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Buying lvl 60's I dont agree with.


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This is not a sign of decline mister doom and gloom. Wow did it and they are fine.


and You must go to the optometrist Mr. Blind living in the perfect world. 2+2= 3 for ya! :)


Yeah don't tell me dont' tell me for you this game is growing bigger and bigger each year since launch, hordes of peoples joining.......sigh you should visit the psychiatrist too boi, Mr Fanboi. :)

Edited by psikofunkster
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I don't agree with the one free level 60 instant character nor being able to buy them either. But, there seem to be some people who do want this and Bioware wants people to both buy the extra 60s and do the actual KOTFE story.


I agree that newbies shouldn't be allowed whatsoever to have access to instant 60s. I'm talking about completely brand new, asks stupid questions like 'where is the gtn?' or 'how do I get to Dromund Kaas' when the answers are right there in your face.


But the veterans who have played toons from beginning to end, know how to play fairly well (Maybe not hardcore HM/NiM raiding vets) but they know roles/stuns/ccs/etc should be allowed to.


I only say completely brand new newbies because I feel they should have to do at least their very first time through on their very first character the class story quest, the side quests, the heroics, the flashpoints, the raids (even if just sm), the daily areas on Belsavis, section x, black hole, cz, oricon, rishi, yavin, ziost, etc. to get a feel of what the game TRULY has.


But then again, IF someone who only has one or two toons, whether a brand new newb or a seasoned vet wants to insta-jump to 60 without having at least done the class stories of all 8 classes, well then that's their decision. I personally think they're missing out because the class stories are the best thing so far in the game. But again, as much as I don't approve of the instant 60s, it's Bioware's decision and the decision of the instant 60 user.


You'll know who are the newbs/bad players who jump and skipped to 60 cause they won't quite be very good (even though I know people who've been here since launch who still suck). But long as it doesn't impede on MY entertainment and time, I can't tell them not to do something.


Exactly, some people just don't seem to get this. :D

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Huh? There are class missions at every level. I have no idea what you are talking about.


I think he means a mission "cleverly" designed to teach you some of the mechanics of your class. like a mission for JGs that require you to hold agro off a NPC or something. an intreasting idea, but I've played a MMO that tried that, it had.... mxied results.

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I will do the level 60. I had a level 55 warrior that I didn't think fit in the role. I will created one that I think does, pureblood. I'm going to work on getting my sorc up to 60 and that gives me one in every class, and 2 in several advanced classes. I have 2 inquisitors, 2 smugglers, 2 troopers, I've played all the advanced classes just deleted a bunch of characters so I may take advantage of getting another level 60 sage, deleted her before. I have never wanted a marauder or sentinel (tried them and didn't like the play style} Don't know why. So free goes to a new warrior and possibly new sage. I always liked powertech play so I may change my mind on that sage. Just have to see when it gets here. i also deleted a max level powertech.


Anyway, that is who the level 60s benefit most. Those of us who've done it before and don't want to take the time to rinse and repeat.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time.


I don't think people should just be able to buy lvl 60's, i think it should be something that is earned, and that I had to earn. People won't even know how to play their class properly, it's already bad enough with 12 x xp, you should see some of these people in FP's and Op's these days. I understand you are trying to make a quick buck.


I have 16 L60s, by your rationale all earned, in fact all through PVP and class story way before 12xXP, and I have no intention of setting foot into KotFE with any of them, so should I choose to actually play the story before my sub expires in November, I will use the free 60 so that they can all remain pure and untainted by the KotFE farce.

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Level 60 doesn't make a good raider/pvp'er. I see people in warzones decked out in purples that can't play their class for crap. I've seen Juggs in 60 hardmodes wearing Aim mods, I've seen Healer's in hardmodes in dps specs. Buying a max level won't change artards.


I probably won't partake in the buying of 60's here as I enjoy the leveling experience too much, and I don't really need a fresh 60 since I'm running up on 21 right now, but I'll buy a slot and make a powertech cause I don't have one yet and I'll be getting a free 60 out of it.


You don't need to buy an extra slot if your only goal is to use it for the free lv60 they'll give to everybody. It's free, therefore you won't have to pay anything. BW (=Musco) already confirmed that the free lv60 "promotion" will automatically unlock a new slot to be used exclusively for that. For example, in poor words, I currently have only 12 characters and consequentially have all slots filled up. In less than a month I'll have 12 slots + 1 that will be automatically occupied by the free lv60.


Other than that, your point is right. I see juggernauts in cunning gear all the time, no big deal. But hopefully, with the stats streamlining, this problem will be solved, at least partly. But I also agree with whoever said that there is a lack of some sort of guide or guidance towards gearing. Even if the majority of the stats will most likely going away, up until now there are so many things to choose from when gearing and so little info about them, while ingame without having to use an external source. How can a new player know what's best to buy for its class/spec?


I have only 1 character out of 12 properly geared at 60 that I use for raiding, all the other 11, which are all 60, my 4 tanks, my 3 healers and my 4 dps, are built with "random" gear, I just can't be bothered and go with main stat and secondary stat as listed in the character creation/spec selection screens and screw the rest. I don't do pvp nor pve with the majority of those 11 so I'm of no harm or liability to other players, but still, I understand how those new players may feel because at times I still have no idea what to do and I just end up staring at the vendor(s) like an idiot. Someone else said "just ask others" or "just offer yourself to help others", yet I remember when I rolled my first vanguard tank and the only help other people could offer was "build as much endurance as you can". There aren't a lot of "experts" who actually know what they're doing when helping others, there are more incompetents at 60 than at 10.

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Then don't use the free one or buy one if this upsets you. Stop controlling others. If people want to use it no sweat off my back...




I plan to use my free 60 to see the new expansion....no way I plan on taking any of my earned 60s in there with that point of no return crap they have. If the expack is full of awesome joypuke times then I'll move my other toons in once I know for sure they have zero business staying in the previous chapters.

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I have 16 L60s, by your rationale all earned, in fact all through PVP and class story way before 12xXP, and I have no intention of setting foot into KotFE with any of them, so should I choose to actually play the story before my sub expires in November, I will use the free 60 so that they can all remain pure and untainted by the KotFE farce.

I think you need a nap.


If you're so convinced it's a farce, why are even here now, just to troll the forums?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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You don't need to buy an extra slot if your only goal is to use it for the free lv60 they'll give to everybody. It's free, therefore you won't have to pay anything. BW (=Musco) already confirmed that the free lv60 "promotion" will automatically unlock a new slot to be used exclusively for that. For example, in poor words, I currently have only 12 characters and consequentially have all slots filled up. In less than a month I'll have 12 slots + 1 that will be automatically occupied by the free lv60.


Other than that, your point is right. I see juggernauts in cunning gear all the time, no big deal. But hopefully, with the stats streamlining, this problem will be solved, at least partly. But I also agree with whoever said that there is a lack of some sort of guide or guidance towards gearing. Even if the majority of the stats will most likely going away, up until now there are so many things to choose from when gearing and so little info about them, while ingame without having to use an external source. How can a new player know what's best to buy for its class/spec?


I have only 1 character out of 12 properly geared at 60 that I use for raiding, all the other 11, which are all 60, my 4 tanks, my 3 healers and my 4 dps, are built with "random" gear, I just can't be bothered and go with main stat and secondary stat as listed in the character creation/spec selection screens and screw the rest. I don't do pvp nor pve with the majority of those 11 so I'm of no harm or liability to other players, but still, I understand how those new players may feel because at times I still have no idea what to do and I just end up staring at the vendor(s) like an idiot. Someone else said "just ask others" or "just offer yourself to help others", yet I remember when I rolled my first vanguard tank and the only help other people could offer was "build as much endurance as you can". There aren't a lot of "experts" who actually know what they're doing when helping others, there are more incompetents at 60 than at 10.


Umm why would you use any different gear than your main stat when its so easy to get? :rolleyes:

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You in no way need to learn your rotation with 12x class xp and a general xp boost. Man you don't even have to use interrupts for the most part as you are over-leveled before you leave the starting planet. I can guarantee you that most new players do not learn their class rotation until they are told they have to to continue raiding at level 60.


which is why the 12x xp is a double edged sword.


I use it of course but I also made a tank toon and have never tanked in ToR so to learn the class once off the starter planet I turned it off.

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Huh? There are class missions at every level. I have no idea what you are talking about.


omg...no there is class stories...what I am talking about is a set mission in which you get at certain intervals and can not progress in the story til you complete it.


When I played FF14 (and yes I know its a different game) every 5 levels or so I was given a quest that as far as I can remember had to be completed solo where the skills you gained were put to the test...you couldn't auto attack through them and couldn't progress the story til finished

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Congratulations for missing the point. I'm not saying it's hard to get. I'm saying it's hard for new players to understand what they need to get.


And even vet players can make a mistake with one or two mods...not all the gear but i was modding both mine and comps gear and screwed up and put comps mods in my gear and never noticed til I went to change mods

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Congratulations for missing the point. I'm not saying it's hard to get. I'm saying it's hard for new players to understand what they need to get.


I get your point, but thats why they need to learn how to play the game, and not have bioware keep dumbing down this game more and more so its "Babyfied" for everyone.

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I get your point, but thats why they need to learn how to play the game, and not have bioware keep dumbing down this game more and more so its "Babyfied" for everyone.


that is to me a entirely different issue....all devs need to find a balence of keeping the game at a difficulty level that is enjoyable for vet players as well and new players.


if it is too hard the new players quit...if it gets to easy/"babyfied" then vets quit.

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Its a cash cow for Bioware and very unlikely to change.


WOW has gone this direction and I'm sure other MMO's have or will as well. If Bioware is truly raising the number of slots per server then this has some serious economic advantage. If they remove 12xp its even more lucrative. Today it takes roughly 20-25 hours to level 1>60 if you are just hitting missions.


I'm max'd out with 22+ level 60's, so to me its no big deal really. People need some serious time to play that many characters.

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You in no way need to learn your rotation with 12x class xp and a general xp boost. Man you don't even have to use interrupts for the most part as you are over-leveled before you leave the starting planet. I can guarantee you that most new players do not learn their class rotation until they are told they have to to continue raiding at level 60.


That may be true for some players but my boyfriend and I tend to follow our rotations and we do use our interrupts. We even dismiss our companions so we have to learn our rotation and skills so some players do use 12x leveling to learn rotations and to learn our class.

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That may be true for some players but my boyfriend and I tend to follow our rotations and we do use our interrupts. We even dismiss our companions so we have to learn our rotation and skills so some players do use 12x leveling to learn rotations and to learn our class.


I believe this is beside the point that some people are trying to make. The fact that you do not need a rotation to get through the leveling experience means that there will be people who will not learn a rotation, for whatever reason, and anyone who does bother to learn it while leveling would most likely take the time to figure out their rotation before inflicting it onto others when creating an instant lvl60 too.


The fact that you do not need to learn to play to get to level cap does not mean that nobody will do so, but it means that the premise of this thread's topic is flawed. Instant 60s who will not learn how to play before grouping (in difficult content or otherwise) with others will not suddenly change that behavior if they have to start at level 1.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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I was genuinely misled by this thread's title. I inferred that the OP disagreed with the positions taken on various issues by level 60s who were bought. I expected a plea for everyone stop buying level 60s with whom the OP disagrees. My apparent error radically changes my response:


Don't buy one.


Harsh words, I know, but it had to be said. Everyone needs someone who can and will speak ugly truths, and I'm privileged to serve that role for the OP. So, I repeat, don't buy one. Just like, if you disagree with the McDonald's McRib sandwich, don't buy one. But please don't try to stop others from enjoying their McRibby goodness.

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I was genuinely misled by this thread's title. I inferred that the OP disagreed with the positions taken on various issues by level 60s who were bought. I expected a plea for everyone stop buying level 60s with whom the OP disagrees. My apparent error radically changes my response:


Don't buy one.


Harsh words, I know, but it had to be said. Everyone needs someone who can and will speak ugly truths, and I'm privileged to serve that role for the OP. So, I repeat, don't buy one. Just like, if you disagree with the McDonald's McRib sandwich, don't buy one. But please don't try to stop others from enjoying their McRibby goodness.


*nods approvingly* Truer words are solemnly spoken.

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