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Remove the Lightside/Darkside restrictions on color crystals.


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I disagree. If you want blue/green sabers, dont go dark! Same goes for people wanting red sabers.


Cant believe the game has been released now for less than a week and people are already trying to change the Star Wars lore.


Its like a Jedi wanting a jet pack because Bounty Hunters have them.


This isn't Warcraft.



You have no idea what you're talking about. There were no restrictions a month in beta before launch, you don't have a leg to stand on. Also, name a single star wars video game that limits lightsaber choice based on force alignment, I DARE YOU

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I like this idea.



I think that for aesthetics like this there should be no restriction.


If you go into an RP-esque thought process your light-sided sith may still be proud of her sith heritage and want a red saber. Or maybe she wants a blue one because she likes the colour. It doesn't matter, but since in canon there's nothing stopping someone from choosing their personal preference, there's no reason for us to be forced to pick one colour.

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(Dark) Jedi Apprentice practices with a red lightsaber.


Jedi Master: "What the... What's with the red saber?"

Jedi Apprentice: "Well... euhm..."

Jedi Master: "You have some explaining to do, young man."

Wouldn't it raise a red flag with a Jedi Master when a dark Jedi, for example, murders people willy nilly? Maybe they're just not really paying attention.

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I disagree. If you want blue/green sabers, dont go dark! Same goes for people wanting red sabers.


Cant believe the game has been released now for less than a week and people are already trying to change the Star Wars lore.


Its like a Jedi wanting a jet pack because Bounty Hunters have them.


This isn't Warcraft.


It was a last minute change, actually, all through Beta it was not like this.

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Absolutely DISAGREE!


I love the red/orange for evil, blue/green for good side. It fits, it matches the movies etc, and to be honest me as a Dark Jedi I look forward to m my red sabers it's a perk for me and I would of hoped it would be even more restrictive.


As for the looting issue, when on a raid those in it should have enough intelligence to look at description before rolling. It's rather no different then having someone who uses guns roll on a saber.. most classes know their item, asking for a jedi to read if its dark or light doesn't seem to difficult.... Maybe you prefer even more easy mode? for those who are completely dumb and instead have the server check the users class, and weapon to see if the weapon is has higher stats and auto roll? Come on, lets not be lazy now the item drops you look at description and roll need, green pass?





Im going to be rather upset if I go through all this trouble to be a Dark Jedi and then have everyone with a red light saber...

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You have no idea what you're talking about. There were no restrictions a month in beta before launch, you don't have a leg to stand on. Also, name a single star wars video game that limits lightsaber choice based on force alignment, I DARE YOU


How old are you? Beta is just that, BETA! Hell we are still playing beta imo.


And video games sets the precedent on a universe that was created close to 40 years ago? That's almost as bad as things being true cause they are on the internet.

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I disagree. If you want blue/green sabers, dont go dark! Same goes for people wanting red sabers.


Cant believe the game has been released now for less than a week and people are already trying to change the Star Wars lore.


Its like a Jedi wanting a jet pack because Bounty Hunters have them.


This isn't Warcraft.




Well said my friend.

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He didnt read.


I'm fine with Guardians using Blue/Green if they are dark sided, I disagree with letting people choose what they want.


I don't want to see a red saber in my group as I play Republic is what I am saying. Or Blue/Green when I play a empire character.

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How old are you? Beta is just that, BETA! Hell we are still playing beta imo.


And video games sets the precedent on a universe that was created close to 40 years ago? That's almost as bad as things being true cause they are on the internet.



So if it's so CLEARLY established in the movies then why the video games, which are a high level of canon do not have it. Bioware even contradicts itself with no color restrictios in KOTOR I.


The lore is clearly ambiguous, to make an argument based on lore is to make no argument at all.

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a Jedi with a dark alignment, is still a Jedi. By the standards of the game, Mace Windu would probably qualify as a dark Jedi. A Sith with a light alignment is still a Sith.


In the first book about Darth Bane, it could be interpreted that the problem Bane had with the Brotherhood of Darkness was that it was "light aligned" (by the standards of SWTOR), which Bane felt went off the path of a "true Sith".


I believe Grand Admiral Thrawn would also fall well into the Light side aspect of the Empire.


Light & Dark alignment isn't the same as the Light side of the force and the Dark side of the force. It's about where you stand in relation to your chosen side.


If we want players to be able to "choose" their light saber crystal colour but still have restrictions, make the restrictions more limiting. Restrict red from Light Jedi, and restrict blue & green from Dark Sith. Light Sith & Dark Jedi would both be able to choose between red, green, and blue depending on where the player feels the character belongs.


Personally, I'm all for letting players having control over how their character looks. I'd rather see no restrictions on crystal colours since the colour itself is purely cosmetic.

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I totally disagree with the OP. Do not change the restrictions. Do not allow rainbow colored Sith/Jedi.


You're in for a shock when you find out both jedi and sith can ALREADY use any color they want. My jedi, who's lightside, uses a red lightsaber.


It's already possible, it's just stupidly inconvenient. The red crystal my jedi has is restricted to light 1 and up. As such I have two options, I can either ruin my own story by spamming darkside options, or I can grind flashpoints for DS. Either way it's stupid.


There's no logical reason to restrict sabers and the only pro-restriction arguments I've seen in any of these threads is "I want it this way". It really is quite sad why a few people are so against Lore, gameplay, and player choice in an MMO. If you want to be stuck with a red lightsaber then go play a SW game that doesn't let you choose anything. MMOs are all about player choice and being who we want to be.

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The restrictions have no basis in the lore. None. Anyone who argues to the contrary doesn't know Star Wars lore. They are lost.


The restrictions make absolutely no sense. At least, if Jedi couldn't use red, and Sith couldn't use green/blue, you could argue that such a decision was rooted in the visuals set down in the films (it's still not lore), but that's the not the system at work in TOR.


Here, you've linked colors to morality, which means that -- arguably -- NPCs should know what our character has done based on the color of their sabers alone. So, the Jedi Council should be well-aware of every scumbag Jedi wielding red. Couldn't it be argued that, with such a readily-available visual aid in identifying corruption, there should be a lot fewer of these 'dark Jedi' in short order? Wouldn't they be purged from the knights?


The system is sheer lunacy. It plays out like something that was designed by a drunk person; by an individual who wasn't thinking straight. Its implications are both profound and perplexing. If what TOR has in place was at work in Star Wars:


A) Dooku's lightsaber would have exploded in Anakin's hand the moment he disarmed the Count.


B) Vader could never have ignited Luke's lightsaber in RotJ.


C) And, most obviously, Anakin's blue saber would have ceased functioning the moment he started slaughtering younglings.


It is a foolish system designed by fools. It is as simple as that.

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Actually, I think we're missing the larger point.


The primary purpose of the Alignment stat, apparently, is to restrict the types of equipment available to a character. That's the real failure - not that we have limited equipment, but that the Alignment stat isn't used for much more than that.


There should be abilities, not equipment, that are limited by or restricted to a specific level of the Alignment stat, light or dark. Interactions with NPCs should be affected by the Alignment stat. There are a number of gameplay mechanics that could've been influenced by, limited by, or enabled by the value of the Alignment stat. The idea that, of all the things BioWare could do with the Alignment stat, they chose to limit equipment by alignment is, indeed, silly.


I don't want to see lightsaber colors, of all things, limited by the Alignment stat - indeed, I'd much rather see lightsaber colors a function of the Artifice skill, in which desirable colors would be more difficult to obtain through crafting or exploration.

Edited by FormlessOne
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Actually, I think we're missing the larger point.


The primary purpose of the Alignment stat, apparently, is to restrict the types of equipment available to a character. That's the real failure - not that we have limited equipment, but that the Alignment stat isn't used for much more than that.


There should be abilities, not equipment, that are limited by or restricted to a specific level of the Alignment stat, light or dark. Interactions with NPCs should be affected by the Alignment stat. There are a number of gameplay mechanics that could've been influenced by, limited by, or enabled by the value of the Alignment stat. The idea that, of all the things BioWare could do with the Alignment stat, they chose to limit equipment by alignment is, indeed, silly.


I don't want to see lightsaber colors, of all things, limited by the Alignment stat - indeed, I'd much rather see lightsaber colors a function of the Artifice skill, in which desirable colors would be more difficult to obtain through crafting or exploration.


+5. Great post.

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They should add different hues of crystals as well. Aqua, navy blue, blue, etc.


Let us make our sabers unique looking. Adds to the social aspect of the game.


Adding few more different inner and outer core crystals like the yellow/black crystal would also be awesome.

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They should add different hues of crystals as well. Aqua, navy blue, blue, etc.


Let us make our sabers unique looking. Adds to the social aspect of the game.


Adding few more different inner and outer core crystals like the yellow/black crystal would also be awesome.


I'd second that option.


It's a shame that color crystals actually affect the performance of the weapon. Because of that, the CE & Digital Deluxe color crystal becomes useless by level 10, and there isn't anything in place to replace that particular look & feel.

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What makes this system even more stupid is that there's a way around it, just not an easy one: get the saber as a quest reward and you seem to be able to use it no matter the restrictions. At least I ran around for a while with a green saber though I'm DS.


I'm 100% behind you, OP, I'm a DS Jedi Knight, but I still wanna use a blue saber, because it suits my class. I'm sorta fallen, but not sith or anything, so makes sense I'm still using a blue. If I wanna use a blue, just let me use a blue, what's the big deal??? Instead I've been forced to choose red since orange is a no go for me. The silliest, most doesn't-make-sense system in the game, want it removed.

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