called BLUR if you think they diverted personnel to that bit of work.


Large products like SWToR have multiple budget allocations. It is a shame that we haven't seen much on GSF but to be fair it's been a test-bed of the system as it stands now. There hasn't been a large following in it for a while. It wouldn't be fiscally responsible to shift more money into a system that shows little growth.




I was around back when trailer was released in June; that is all it'd require for anyone to get why EA, or anyone, does expensive CGI in the first place. Like 50k people decided overnight the expansion is going to be the biggest deal ever. Why? Because they watched two mins of awesome CGI. This is a jump in logic people have no trouble at all making. Hype works great. Whether it works so great it justifies the reasonably staggering cost is for EA suits to know and for us to wonder.


Ultimately, sub based MMOs are all about longevity. Investing on 2 min cgi as opposed to, SAY, game mode that keeps some people thrilled for several years is some sort of an anti for longevity. It might also be what works better for EA. So we'd do well to go back to enjoying that cool CGI!! Dude when that other brother kills his bro it is sooooo awesome it totally makes me forget to PUT COMPONENTS IN MY SCOUT EVERY TIME I LOG IN FOR FEW MONTHS.


...and sure, game as huge as TOR has multiple separate dev teams and 3rd party CGI divas and telemarketer flocks and whatevers all having and doing their own independent job. That one single dev who cares of GSF doesn't have to worry about making daddy-emperor's CGI beard look cool.

It's just that " EA ear- marking 10 mils for TOR marketing." and " EA ear-marking 10 mils for TOR development" have couple of key similarities and differences that should be pretty disappointing for people who don't need a serving of hype to stay interested.


Wait so does that mean they're removing the CM ships from the game or what? I wanted one of them for my BH but I was hoping to save enough CCs from my sub to buy that in a couple of months :mad:



I guess it more likely they are just thrown in consumables or something. OR! Vehicles!

Edited by Vasflam
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The thing i found troublesome with the expansion is that...Basically it`s just talking heads, and bosses with mostly just boosted HP or tactics, that are ultra-repeatable.


No two matches of GSF are the same, every time it`s an unique experience.


You have beaten one pilot in the previous match? There is a chance that he will try new things now, or he will have more support. The teams composition changes, ship choices changes. damn , even upgrade level can change.


I remember more then a 100 matches when overconfidence costed my team victory.


And this...This is just another blunt statement that they really sad a big FU to GSF.


Strike buff...right...Cantina talk...right...Sab probe bug...well you all know where i`m going with this....


We will have to enjoy GSF while it lasts, cause definitely we will have less attention then adding new pets(C`mon, who buys them really?).


Once i had a dream that they would release GSF as a separate client, cause it`s one of the most fun, fast paced, games, really well balanced(considering everything) and with surprising depth.

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