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"Streamlined leveling"...


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"We're working on crafting blog"

"We're working on Alliance blog"

"We're working on gearing/stats blog"

"We're working on companions/influence blog"


Bioware, you do realize it's 1 month left till the expansion right?


community, you do realize its is 1 month left til the expansion right...

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These are good questions! We are working on a blog which will talk about what streamlined leveling means for Fallen Empire. My hope is to get it out sometime next week and we can talk through any unanswered questions then. Thanks everyone.



Thank you Eric! :)

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"We're working on crafting blog"

"We're working on Alliance blog"

"We're working on gearing/stats blog"

"We're working on companions/influence blog"


Bioware, you do realize it's 1 month left till the expansion right?

Well, there's five weeks left before early access, six weeks to regular launch, and that's four topics - so sounds about right. Beyond that, are they not allowed to release blog posts after the expansion goes live?


It might be best to come to terms with the idea that it's possible that not every aspect of the expansion will be explained in detail before it is released. I'm not saying I agree with that approach as a marketing practice, but it seems like it might be the route they're going.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Other blog topics to think about over the next month or so:

What's going on with crafting?

What is "an alliance"?


Also, merge some of the #%$¥@! servers already or at least tell us what "better than x server" is/was.


yeah, thats a GREAT way to get your point across. might as well just start insulting their mothers.


sure, merge everything but the PVE servers..we're getting full.

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whose to say they didn't plan on putting this out already, just that people asked the questions before they could get them answered. Its hard to stay ahead of the insatiable lust for all things information. They could dump out just about everything they have day one, people would STILL complain it wasn't enough and anything they do give after that, will take too long and again not be enough.


if community has to wait more than 30 seconds the devs are lazy and withholding information and not communicating. The time between annunciation and release will always be too long, and void of enough information to satisfy just about anyone.


patience is a virtue long void in these forums.


how fast should they have given out any information? day after they announced it?


While I generally agree with you on the above.... I cannot however support their poor communications plan. When you put together the kind of incentive programs and rewards that they have done this time around... I would also expect them to be ahead of the curve on communications as well. Good communications planning is fundamental to a project of this size. Doubly so for a company with such a bad reputation for communications.


I don't expect them to be ahead of the curve on every piece of information.... but I do expect them to be ahead of the curve on major elements of it. IF they are working on communications via blogs or whatever as you suggest.. I would expect to see a working schedule of planned communications well ahead of actual disclosures. As in.... when they announced the incentives program... that would have been the time to map out what they will communicate and when. The fact that they do not... tells me they are simply winging it and reacting. None of which changes in any way what the feature set will be or how the expac will work in actual play of course.. and it is not actually necessary for us to know in advance. My point is.. they can and should be better at communications planning and actual communications then they are.

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Beyond that, are they not allowed to release blog posts after the expansion goes live?
WHat's the point of releasings blogs on new systems after these systems already launch lol? TorCommunity & Dulfy will have them covered 10 times better in about 5 minutes after patch goes in.


how fast should they have given out any information? day after they announced it?
E3 announcement was about 90 days ago, you're "a bit" off with that day after argument Edited by Pietrastor
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patience is a virtue long void in these forums.


how fast should they have given out any information? day after they announced it?


I think that they have had plenty of time, and we've gotten virtually nothing short of a couple of blogs released in the last two weeks and some info released on the livestream. It'd be one thing if people were complaining and they were releasing info regularly but they are not. At this same point with SoR we had a wealth of information at our disposal about what to expect with the new changes coming. This time around, blogs and info we were promised weeks ago haven't even been delivered on. It's almost as if Bioware's plan is to tell as little as they can get by with, and its disappointing with the major overhauls we are seeing to various components of the game, to know we are going to have to fly blindly in with little to no info because Bioware cant even release the info they promised us.

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patience is a virtue long void in these forums.

I'd rather have players impatient about information about a forthcoming expansion, than players that didn't care at all.


It indicates that people are still interested in the game.

Edited by Khevar
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While I do thank Eric for the reply... It can't take more than 20 minutes to make these blogs... I could make a more comprehensive blog on the class changes in 30 minutes than what they did in probably a week's worth of typing. And i'm not even a professional writer!


What if you were a one pawed Gerbil, with an eye patch, a wheezing cough, and working with a broken keyboard? :p


Seriously though.. I get that they need to have content of any communications vetted and all.. but that also should be factored into the communications plan. Which brings me to my original point... they have no detectable communications plan that I can see. By all appearances, they are making it up as they go along.

Edited by Andryah
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I think that they have had plenty of time, and we've gotten virtually nothing short of a couple of blogs released in the last two weeks and some info released on the livestream. It'd be one thing if people were complaining and they were releasing info regularly but they are not. At this same point with SoR we had a wealth of information at our disposal about what to expect with the new changes coming. This time around, blogs and info we were promised weeks ago haven't even been delivered on. It's almost as if Bioware's plan is to tell as little as they can get by with, and its disappointing with the major overhauls we are seeing to various components of the game, to know we are going to have to fly blindly in with little to no info because Bioware cant even release the info they promised us.


i guess what does it matter? what does any of the changes have to do with what we are playing now. they could give us every tidbit of information on class changes (people will just complain and demand they get changed), crafting (people will just complain and demand they get changed), or companions (people will just complain and demand they get changed).


is there more they can give sure, will it help anything, probably not. Usually anything they say is either turned against them as "you promised" if it changes or so hated that people demand they change it back and then complain about them not listening when it isn't.


where would you like them to fall? you promised..or you didn't listen?

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is there more they can give sure, will it help anything, probably not. Usually anything they say is either turned against them as "you promised" if it changes or so hated that people demand they change it back and then complain about them not listening when it isn't.


True. But that does not justify the poor pace here IMO. Pre-release communications is not about making everyone happy. It is about informing and creating excitement and buzz (even if some of it is negative). They are generally bad this as a company.

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i guess what does it matter? what does any of the changes have to do with what we are playing now. they could give us every tidbit of information on class changes (people will just complain and demand they get changed), crafting (people will just complain and demand they get changed), or companions (people will just complain and demand they get changed).


is there more they can give sure, will it help anything, probably not. Usually anything they say is either turned against them as "you promised" if it changes or so hated that people demand they change it back and then complain about them not listening when it isn't.


where would you like them to fall? you promised..or you didn't listen?


The fact that it doesn't matter to you means it cant possibly matter or be useful to anyone else right? I forgot I was paying my subscription to play the game the way you personally think everyone should play or prepare for upcoming changes the way you want.


And if they promise something, I want them to fall on the "we kept our word despite the fact that we might get our feelings hurt because people didn't like it" thing not on the well **** it lets just do nothing cuz gamers on the internet might complain if we keep our word

Edited by Danery
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True. But that does not justify the poor pace here IMO. Pre-release communications is not about making everyone happy. It is about informing and creating excitement and buzz (even if some of it is negative). They are generally bad this as a company.


don't necessarily disagree, just don't think its overly necessary either.


people subbing for this game and playing it will continue to sub regardless of the changes. people will return because of the expansion and sub to get it, i don't see anyone leaving over the companion changes, or the crafting changes.


we're getting them regardless. its a game (which i enjoy playing) but knowing new skills doesn't effect me until i can practice a rotation or someone on PTS has time to come up with a new rotation.


crafting changes doesn't prevent me from doing anything now. what is there necessary to "plan ahead for".


I guess i look at it this way. I can know 100%every textual description of every operation. doesn't amount to a hill of beans until I'm actually in there and experiencing it.


I can read every manual know every answer to every question on every law on how to drive a car, doesnt' mean I know how to drive, until i get in and start to experience things like inertia and power.


I know its a poor example but point is, what are people really wanting and why? what does it actually give us other than some appeasement on a desire for information and a tiny drip of pleasure scratching that itch?

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The fact that it doesn't matter to you means it cant possibly matter or be useful to anyone else right? I forgot I was paying my subscription to play the game the way you personally think everyone should play or prepare for upcoming changes the way you want.

So respond to his assertions. What's it to you what the changes are, other than idle curiosity (which is an OK reason to want to know, but not any better than that). Why do you "need" to know what's coming?


And if they promise something, I want them to fall on the "we kept our word despite the fact that we might get our feelings hurt because people didn't like it" thing not on the well **** it lets just do nothing cuz gamers on the internet might complain if we keep our word

The problem is, as DOHboy intimated, that people, being the inattentive exaggerators that they are, will take any statement as a promise and then complain when the (non-existent) promise is "broken."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So respond to his assertions. What's it to you what the changes are, other than idle curiosity (which is an OK reason to want to know, but not any better than that). Why do you "need" to know what's coming?


The problem is, as DOHboy intimated, that people, being the inattentive exaggerators that they are, will take any statement as a promise and then complain when the (non-existent) promise is "broken."


They promised communication, so they are communicating, just not at the rate at which people want. Thsu they have broken their promise for communicating because they are not meeting (my/our/someones/everyones) expectations.

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They promised communication, so they are communicating, just not at the rate at which people want. Thsu they have broken their promise for communicating because they are not meeting (my/our/someones/everyones) expectations.


Not true. They've promised specific blogs (uising things later later this week or within the next couple of weeks) and then we never hear about it again. As to what changes I could possibly benefit from knowing? If certain mats are going away (and we have info from dataminers that implies that is happening) I'd like to know officially whats going away so I can know whether to eat through my stockpiles now or if they will have a place and use in 4.0 (even if I don't know what use, knowing they are not on a list of mats being removed means they will have a use) There are plenty of uses for that knowledge. The fact that you are too small minded to see it doesn't mean it doesn't actually have a use. It just means its of no use to people like you

Edited by Danery
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Not true. They've promised specific blogs (uising things later later this week or within the next couple of weeks) and then we never hear about it again. As to what changes I could possibly benefit from knowing? If certain mats are going away (and we have info from dataminers that implies that is happening) I'd like to know officially whats going away so I can know whether to eat through my stockpiles now or if they will have a place and use in 4.0 (even if I don't know what use, knowing they are not on a list of mats being removed means they will have a use) There are plenty of uses for that knowledge. The fact that you are too small minded to see it doesn't mean it doesn't actually have a use. It just means its of no use to people like you


if they go poof they go poof. if they get turned into another mat at some ratio they get turned into other mats at some ratio and the schematics get adjusted accordingly.


If you really need a month to prepare between now and then, I'm sorry. this is a game and not a life investment. nothing is so important that people need months of preparation to play a game.


edit: did I just get called simple minded? :rolleyes:

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Mainly I want an Ability Squish. I HATE having multiple hotbars filled with skills, most of which have similar names and do similar things, just with different cooldowns forcing you to use them all. I'd love an emphasis on only a handful of skills, each of which are highly versatile in their use and impact, and have low cooldowns. Kind of like ESO, modern WoW, Guild Wars 2, and MOBAs. That's my only sticking point with SWTOR these days, and the reason I'm not a permanent subscriber. Still becomes a chore to play, and all those skills make it so difficult to return to the game and jump in where I left off. I come back, look at the hotbars, freak out and create a new character instead.


fk it, im just gonna ask...



exactly what abilities do you feel have similar names and do similar things that the game forces you to use?


For example, Strike, Master Strike, Zealous Strike, Slash, Cyclone Slash, Leg Slash, for Jedi Sentinels. All sound similar. Leg Slash is just a cripple, so why not fold that into an existing skill like the standard Slash to make it more appealing and reduce bloat at the same time? Master Strike and Zealous Strike are both lightsaber skills that execute a series of melee attacks over X seconds, with the only difference being that Master Strike also stuns weaker enemies for the duration. Why not just make that an upgrade to one of the two skills and fold them into one? If animation variety is an issue, why not expand Strike's "finishing blow" dynamic animation across all abilities? If Zealous Strike is folded into Master Strike, that skill could still play either animation randomly.


It's strange seeing every other MMO out there opt for less skills, reducing them and making each skill more versatile and powerful to make them more exciting to use and easier to manage, while SWTOR ignores that trend despite the recent cash injection for the expansion and looming film releases. MOBAs are a fantastic example of how to do this well, with most characters having only 4 skills, but each skill being incredibly versatile in varying situations. ESO has a lot of fun with skill customization, having each skill start off the same way for each player, but then allowing them to add additional effects onto each skill as they level up, customizing their skills based on their preferred play style. Guild Wars 2 follows a similar approach, allowing players to choose a small number of skills from a roster of powerful and versatile ones, customizing their character in the process. SWTOR just says "Here, have everything, enjoy managing four hotbars."


Personally, I'd reduce the number of skills by up to 50% for each class, aim to fit them all on one hotbar, and make them all more versatile and possibly customizable. I'd get rid of the need to repeatedly "level up" skills at a trainer and have them improve automagically as you level. Do that and I'd expect a much stronger attach rate from the new influx of players from Episode VII. As it stands, the quantity and (in some cases, ie Leg Slash) blandness of skills are the most archaic aspect of SWTOR as an MMO, similar to WoW from the better half of a decade ago, and all the new players are going to notice it.

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if they go poof they go poof. if they get turned into another mat at some ratio they get turned into other mats at some ratio and the schematics get adjusted accordingly.


If you really need a month to prepare between now and then, I'm sorry. this is a game and not a life investment. nothing is so important that people need months of preparation to play a game.


edit: did I just get called simple minded? :rolleyes:


That might be fine for you. Bravo for you. That's not how we all play. And until you pay my subscription, you don't get to tell me how to play or prepare. You are free to go be small minded and drink the koolaid if you want,. I am free to think for myself and demand bioware keep their promises which is all I am asking for and expecting. If you are going to say you will release a blog, then release it. You aree free to be a small minded bioware apologist

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Not true. They've promised specific blogs (uising things later later this week or within the next couple of weeks) and then we never hear about it again.

OK, then, point us to a link from an employee promising a specific blog by a certain time that has now passed. Not saying you can't, I'm saying you should be able to if such a post exists.


As to what changes I could possibly benefit from knowing? If certain mats are going away (and we have info from dataminers that implies that is happening) I'd like to know officially whats going away

Why? We'll all be in the same boat. If they told me but not you, you'd have a point (by the way, they have not told me). Rely on datamined info at your peril.


There are plenty of uses for that knowledge. The fact that you are too small minded to see it doesn't mean it doesn't actually have a use. It just means its of no use to people like you

You're not making anything close to a compelling case for wanting to know. The best you got is "I want to know because I want to know." Well, you can just find out with the rest of us.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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These are good questions! We are working on a blog which will talk about what streamlined leveling means for Fallen Empire. My hope is to get it out sometime next week and we can talk through any unanswered questions then. Thanks everyone.




So Eric is this blog going to cover what happens when a player starts KotFE story? There is a double warning saying that the quest log is going to be cleared. What quest are completed? What happens to special quest rewards like Seeker droid chain?

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OK, then, point us to a link from an employee promising a specific blog by a certain time that has now passed. Not saying you can't, I'm saying you should be able to if such a post exists.



Why? We'll all be in the same boat. If they told me but not you, you'd have a point (by the way, they have not told me). Rely on datamined info at your peril.



You're not making anything close to a compelling case for wanting to know. The best you got is "I want to know because I want to know." Well, you can just find out with the rest of us.


Hey folks!


I know there are some questions about when you are gonna have some new Fallen Empire information, so here are some scheduling tidbits on what you can expect.


Our plan right now is that starting this week, over the next four weeks, we will be releasing three Class related blogs each week. One blog, will cover the Class changes which the mirrors are receiving. The other two blogs will be a full recap of those Classes stories, told from the SWTOR Encyclopedia. So, for this week you will be getting:

  • The Class changes coming to Knights and Warriors*
  • A recap of the Sith Warrior story.*
  • A recap of the Jedi Knight story.*

*The schedule this week will be a little different from the next few weeks.


We will then mirror this over the next three weeks for the other set of Classes. I will let you know if for some reason that changes. I know there are other questions pending, and we are working on other posts and blogs to cover those topics as well. You will see those published over the next few weeks as we move towards the launch of Fallen Empire! Thanks.




they have released the class stories on the schedule they suggested, I suspect AFTER that to have some additional information.


but again, I'm just small minded apologist so what do I know.

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