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Thank you for the balanced PvP! Finally a game gets it!!!


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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.




Let sit put it an other way.


1 LvL 50 dps with 1 Lvl 50 bealer VS 1 LvL 50 dps with 1 LvL 13 healer.


Which healer will have the hardest time here?

When a LvL 13 healer is as equal good as a 50, then the system works.


I still think this is an excellent system. it provides a cool challenge and at least your not even going to have to worry about slow queues when the game settles into its core players later down the road because they are throwing everyone together. I SERIOUSLY never care about dying in pvp in this game because i know when the match ends, win or lose, im leaving with good xp, good valor, and good money. now what could make it more to your liking is if they made lvl bracket pvp with bolsters but your speaking about 1v1s and 2v2s here. this isnt a wow arena. this is group pvp. the arenas arent designed around 1v1 pvp.

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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.




Let sit put it an other way.


1 LvL 50 dps with 1 Lvl 50 bealer VS 1 LvL 50 dps with 1 LvL 13 healer.


Which healer will have the hardest time here?

When a LvL 13 healer is as equal good as a 50, then the system works.


You do not stay level 13 forever.

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I got into my guild because I'm a good pvp healer.


I routinely get mvp because I'm a good pvp healer


I have a high win percentage because I'm a good pvp healer.


I have a lot of friends because I'm a good pvp healer.


People listen to me in /ops because I'm a good pvp healer.


Start getting 100k+ heals per match and maybe someone will actually care about you.


This! I am still leveling up, but I have lots of friends... because everyone loves a good Combat medic!!

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The PvP on this game is balanced since the classes are mirrored between factions.


However, Inquisitor/Consulars are a bit too OP with all that CC but it should not turn the tide of the game unless one side has too many Inquisitor/Consulars.


And unfortunatly you can't patch stupidity. The group I had the unfortunate luck to get today are in need of said impossible patch. We had people who could not understand that in Hutt's ball, you have to go toward the opposing team's spawn point, not your own.


In my case, the lag does not help. (I really need to desactivate shadows :p)

Edited by Ceridan
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Hi, my main is Runetang (LoLettow) 32 Marauder. PvP is balanced, and I destroy all the classes you list, except occasionally when I come across a very good player.


I'm also valor rank 30+ (Gladiator), would be a hell of a lot higher, but I've been away for the past 5 days. I've played a ton of Huttball, and it's my favourite Warzone.


Stop stating your opinion as fact. You are a prime example of what makes this forum a mess of badly thought out QQ. You're level 18, don't have most of your abilities (you're probably not even PvP specced: Rage), and you're complaining about balance.


PvP in this game is remarkably well balanced, in my opinion.



Very well said, my friend!


Marauders/Sents are tough at lower levels, but that just it. I'm enjoying pvp with every character I got and so far they are a Sorcerer, Merc, Sniper and Juggernaugh.

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Reroll as republic then if you don't want to play huttball so much. Sith get stuck playing hutball because it is the only map that allows empire vs empire matches, and with the population imbalance you folks end up playing each other, a lot. Another perk of rolling republic is I have never had to wait longer than about a minute for a warzone to pop and its easy to find sith to kill in open world pvp.


The more I read the forums, the more i want to reroll Jedi Knight. I hate huttball, it's unfairly imbalanced towards ranged classes, and marauders have enough trouble already anyway. The real problem is going to be getting my guild to want to reroll; they're all 30+ now, so I doubt they'd want to. :(

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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.




Let sit put it an other way.


1 LvL 50 dps with 1 Lvl 50 bealer VS 1 LvL 50 dps with 1 LvL 13 healer.


Which healer will have the hardest time here?

When a LvL 13 healer is as equal good as a 50, then the system works.


No, at that point the system takes away any point there is to level your toon beyond level 10. If you want everyone on an equal playing field without any regard to how much effort and time they have put in, go play an FPS game.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<

Sage? You dumb? I suggest you try solo PVP as a seer sage.

Edited by Ganymedea
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I played a marauder/sentinel in beta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrvnxfSDomQ


I did extremely well and they're pretty overpowered at higher levels.


Maras and sentinels are the on the top bottom in means of cc and survival. We have uber dmg output but when it comes to cc it just *********** sucks. Though when grouped up with a healer, it is alot better than playing a tropper/bh. Imo that is.

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The day a LvL 13 can be on equal ground as a LvL 50 on every level in PvP, then I will support the system this game has.

The day a LvL 13 can go 1v1 against a 50 and have an equal big chance of winning, if the player skill is the same, then I will support this games PvP system.


I killed a 47 as a 13 marauder 1v1 with nobody else around.


In fact, I landed my whole ravage and circle-strafed him out of his boots.


The skill is there. The system could use some tuning.. but killing a higher level is more than possible right now.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<


It's amazing that you say your lvl 18 like it's some sort of achievement. Level up ... then whine.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<


I'm sorry, but I play a marauder and I just gotta say you should look at the way you play if you think they are weak. You're level 18 as well. Pfft.

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Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<


Want to play less huttball? Play less Empire.

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The only place I can see where Sorc/Sage are horribly OP is Huttball. They have roots, CC's, stuns, force speed, bubbles for other players, AOE knockbacks, and most of all the ability to pull a friendly player to them. In huttball, they are the end all be all. If you are doing premades and don't have a sorc on your team, you're doing it wrong. Then again trying to balance a class based on only 1 warzone would be a bad idea. Not sure what BioWare is going to do about it, but as it stands right now Huttball = Sorc/Sage's warzone.
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I enjoy the PvP in this game as well. For PvP healing though, you should not be just spamming heals to get large heal numbers on the charts to try and beg for an MVP vote. MVP does not necessarily mean best healer. As a healer, you should also help with CC's or focus fire to burn down an enemy. In this game, being a healer is not about heal spam. The heals are enough to save someone from dying if you work together to finish the player off with CC/dmg combos. The MVP vote goes to who ever the player deems most deserving. Yes, sometimes people just vote for top dmg and yes some guilds will only vote for each other, but if you saved someone in a close fight or guarded another player as a tank or even cc'd a player at the right time in a Huttball to allow the ball handler to score, these are all equally deserving of an MVP score in someone's eyes besides just clicking heals on the stats sheet and seeing who is at the top. I am a sorcerer PvP healer and yes I can be burned down by a dual wielding opponent in a few shots, but if I CC them appropriately and maintain enough dmg on them to make them think defensively, I can hold my own fairly well, until my teammates come to help. And yes, you do need a team in a Warzone, it's about team gameplay and communication not 1v1. (Sorry for the long rant, just had to get it out there.) :)
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I hate huttball, it's unfairly imbalanced ... and marauders have enough trouble already anyway. :(


I play a Marauder. LOVE IT! In Huttball I do very well. Infact it is my favorite map for the Warrior. Not trying to be smart here, but is it possible you are not playing the role correctly? Seriously, I am having no problem with the Marauder in any PvP map. In fact they seem to be a little OP.

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Also, if you are upset about sorcerer/sage pulls in Huttball. Don't cry OP, and, instead, get upset at your team's tanks wasting their grapples on pulling people into fires and acid pits and laughing at the kills instead of countering the sorcerer/sage pull. A good tank will always save their CD on their grapple for countering a sorc/sage pull.
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I enjoy the PvP in this game. I have a few complaints, but I am quite pleased.




- OPd Range Classes (sorry, but it takes no effort to do way too much damage)

- Too many OPd stuns

- Temp Buffs are stupid. remove them.

- Need 1 more arena

- Gear system is annoying, just lemme buy it with credits.


Seems like a lot, but none are enough to make me stop playing.

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You can get gladiator in this game by being afk every match.


The skillcap is almost on the floor.


Casuals love this game.


Go figure.


Two types of players:

1. Gamers.

2. WoW Players.


Never can the two meet.


SWTOR is for Gamers. It is good. Life is good.

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