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Nico Okarr's Coat - What a disappointment


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As soon as you use the term "all the time", you have reduced yourself to grade school taunts, and forfeited all credibility.


Don't like it... don't read my posts. But I am free to post in any thread, with any opinion I choose. You don't get to try to stifle dissenting opinions. So stop with the personal attacks.


Last I checked... EVERY SUBSCRIBER has the right to post their opinions on any topic they like. Too bad for you I guess.


Ah, the classic "don't like it dont play it" response. Never gets old. Yet there's a flaw. How am I supposed to know I don't like it without reading it? Your arguments seem to consist of that phrase or similar variations a lot:


Don't like it.. put me on /ignore.


Don't like the Duster.. fine.. delete it when you get it



Yes, you're free to post in any thread, and you're free to make yourself look like a fool with your ridiculous posts. Nothing I've said was a personal attack. It was a statement of fact. Truth hurts doesn't it? Maybe you should change your attitude before you start posting again.


Oh and these "grade school taunts" you were talking about?


No sweetie.

Grow up.


And stop being such a baby when people do not agree with you

Says it all doesn't it? You're getting so worked up and personally attacking people because they don't agree with your opinion.


PS, you can't get the Duster without subscribing, therefore the Duster isn't free, which means F2P players can't get it.

Edited by Vallerine
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Wrong, purchase price is $15 dollars to get the coat. (Less if you choose a longer subscription period) You may have already paid this money, but it is the ONLY method to get the coat, subscribing by a specific date.




Unfortunately some people like Andryah can't grasp this basic concept.

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No sweetie.. the purchase price of a subscription is between $12 and $15 per month depending on the interval you purchase. It gives you full access to the game in an unrestricted manner, and it also gives you 12X XP right now (the real reason most are subscribing in advance of the expac... that and early access).


The Duster.. is not for sale. You cannot buy the Duster. You yourself admit this. It is one of 4 promotional items being offered to SUBSCRIBERS prior to 4.0 release. You deperately want to try to conflate it as somehow "purchased" so you feel justified in complaining about the "alleged" design. It won't work, sensible people know better.


None of us have actually seen the Duster in game yet.. so at this point any criticism of it = allegations. THIS is the real absurdity of this thread topic and the complaining.


Ive never read such nonsense. What are you going to tell us next, son? That the earth is square shaped? Goodness me.


In order to get the Duster, you must purchase a subscription. Therefore, the Duster is not free. I can't explain it any simpler.


Looking through your posting history I can see you're getting pretty upset because people don't agree with your opinion.

Edited by Vallerine
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Ah, the classic "don't like it dont play it" response. Never gets old. Yet there's a flaw. How am I supposed to know I don't like it without reading it?


Yes, you're free to post in any thread, and you're free to make yourself look like a fool with your ridiculous posts. Nothing I've said was a personal attack. It was a statement of fact. Truth hurts doesn't it? Maybe you should change your attitude before you start posting again.

Andryah is right, if you don't like that Bioware has "reskinned" an item, then you can just go elsewhere. Also, the items that are being given (aside from the companion himself) aren't required for the expansion. Nico Okarr is a part of the story of KotFE, so he is essentially required to be used. However, his duster or his blasters aren't required. You can have Nico in any set you deem necessary. So, getting upset that digital items (in this case the duster and blasters) have been "reskinned" is silly at best, stupid at worst.
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Andryah is right, if you don't like that Bioware has "reskinned" an item, then you can just go elsewhere. Also, the items that are being given (aside from the companion himself) aren't required for the expansion. Nico Okarr is a part of the story of KotFE, so he is essentially required to be used. However, his duster or his blasters aren't required. You can have Nico in any set you deem necessary. So, getting upset that digital items (in this case the duster and blasters) have been "reskinned" is silly at best, stupid at worst.


Never said he was wrong, I'm just saying what he says is the same as saying "not all men".

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I'm fine with the FTC legal definition of "free" in the context of consumer buying. If you are not.. that's your problem, not mine.


I prefer the economics definition of free, as the FTC definition only covers what can legally be said for marketing/advertisement, but as usual with such legalese it ignores the reality of the situation. The economics definition was not coined by lawyers and is more intellectually honest.


And yes.. promotion incentives are designed specifically to attract more business. Nice catch there captain obvious. :)


Unfortunately, others have made it clear that in order to communicate at all, it is sometimes necessary to clearly state what would normally be considered "obvious".


So what? That does not mean you had to pay for the promotional items. You did have to pay for the subscription though.. and nobody forced you to either.. it was your choice. The promotional incentives are just gravy on top of your running subscription UNLESS you subscribed just to get the incentives.


I never said why I subscribed; my personal motivations are immaterial to this point. I'm not going to go back through the entire thread to sort out who exactly said what, but there were those claiming that since no one would have actually subscribed for the purpose of obtaining these items, no one has actually paid for them. I merely added this point to my post to show that these individuals' initial premise was flawed.


get off the faux soapbox.


You first.


You clearly have no problem with the promotional items, no disagreement with the way they have been marketed, the way they were promised to be delivered or the actual way they will be delivered, or what you have paid for them or what might have been accomplished in their place if resources hadn't been used to create them, so why are you still here? You clearly have no issue with the status quo, so what purpose do you have in continuing your "soapbox" rant?

Edited by Blackbird
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To get the free nico bonuses- all someone had to do was be subscribed during the even period for each reward right?


So if someone clicked someone elses referral link to get a Free 7-day subscription during the promotional time- will that person get the rewards like the duster or blaster?

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You clearly have no problem with the promotional items, no disagreement with the way they have been marketed, the way they were promised to be delivered or the actual way they will be delivered, or what you have paid for them or what might have been accomplished in their place if resources hadn't been used to create them, so why are you still here? You clearly have no issue with the status quo, so what purpose do you have in continuing your "soapbox" rant?
Here's an answer I think would fit anyone, really, it's because it's allowed that someone voices their opinion, whether in defense or against something happening, in the same thread... So, trying to stifle someone trying to voice their opinion will get you nowhere at all fast. Andryah has every right to voice his or her opinion as much as he or she wants to voice it, and no one has a right to question his or her right to do so.
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Calling it "semantics" indicates that there is no difference outside of the wording; that is not the case here and claiming such is both disingenuous and dishonest. There is no order or preorder required to get these items; the subscription at a specific date required to get the items and the process of obtaining the expansion are wholly disconnected from each other. According to BW's announced terms, if I am subscribed as of September 30th, and my subscription lapses to preferred status before the expansion goes live, and I never renew my subscription, I will receive the duster in my game mail, but I will not ever have the KotFE expansion.


You can think of them any way you like, but that doesn't change the facts of reality.

Look I'll settle with you, it's false equivalence to call the Pre-Launch Rewards a preorder bonus. There is a difference, however slight.

Pre-Launch =/= Preorder

Pre-Launch Reward =/= Preorder bonus



if I am subscribed as of September 30th, and my subscription lapses to preferred status before the expansion goes live, and I never renew my subscription, I will receive the duster in my game mail, but I will not ever have the KotFE expansion.
That's like getting a preorder bonus disc from Gamestop but never opening the actual game you preordered. Essentially, preordering just for the bonus disc.


There is no order or preorder required to get these items; the subscription at a specific date required to get the items and the process of obtaining the expansion are wholly disconnected from each other.


The order cost of KotFE is $0, because it's advertised as "Free for subscribers" that phrase has been repeated numerous times by Bioware's promoters. KotFE does not use the standard point of sale rules, between a consumer and a retailer; it's using a subscription model, the rules are different.


Subscribing between July 31 and Oct 19 is opting to receive Pre-Launch Rewards. A pre-launch reward is essentially a pre-order bonus. It's not a preorder bonus but it acts like one in the subscription model scenario. Sub and get rewarded.

Edited by Falensawino
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Here's an answer I think would fit anyone, really, it's because it's allowed that someone voices their opinion, whether in defense or against something happening, in the same thread... So, trying to stifle someone trying to voice their opinion will get you nowhere at all fast. Andryah has every right to voice his or her opinion as much as he or she wants to voice it, and no one has a right to question his or her right to do so.


I won't disagree with this at all, and I never said anyone didn't have a right to their opinion. If you'd bother to look at both sides of the issue instead of selectively ignoring the comments of those on one half of the argument, you would notice that Andryah was the one to suggest I should stop voicing my opinion. I was calling out his/her hypocrisy in suggesting that I had no reason to continue speaking, when the very same could be said about his/her motivations.

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That's like getting a preorder bonus disc from Gamestop but never opening the actual game you preordered. Essentially, preordering just for the bonus disc.


The order cost of KotFE is $0, because it's advertised as "Free for subscribers" that phrase has been repeated numerous times by Bioware's promoters. KotFE does not use the standard point of sale rules, between a consumer and a retailer; it's using a subscription model, the rules are different.


Subscribing between July 31 and Oct 19 is opting to receive Pre-Launch Rewards. A pre-launch reward is essentially a pre-order bonus. It's not a preorder bonus but it acts like one in the subscription model scenario. Sub and get rewarded.


For a pre-order bonus, you typically have to put up some of the cost of the game/expansion prior to launch, and then pay the complete cost of the game/expansion upon launch in order to receive the bonus.


In the case of KotFE, the cost of the bonus items is an active subscription at the specified dates for each item.


The cost of the expansion is having a subscription at or after launch (plus having a subscription during or after the release of future chapters for all future content, as it is being released piecemeal), which is specifically at different dates and times than those required for the bonus items.


Subscribing at the appropriate dates to receive the expansion is not a prerequisite to obtaining the bonus items; nor is having a subscription for the bonus item dates a prerequisite to receiving the expansion. The two are wholly independent of each other, and either can be obtained without the other. You do not have to get the expansion in order to receive the bonus items, therefore calling them a preorder bonus, or even "essentially a pre-order bonus" is false.


These items are about as much a pre-order reward as getting a movie-themed soda cup from a fast food chain prior to the release of that movie in theaters is a bonus for buying a ticket to that movie. The two are related thematically, and one is designed to drive interest in the other, but both can be obtained independently and neither is required to get the other.

Edited by Blackbird
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Let me guess, when stores offer "Buy 1 get 1 free" you complain to the managers that it's not free since you had to buy 1 to get 1 free in the first place. :p




I just don't lie to myself and believe that it's free.


At any rate, did you have an actual point other than non-sequitur and ad hom?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Dunno if this was mentioned already, or if it got lost in the mess of people debating the meaning of "free" (which, frankly, really should be somewhere else, as it has nothing to do with opinions on what the coat looks like), but... They posted another picture of it on Facebook earlier today. ...And, yeah, I have to agree with a lot of the others - it's disappointing. Not exactly surprising, admittedly - the previews they've been showing of it from the back look just like the Troublemaker Duster - but I was still hoping against hope that the front of it, the "shirt" (or whatever you want to call that thing being worn under the duster) would look a bit different. I love the idea of having a duster for my characters, but those straps and...whatever that is at the top - armor? - they just look weird to me. I'd much rather have a simpler duster with just a basic shirt under it. Or, at the least, something different... but no, it's just a recolor of an item that's been in the game since launch.
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To get the free nico bonuses- all someone had to do was be subscribed during the even period for each reward right?


So if someone clicked someone elses referral link to get a Free 7-day subscription during the promotional time- will that person get the rewards like the duster or blaster?


Referrals do not count.

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Like Andryah did?



Sadly, that glass house doesn't seem to stop Andryah from throwing stones.


That's.... not how that works.


She actually DID what she reccomends others to do... she left and only came back when she felt the game was good again.

So, doing what you actually tell others to do isn't throwing stones in glass houses... quite the opposite.

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That's.... not how that works.


She actually DID what she reccomends others to do... she left and only came back when she felt the game was good again.

So, doing what you actually tell others to do isn't throwing stones in glass houses... quite the opposite.


Yeah, the people who say "Like it or leave" don't mean "come back when you think it's better..."

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Right, and breathing air isn't free because I have to pay for the food that keeps me alive. :rolleyes:


Seriously, that's your "analogy"?


If someone pays for the $15 subscription, covering the correct date, they get as part of what they paid for, the coat.


If someone does not pay the $15, they do not get the coat.


How on earth (or in space) does that equate to "free"?


("Call now, and get a second one free, just pay shipping and handling!"... :confused: )

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Subscribing at the appropriate dates to receive the expansion is not a prerequisite to obtaining the bonus items

This seems as though it may no longer be the case.

This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don't want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter.



Absent additional clarification, it now sounds like Nico will be available to a player who previously qualified for the companion reward only if said player has access to, and plays through, the expansion.

Edited by SelinaH
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