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Treatment of Gus Tuno versus Flingeld


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After catching Flingeld, a Jedi Acolyte, cheating on a trial, a Jedi Master assigns Flingeld to work in the temple archives, probably for the rest of his life. Off to the library he goes.


This does two things:

1. He remains under the protection of the Jedi, i.e., is not sent back to his family or out in public where Sith could capture him and send him to Korriban for a near-certain death at failing to become Sith.


2. During his life, should Flingeld become bitter or disillusioned at his failure and have dark thoughts, he's surrounded by Jedi masters who can redirect him.


Gus Tuno, a player companion, says that he was kicked out of the Jedi training for having been caught cheating with a cheat sheet in reciting the Jedi code.


This doesn't make sense. Would he not rather have been assigned hand-waxing the temple foyer or something rather than being released?

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After catching Flingeld, a Jedi Acolyte, cheating on a trial, a Jedi Master assigns Flingeld to work in the temple archives, probably for the rest of his life. Off to the library he goes.


This does two things:

1. He remains under the protection of the Jedi, i.e., is not sent back to his family or out in public where Sith could capture him and send him to Korriban for a near-certain death at failing to become Sith.


2. During his life, should Flingeld become bitter or disillusioned at his failure and have dark thoughts, he's surrounded by Jedi masters who can redirect him.


Gus Tuno, a player companion, says that he was kicked out of the Jedi training for having been caught cheating with a cheat sheet in reciting the Jedi code.


This doesn't make sense. Would he not rather have been assigned hand-waxing the temple foyer or something rather than being released?


Guss has a tendency to lie and make up stories.

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Guss wasn't actually kicked out... he just left. He says so during his story cutscenes. :p

Spoiler below for those who would prefer not to know what he says in there, even though I'll be as vague as possible, but to clarify... :rolleyes:



Guss left a Jedi Recruitment Center. He's never been to the Temple on Tython. He was on a separate, smaller Enclave... On Nar Shaddaa, I think? Pretty sure he mentions that place. :confused:

They didn't even have lightsabers in there, or at least Guss claims he took he only one with himself. :eek:



Then there's the fact he's as close to a pathologic liar an NPC I've seen - most of the fun of using him is hearing his unlikely stories. Plus, his comment about jiggling lightsabers in his pants? ;)

His pranks to his Master and other ppl are hilarious, though. :D

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1. I like to keep Guss around for sheer entertainment value. That being said:


I believe that the Jedi Order, unlike the Sith, does allow its students to leave if they so desire - Guss was very fortunate not to run into Sith who would have taken him off to Korriban.

The other student wanted to remain with the order, in whatever capacity. So working in the archives or in the library may have been the ideal placement. Guss chose to leave when he was found unworthy to train further <because of his cheating>, though as said, he was never on Tython.

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1. I like to keep Guss around for sheer entertainment value. That being said:


I believe that the Jedi Order, unlike the Sith, does allow its students to leave if they so desire - Guss was very fortunate not to run into Sith who would have taken him off to Korriban.

The other student wanted to remain with the order, in whatever capacity. So working in the archives or in the library may have been the ideal placement. Guss chose to leave when he was found unworthy to train further <because of his cheating>, though as said, he was never on Tython.


Guss seems to be a lot like Temple, just enough force ability to get into trouble.


While Yoda training Luke makes it sound like "If you have the force you can do anything" there seems to be actual limits to one's force using abilities outside of "You lack conviction" :p

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It was my understanding that in the long term, Gus' affinity with the force was very minor, which would be a factor in his ability to complete and perform his trials. I may be wrong, of course. With that being said, him leaving/being kicked out would have resulted in minimal risk, as his force potential was not as great as most they take in.
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It was my understanding that in the long term, Gus' affinity with the force was very minor, which would be a factor in his ability to complete and perform his trials. I may be wrong, of course. With that being said, him leaving/being kicked out would have resulted in minimal risk, as his force potential was not as great as most they take in.


In the Empire that wouldn't have mattered. "Force abilities? You're now Sith! What? You have so little it doesn't mean much? Then you'll die! So, get going!"

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I believe that the Jedi Order, unlike the Sith, does allow its students to leave if they so desire - Guss was very fortunate not to run into Sith who would have taken him off to Korriban.


It's known that at least later on in the Old Republic, there are service corps positions (agricultural, archaeology, exploration, etc) that people who didn't pass the trials, or wanted to leave the Order, can be assigned to. I see no reason not to think that those don't exist in this time and are available options. Better for the Jedi to let someone disillusioned and/or unsuitable find a position outside of the Order that suits their temperament and talents, somewhere in an affiliated organization where they can be watched over, then to keep them in the Order where they become unhappy and problematic.

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It's known that at least later on in the Old Republic, there are service corps positions (agricultural, archaeology, exploration, etc) that people who didn't pass the trials, or wanted to leave the Order, can be assigned to. I see no reason not to think that those don't exist in this time and are available options. Better for the Jedi to let someone disillusioned and/or unsuitable find a position outside of the Order that suits their temperament and talents, somewhere in an affiliated organization where they can be watched over, then to keep them in the Order where they become unhappy and problematic.


I think those alternate occupations would exist at this time. I think Gus wouldn't have stuck around for those jobs anyway. I do hope I can ditch him early on in this next expansion. Or we can go to mannan and he gets attacked by a kracken.

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It's known that at least later on in the Old Republic, there are service corps positions (agricultural, archaeology, exploration, etc) that people who didn't pass the trials, or wanted to leave the Order, can be assigned to. I see no reason not to think that those don't exist in this time and are available options. Better for the Jedi to let someone disillusioned and/or unsuitable find a position outside of the Order that suits their temperament and talents, somewhere in an affiliated organization where they can be watched over, then to keep them in the Order where they become unhappy and problematic.


Kothe is an exJedi who goes to something more akin to his beliefs, in the IA storyline. Though as someone pointed out, I don't think any new position the Jedi could send an ex-Jedi/padawan to would be anything Guss would want to do. :p

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It's known that at least later on in the Old Republic, there are service corps positions (agricultural, archaeology, exploration, etc) that people who didn't pass the trials, or wanted to leave the Order, can be assigned to. I see no reason not to think that those don't exist in this time and are available options. Better for the Jedi to let someone disillusioned and/or unsuitable find a position outside of the Order that suits their temperament and talents, somewhere in an affiliated organization where they can be watched over, then to keep them in the Order where they become unhappy and problematic.


They do exist. There's the mission on Imp side Balmorra, "The Secret of Cave 52" where you have to investigate a cave containing secret cargo the Republic has under heavy guard..


When you get there, it turns out the "cargo" is in fact force senstives who are all too weak to survive the trials on Korriban and the republic are smuggling them to offworld to "grow dirt, or compose symphonies, or whatever it is they are good at." as Commander Hurin puts it.



So yes, there are places that weak force senistives can go to lead a non-jedi life at this point in the Old Republic.

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:rak_02: I don't get the Guss hate. The kid is a hoot, and the Voidhound themself said he has potential, even claimed he reminds them of themselves in their early days. As such I view Guss sort of as my smuggler's protegè, teaching him the ways of the underworld and having a laugh doing so. Edited by Nefertuss
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