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Rumored downgrading


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I am really disliking this rumor, and I would love it if Bioware (since they promised the release of some blogs this week) could either confirm or tell us what is happening. The downgrading of players' toons to level of the planets (ie a lvl 60 Sin becomes lvl 12-16 on Dromund Kaas) would be an absolute ridiculous move you make, Bioware. Sure, you can do such a thing for operations and flashpoints, but please don't infect solo players with this!


If this rumor would proof to be true, can't you just satisfy players like me by making it optional? Like the GSI Bolster terminal, make a terminal on each planet that allows player to follow this development that will downgrade them to the level of the planet and have players who DO NOT want this, keep the level they are now?


I mean what is the use of levels if you force this upon us? Yes, you are FORCING this upon us, upon players who don't like this. Don't ignore us PLEASE.


Clarify this rumor Bioware, PLEASE.

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"Rumored" is implying content that was datamined. Devs, especially ours, arent ones to start rumors. You are treading on dangerous grounds. Especially considering how little time there is left for the xpac to come out. Edited by Nickious
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"Rumored" is implying content that was datamined. You are treading on dangerous grounds. Especially considering how little time there is left for the xpac to come out.


I heard this through the game, I don't know what source it came from. And it is a topic that really needs an answer from Bioware.

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I heard this through the game, I don't know what source it came from. And it is a topic that really needs an answer from Bioware.


You heard something, no idea where it came and have no facts to back up the rumor but you feel that BW should address it? Should they do the same for all baseless rumors?

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I seriously doubt that they will level scale per planet.


OP/Flashpoints is no problem as they can be done on a particular level in isolation and within a particular instance.


The planets however have level ranges, usually in bands of 4, and are open world. Level scaling to planets would remove the need for levels at all so it appears to be counter intuitive to logical RPG progression.


Confident that this will not eventuate :cool:

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I seriously doubt that they will level scale per planet.


OP/Flashpoints is no problem as they can be done on a particular level in isolation and within a particular instance.


The planets however have level ranges, usually in bands of 4, and are open world. Level scaling to planets would remove the need for levels at all so it appears to be counter intuitive to logical RPG progression.


Confident that this will not eventuate :cool:


Yeah I doubt it too, but an official response from Bioware is required.

It would really be stupid if they did this.

But again it was a rumor I heard in game, and there exists rather a big thread about the same topic. It cannot go unnoticed by Bioware.

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I just heard this rumor on Nar Shadaa so it must be true that Eric is going to second new companion!!!



On topic: If there is down scaling it might work like GSI on Makeb a click buff that place a player at planet appropriate level. Which has been ask for since launch. A mentoring system. Just my thoughts on down scaling rumor. I doubt its going to be forced onto players.


Edited by Warrgames
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Personally, I really hope this rumour is true. I'd hope if down-bolstered, we would keep all our abilities, and be set to the upper level of the planet. This would instantly create vast amounts of content for me as I can then play with Guild mates of various levels.


If planetary-bolstering effects open-world PvP, its also going to make large scale open-world pvp realistic. Both being awesome imo.


I can understand why people would fear this change, but I can only see huge amounts of fun new stuff to do, if it happens to be true. Even being just 1 or 2 levels above an NPC means you can one shot them, is that not power enough?

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I'm going to take a guess this more concerns certain very profitable types of heriocs. I don't know many people who go out there way to revisit old heriocs, save maybe some conquest points.



That's my guess, the only reason this is such a big issue has to be with facerolling profitable heroics and world bosses. Those are the only reasons I can think of, well that and sitting on Korriban/Tython showing all the lowbies how leet they are.

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Well the rumor has it one poster has a friend who's testing KOTFE right now


1. the level downgrade is just testing proposes only and it will be optional when it hits live.

2. they are having problems with the downgrade and if they don't get them resolved, it won't make it into live.


Bioware might be holding off the info until they are sure what they are going to do with it.

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Well the rumor has it one poster has a friend who's testing KOTFE right now


1. the level downgrade is just testing proposes only and it will be optional when it hits live.

2. they are having problems with the downgrade and if they don't get them resolved, it won't make it into live.


Bioware might be holding off the info until they are sure what they are going to do with it.


This is the opposite of what I heard from someone who has a friend who has a co-worker who is testing KOTFE right now


1. the level downgrade has already been tested and everything worked out perfectly

2. they are having problems with the OPTIONAL "stay on level" and if they don't get it resolved, it won't make it into live (meaning that downgrading will happen to each and everyone).




And yes, I shouted, because goshdarned, this is all getting out of hand. So many weeks and months wasted without offering answers to the questions raised again and again and again. Now it's too late, the negative rumors are already out there. I just don't get Bioware. But hey, we know about the glowing data crystals now. That's an essential info. ;)

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soloing heroics can be done on cap level of planet with ample amounts of Presence anyhow. I could roll a new character and at level 10 I can pretty much solo Esseles or the imp's first flash point. and Tythong/Koriban heroic's as well. it only gets complicated when there are mechanics to fights that require more than one person, as for world bosses I leave those alone unless I decide to form a raid so others can get achievement's or loot for people who need them.


A down bolster to cap level is perfectly fine, could still solo heroics and champions Imo. world bosses maybe not but like I said before its more fun forming a raid for those. :)

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soloing heroics can be done on cap level of planet with ample amounts of Presence anyhow. I could roll a new character and at level 10 I can pretty much solo Esseles or the imp's first flash point. and Tythong/Koriban heroic's as well. it only gets complicated when there are mechanics to fights that require more than one person, as for world bosses I leave those alone unless I decide to form a raid so others can get achievement's or loot for people who need them.


A down bolster to cap level is perfectly fine, could still solo heroics and champions Imo. world bosses maybe not but like I said before its more fun forming a raid for those. :)

While I'm not really in favor of down-bolstering, yeah. I can sleepwalk most Heroic-2s with a Companion. Today, I soloed a Champion on Tatooine with an on-level character. If I'm playing a Sage, I feel pretty comfortable soloing Heroic-4s on level (just have to remember to disable Qyzen's AOE attacks so he doesn't break my CC).

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I am concerned this is another one of those failed updates as the SGE was for SWG. I will leave and never come back if they dumb this down to the lvl of the SGE.


I like tweaking my Companions making them more powerful by tricking out their armor with attachments. That's a fun part of the Game.


Crafting is fun also if they ruin that what's left to do? "Dailies" and wait for more story?


I'm not sure what they are trying to do but it giving me that "SOE" crap on you feeling again.


Concerned I am. :mad:

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I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors,

But I think the devs have a sick sense of humor,

And when I play,

I expect to be downleveled!


Level 16, whole game ahead of her

DEl'ed her char, wrong AC

12x XP

Thank the devs

For small mercies


Fighting back the tears

Player reads the [patch] notes again

16 levels burn in her mind

She takes the blame

It's always the same

She logs back in and rolls again




Level 60, fell in love with SoR

Found new life in hard end game


ended up

just rescaling everything


Summer ends

Gamecon passed away

Rumors singing

As the data's mined

Then came the blogs

And once again

A tear fell from the player's eyes

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Level 16, whole game ahead of her

DEl'ed her char, wrong AC

12x XP

Thank the devs

For small mercies


Fighting back the tears

Player reads the [patch] notes again

16 levels burn in her mind

She takes the blame

It's always the same

She logs back in and rolls again




Level 60, fell in love with SoR

Found new life in hard end game


ended up

just rescaling everything


Summer ends

Gamecon passed away

Rumors singing

As the data's mined

Then came the blogs

And once again

A tear fell from the player's eyes


Most excellent :)

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I am really disliking this rumor, and I would love it if Bioware (since they promised the release of some blogs this week) could either confirm or tell us what is happening. The downgrading of players' toons to level of the planets (ie a lvl 60 Sin becomes lvl 12-16 on Dromund Kaas) .


Actually this sounds kinda cool :D Always a challenge

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