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Rumored downgrading


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No doubt. My account is paid up until the expansion comes out so I will at least be here to do the stories. I just know that if I don't voice my feedback they won't know. They probably don't even read the forums anyway but it's the only stage I have to voice my displeasure.

No, the best stage you have to voice your displeasure is to vote with your wallet. If you are not willing to do that (and maybe you, but if you are not), then you are obviously fine with the game as it is.


As do I, BW:A knows that universal down-scaling would make some people happy but annoy most players no end, to the detriment of the game's future.

You have secret insight into what "most players" want, do you?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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No, the best stage you have to voice your displeasure is to vote with your wallet. If you are not willing to do that (and maybe you, but if you are not), then you are obviously fine with the game as it is.



You have secret insight into what "most players" want, do you?


You should learn to read before you shoot your mouth. I said I was voting with my wallet exactly 4 posts prior to that and it's even on the same page. I know, reading is hard.

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You should learn to read before you shoot your mouth

And you would be well-served to take your own advice (since you chose to gloss over this part of my post):


and maybe you are (I did typo and leave the word "are" out of my original) [voting with your wallet], but if you are not [emphasis added]



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I saw it.

But you failed to comprehend it. Is that somehow better than not seeing it at all?


My statement stands

Sure, if your definition of "stands" is "collapses in a heap of its own pointlessness."


You didn't read my post, I clearly read yours, you accused me of not reading yours and your retort is simply to reiterate your erroneous assertion.


Good job.

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A reply from Bioware is required.


No, it's really not. We'll know in three weeks.


Leveling sounds like a great idea. If it works like GW2 and other games, you are noticeably tougher, but not walking through the content.


Credit farming will become difficult for some people.



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But you failed to comprehend it. Is that somehow better than not seeing it at all?



Sure, if your definition of "stands" is "collapses in a heap of its own pointlessness."


You didn't read my post, I clearly read yours, you accused me of not reading yours and your retort is simply to reiterate your erroneous assertion.


Good job.


Whatever you need to tell yourself.

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You have secret insight into what "most players" want, do you?


Yes, I fancy myself quite the psychic.


Seriously though, I can read; casual gamers are not likely to be happy with not being forcibly down-scaled to planets they passed a 40 levels ago, for example. Some players might like to downscale, especially if it's part of the mentoring system some have been clamouring for.


If anyone has any doubts, request a poll be taken.

Edited by sentientomega
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For me it is very easy - in case of downgrading on lower level planets i just go to my account page, press remove subscription, then uninstall SWTOR and go play something else. And no, my stuff will not be distributed to peasants.

There is limit to ******** EAWare can push trough.

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Well the rumor has it one poster has a friend who's testing KOTFE right now


1. the level downgrade is just testing proposes only and it will be optional when it hits live.

2. they are having problems with the downgrade and if they don't get them resolved, it won't make it into live.


Bioware might be holding off the info until they are sure what they are going to do with it.


I i hope EAWares Downgrades Crashes and burns in hell to never ever make it into game. Like me and others have said, if this stupid downgrading ever makes it into game come EA or SWTOR 2's launch, then Any reasoning for for advancing in levels would be thrown out the window, and floods of ppl will leave the game.


Not like a lot of ppl haven't already left because of the terrible EAWare communication, which has been pretty much non-existent.

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For me it is very easy - in case of downgrading on lower level planets i just go to my account page, press remove subscription, then uninstall SWTOR and go play something else. And no, my stuff will not be distributed to peasants.

There is limit to ******** EAWare can push trough.


And they Have Not been this bad in communicating with the Playerbase since this Games EA/ Launch. So with that right away i know they're keeping a lot of things secret because they are very afraid that a Lot of the playerbase will revolt and cancel their Subs like i did.


This is NOT an Expansion, but a very low cost SWTOR 2 whether ppl like it or not. Everything is changing.

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It's crazy that the game hasn't been like this since launch. I'd love the auto-level feature. Who the hell enjoys stomping L10 mobs as a L60 anyways? What's the point of bulldozing the content like that?


Auto-leveling and bolstering would allow lower and higher level players to actually, y'know, play the damn game together.


Weird idea for an MMO, I know.

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It's crazy that the game hasn't been like this since launch. I'd love the auto-level feature. Who the hell enjoys stomping L10 mobs as a L60 anyways? What's the point of bulldozing the content like that?


Auto-leveling and bolstering would allow lower and higher level players to actually, y'know, play the damn game together.


Weird idea for an MMO, I know.


In a way I know what you mean, because that's what GW2 has. And it's great. But this game wasn't designed like that. It's just a rumor this level scaling stuff. BUT if it is true, I think they could do it right and pull it off. I would like it done like GW2 level scaling. That I wouldn't mind. Just that though..


And no, I wouldn't cancel my sub if there was level scaling introduced. But we still have some time for lots of information. I'm not making any assumptions or conclusions yet :cool:

Edited by Sarfux
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First of all NOTHING is required of bioware to respond to this, its a rumor started likely in game chat by trolls that now you expect them to cower to your demands for a response to. You don't like their silence then quit.

I have a strong suspicion you're about to be proven wrong about this being a "rumor".

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It's pretty simple for me; if down-leveling is in KOTFE and it's NOT optional I am playing the new content and am done with anything else in this game. So it's going to cost them money, and I can't be the only one who feels this way.
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I hope you're wrong. I'm afraid that you may be right, though.

My fear is not that they implement downgrading, but that due to insufficient testing in a closed beta, it's implemented as a buggy disaster.


If this isn't an unfounded rumor, and is something that they are planning on adding with 4.0, this is something that would really benefit from an open PTS test run.


Which, incidentally, could have been done without story spoilers (just like the open PTS testing for 2.0 didn't let you run Makeb).

Edited by Khevar
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The whole downgrading rumor is getting absurd at this point, EA aka there bioware studio needs to really comment on this, before people start drooping from it, or it starts a panic.


Just seems odd given that they are making some flash points solvable. The downscaling would be of more service to help some there then on planets on a whole, just seems like extra work for them given some of the bonus serias for planets are at the high end of the level for that world or over it..


Hopefully its optional if the rumor is true, eager to hear form EA on it

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The whole downgrading rumor is getting absurd at this point, EA aka there bioware studio needs to really comment on this, before people start drooping from it, or it starts a panic.


IT was just confirmed! lol It was NOT a rumor.

Eric just confirmed it on the twitch. You WILL be downgraded.

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Yeah, downgrading confirmed. I hate it, I hated it in GW2 as well. There was no reason to do it but they did it anyway.

That news totally killed my hype for the expansion. Why bother with levels at all really?

My Sith warrior is the Emperor's Wrath, he should one shot anything on lower level planets, and he gets downgraded?

Totally kills the immersion for me.


This might actually get me to unsub. I love just strolling around planets doing achievements or soloeing heroics because I can. Now that's being hampered. Bad choice Bioware.

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