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The writing is on the wall


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You know what's really impressive?Having all the CM items one wants without ever spending a dime on CC beyond what we pay for as part of our sub fees.


Yes it is. I don't have the patience for that, though.


I'm not really sure what to make of your post, though. Were you agreeing or trying to diminish my point? Or is this just part of an ongoing effort to silence me in particular?

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IF EA hasn't shut down ultima online yet, Star Wars, isn't going anywhere.

Take it from me as I was a UO player from launch until 2004. Here's how many times the game was going to "die" or so say the community. I'd make a list but it would be huge.

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The only "writing on the wall" I've seen was a crudely sketched depiction of female mommy parts in the men's room at the Anchorhead spaceport. Above the sketch was scrawled: "For a good time, call Darth Zash." I ... er ... a friend told me he tried the number and ended up speaking with an obese-sounding Sith ... Daras? Paras? ... who had to shout in a wheezy fashion over the noise of torture in the background.


TLDR: The writing lies!

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Spouting a bunch of Bs doesn't help, when ur Not using Facts. Facts are ppl are leaving in droves, even whole Guilds are leaving because of all the Junk that is happening in this game, like not enough Pvp, and not enough End-game for others. Also the stupidity of the EAWare community not telling us enough about KOTFE/ SWTOR 2 because they Know more ppl will leave the game, is another Big reason why at least ppl in the Thousands or 10's of thousands of ppl are leaving.


So don't Spew ur toxic waste about ppl not caring about whether any1 person leaves or not because ur not Representing Most ppl.


The problem with your facts is that they aren't facts. Yes, for us end gamers there have been a bunch who have left/ taking a break/ have left/ plan on leaving. But, to say that people are leaving in droves is factually incorrect. There are vastly more people playing the story side of the game over the pvp side, or pve end game side, or the gsf side. Secondly, quit acting like the haven't released any information regarding the expansion. They've even go so far as to show you gameplay. They are explaining class changes currently, they've revealed tons of information. Just because they haven't spoiled how you get Nico, or specifically what happens to your companions doesn't mean they haven't been releasing information.


Hilariously, your last sentence represents you more than most other people. You are not a majority. You are the one spewing toxicity, and you should go get some ice cream and cool off.

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The problem with your facts is that they aren't facts. Yes, for us end gamers there have been a bunch who have left/ taking a break/ have left/ plan on leaving. But, to say that people are leaving in droves is factually incorrect. There are vastly more people playing the story side of the game over the pvp side, or pve end game side, or the gsf side. Secondly, quit acting like the haven't released any information regarding the expansion. They've even go so far as to show you gameplay. They are explaining class changes currently, they've revealed tons of information. Just because they haven't spoiled how you get Nico, or specifically what happens to your companions doesn't mean they haven't been releasing information.


Hilariously, your last sentence represents you more than most other people. You are not a majority. You are the one spewing toxicity, and you should go get some ice cream and cool off.

Take it from me.


Getting the whole "TOR is awful due to X, Y and Z." got me nowhere. I logged in and started to have fun with the game and talked to people who didn't have the whole toxic gaming mindset.

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Have to give it all the servers are almost always light.


And the proposed changes in 4.0 seem to require a regrind to get back to where you are, while the combat team seem incapable of balancing the game and from what they have posted clueless, while there are no new ops, no new flashpoints, nothing for PvP or GSF, dumbing down of crafting and by the looks of things dumbing down of companions.


Yes the new story will get people back, most of it is strongly single player so play through a couple of times in the month then unsub. Wait a year (if the game is still going) and play the next 12 chapters over a month then unsub again.


May not be dying but I don't see many of the servers getting outside of light traffic other than October and with no bribes of the Nico stuff people would be advised to unsub unless they really really have to rerun Eternity Vault at level 65 or PvP another huttball game.

Edited by Costello
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You know what's really impressive?Having all the CM items one wants without ever spending a dime on CC beyond what we pay for as part of our sub fees.


Or better yet having multiple copies so you can resell them for a profit later to end up with so many credits you know you can pretty much buy anything this game ever throws at you providing it's not in some way bound to be only purchasable by CC.


I still respect the people who spend the real cash though because without them there would be fewer CM items to buy and the prices of everything would have been much higher and I might not have been able to get to the place I now am at.

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Welcome to EVERY MMO Expansion EVER


Sort of. Yes, in vertical progression games you always have to regrind gear and such. But, generally speaking they add skill points and abilities and then adjust the content to handle it. In this case they are doing a kind of hybrid thing by adding and ability and then removing a skill point until max level. And this is very efficient, BUT it doesn't feel good and these games are all about the illusion of progress.


Also, to everyone else attacking the OP, grow up. Customer complaints are normal and I suspect most of you have made your own ruckuses about stuff you didn't like before. But I'm sure in your own cases they were totally warranted whereas the OP is obviously just a whiner ... :rolleyes:

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I agree with the OP. What worries me most is the focus on story. I love stories, don't get me wrong, but how long will that sustain subs?

No new operations or flashpoints, no new pvp content, are they really betting all money/efforts on story alone?

Even if the new story content is as good as the current story to level 50, I doubt it will keep people's interest for long.


When the game launched they thought people would take months to consume the story content and it took the players way less time. Are they making the same mistake again?


I'm sure they're making a lot from Cartel sales, but I don't see much of it being reinvested into the game.

A small developer team having to live up to giant expectations. A lot of cash won't make much of a difference, or will it?

Edited by Geeorgedk
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I agree with the OP. What worries me most is the focus on story. I love stories, don't get me wrong, but how long will that sustain subs?

No new operations or flashpoints, no new pvp content, are they really betting all money/efforts on story alone?

Even if the new story content is as good as the current story to level 50, I doubt it will keep people's interest for long.


When the game launched they thought people would take months to consume the story content and it took the players way less time. Are they making the same mistake again?


I'm sure they're making a lot from Cartel sales, but I don't see much of it being reinvested into the game.

A small developer team having to live up to giant expectations. A lot of cash won't make much of a difference, or will it?


I'm looking forward to the new rescaled operations personally and having much more end game content to do as a result ( due to more pugs ).

In fact I'm glad they are doing this than maintaining the old system and putting in even more new ops ( having only 2 at the top level has really killed off the pug community compared to say when DF/DP came out ).

You might be surprised with how many people agree with this point of view too regardless of the extremist "the game is dead if you do this" mentality a few have expressed.


New ops will come in time and it will be into a more friendly environment to all players.


As for PVP ... as long as gear progression is a factor in casual PVP it will always fail.

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I agree with the OP. What worries me most is the focus on story. I love stories, don't get me wrong, but how long will that sustain subs?

No new operations or flashpoints, no new pvp content, are they really betting all money/efforts on story alone?

Even if the new story content is as good as the current story to level 50, I doubt it will keep people's interest for long.


When the game launched they thought people would take months to consume the story content and it took the players way less time. Are they making the same mistake again?


I'm sure they're making a lot from Cartel sales, but I don't see much of it being reinvested into the game.

A small developer team having to live up to giant expectations. A lot of cash won't make much of a difference, or will it?


While your fear is justifiable, and is exactly the same as mine...let's not jump too far ahead. The rescaling of the operations to level is meant to be a bridge. They did say that after launch work will be done on new operations. I haven't ever seen a bridge to no where myself, and 99 bridges all have another side to get to (outside of one in Alaska...thanks Palin!) so even though the expansion drops with no new pve material, we shouldn't be saying that there won't be any on the near horizon. Now, if we get into next year, and the "state of the game" leaves out operations completely then yeah there will be a loss of subs. But right now, with the bribes offered, subs aren't dropping. They are probably increasing so people have full access to the expansion plus the goodies. How long can it sustain? My guess is probably to February. Where they will drop another chapter, and then hopefully more information regarding end game, and we'll all be happy. Or we won't be and it will be what it will be.

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I'm looking forward to the new rescaled operations personally and having much more end game content to do as a result ( due to more pugs ).

In fact I'm glad they are doing this than maintaining the old system and putting in even more new ops ( having only 2 at the top level has really killed off the pug community compared to say when DF/DP came out ).

You might be surprised with how many people agree with this point of view too regardless of the extremist "the game is dead if you do this" mentality a few have expressed.


New ops will come in time and it will be into a more friendly environment to all players.


As for PVP ... as long as gear progression is a factor in casual PVP it will always fail.



agreed. if we had to choose between the relevel of the old content and 2 new raids, I'd choose the relevel honestly. new raids will come (my guess is spring 2016) but there is something to be said for a MASSIVE amount of viable end game options

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agreed. if we had to choose between the relevel of the old content and 2 new raids, I'd choose the relevel honestly. new raids will come (my guess is spring 2016) but there is something to be said for a MASSIVE amount of viable end game options


It's tough. One the one hand this rescaling should have happened a while ago so it's definitely good for the end game long run. On the other (and granted this is a more selfish position) I've already done the progression there so that carrot for me to continually plow forward toward isn't exactly there. I will admit I have no clue what's going to happen with the rescaling, and if they do add a new mechanic to the fights then maybe it'll convey some sort of satisfaction. But, going through old content that you're done with (well outside of TfB because TfB is just always fun) should only be viewed as a bridge to something new. Asking the players to backtrack so obviously isn't good. We need the illusion that we're going forward in some fashion. Having to grind the same content we grinded for so long is wishy washy. Plus I have serious questions whether the rescaling is actually a good call overall. I'm hoping that the skill of the primary raiding community can handle it. Seeing as how I still see tons of pug groups fail hard on UL makes me think fights like Firebrand and Stormcaller, Corruptor Zero, Soa, Infernal council to name a few, are going to be killers to the people who are low of skill. We shall see though. We certainly shall see.

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eh I dunno, how many times have you run even ravagers now? I know I've done it more times then I can count. so repeating raids to gear up is pretty normal. and BW's promised new raids down the pipeline (I'm optimisticly guessing in Febuary) so there's that. I figure that having more gear up options will keep things fresh. maybe not for us old hands, but for someone whose just getting into end game raiding, 4.0 would be amazing. with 9 complete and viable raids, on paper it sounds pretty exciting.


In reality we'll have to see how it works out, if we get the same gear doing EV and Ravagers I imagine not a lot of people will waste time with the, MUCH more complicated ravagers

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You should,i pulled up what i have spent on the Cartel Market in the last three months,i understated what i have purchased,i did not add the Yavin Stronghold and unlocking all said rooms with Cartel Coins and three Shadow hypercrates and Two Explorer ones,so i am most likely in the 400$ or more area.



People like me keep the lights on.


What you are dropping on the game doesn't even pay for the foam cups in the coffee room, let alone pay the salary of a person making 50k+.

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It's tough. One the one hand this rescaling should have happened a while ago so it's definitely good for the end game long run. On the other (and granted this is a more selfish position) I've already done the progression there so that carrot for me to continually plow forward toward isn't exactly there. I will admit I have no clue what's going to happen with the rescaling, and if they do add a new mechanic to the fights then maybe it'll convey some sort of satisfaction. But, going through old content that you're done with (well outside of TfB because TfB is just always fun) should only be viewed as a bridge to something new. Asking the players to backtrack so obviously isn't good. We need the illusion that we're going forward in some fashion. Having to grind the same content we grinded for so long is wishy washy. Plus I have serious questions whether the rescaling is actually a good call overall. I'm hoping that the skill of the primary raiding community can handle it. Seeing as how I still see tons of pug groups fail hard on UL makes me think fights like Firebrand and Stormcaller, Corruptor Zero, Soa, Infernal council to name a few, are going to be killers to the people who are low of skill. We shall see though. We certainly shall see.


Well your carrot is the same carrot you always have to keep running said 2 raids over and over and over and ... you get the point.

New gear, mounts, achievements whatever other things they introduce. Except this time you have 9 operations to mix and mingle your gearing chase with as opposed to the same 1 or 2 ( TBC of course but this is my interpretation of how things are going to work based on that blog ). If anything doesn't that make it more fresh? How long was it since EV challenged you vs can you now sleep walk your way through ravagers? Yes you've done it but it should be quite fresh to not cake walking those old ops.


I am of course assuming that people finding the content becoming challenging again as being "fresh" compared to how it was before. Maybe they think it's the same tired old bosses etc. from last week and it's not difference regardless of if it's more challenging now. *shrug* that argument can be applied to all progression though.


Anyway my point was to say that hopefully by the time you've gone through KoTFE as many times as it seems fresh and gained all the carrots that are there to be gained new ops will be close on the horizon.


The other interesting point to all this "fresh content" for ops is how few people are actually 10/10 on the new HM ops. They would be lucky to number much over 100 from last time I checked a few servers progression threads.

So maybe before people cry too much about not getting new ops or new carrots they should first realise barely anyone has managed to get all the carrots from the content we currently have.

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